a woman is always to blame douchebaggery drama kings evil women grandiosity harassment hypocrisy imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men PUA rape rhymes with roosh taking pleasure in women's pain

Men’s Rights Redditors team with PUA douchebag Roosh V to raise money for alleged victims of feminism


Men! Worried that eveil feminists will destroy your life and your financial future because, apparently, they have that power and love to destroy men’s lives for fun?

Fear no more, because Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers have your back! Mods of Reddit’s RedPill subreddit have started something called the Feminist Victims Fund, which will enable brave freedom fighters to send what will inevitably be a tiny amount of money to that dude who got fired after Adria Richards complained about a sexist joke he made, even though it wasn’t Richards who fired him and indeed she’s said she hopes he gets hired back!

Make sure you donate now, because Reddit’s MRAs will soon grow bored with this bold initiative and it will be completely forgotten, much like the massive Sink Misandry protest in Washington DC last year which actually didn’t even happen, come to think of it.

Here’s the pitch:

Feminism has caused some serious changes to our culture, to our society, and to our lives. We focus on some that are affected more than others, and we give back.

Our goal is to encourage men to speak out, to be men, to not fear oppression and enjoy their freedom of speech. Unfortunately in today’s climate, being a man has become a financial liability. Say the wrong thing in the wrong place and you can find your entire life ruined. Destroyed.

Feminists have fought for equality, but now they’re out for our rights.

They’re destroying us financially. They’re trying to tear apart our families.

We’re saying that enough is enough. No longer should men fear masculinity. No longer should speaking up risk a man his job, career, or family.

It’s time to rise up against the tyranny. It’s time to tell men it’s ok to speak up. We’re here for you. This is the Feminist Victims Fund.

Did I mention that you can donate using BITCOIN? In case you were worried that this thing wasn’t Reddity enough.

As Buzzfeed notes, one of the “board members” of the new fund is pickup guru and predatory douchebag misogynist Roosh V. On his blog yesterday, Roosh happily celebrated the harassment and vilification of Adria Richards in a post with the lovely title “American Feminist Adria Richards Gets Gang Raped By The Internet.”

Speaking of rape, Roosh is also the author of a booklet titled Bang Iceland, in which he admits that, well, he’s kind of a rapist himself. Buzzfeed quotes this rather revealing passage from the book, in which Roosh recalls a “date” he had in Iceland:

While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she legally couldn’t give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated. I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do.

What a humanitarian.

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11 years ago

sending love to you lowquacks!!

11 years ago

“Given the majority of senior positions in Government, law, business, academia, media and any number of other fields are held by men, exactly how is feminism controlling society?”

This is absurd. Do you think the US government is run by Jews? It isn’t but Israel still calls the shots. I guess blacks control the government since the president is black. Feminism has infiltrated every part of the government. This is political correctness gone mad.

11 years ago

Love to kitties and cassowaries both. We’re here if you need to talk.

11 years ago

Love and hugs to Lavendar, your mom, and you.

11 years ago

Many, many prayers, hun. I’m so sorry.

11 years ago


I’m a bit late to the party, but the image is from the Ren & Stimpy cartoon. Specifically, the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksman episode.

Please don’t ask me how I know this. Its… too painful to think of the hours of my life I’ve spent watching cartoons.

Okay 🙂 Thanks for answering.


My kitty cat Lavender is going into the vet tomorrow to have a lump the vet found while coming over to treat his sister treated. He’ll have an x-ray and then either be operated on, let go, or put down. He’s been a kitty for 14-16 years and my kitty for 15-16, and he’s wished you mob cuddles and purrs before. I am sobbing so, so much and I just love that poor fluffy kitty and I *urge* any Men Boobzer who believe in any kind of paranormal activity or higher power to pray for him because I’m so scared cancer will take my kittycat and then my mum.

I’m so sorry 🙁 Internet hugs offered if you want. I’ll be hoping good things for your mum and your cat.*

*(Kind of like praying, but I don’t know exactly who to pray to. Mostly it sounds like ‘(christian)** god, if you exist, could you be nice to so and so.’

**double asterik time. Because I grew up an orthodox christian, so zie’s who I pray to.

11 years ago

Lowquacks, all the hugs and best wishes in the world for you and your loved ones.

And Kitteh, awww thanks 🙂 I was feeling a bit riled up when I posted as there’s this new page on facebook called “Spotted: Sexism on Campus”.

It posts things sent in from students at UK Universities and the combination of the crap that people have had to deal with, including at my own university and the huge amount of whining from (mostly) white dudes on a few of the posts has been deeply infuriating.

One response to a comment of mine tone-policed me and claimed to be very hurt at the factual observation I made that the vast majority of violence and general bad shit in the world is being done by men.

Also, and a response to a comment I made on an article that talked about the un-wanted attention women get in public labelled the fears that I and every other woman I know have of men in public places as “Neuroses”.

So yeah, really not very serious stuff in the grand scheme of things but enough to make me want to go and put my duvet over my head and tell the world that I will deal with it tomorrow.

11 years ago

Hoping your kitty and your mom will be okay.

11 years ago

“Speaking of rape, Roosh is also the author of a booklet titled Bang Iceland, in which he admits that, well, he’s kind of a rapist himself.”

