creepy disgusting women drama kings entitled babies evil fat fatties incel irony alert misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA racism

How to Hate and Envy Every Single Person in the World, PUAhate edition

Some guys get all the chicks
Some guys get all the chicks

The regulars at – we’ve met them before — are a strange and bitter bunch. Most seem to be self-loathing so-called “incels” who blame their lack of romantic and sexual success on their average or below-average looks. Rejecting the basic premise of the pickup artist crowd – that average guys can transform themselves into suave lotharios by mastering manipulative pickup formulas – the PUAhate regulars tend to be true believers in what they somewhat pretentiously call “looks theory,” the odd and obviously untrue notion that women only date men with “male model” looks.

As one PUAhater put it recently:

PUA makes you think that all your problems are because of your personality/behaviour – i.e. things you can control. So when you keep failing, it means that YOU are fucking up and doing things wrong

the reality is that many of us just lost the genetic lottery. we are ugly, the wrong race, the wrong height etc, and that fucked us up. there is NOTHING we can do about it

So, naturally, the PUAhaters spend a lot of their time jealous of tall, good-looking men for their supposed monopoly on the women of the world — whom they also hate.

But the strange thing is that the PUAhaters pretty much hate everyone else as well. They get angry when guys they consider ugly score “hot chicks.” They get angry when guys who are good-looking but not male models get attention from “really hot girls.” And so on, and so on, and so on.

Indeed, many of the regulars seem to walk around in a perpetual state of rage, angry at each and every man who’s managed to pair up with a woman, not to mention the women as well.

One regular recently described his “day from hell” to his comrades:

To start the day I saw a couple where it was an average White guy with an OBESE Asian girl. They were walking around acting like they were trying to prove shit. LMAO. I wanted to kick the guy in the fucking nuts for dating that landwhale. If you’re going to use the racial advantage, at least date a girl who is under 300lbs. Later I go to the gym and see the same tall guys I usually do. Even if I had a good face, how the fuck do you compete with guys who are fucking 6’4”?

Then at the gym there’s this good looking White guy there talking to this Asian dude about how Asian girls are easy and how they approach him. To make things worse after that these fucking frat douchebags come in with their girlfriends to show off . Then to cap off the day a girl I used to know from freshman year walks right past me without even saying anything. I used to fucking live next door to this bitch and now she doesn’t even say anything and acts like a pretentious cunt. She’s an Indian girl dating a White dude lmao. Days like today make you wonder why you even still try in the first place.

Of course, as I’ve mentioned before, most of those posting on PUAhate don’t actually seem to be ugly by anyone’s standards but their own, at least judging from the pictures of themselves they sometimes post to the site, which reveal them to be mostly average-looking guys, with some of the regulars even quite conventionally handsome.

But evidently they would rather believe that they have “lost the genetic lottery” rather than face a more obvious explanation for why the girls don’t like them: because they’re shallow, self-obsessed assholes who hate themselves and hate women and radiate their bitterness from every pore. (And some are even creepier than this, like this pedophile – sorry, ephebophile – who’s angry at me personally because unlike him I don’t chase after 15-year-olds. Link NSFW.)

The PUAhaters often talk about getting surgeries to “correct” their supposed genetic flaws. They would do far better to spend that money on therapy.

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11 years ago

I need to go to bed, you people have to stop writing!
can’t – stop – reading….
Also, hi.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@starskita – It is totally true that men win mates by displaying their splendid tails, because SCIENCE!

11 years ago


Women CHOOSE who they want to be approached by, through various signals.

Reality is more complicated than that, buddy. Some are chosen, some are not.

11 years ago

Cheekbone-having? Um, most people have cheekbones. You can tell on account of how it’s part of the basic structure of a face. Mandibles otoh…

11 years ago

Oh God, that “Brian” character is disgusting. Dude – fourteen year old girls are obnoxious. especially in groups. It’s a fact. So are fourteen year old boys. They are not “provoking assault” – THEY ARE SHOWING OFF TO THEIR FRIENDS LIKE THE IMMATURE CHILDREN THEY ARE.

Fuck this noise, I’m turning in my human card and going back to Arcadia.

11 years ago

“It sounds sick but i can fully understand why some women get sexually assaulted when they provoke complete male strangers like that.”

Wow, what a horrible piece of shit. And they wonder why we call people like him misogynistic…

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Kitteh, you owe me one cup of tea for that!

11 years ago

Technically we have mandibles: we tend to call it a jaw.

11 years ago

I have cheekbones… I keep them in a jar, as trophies of my victories in battle.

(that’s hot, right?)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

starskita | March 20, 2013 at 5:05 pm

That was my point Also he’s apparently monogamous from my quick readings, though exhibitionist

Monogamous afaik, didn’t know he was an exhibitionist. Then again, I’ve seen the kiss so yeah.

11 years ago

So, anyway – feel better now that you had your little tantrum and got lots of attention, whiny manchild? Is the troll-o-meter all charged up? I guess we’ll be seeing you again in a few months, then.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

This kiss

11 years ago

Looks: 23 years. Didn’t date at all until six months shy of 23. We’ve been married twelve years come May. And he’s lovely, but not leading man material – among other things, Hollywood seems to have a problem with gigantic surgery scars. All the more for me, I suppose.

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
11 years ago

Looking at other threads I’ve noticed there are rather a lot on the subject of male-pattern baldness. Have they all forgotten about this guy?

Yep, that’s the original PUA. Who gets loads. And is bald.

11 years ago

You are a liar and fraud.

Shut it.

