antifeminism dozens of upvotes mansplaining misogyny MRA patronizing as heck penises reddit straw feminists

His Sister’s Keeper: Allegedly loving brother tries to mansplain his sister’s feminism away


So there’s a young woman who attends a “a small liberal arts school.” She majors in Philosophy, and minors in Women’s Studies. And she has a job as an aide for one of her feminist professors.

Her big brother disapproves of her academic choices and the fact that she’s a — wait for it — feminist. And apparently he expresses his disapproval to her at every opportunity.  He’s a Men’s Rights Activist, you see, and arguing with his sister is evidently an important form of activism for him. He writes:

I cannot have a discussion with her without it turning into a huge fight. I try to debate, discuss and challenge her to at least entertain ideas that oppose her own – and I get accused of ‘mocking her principles’ and ‘not taking her career choices seriously’ – because apparently I am not allowed to take men’s rights seriously, it could only be a joke with the sole purpose of pissing her off.

So she writes him a note asking him to stop:

‘men’s rights activists’ as I have experienced them not only oppose everything I think, hope for, and fundamentally believe, they hinder the progress of it. They take examples of injustice where men are the victims (of which I will never deny there are plentiful) and they take quotes of some mostly second wave feminists (of which most modern feminists disagree with) and conflate it to fight against feminist agendas. They seem to see that as male oppression.

This seems to me to be a pretty accurate summation of Men’s Rights Activism as I have experienced it too. She continues:

Everything I want to do with my life, my passions, my academic pursuits, my role models, etc. are all put in jeopardy by the ‘men’s rights activism’ I have seen. And when you send me these articles to try to… I don’t know, explain your position, show me why I might be wrong, etc. it hurts me and deeply saddens me because it makes me feel like you’ve never given much thought to my life.

Now, if I were having constant arguments with someone in my family about an issue close to their hearts, and about which we had major disagreements, and this person sent me a note like this, I would, you know, stop arguing with them about it. Because whatever disagreements I had with them would matter less than my relationship with them. And because people who are not assholes generally try to avoid doing things that hurt and sadden those they care about.

I mean, there are limits. If someone in my family became a literal Nazi, I might react differently. But someone in my family majoring in something I think is a dumb thing to major in? Not really any of my fucking business.

So what does MRA Brother do after getting this note?

He goes to the Men’s Rights subreddit to moan about what a terrible ideologue his sister has become, and to get advice on more effective ways to, well, keep doing the things he’s doing that she’s explicitly told him make her feel like shit.

Naturally, the Men’s Rights regulars support him in his quest to be an ongoing asshole to his sister.

One thoughtful fellow going by the name IHaveALargePenis responds directly to the sister’s comment about how her brother’s actions are “hurting and sadden[ing] her,” saying:

Glad we’re making a difference, but what really strikes me is that she can’t deal with being questioned/criticized and this usually applies to a lot of feminists. If their points had merit, then why the fuss? I honestly think it’s because for 50 years or so they were completely unchallenged and were able to get away with insane claims like 1 in 4 women are raped, etc. Now all of a sudden people are asking for sources or stating that yes, women make less, but it’s not due to sexism.

I honestly think you should keep challenging her. She’s been in an echo chamber full of people constantly agreeing with those feminist ideals for far too long and is now convinced everything is true without even questioning it.

Irony alert! Code RED!

Tim8080 is even more blunt:

You may still love her but she almost certainly doesn’t love you anymore. I’ve seen this type of transformation before with one of my friends from highschool. Trust me its only going to get worse.

The creatively named SarcastiCock adds:

Aside from her opinions, she’s completely fucking useless and unemployable. … She’ll be looking for a sugar daddy some day.

JabCross vaguely remembers that some famous philosophers were themselves misogynists:

If she studied Kant at all in Philosophy then she should be shaking her head at the Womyn’s Studies bullshit.

But frankly, a lot of women love to feel like the victim and will subvert their own intelligence to believe it’s true.

MRAMoment suggests that a young woman like the sister in question is unlikely to respond to reason, and suggests that the brother instead try to, well, trick her into seeing the world his way:

I would hazard a guess that she’s currently living in a bubble. She’s on campus, completely enveloped in the ideology without any outside force acting on it. You are her brother, likely her older brother so she views you as some sort of fuddy-duddy who’s opinions don’t matter.