Roosh has finally found out the route to his living his dream, which is — to move to Iceland. Can’t say I’ll help him pack, but I wish him bon voyage. I do have one suggestion to make, though, viz.: has he ever considered Siberia? Imagine how drunk and oblivious the women will be there.

Just a thought.

Merry permanent Christmas, dude.

11 years ago

lowquacks: I’ll hold them in the light.

11 years ago

*(Kind of like praying, but I don’t know exactly who to pray to. Mostly it sounds like ‘(christian)** god, if you exist, could you be nice to so and so.’

**double asterik time. Because I grew up an orthodox christian, so zie’s who I pray to.

See, growing up soaking in a Protestant Christian culture, it was my impression that the Christian god was quite definitely male, and very probably dangerous to know.

But I don’t know all that much about the Orthodox concept of God. Wikipedia says “Orthodox Christian” means “Eastern Orthodox” and not Russian. Is that right, if I may ask?

11 years ago

@bekabot: Oh Jesus, I wouldn’t wish these PUA assholes on any women, however frostbitten.

11 years ago


No, christian god is normally referred to as male, I’m just…idk strange. If I remember correctly I don’t think zie was referred to as male in hebrew when it was written. Doesn’t really matter that much, unless I’m offending someone else here (then I’ll change), I just went with zie cuz if there is a god/ gods I’ve got no clue what gender they’d be. I’m rambling. But you’re right, normally referred to as male. Though I’m not sure what you meant by “very probably dangerous to know”. Just confused me. 😛

I’m not sure exactly what orthodox christian means. I used to go to a greek orthodox church with my family, so I think it was from that area, but when my dad moved churches the new one is greek/ middle east. Instead of being just greek. There are a lot of languages spoken, like on easter, they say ‘christ has risen’ and the response in enlish, greek, russian, arabic, spanish and probably more. It’s been a while since I’ve gone, but if I remember correctly the main three languages they do the sermon in are english greek and arabic. Not sure on the last one though. English I speak, greek kinda familiar, and I don’t know anything about arabic, besides I’d like to learn it (not related to the church).

I actually do like going to church, but need to find a good (orthodox) one. I haven’t gone in a while cuz the church I went to last is really homophobic and slut shamey. I do like the feeling though, and even though I’m unsure about my beliefs in god, it brings back childhood feels and reassurance. I just can’t really go b/c of the other stuff 🙁

sorry for rambling, I just got the feels.

11 years ago

@ Falconer:

Sorry. I must have been a pike in my last life: sometimes I see the opportunity to snap and take it. It’s a bad habit, I admit.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“very probably dangerous to know”

I think Falconer’s alluding to all the things that will get you sent to hell — like my cotton/spandex pants (hey, furtherest I’m venturing from my room is the kitchen!)

11 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

That makes sense. :/ Just the way I was raised (at first) it wasn’t like every little thing got you sent to hell. There actually was a sermon I liked at one church about that. It was I think my dad’s family’s church where he grew up. Anyway I could ramble on about it but I don’t want to derail too much. Mostly that the way I grew up was ‘only really bad people got sent to hell’. It wasn’t like if you screwed up you got sent there, and if I’m remembering correctly it wasn’t even like they said non-christian people got sent there. It was based solely on what you did. I’m not sure if this is typical from orthodox churches (though I’m guessing not: see homophobic church now) but it’s how my parents taught me when I was younger.

That kind of…went on and on. Anyway.

11 years ago

Ooh, are we talking about religion?

Because this thingie always bugged me.

When the church dude priest was giving sermons in my old church, he’d say “There is only one thing that god will not forgive, and that is blasphemy and saying that there is no god and there can never be a god”

And even like, in fifth grade I remember thinking “Really? Not murder or rape or kidnapping or anything else that directly hurts somebody else? It’s blasphemy?”:

So for the sake of my own sanity/belief, i just try to ignore the super squidgy stuff that is preached. Which is super hard when the priest is saying “OMG, 66 percent of orthodox teens believe it’s okay for people to be gay and THIS IS HORRIBLE”

11 years ago


Oh bud, I’m so sorry. All my warm thoughts for you guys.

11 years ago

I think that in the Gospels it is said that all sins can be forgiven, except those against the Holy Spirit. What that is supposed to mean I don’t know, I’ve heard that it might mean misleading others, or refusing to make amends…

11 years ago

Matthew 12

King James Version (KJV)

31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

11 years ago

Firstborn of Egypt, man. Firstborn of Egypt.

11 years ago


So if you diss the holy spirit, god doesn’t forgive you? 😛 That’s kind of vindictive.

11 years ago

This does not look too promising:
Matthew 12

36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

11 years ago

Doesn’t really matter that much, unless I’m offending someone else here (then I’ll change), I just went with zie cuz if there is a god/ gods I’ve got no clue what gender they’d be.

I’m at a loss to understand how using gender-neutral pronouns for the Ineffable is going to offend anybody we’d like to keep around.

Anyway, now I come to think of it, the Holy Spirit is in some traditions female. How this jibes with its assigned task of begetting Jesus in a woman I don’t know, that seems more like a male principle. But maybe it’s just … Being A Woman, or something, where that means Pop ‘Em Out, Doll.

Oooh boy, Sunday morning blasphemy. Probably I had better stop because there are religious folk ’round here I don’t want to irritate.

11 years ago

“So if you diss the holy spirit, god doesn’t forgive you?”
Apparently it is so.