a voice for men a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism douchebaggery dozens of upvotes harassment hate hundreds of upvotes misogyny MRA no girls allowed oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit reddit taking pleasure in women's pain the c-word

Men’s Rights Activists Greet Adria Richards’ Firing with Cheers, Gendered Slurs


And so the Internet has found a new woman to hate. Most of you are probably already familiar with the Adria Richards debacle that’s developed over the past several days. If not, Jill at Feministe has a good summary of events:

Adria Richards, formerly of the company SendGrid, was at a tech conference this week when some dudes behind her made a series of inappropriate and sexual jokes. Annoyed by the pervasiveness of misogyny in the tech world, she snapped a photo of them and put in on Twitter with a complaint. One of the conference organizers spoke to the men and they apologized. Totally reasonable! Good response, PyCon. Later, one of the dudes got fired. Instead of getting mad at the company that made the choice to fire him, the internet hordes descended on Adria. She was on the receiving end of rape and death threats. Her address and phone number were published. Her blog and her company’s website came under DDoS attack. Oh and then her company, SendGrid, fired her.

Like Jill, I think firing someone for a “dongle” joke is an overreaction, to say the least. But Richards wasn’t responsible for that; indeed, she told the fired man she hoped his employer would reconsider and take him back.

SendGrid’s firing of Richards is far more problematic. It’s one thing to get in trouble for acting like a sexist boor; it’s quite another to get in trouble for simply pointing out someone else’s problematic behavior. Richards faced a virtual lynch mob for simply documenting an example of the everyday sexism that permeates the tech world; by firing her, SendGrid essentially sided with the mob.

Is “lynch mob” an unfair term to describe those who’ve gone after Richards? No. In this context, the term is sadly apropos, as the target of all this online “activism” is not only female but black – two strikes against her in the minds of many of her, er, “critics,” who attacked her as a “fucking nigger” as well as a “cunt.” (The more genteel racists referred to her derisively as a “diversity hire.”)

Numerous commenters have already documented some of the appallingly racist and misogynist attacks on Richards. (The links in the above paragraph contain plenty of examples.)

Here, I’d like to focus specifically on the attacks on Richards coming from Men’s Rights activists – that is, from people who like to think of themselves as upstanding human rights activists for the 21st century, virtual equivalents of Martin Luther King. In fact, many of the reactions of MRAs show them to have far more in common with the bigots who fought against the civil rights movement than they do with King.

In the Men’s Rights subreddit, the MRA masses gave more than one hundred upvotes to a graphic describing Richards as a “racist, sexist and hypocritical cunt.” Evidently pointing out that white men as a class have certain advantages in the world is a kind of “racism.”

Elsewhere in the subreddit, aasorted commenters indulged themselves in gendered slurs. Greyfeld got dozens up upvotes for comments denouncing Richards as a “feminist cunt” and a “screeching harpy cunt.” DerpaNerb described Richards as “a racist/sexist cunt [who’s] clearly … not capable of doing her job properly.” Buster2209 scored 160 upvotes with a comment describing Richards as a “stupid bitch [who] brought it on herself.” Cyridius simply declared “I hate her because she’s a dumb ignorant bitch.”

Others happily gave the Men’s Rights movement credit for Richards’ firing. The execrable EvilPundit got 180 upvotes for a post essentially endorsing the virtual lynch mob and declaring Richards’ firing to be proof that the Men’s Rights movement had entered a “new phase.”


Sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. Pundit, but there’s nothing new about men harassing and threatening a black woman.

AnnArchist – a former contributor to Reddit’s now-banned Beating Women subreddit —  reacted with indignation to someone who pointed out Richards had been harassed:


Over on A Voice for Men, where the locals describe themselves with no sense of irony as Men’s Human Rights Activists, there was much rejoicing over the firing of Richards, who was variously described as an “entitled bitch,” a “sociopathic bitch,” a “femshit” and a “bush pig.” Naturally, the c-word, applied to all feminists, made an appearance as well.