Rather than use reason, expose her bubble to the needles it needs to pop it. Bring her to places where her ideology clashes with reality. If you ever have time to mutually consume entertainment, watch a movie that will bait her into the objectification framing of it and follow up with a counter view of male disposability. Place the debris in the oyster and watch the pearl of doubt grow. Ask her to come volunteering with you at a homeless shelter, and not one specifically aimed at women.

Ironically, it is the generally repugnant OuiCrudites who offers the brother the most straightforward and sensible advice. Oh sure, he declares the sister “a supremacist ideologue demonstrating dangerous levels of solipsism & superiority complex.” But then he adds: “I would just stop talking with her about it.”

Alas, brother makes clear he’s not going to follow this bit of advice.

“I’m more concerned about her dedicating her life to this,” he writes, “than having a peaceful relationship.”

And the mansplainers mansplain on. Because clearly a bunch of random dudes with penis-related usernames on the Men’s Rights subreddit know more about feminism and philosophy than, you know, some dumb chick actually studying those specific subjects and hoping to devote her life to them.

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11 years ago

How siblings ought to behave…


11 years ago

You might be living in a rape culture if you think it’s a good idea to stage a rape in order to get laid.

11 years ago


Ew. That guy sucks. May he step on all the legos.

11 years ago

I love my brother Jimmy. When he asked me what mansplaining is, I couldn’t think of a single time he had done it.

If only the whiny incels could understand that this is one of the reasons that despite not being conventionally attractive he has never wanted for a girlfriend.

His comment when I told him he was categorically not a mansplainer was “I grew up in a house with our mother. There’s no way I could think men know more than women just because they’re men.”

11 years ago


Aw. 🙂 Your brother sounds awesome.

11 years ago

Purple Star: I think you’re on the right track here, actually. The ‘nice guy’ lesson IS horribly mangled by culture and society, especially in film and literature where the girl is treated as a ‘prize’ to be won by being the Nice Guy she turns to after being ‘broken’ by the Bad Boy. (Seriously, that’s about half the freakin’ plot-lines of 1980s.)

And yes, that’s part of the idealization process that ultimately makes the guys bitter when the promised ‘prize’ fails to arrive on-schedule.

To Howard: I think that Purple Star knows that was his problem–he’s analyzing how he got there, and suspecting that others made the same mistake. And then some of those others never figured it out, so they ended up on the path to MRA/PUA-ville.

So, to help prevent this, we need to stop rewarding artists who insist on pushing the bogus Nice Guy message.

11 years ago

Parents who teach their sons to idealize women are raising a budding misogynist. because women are people and not magical chaste pure fairies of perfectness as is often portrayed by raging misogynists


pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

He’s more concerned with her living a life that meets her needs and principles than having a peaceful relationship. Clearly, if she not making her life revolve around him he has every right to make her miserable.

11 years ago

@ AK

Also, just since y’all asked me to keep you updated…I went to the doctor yesterday and it appears to not be as serious as I was afraid, just a very minor tear in my ACL.

Yay for knee being semi-okay-ish! Though I admit I don’t know much about ACL problems because when I tore my PCL …. four years ago, the doctor was just like JUST BE GLAD IT ISN”T YOUR ACL BECAUSE THAT IS SUPER SUPER IMPORTANT OKAY?!?

11 years ago


Oh, yay for your knee being okish! Or at least not as serious. 🙂 Somehow I missed you saying that…

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

@freemage: that ‘disinformation’ part sure sounds to me like he’s still blaming feminism. But I could be just trigger-happy.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

I read purple stars comment the same way Howard did, and was about to say the same thing.

That being said, I’m open to dicussion and the possibility that my interpretation was wrong.

Have I mentioned lately that I have a brother and he’s awesome?

Also, even if my brother wasn’t awesome and we argued, that argument would stay private. I wouldn’t take it public to have him humiliated and I sure as shit wouldn’t stand for someone telling me he’s useless or worthless. No one messes with my bro, not even me.

11 years ago

Howard: I think the disinformation bit refers more to the films of John Hughes than to feminist authors. (Ie, the ‘Nice Guy’ myth that gets propagated in culture and society.) I’m a bit attuned to it mainly because I also had a Nice Guy period that came from pretty much the same variety of bad intel. It was feminism that cured me of it, and I’m giving Purple Star the benefit of the doubt here, and assuming that was his meaning, too, at least until proven otherwise.

