creepy douchebaggery harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA YouTube

George Godley: Terrible Pickup Artist, Worse Human Being

Woman fleeing encounter with Godley (on left, in white).
Woman fleeing encounter with Godley (on left, in white).

Well, I have to give the terrible, terrible fellows at PUAhate credit for one thing: it was thanks to a post there that I ran across the videos of the exceedingly creepy pickup “artist” and minor Youtube celebrity that I’d like to bring to your attention today.

Meet George Godley, possibly the world’s worst pickup artist. Actually, I’m being a bit generous in my description here, because there is no artistry at all to what he does, just a gimmick: he carries a small video camera with him as he wanders the streets of London, apparently thinking that this gives him an excuse to waylay every attractive young woman who’s unfortunate enough to wander into his field of vision.

Godley apparently wants us to believe he’s “flirting” with the women he so awkwardly approaches, but flirting, like the Tango, takes two, and all but a few of the women in his videos make it abundantly clear from the get-go that they want nothing to do with him. This doesn’t seem to faze him much, and he plunges ahead, trying his best to keep up with them as they endeavor to escape his presence as quickly as possible.

Take the unfortunate woman who catches his eye at the start of this video, and who finally manages to make her escape a little short of the one-minute mark.

In this next video – skip ahead to about 50 seconds in to avoid some rather pointless wandering about — we see two failed “flirts.” His first attempt, if we can call it that, consists of nothing more than him standing in the vicinity of an attractive woman while surreptitiously filming her. After giving up on her without saying a word he runs smack into the “beauty” of the video’s title, and pesters her for about a minute until she manages to get away.

After a brief and awkward attempt at conversation punctuated by her nervous laughter, Godley gamely tries to convince “Beauty” that he’s “doing a movie for the festivals.” When she asks which festivals he’s talking about he unconvincingly stammers something about “Cannes, Sund – the usual circuit.” Even though she clearly wants to put as much distance between herself and him as she possibly can, he tries to force his card on her and plaintively asks “do you want to meet again?” The answer, a nervous “no.”

This next encounter – in which our hero barges into a restaurant to pester a woman who apparently looked briefly in his direction as he walked by outside — even Godley recognizes is a flat-out failure.

Godley has posted literally hundreds, maybe even thousands, of these “flirt” videos. None of the ones I’ve seen have gone well. Once in a while an exceptionally tolerant woman will chat with him briefly without actively trying to flee; that seems to be about as good as it gets. The rest document what is essentially serial street harassment, with Godley approaching woman after woman, none of whom give him any indication that they want to talk to him, and “flirting” with them until they can get away from him. It’s the same story, again and again and again.

Why does he do this, making video after video of these so-called “flirtations” and posting them on Youtube? Is he simply a masochist, approaching women he surely knows have no interest in talking to him, much less “flirting,” and posting evidence of his humiliating failures to Youtube for all the world to see?

Perhaps. But even more disturbing than the masochism is Godley’s obvious sadism. Despite his social awkwardness, it’s clear from the videos that Godley knows full well that the overwhelming majority of the women he “flirts” with just want to be left alone; it’s clear from their body language before he approaches them, and from everything they say and do after he starts talking to them. If a woman literally flees from you, that generally means she’s not into your shit.

But Godley doesn’t really need to be reminded of this. He’s well aware that he makes women uncomfortable — in this video he asks a woman if she’s really talking on her phone or just trying to get rid of him. But that doesn’t stop him.

He’s not missing the social cues; he’s deliberately ignoring the clear “noes” these women either tell him outright or telegraph with their facial expressions and body language as clearly as if they were shouting “no” to his face. Were he to approach random men on the street in a similar way, he would almost certainly get himself punched on a regular basis.

Luckily for him, he’s approaching women, and they’re much smaller than he is. It’s telling that he almost always approaches individual women, not the “sets” of two or more favored by most pickup artists, and that he seems to prefer approaching the supposedly more pliable Eastern European women also favored by so many manosphere assholes and creepy pickup artists.

Godley’s not-so-well-hidden hostility towards the women he approaches comes to the surface at the end of this video, in which he attempts to “flirt” with a woman photographing a tree and then then asks for her phone number as she tries to get away, an all-too-common ending to his videos. SPOILER ALERT: She doesn’t give it to him. SPOILER ALERT NUMBER TWO: He pretends he didn’t really want it anyway.

Even if Godley has managed to collect a few genuine phone numbers or email addresses along the way – and I’ve seen nothing to indicate that this is a regular or even an irregular occurrence – his alleged “success” in this endeavor comes at a steep cost. Not just to his pride – I don’t actually give a shit about that – but to the hundreds if not thousands of women he’s harassed along the way.

George Godley, a terrible pickup artist and an even worse human being.

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11 years ago

@ Kitteh- Not the line I would normally take, to be sure, and not one I’d live or die by. And without a doubt his behavior was absolutely wrong and not to be condoned. But it seems more like a swallow the koolaide situation- he is doing wrong, to be sure, but i kind of blame the people who gave him this code.

11 years ago

Did anyone say they hated this guy?

11 years ago

@ Kitteh- I am pretty headstrong in my beliefs- I would not have brought it up here if it didn’t strike a chord. Also, they were kinda being mean. My feelings were hurt, and I am delicate.

11 years ago

Well, go find the people who gave him this code and blame them. You’re veering very close to “this isn’t what I come here for, write something else” territory.

11 years ago

I did. It was part of my one-hundred and forty-eight page screed about the evil of using a toaster as a masturbation aid.