Daflory hoped that Richards’ firing would be the start of an industry-wide purge:

Adria Richards seems like an entitled narcissist, who had become used to deference as a moral authority through her impeccable credentials as a diversity goddess: black, Jewish, and female. …

No one ever told Adria Richards that she was at best only an tolerated guest in the world of tech, and she could either play by male rules and contribute, or get lost. Hopefully other feminists in tech will get a similar message.

And August Løvenskiolds’ mind went straight to the gutter:

[A]fter being outed as a betrayer of her customers, none of them will want to work with her, and any tech company that hires her will instantly lose credibility.

She’s going to be hard-pressed to find a job as a sex-worker unless the light is quite dim.

Taking a step back from the particulars of the incident, Mark Trueblood wondered if a man strike might help to put things right once again:


I’m pretty sure Amnesty International doesn’t exactly endorse this sort of “human rights” activism.

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11 years ago

I wonder what the MRA response to this will be? On the one hand Paul Gross is tall and thus FUCK ALPHA. On the other hand, the character is a bit too Canadian and polite to spin as a “thug”. Plus his dog seems to be more alpha than he is sometimes.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Diefenbaker is definitely the alpha male of that pair!

11 years ago

Everytime I read what these men said I keep hearing it in the tone used by the characters in a South Park episode mocking the Hardy Boys. “I have such a clue.” One immature incident, big brouhaha (sp?). Death and rape threats. How can anybody keep a cool head for this one?

11 years ago

So the clothes discussion made me think of something I wondered last night while watching a Linkara video; is his hat a fedora? I LIKE LINKARA!

11 years ago

Could everyone have a look at this, please? I swear on my sweet cassowary avatar that this isn’t hacked-account spam.

11 years ago

@Dvarg: I think it is a fedora.

11 years ago

Seeing that people are talking about me, well good, someone hasn’t put up the trolling cartoon for a long time as Ithiliana used to do

I tremember one big argument whether asexuals wele considered queer or not, which angered a lot of people, not sure what the conclusion was

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the conclusion was that you should go away.

11 years ago

Sounds like a far-fetched conclusion..
Therre seems to be a special meanness reserved for aspiring trolls, but how can you be good at trolling if you don’t can get the necessary experience.

11 years ago

Sorry for summoning the Wall of Blah, everyone.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Take it up with the credit card companies that require you to have credit to get credit. In other words, not our problem, go practice on someone else.

And this isn’t anything like mean, if you think this is mean you’d never be able to withstand what actual trolls face. This is “*yawn* go away now please”

In less boring things (low bar, I know), I must remember not to stick my hands on the fish tanks when I have cuts, my cat scratches sting now! (It’s also unwise in general, but the practical “it hurts” is the obvious reason not to do it)

Talacaris, less interesting than what are basically paper cuts! Actually, that works, he’s like a paper cut that no longer stings — you forget it exists when they stinging stops (granted, he’s more a mild buzz than a sting)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Far more interesting than talacaris — tiny koala!

11 years ago

In other “more interesting than things that are really boring” news, does anyone know how to find the style name of a pair of Puma sneakers that are out of production? I know the general category name, but not the specific one, and I want to replace the ones I have, which are dying.

11 years ago

In other Manboobz Injury News, I am still all banged up from fainting last weekend. My finger has shrunk to nearly normal-finger size, but it’s still painful to move too much (though I can move it, so it’s not broken or anything.) I’ve got a particularly wicked bruise on my shoulder that has prompted several domestic abuse jokes from our (me and bf’s) coworkers–which, really guys? Hah hah, DV? 9_9. But anyway. Don’t faint in your bathroom! It is dangerous and bad!

11 years ago

Didn’t even notice I was stealing CassandraSays’ turn of phrase there.

11 years ago

It’s a sign that we all agree that watching grass grow would be more interesting than the Wall of Blah.

11 years ago

Although Ms Richards’ behaviour is irrelevant, it irks me that there is an awful lot of people going “Well, she should have said ….” and “I would have done ….” from the comfort of their armchairs. That’s easy. We can all do that, saying what we would have done or said in any given situation. Damnit, I can’t count the number of times, from my armchair, I’ve looked back at something that happened to me and thought “Damn, it would have been really cool if I’d just done/said that”.