I see looks law has activated his telepathy again…


Am I the only one heartless and evil enough not to give a solitary crap if whatshisface is suicidal and anxious? Maybe it’s ’cause I’m leaving for my own therapy in half an hour, but being a mess doesn’t actually make you behave like an obnoxious troll. So he can stuff it about the suicide or, frankly, put his money where his mouth is and get treatment.

nope. I mean, I feel a little bad about it, but I’m depressed (though not suicidal) so I don’t give two fucks. Didn’t turn me into a jerk. Also super pissed because it seemed like he was trying to say people are depressed because they can’t get dates…like wah?

Also extra pissed at ross, because he cares (supposedly) that looks law is suicidal, but clearly doesn’t care if any of the regulars are. Probably Ross is just using it for his trolling though.

Guess it’s time to start that lesbian commune.

eagerly signs up 😀

@looks jackass

Why do women complain about “unrealistic” Hollywood standards.

because women get the way worse stick than men in terms how they should look for movies. But I don’t think you actually wanted an answer.

To me its just women getting butthurt that they didn’t luck out and win Kate Upton/ Megan Good Genes.

please go squeeze a cactus.


I always am more physically attracted to people after liking them as people. YMMV but I’m sure my experiences aren’t unique.

not just you. normally when I meet someone who’s attractive I have a temporary ‘oh, xie’s cute’ thought, but I need to actually know people for it to be more than a passing thought. If that makes sense :/


My sister’s always teasing me that I fall in love with film characters and not the actors themselves.

You aren’t alone in your character crushes 😀 I think half the reason I like Maria Canal’s voice so much is cuz she voiced Hawkgirl in the Justice League…. (I have a huge crush on Hawkgirl /embarrassed).


Post your longest dry spell ladies.

18 years XD

@looks law

Code for a slutty past. Its okay ride the carousel till it short circuits, you have that privilege, this is what 60′s feminists fought for.

yeah, there’s nothing wrong with having a ‘slutty past’. Also, I think you should step on legos for thinking that not being judged for how much sex you have is a privilege. It shouldn’t have had to have been fought for.

Irrelevant and typical of uncaring women, who can’t see past the female privilege.

forgodsake, female privilege is not a thing. at least give me a citation. sheesh.

Live as a man for one month, you’d kill yourself by week 2.

oh god go fuck yourself. I’m getting tired of your whining about how hard it is to be a man. If you want pleasure, use your damn hand, if you want a date or friends, try not to be a toxic asshole. god, go swallow a lego.

The female privilege is strong in this C-section.

like what does that even mean?

Virgin women here are Vocel. Probably holding out for some reason related to a Romance Novel or something.





Kissless, hugless, handholdless, touchless. I haven’t had a conversation with a woman since December 29th 2012. Last year.

you have no idea how relieved I am to hear this.

Ofcourse you don’t seek out partners, you don’t have to. You’re a woman.

Owowoowowowow facepalmed so hard it hurt.


I love how he’s saying Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans are the hot ones in Avengers when EVERY WOMAN I KNOW would fling their panties at Tom Hiddleston (tall, skinny, interesting face) in preference to either Chris. And I would join them.

disagree. 😛 Chris Hemsworth is one of the two male actors I find attractive.


@starskita – It is totally true that men win mates by displaying their splendid tails, because SCIENCE!

D’awww 😀 That’s a nice picture.

It sounds sick but i can fully understand why some women get sexually assaulted when they provoke complete male strangers like that.

oh, fuck this guy. May his every step be filled with legos.

And I finally caught up with the comments! *throws a party* 😀

11 years ago

“Looking at other threads I’ve noticed there are rather a lot on the subject of male-pattern baldness. Have they all forgotten about this guy?

Yep, that’s the original PUA. Who gets loads. And is bald.”

He’s also very rich, famous and succesful.

LMS bro.

11 years ago

Virgil, you back so soon?

11 years ago

I think half the reason I like Maria Canal’s voice so much is cuz she voiced Hawkgirl in the Justice League…. (I have a huge crush on Hawkgirl /embarrassed).

Don’t be. That version of Hawkgirl is made of unalloyed awesome … although she did get to wear the Atheists Don’t Get Religion hat sometimes 🙁

I don’t read the Hawkman comics, so I don’t know about the other versions of Hawkgirl all that much.

11 years ago

“Virgil, you back so soon?”

Sadly not guys, sorry to disappoint.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

You know, just because socks come in pairs doesn’t mean sock puppets need to.

11 years ago

Go away, troll.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Does that comment make sense? I mean, as anything besides Virgil trying to cover up his Virgil-ness.

…this blog really does induce a justifiable level of paranoia…

11 years ago

It makes sense to me, but like you said, they all start to blend together after a while.

11 years ago

Don’t be. That version of Hawkgirl is made of unalloyed awesome … although she did get to wear the Atheists Don’t Get Religion hat sometimes 🙁

I don’t read the Hawkman comics, so I don’t know about the other versions of Hawkgirl all that much.

Omg I could squee so hard about hawkgirl but it would be a derail. But the only versions I’ve seen of her is Shayera Hol (she was in the Justice League tv show) and Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall as Hawkman and Hawkgirl together in the comics. I … hehe. Well I could squee forever but I think I’ll just stop fangirling before I take over the thread.

mark jones
mark jones
11 years ago

I can’t make my mind up which is sadder, a bunch of guys moaning online why they can’t get lucky with women, or the pathetic loser who monitors their site so he can bring back tidbits for his own pathetic little circlejerk of a website in an effort to mock them.
No wonder this website is becoming irrelevant and losing traffic, it’s become home to a bunch of bullies.

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