men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

Dance Dance Devolution: PUAs in the Club Edition

Paul Newman Joanne Woodward dance
Yes, that is Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.

Behold, what may be the most hilarious Pickup Artist video ever. In it, someone calling himself Skills shows the fellas how to “open” ladies wordlessly, using only the seductive power ofย  their sexy, sexy dancing. And not just one kind of dancing: Skills demonstrates smooth moves for all sorts of dances, from Disco to Latin to Booty to Rock ‘n’ Roll. (Today I Learned that “Take on Me” by A-ha is the untimate hard-rocking Rock ‘n” Roll number.) Apparently most styles of dancing require men to stare relentlessly at their partners’ breasts and general breast area.

Oddly, the woman Skills has seduced hired to appear in his video does not appear all that impressed with Skills’ skills. MISANDRY!

Oh, and WAIT! Before watching this, make sure that “annotations” are turned on. Otherwise you will not be able to fully appreciate the subtleties of Skills’ teachings.

I stole this video from the excellent PUA.txt Twitter account, featuring nothing but authentic wisdom from the PUA sector.

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11 years ago

@kittehs’…I am happy to call myself a regular here. ๐Ÿ™‚ TY!

@Marie…you’ve been posting longer/more prolifically than I have, so if I count, I’m sure you do too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

11 years ago

Thanks, David. ๐Ÿ™‚

The Purple Star
The Purple Star
11 years ago

Marie, thatโ€™s it โ€“ trolls whine. Us regulars vent. (Yes AK Iโ€™m including you as a regular!) ๐Ÿ™‚

Nope. Plenty of regulars whine all the time. Besides, whining โ‰  trolling. Trolling is when you try to ruffle some feathers by posting things that are provocative, offensive, and take aim at peoples weaknesses. However, it seems that anyone who disagrees with Futrelle or the dominant paradigm around here is labeled a “troll”(like yours truly).

Do you honestly think that PUAs are trying to *help* other guys learn social skills and get laid??? If you do, you thought wrong. They are just shameless self-promoters selling snake oil to boost their ego, their reputations, and in some cases their wallets by playing on other men’s insecurities about sex.

In other news, I’ve been told that not only do most women love to dance, they also like guys who dance well. One woman even told me to my face that she thinks that men who dance well are more likely to be good in bed. After all, disco/club dancing is all about sex: It’s a courtship ritual.

11 years ago

Yeah, AK let us know how it goes with the knee. Crossing my fingers that it’s nothing serious.

11 years ago

Thanks kittehs and AK ๐Ÿ˜€ Also, I am glad my creative lego/ cactus curses have come in handy. XD

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Thanks. It didn’t totally ruin my night, we went to a diner afterwards and, even though I was almost too drunk to sit upright, I remember that my chicken fingers were some of the most delicious things I’ve ever eaten. ๐Ÿ™‚ It definitely soured me on clubs though as it was one of the first I’d ever been to.

When the boyfriend and I went to a club with my sister, the boyfriend had to spend more time dancing than he wanted to because every time my sis was out there by herself, some guy would come up and dance with her even though she wanted to be left alone and showed this by trying to move away. (I wasn’t up for it so I sat and watched most of the time, and I doubt I would have made the difference the boyfriend did anyway.) With the boyfriend close by, but not dancing with her, almost no one pulled that shit. (The few that did moved away when the boyfriend moved closer or starting dancing with my sister).

I have had some good experiences at clubs, but they’ve always been small and had more women than men.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Speaking of petting a cactus, upgrade that to having to repot one, without gardening gloves (I should really buy a pair already!) — and a cactus far more spiky than mine!

Good luck with your knee AK!

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Speaking of my sister, she just called and she got into grad school! I am beaming with happiness and pride. My 27 y.o. baby sister is awesome!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

And may the cactus be infested with tiny spiders whose bites make your hands itch and itch and itch …

11 years ago

Clubs are always better when there are more women than men. And I’m not talking about gay clubs where the rules of engagement are totes diff.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Some Gal – Yayy for your sister, well done!

11 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri


@some gal

Yay for your sister! (and 27 yr old baby sister…. /feels like a baby)

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

Now that’s a curse. * involuntary scratching*


She’ll be my baby sister when we’re in our 80s. It is what she is, not what 27 is. ๐Ÿ™‚ (I was gonna just say baby sis, but figured that would sound too weird to people who don’t know her.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Some Gal – my sister still calls me Little Sis. She’s pushing sixty and I’m pushing fifty! ๐Ÿ™‚

Eurgh that beetroot was foul … ::pauses to dissect salad sandwich::

11 years ago

They will never top this seductive dance:

11 years ago

Finally watched the video, couldn’t get the annotations for some reason, but I had to laugh at his dancing and his “subtlety”. Especially because neither I nor any woman I know goes to a club and is not on high alert for men who come into our space. They don’t even have to be very close, even an arm-and-a-half length away, we know. Whether or not we turn them down, we ALWAYS know when a dude is trying to dance with us. Always. And for me and the women in my life, that’s an automatic “Shields Up” “Take evasive maneuvers”.

I have had guys try to grab my hands like that at clubs but I am an EXPERT at evading/disentangling. Maybe I should make a video: Dance Maneuvers to Get Away from Dance Maneuver-ers”…titles are not my strong suit.

11 years ago

ALSO: Another reason why the video made me laugh; every time he approached, he’d do one of his moves, and proceed to woo his lady friend. And I just kept thinking “Nope. She’s gone dude. If we don’t want to dance with you, we see right through you, and we are out of there or turned to our friends before you’ve finished that little spin. We are like lightning.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Some Gal — think you meant Marie, not me, but hey *is 27* (and the oldest, but hey!)

11 years ago

That’s pretty much what PUA is all about, trying to sell clueless guys on the idea that if they just do the thing that normally results in women walking away in exactly the right way (find out how for only $39.95!) then the women will instead happily accept whatever it is you’re doing, because women are simple machines and you just have to know the correct cheat code.

11 years ago

@some gal

Sheโ€™ll be my baby sister when weโ€™re in our 80s. It is what she is, not what 27 is. ๐Ÿ™‚ (I was gonna just say baby sis, but figured that would sound too weird to people who donโ€™t know her.)

Did I prompt this? XD That makes sense, I always call my little brother little brother, I was just a little surprised by the phrasing XD I’ll keep that in mind in the future ๐Ÿ˜‰

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Yeah. That was to you. I got confused.


Yeah, I got confused. I think I knew you were 27 and that was why. It had nothing to do with me failing to pay attention. ๐Ÿ™‚

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

@jennydevildoll – I iz totally swooned by seductive kitteh dancing!

11 years ago

Yay for Some Gal’s sister!

If anyone needs a laugh (and a blast from the Man Boobz past), I have this to offer.

11 years ago

This is supposed to be attractive? I know if I saw this guy on the dance floor, I’d be too busy laughing to do anything else.

11 years ago

Funny, just today when my sister showed me a tape of her coworkers dancing I just thought “we should totally start an ‘awkward people awkwardly dancing’ youtube channel”. Clearly this dude beat me to it. OH SNAP!

In all seriousness, Purple Whiner, I’m pretty sure most of us are aware that PUA self called “gurus” aren’t actually selling anything other than snake oil. It’s all a hoax, like a lot of self-help “secret to life” bullshit books. If there really was one single “fool proof” (haha, maybe the problem is they underestimate the fools?) way for men to pick up women, there’d only need to be one book out there for it.