And yet here all these people are, saying “Oh, I’d have done this other thing …”, oh so superior. Bollocks! They’d probably have done no such thing, there in that moment.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“We can all do that, saying what we would have done or said in any given situation.”

Warning, semi-drunk Argenti is going to take that and run with it, because Pecunium posted this — — which, in my usual babbling way led to how you can’t know what you’d do in a situation until you’re in it. As a philosophical guess, I imagine that applies to everything — well maybe not the things you absolutely always do the same (eg always order the same thing? Will very likely order it again). But unique situations? From his post about war, to my comment about rape, to your thoughts on the current topic, staircase wit seems to apply to more than wit.

Am I making sense to people with lower BACs?

11 years ago

Hellkell: Could you include me on the studio sale notification?

I will. It was in early December this past year. Her studio is in Syracuse, so that might be a fun trip for you and beloved. Delavan Center is full of artists and has a gallery on the first floor selling a bit of everything.

11 years ago

Bahahhaha at tuxedo jeans. Fashion can be silly. I was in Fredricksburg, TX not long a go, and no less than three boutiques were selling silk BLOOMERS.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

hellkell — welcome to Steampunk fashion, bloomers are back!

Also, I know I read a post, probably 3 years ago now, probably fugitivus or shakesville, about how you can’t know what you’d do if raped, unless you’re in that situation. I tried finding it for that last comment and got AVfM with the title “You weren’t raped. Join the club” I’m going in, someone please dig up brain bleach (cuttlefish go cuttle cuttle cuttle CUTTLE?)

11 years ago


Shopping: I need to find an outfit to wear to my 2nd cousin’s wedding in July. Daytime dressy. I don’t wear dresses or skirts. Any ideas?

Could you wear a nice shirt and pants? Okay, finished the thread and everyone has way better advice than me 😉 I fail fashion forever.

Also, on the note of weddings, I’ve got one to go to in july, my dads. My sister supplied this nice quote for me:

‘dad, if I wear a black dress to your wedding, it’s not to symbolize you’re dead to me, it’s only because it’s my only nice dress.’


11 years ago

ok, let me try this again with the right name, for some reason it changed to my gravatar name and stuck me in moderation.


Shopping: I need to find an outfit to wear to my 2nd cousin’s wedding in July. Daytime dressy. I don’t wear dresses or skirts. Any ideas?

Could you wear a nice shirt and pants? Okay, finished the thread and everyone has way better advice than me 😉 I fail fashion forever.

Also, on the note of weddings, I’ve got one to go to in july, my dads. My sister supplied this nice quote for me:

‘dad, if I wear a black dress to your wedding, it’s not to symbolize you’re dead to me, it’s only because it’s my only nice dress.’


11 years ago

(Late, but I’ll write it anyway)

“You’re right that it’s not the time, and I’m not really disagreeing with you, just adding on/ taking this opportunity to ramble.”

I’ve read the comments for a while now and your ramblings have so far always been interesting to read!

“Anyway, so yeah, I’m not a huge fan of trying to find fault with both sides. Way too slipery-slopey to me. ”

@Hippie Redneck


Can I keep this word? It’ll fit well on my list of hidden allegations.

“TomBcat: you’re doing fine.”
Thanks, that’s nice. I need to adopt a good response to trolls, though.

Also, I think this only makes sense in situation one is personally involved in, and when finding the cause for the situation is useful for solving it, but many people try this in other discussions, mostly out of habit. I don’t like the word “fault” anyway. It implies that someone is to blame, when in most cases it just means that people reacted to each other.

“They’re victim blamey because when you focus on all of the victims ‘flaws’ lots of people see it as a reason they ‘deserved’ it.”

Yes, what I meant was that it is still easy for me not to see this, because shifting the blame is so normal, it is like a pain you had all your life: You stop noticing it until it disappears for a while.

11 years ago

My comment got mixed up. Weird.