creepy disgusting women drama kings entitled babies evil fat fatties incel irony alert misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA racism

How to Hate and Envy Every Single Person in the World, PUAhate edition

Some guys get all the chicks
Some guys get all the chicks

The regulars at – we’ve met them before — are a strange and bitter bunch. Most seem to be self-loathing so-called “incels” who blame their lack of romantic and sexual success on their average or below-average looks. Rejecting the basic premise of the pickup artist crowd – that average guys can transform themselves into suave lotharios by mastering manipulative pickup formulas – the PUAhate regulars tend to be true believers in what they somewhat pretentiously call “looks theory,” the odd and obviously untrue notion that women only date men with “male model” looks.

As one PUAhater put it recently:

PUA makes you think that all your problems are because of your personality/behaviour – i.e. things you can control. So when you keep failing, it means that YOU are fucking up and doing things wrong

the reality is that many of us just lost the genetic lottery. we are ugly, the wrong race, the wrong height etc, and that fucked us up. there is NOTHING we can do about it

So, naturally, the PUAhaters spend a lot of their time jealous of tall, good-looking men for their supposed monopoly on the women of the world — whom they also hate.

But the strange thing is that the PUAhaters pretty much hate everyone else as well. They get angry when guys they consider ugly score “hot chicks.” They get angry when guys who are good-looking but not male models get attention from “really hot girls.” And so on, and so on, and so on.

Indeed, many of the regulars seem to walk around in a perpetual state of rage, angry at each and every man who’s managed to pair up with a woman, not to mention the women as well.

One regular recently described his “day from hell” to his comrades:

To start the day I saw a couple where it was an average White guy with an OBESE Asian girl. They were walking around acting like they were trying to prove shit. LMAO. I wanted to kick the guy in the fucking nuts for dating that landwhale. If you’re going to use the racial advantage, at least date a girl who is under 300lbs. Later I go to the gym and see the same tall guys I usually do. Even if I had a good face, how the fuck do you compete with guys who are fucking 6’4”?

Then at the gym there’s this good looking White guy there talking to this Asian dude about how Asian girls are easy and how they approach him. To make things worse after that these fucking frat douchebags come in with their girlfriends to show off . Then to cap off the day a girl I used to know from freshman year walks right past me without even saying anything. I used to fucking live next door to this bitch and now she doesn’t even say anything and acts like a pretentious cunt. She’s an Indian girl dating a White dude lmao. Days like today make you wonder why you even still try in the first place.

Of course, as I’ve mentioned before, most of those posting on PUAhate don’t actually seem to be ugly by anyone’s standards but their own, at least judging from the pictures of themselves they sometimes post to the site, which reveal them to be mostly average-looking guys, with some of the regulars even quite conventionally handsome.

But evidently they would rather believe that they have “lost the genetic lottery” rather than face a more obvious explanation for why the girls don’t like them: because they’re shallow, self-obsessed assholes who hate themselves and hate women and radiate their bitterness from every pore. (And some are even creepier than this, like this pedophile – sorry, ephebophile – who’s angry at me personally because unlike him I don’t chase after 15-year-olds. Link NSFW.)

The PUAhaters often talk about getting surgeries to “correct” their supposed genetic flaws. They would do far better to spend that money on therapy.

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11 years ago

The fact that this guy said he was suicidal and you still continue to bully him and tell him what to do is disgusting. You are a disgusting human being. Where’s your compassion for the suicidal?

Using your previous logic/arguments: How do you know he’s suicidal and not just pretending to be suicidal because “irony”?

11 years ago

The only one of those who I find hot is
Gosling, and that’s mostly because of
his personality…

You are a liar and fraud.

Shut it.

11 years ago

Yeah, Gosling is not my type either, but there’s something appealing about him. He looks like he’d be interesting to talk to, and he seems smart.

11 years ago

Also, and I’m being dead serious, stop thinking of ‘girlfriend’ as a ‘thing’ you must ‘acquire.’

11 years ago


Leonardo DiCaprio did not play Django. He played Calvin Candie.

Django was played by Jamie Foxx. DiCaprio and Foxx look rather different. Which was kinda the point of the movie.

(I particularly know the Jamie Foxx’s name because my MRA name is Jamie ToasterLaminate from several threads back. Or possible Jamie KettleLaminate. Had to look it up again for the last name.)

11 years ago

Pro tip # 2 – calling people liars and frauds will not result in them agreeing to go on dates with you, or in them wanting to help you with your depression and social anxiety.

11 years ago

Gosling is one of those rare instances
where someone who is not my type
could totally get it. I feel like it has
more to do with his style than his
looks, though. I like the way he
dresses and I like his posture. Or his
character’s posture in Drive.

LOL, yeah keep telling yourself that.

Its his style, ofcourse it is. Plenty of men who dress exactly the same but there’s something about how GOSLING wears his ferragamos.


11 years ago


I am horribly repulsed by Ryan Gosling because I saw a picture of him that was supposed to be flattering but just made me go “OMG Hitler Youth”

Since then I have seen other pictures but I can’t get that out of my head.

11 years ago

I find all of those dudes listed above hot. Would any of them fuck me? Doubtful, in the rare case I ever met them. Am I only attracted to guys who look like that in real life? Nope. Have some of the most beautiful men I’ve ever met in real life also been the biggest jerks/idiots/douchebags/just generally annoying humans? Yes.

