creepy disgusting women drama kings entitled babies evil fat fatties incel irony alert misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA racism

How to Hate and Envy Every Single Person in the World, PUAhate edition

Some guys get all the chicks
Some guys get all the chicks

The regulars at – we’ve met them before — are a strange and bitter bunch. Most seem to be self-loathing so-called “incels” who blame their lack of romantic and sexual success on their average or below-average looks. Rejecting the basic premise of the pickup artist crowd – that average guys can transform themselves into suave lotharios by mastering manipulative pickup formulas – the PUAhate regulars tend to be true believers in what they somewhat pretentiously call “looks theory,” the odd and obviously untrue notion that women only date men with “male model” looks.

As one PUAhater put it recently:

PUA makes you think that all your problems are because of your personality/behaviour – i.e. things you can control. So when you keep failing, it means that YOU are fucking up and doing things wrong

the reality is that many of us just lost the genetic lottery. we are ugly, the wrong race, the wrong height etc, and that fucked us up. there is NOTHING we can do about it

So, naturally, the PUAhaters spend a lot of their time jealous of tall, good-looking men for their supposed monopoly on the women of the world — whom they also hate.

But the strange thing is that the PUAhaters pretty much hate everyone else as well. They get angry when guys they consider ugly score “hot chicks.” They get angry when guys who are good-looking but not male models get attention from “really hot girls.” And so on, and so on, and so on.

Indeed, many of the regulars seem to walk around in a perpetual state of rage, angry at each and every man who’s managed to pair up with a woman, not to mention the women as well.

One regular recently described his “day from hell” to his comrades:

To start the day I saw a couple where it was an average White guy with an OBESE Asian girl. They were walking around acting like they were trying to prove shit. LMAO. I wanted to kick the guy in the fucking nuts for dating that landwhale. If you’re going to use the racial advantage, at least date a girl who is under 300lbs. Later I go to the gym and see the same tall guys I usually do. Even if I had a good face, how the fuck do you compete with guys who are fucking 6’4”?

Then at the gym there’s this good looking White guy there talking to this Asian dude about how Asian girls are easy and how they approach him. To make things worse after that these fucking frat douchebags come in with their girlfriends to show off . Then to cap off the day a girl I used to know from freshman year walks right past me without even saying anything. I used to fucking live next door to this bitch and now she doesn’t even say anything and acts like a pretentious cunt. She’s an Indian girl dating a White dude lmao. Days like today make you wonder why you even still try in the first place.

Of course, as I’ve mentioned before, most of those posting on PUAhate don’t actually seem to be ugly by anyone’s standards but their own, at least judging from the pictures of themselves they sometimes post to the site, which reveal them to be mostly average-looking guys, with some of the regulars even quite conventionally handsome.

But evidently they would rather believe that they have “lost the genetic lottery” rather than face a more obvious explanation for why the girls don’t like them: because they’re shallow, self-obsessed assholes who hate themselves and hate women and radiate their bitterness from every pore. (And some are even creepier than this, like this pedophile – sorry, ephebophile – who’s angry at me personally because unlike him I don’t chase after 15-year-olds. Link NSFW.)

The PUAhaters often talk about getting surgeries to “correct” their supposed genetic flaws. They would do far better to spend that money on therapy.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

AK – you can also end up thinking that anyone trying to flirt with you is winding you up, or setting you up for a fall, if you don’t believe anyone could be interested.

These guys are bringing out all my schadenfreude, I swear. It’s like watching the school bullies get their comeuppance. I had decades of being lonely, partly because of wanting someone I thought unavailable, but also because of an ingrained-since-school image of myself as unattractive, which reinforced the idea that if I’d wanted to look for someone else, that plus being shy and not enjoying talking to strangers would make it a waste of time. Yeah, I envied, and slightly resented at times, all the couples I saw holding hands and kissing and whatever. But going around hating on the world? Thinking men were only interested in supermodels, or that nobody not stunningly beautiful had a right to be with anyone who wasn’t, and vice versa? Blaming strangers for not paying attention to me? No, no, just no. So much wrong, and it all just makes me despise these creeps all the more. They really are contemptible. They could be the handsomest men in the world and they’d still be hideous, because misogyny, homophobia and racism are feckin’ ugly.