That said, I can’t blame anyone here for heightened sensitivity, given the recent trollsplosion. It’s been kinda nuts, lately.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

So I take it some serious shit is going down on the net. How bad is it?

I’m asking because I just spent my day informing them that the new owners of the building will be asking them to move, and that will likely be sooner than later.

On the good side, the new landlords have hired someone to help the new tenants look at places, and some financial help is available.

11 years ago

Howard: You make a compelling case. I’d forgotten that exchange.

11 years ago

Pillow in Hell: Some of it’s… real bad.

Short version:

Woman is at a tech conference. Hears some guys making sexist jokes during a panel (they’re attendees). Uses a tweetpic to report it to con staff, who take the appropriate reaction and pull the two guys out of the panel; they may have even been sent from the con itself, I’m not sure about that. Up to this point, it’s all pretty reasonable.

One of the guys’ boss finds out about this due to retweeting of the pic and comments. His boss fires him. He goes to Reddit and reports on it (and I’ll note–he actually acknowledges being in the wrong, and doesn’t deny that the con’s response was appropriate).

Now, at no time did the woman suggest that the guy be fired, and honestly, if I’d been at the HR department of his company, he wouldn’t have been. It’d be a cold day in hell before he got to represent the company at a convention again, and he’d be put through intensive retraining on the subject of appropriate conduct, and probably have a mark in his file going forward–but he wouldn’t have been fired.

However, once he was fired, the Butthurt Boy Brigade became wroth, and hounded the woman and the company she worked for, until SHE got fired, too. Naturally, this wave of internet outrage was full of all the misogynistic, hateful bullshit you’d expect, including the usual threats (and a few unusual ones that are so freakin’ triggering I’m not even going to describe them).

So, yeah, it got bad.

11 years ago

freemage Nice summary!

Maybe I imagined it, but I seem to recall that Richards came out somewhere saying that she didn’t think anyone should have been fired, and I thought she even noted the apology the jokester made.

I don’t have the fortitude to go back through all the news I read this morning, though, so treat that with a bit of salt unless someone else remembers it (or can find a report about it) because I’m more than a bit sleep deprived today…

11 years ago

In slight defence of the woman’s company, they were sent credible threats that the Boy Brigade would take strong action to hurt the company, its clients, and its funders unless they fired her. This was coupled with a DOS attack against them, which only stopped when they announced she was fired. I don’t know whether they would have fired her anyway, but they were put in a difficult position.

11 years ago

I’m deep in the weeds of the Pharyngula thread on the Richards thing. Holy asshats — meaning, there are a lot of asshats there.

11 years ago

Pear_tree: I recognize that it would’ve taken courage to stand up to the torrent of hate they were getting. I also think they would’ve been better off if they’d stood up to the hate machine, anyway. (Personally, I would’ve advised them to talk to Richards, first, to make sure she was alright with it, and then offered a job to the guy who got fired–as I noted, his personal response was actually damned reasonable, though he did a bit of mansplaining about one of the jokes she overheard.)

As it is, the woman might have grounds for a wrongful firing lawsuit. Obviously, her situation arose directly as a result of her gender.

11 years ago

And when David posts about it, prepare for a MRA/dudebro invasion!

11 years ago

So they try to treat women with respect in the hopes that it will help them get laid….And they discover it doesn’t work.

You’re right, respecting women in order to get laid doesn’t work. You respect women because respecting people in general is what decent people do.

doing something you like with other people in order to find people you might like to spend time with is the conventional means for finding a significant other.

No no no, you clearly live in a fantasy world! The only way to meet women is at bars, clubs, or OKCupid. Period. Other activities are backdrops for complaining about how you’re not fucking all the women with your other incel MRA friends co-complainers.

11 years ago

I also think they would’ve been better off if they’d stood up to the hate machine, anyway.

I have a question for those who haven’t overdosed on the coverage yet and hit their limit. Was this in fact an Anonymous action, or was it just this just the local chapter of Douchebags R Us?

I’m not sure what SendGrid thought they were going to accomplish by negotiating (or taking orders from) digital terrorists. Seems they have acknowledged that they are open for business whenever someone disagrees with their policies or decisions. It’s not clear to me how a company keeps operating for very long under those circumstances.

11 years ago

@deniseeliza LOL! Love your kittavatar!