11 years ago

@ starskita

Ick. Yeah, that would work like a bucket of ice water on my libido too.

11 years ago

Gosling never did anything for me until I saw how sweet and funny and down to earth he seemed in interviews. Now I like him.

The other celebrity who never did anything for me until I found out more about his personality is Walton Goggins, who plays utter dipshits in everything he does but who apparently is quite an awesome dude in real life.

11 years ago

Yeah, Gosling is not my type either, but there’s something appealing about him. He looks like he’d be interesting to talk to, and he seems smart.

You get that too? I can’t really explain it.

My type is much more… Don Cheadle, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Romany Malco, Mos Def, Black Thought. Frederick Douglass. Great looking men, in my opinion, but they’re not really known as “heart throbs” in the traditional sense.

11 years ago

Oh, sorry, except Fassbender. I don’t like him. I hear bad things about how he treats women. This makes him not hot.

11 years ago

Hemsworth seems like a nice enough guy too, but not very smart, which is offputting for me.

(I am basing this on one interview he did that I only watched because Charlize Theron was also in it, so take that for what it’s worth.)

11 years ago

You are a liar and fraud.

Shut it.

Because I am the center of the universe and I know the contents of everyone’s head better than they do.

Looksie, therapy will also help with your delusional idea that you can read minds.

Yawn. This one has gotten stale, can we get a fresh one?

11 years ago

Don Cheadle is another guy who’s not really my type but still appealing because he seems smart, interesting, and generally like a guy who I’d enjoy being around.

(Waits for child to start throwing his blocks at me again.)

11 years ago

I’m off to work on our map collection; have fun nomming the trolls.

11 years ago

Looks_Low: because all these guys are male leads in popcorn flicks watched by the masses right? RIGHT?

Did you get specially made, extra-light goalposts?

A man goes up to a woman, whether they go on a date or not is UP TO THE WOMAN.

A man wants to go for the kiss, WHETHER THE KISS HAPPENS OR NOT IS UP TO THE WOMAN

A man wants to move into a sexual relationship, WHETHER SEX HAPPENS OR NOT IS UP TO THE WOMAN!, ANYTHING ELSE IS RAPE.


A person approaches another person; the person approached decides if there will be more interaction.

My point was that there is a MECHANISM to the way that humans select mates, just as it is in the animal kingdom, which was refuting the point made that human mating choice is not a Machine and cant be explained.

And our point is that, even accepting; arguendo, such a mechanism works, you haven’t shown what it is; and your Naturalistic Fallacy is just that.

but we are animals, just like lions peacocks and flies

No, we are not. We are sapient animals. We are animals who have the ability to decide how to engage with our environment. When a dog goes into heat, she fucks. If she’s not in heat, she doesn’t. Male seahorses care for seahorse eggs. If they don’t, they don’t reproduce.

We don’t have those constraints. That what “looks good” is so wide from place to place/time to time means your hypothesis (I can’t dignify it by ranking it with Theories, such as Gravity, Evolution, Quantum Mechanics) is null and void.

That, son, is SCIENCE.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Not caught up, so maybe this was said, but is Looks_Law Virgil?

11 years ago

Looks_Low: So clearly you know something I dont. tell me more. dont call me stupid for asking, tell me what you know?!

Why? If we told you the truth (again) you would (again) deny it, and insist the question is being dodged.

But here goes:

People choose people because they like them. That’s it. Looks are part of it, but (this is important, so pay attention, there will be a quiz later: not from me, but from Life) they 1: aren’t the final arbiter and 2: aren’t objective.

What I like, and what you like, in women are different. This is good, because if you liked the women I liked I’d be upset; they deserve better than to have you hitting on them, and them rejecting you would hurt your fee-fees.

11 years ago

About Fassbender, yeah, I’ve heard that stuff too. Now every time I look at him I just think DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER.

11 years ago

LOL, yeah keep telling yourself that.

Its his style, ofcourse it is. Plenty of men who dress exactly the same but there’s something about how GOSLING wears his ferragamos.


Hey,dipshit, what did I say before? Hang around and it’s nothing but mockery for you.

You know fuck all about the complicated and myriad ways that human sexuality and attraction manifest and you sure as shit don’t know enough to tell me about my attraction to anybody, movie star or not.

Clothes, confidence, the way a man carries himself – these things mean a lot to me.

11 years ago

The fact that this guy said he was suicidal and you still continue to bully him and tell him what to do is disgusting.

Looks has spent the entire thread calling people idiots, but we’re the bullies. Sure.

Also, I’m 100% convinced that we’ve already had this exact conversation with this person, who is now masquerading as a different troll under a different name. We’ve gone through all of the advice on how to deal with social anxiety and depression, how to approach girls, etc.

As Cassandra has indicated, this is not a therapy group. Also, we’ve seen this type of attention seeking a million times before. From you as well, as a matter of fact.

11 years ago

Not caught up, so maybe this was said, but is Looks_Law Virgil?


I’m expecting an “Eeew women do sexual things with men” melt-down within the hour.

11 years ago

I remember a jock in high school. Totally hot and totally a jerk. When he asked me out I said no because even though I found him attractive he was a jerk.
Stop pretending looks win all. They don’t.

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