11 years ago


I did. It was part of my one-hundred and forty-eight page screed about the evil of using a toaster as a masturbation aid.

somehow I missed what this was in response to O_O

11 years ago

Was it the mentally ill thing that gives you pause? I admit, I do worry at times I don’t take enough time to consider the point of view of the people I am criticizing to step back and say ‘hey, this dude/lady might not be in perfect mental health when they do this or that’ and I tend to take that stance when I explain my feelings, but I can drop that. I’d be happy to!! Because that’s not what jars me the most about this.

11 years ago

TTF: it’s really not our place to speculate as to their mental health. That all too often gets used to excuse some heinous behavior, so no need to even go there.

What jars you most?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

TTF, none of what you described just then has anything to do with mental illness. Douchebag may or may not be very smart but he’s still a douchebag. And like hellkell said – nobody here said they hated him. But if they did, wtf shouldn’t we react that strongly to this creep going around harassing women?

And I really hope you’re being sarcastic with the “my feelings were hurt” bit. Because if they were, squaring up for a fight when you were in the wrong wasn’t going to help.

11 years ago

@ hellkell- Can and have at length. I dunno, I just don’t think the dude who made these vids would benefit from reading all these comments about how consciously terrible he is being. I don’t think he is being consciously terrible. I think he is being wrong and hurtful, but I don’t think he knows he is being hurtful.

11 years ago

I’m pretty much never going to have much sympathy for people who’re using their social power to bully people with less power into tolerating stuff that it’s very clear the less powerful people aren’t happy about. If that makes me a big meanie then oh well, I can live with that.

If what’s being demanded here is that we all feel more sorry for the guy then nope, not going to happen, at least in my case.

11 years ago


Was it the mentally ill thing that gives you pause?

Yes. I don’t give a damn whether you want to hate him, or not hate him, or pity him, or whatever. It was 100% that.

I do worry at times I don’t take enough time to consider the point of view of the people I am criticizing to step back and say ‘hey, this dude/lady might not be in perfect mental health when they do this or that

…and even if they aren’t in ‘perfect’* mental health they can still be criticized. And it’s just insulting and ableist to imply that he’s doing this because of a mental illness. Gah. Anyway, I don’t want to rant to much. But I’d prefer if you dropped it.

*whatever the fuck that means…

11 years ago

Doggie + fart noises =

11 years ago

‘hey, this dude/lady might not be in perfect mental health when they do this or that’ and I tend to take that stance when I explain my feelings

Speculating on the mental health of a stranger you don’t know and using that to try to explain their behavior, especially when their behavior is criminal or assholic, is ableism. It feeds the stigma against people with mental illnesses, where they are isolated, insulted, and mistreated because people assume they are criminals or assholes. Contributing to this by attributing manipulative, assholic behavior as an unspecified mental illness is flaty wrong.

11 years ago

@ Kitteh- React, yes, and encourage angry reaction for front line women dealing with this in person. But this isn’t Darth Vader, he’s a product of the PUA dogma. And yes, sarcasm, my feelins were destroyed in a terrible baking tragedy. The cookies were fine.

11 years ago

@ Deoride- As we are on the internet, I cannot vouch for your expertise in any topic- I could claim to be the one out of three dentists who did not approve your toothpaste and how would you know the difference? Except for your expertise in assholary- I concede to your prowess there.

11 years ago


React, yes, and encourage angry reaction for front line women dealing with this in person

I’m not exactly going to be crying myself to sleep over the fact that someone who harasses people is getting angry reactions.

11 years ago

This is a man who chases women down on the street yelling as they try to get away from him.

11 years ago

@ Marie- I was very clear in saying he was in the wrong.

11 years ago


Except for your expertise in assholary- I concede to your prowess there.

ze’s* not the one being an asshole, fool.


Preferred gender pronouns? if you wanna answer 🙂

11 years ago

@ Deoridhe- Royal shit, to be sure. Malicious shit? I wonder.

11 years ago


ok, you’re saying he’s in the wrong, I guess it’s not just being conveyed through the rest of your words.

And how was this:

React, yes, and encourage angry reaction for front line women dealing with this in person. But this isn’t Darth Vader, he’s a product of the PUA dogma

To be taken as anything besides viewing his feelings more important than the women he harasses?

11 years ago


@ Deoridhe- Royal shit, to be sure. Malicious shit? I wonder.

I don’t give two craps if he means it maliciously, it is malicious.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

TTF – and how do we know he’s not going to escalate? The guy’s a harasser, that’s information enough here. Seriously, I can’t figure out why you’re taking this more or less as the hill you want to die on – that’s how all this is reading. So what is it that jars you about it? Creepster goes around harassing and filming women and disseminating it on youtube – hell, even the youtube commenters are telling him to knock it off – what’s not to despise about it, what’s not to be creeped out by, what on earth reason is there to feel any sympathy for this guy?

Commiserations on the baking tragedy! 🙂

11 years ago

@timetravellingfool: I am but a rank amateur next to your asinine and, dare I say, zenonic tomfoolery which you so trippingly are demonstrating here for all to see. I daresay your wit is sharp, so sharp to be cutting the Achilles of your heel, and t’were it a gun I believe none of your toes would be safe. Your strong desire to hurt others, to foul the lives of a group of strangers because you liken yourself so strongly to someone who manipulates and harasses women on the street, then shares their image with the entire internet for his own amusement – someone who even Reddit told over and over again that he was creepy – speaks well both for your own nature and for your capacity as a person.

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