And they’re so wedded to their stupidity, which I’d call self-serving except it just digs that hole deeper. Even the idea that different people have different criteria of physical attraction seems beyond them. Y’know (warning: Mr K example) I never thought Mr K would be considered handsome now. He was in his day, but it astonished me when friends looking at his pictures – both the ones I make and the original portraits – started saying what a looker he is. Even more astonishing was him making it clear he thinks I’m beautiful. I still smh at the idea, but that’s what love can do, and that’s where these pukebuckets will never, never get it. There’s no evidence they can feel love, or kindness, or affection. They’re full of hate and choose to wallow in it, and I just think “serves you right, fucking little creeps”.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

Do you have a website that uses the word “bitches” non-ironically? You might be an incel.

Or a dog breeder.

Or an ‘incel’ dog breeder.

11 years ago

An incel dog breeder could cure me of my inpup status, but would probably call me a bitch.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

It’s like MRAs are antihappymatter, and any time they encounter happymatter they explode.

Oooh I love this, Bagelsan!

11 years ago

Involuntarily Puppiless?

11 years ago

the puahate site seems to be down. Can anyone else see it? Have we drowned it in extra traffic?

11 years ago

Which reminds me, I’m going to have to insist on chickens on Manboobz Island.

Given the limited space, may I suggest seramas?

Or an ‘incel’ dog breeder.

Constantly mad about how all the alpha dogs are getting more bitches than you.

11 years ago

@WeeBoy. I knew a guy with the same attitude. Though intead of beauty, he seemed to think that a giant penis should make his dating life much easier than it was (I am completely serious.) I showed him a website dedicated to that physical attribute. The women bloggers did want that physical attribute, but only with someone who had a personality they could like.

Apparently, no one wants to date a jerk.

What does any one suppose generated these common expected entitlements that made these guys so resentful?

For that matter, why is it just guys that turn lack of dating success into a burning hatred of the people they wish to date?

11 years ago

Which reminds me, I’m going to have to insist on chickens on Manboobz Island.

Well, of course. We’ll need something to use as a model when we sculpt the figures for the Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel in our theme park.

11 years ago

why is it just guys that turn lack of dating success into a burning hatred of the people they wish to date?

Is it? I didn’t think anyone was entirely immune to sour grapes.

11 years ago

I’m going to have to insist on chickens on Manboobz Island.

I agree. Chickens are adorable and the adults are large enough to be safe from the kittehs.

I’ll have to give chicken… I am firmly in the camp that one does not eat the same species as any member of the family.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Sour grapes, sure, but these guys add a shitload of entitlement to it. Women are property to them, so it gets a whole lot more toxic, I think. We’re not socialised to think men owe us sex and admiration.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

I think rebuilding a non-dangerous ghost town (so, not Centralia) as Manboobzville would probably be easier than Manboobz Island. We’d need to hook up and clean up the existing infrastructure, and we’d need doctors and educators and vets, but it would be more practical than a random island with a large collection of fluffy friends.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Plus we’re likely to want horses and goats and sundry large furry friends, too.

Speaking of which, I saw a pair of basset hounds today. Don’t see them often, and it’s easy to forget what big dogs they are on those stumpy legs!

And here’s George the basset, determined to get into that chair however uncooperative his back leg is:

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Plus … too … argh!

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Need a librarian for Manboobz Island?

11 years ago

Manboobz Island will need multiple librarians, Hyena girl! [cloudiah waves her MLIS in the air, shakes it like she just don’t care]

11 years ago

Working from the heuristic that people often believe things because the want to believe them, perhaps it’s preferable to believe that one’s failures in romance are because one isn’t physically attractive enough rather than because one is a shitty person.

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

[offers cloudiah the secret librarian handshake]

11 years ago

[cloudiah accepts handshake, starts speaking to Hyena Girl in acronyms]

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Pretty much, nerdypants. It’s what I was saying before about it being self-serving – in that their lazy, miserable asses don’t want to make the effort to change.

Hyena Girl and cloudiah – is the sectet librarian handshake anything like this?

11 years ago

Kittehs’, the handshake towards the end is pretty close, but not quite right. However, the pantsless hopping is definitely something we do in libraryworld, but only at our conferences.

Have I posted this before?

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

According to hotel bartenders I’ve spoken to, librarian conferences have more drinking than anyone except the RNC.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

@cloudiah – Love the bit with the costumes! Reminds me of an SF/fantasy promo they had at Dymock’s bookstore last year.

Now I want to see a trouserless Imperial Stormtrooper hopping down the street.

@Hyena Girl – So that’s how the trouserless hopping gets started! 😉

11 years ago

My mum’s a librarian and the most she seems to get up to is receiving a newsletter with an awful joke in it every Friday.

NSW Public libraries need to step their game up.