antifeminism internal debate misogyny MRA reddit

MRA: We shouldn’t tolerate misogyny in the Men’s Rights movement. Reddit Men’s Rights mods hit the delete button.

You must be THIS MAD to post in the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Here’s a suprisingly candid comment from an MRA in the Men’s Rights subreddit, challenging the misogyny within the movement:


Oh, wait, that’s not from the Men’s Rights subreddit. HalfysReddit did originally post this to the Men’s Rights subreddit, but the mods deleted it, and so now the only reason it’s still available is that there’s a bot that automatically reposts all self-posts to the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Before it was deleted, HalfysReddit’s post did inspire some discussion amongst the Men’s Rightsers. Well, it was “discussion” only insofar as a bunch of comments telling HalfysReddit to stuff it counts as discussion. Here’s one thoughtful comment:


Sorry, did I say “thoughtful?” I meant “delusional.”

Though I’m pretty sure he’s right that feminists aren’t going to fight for anonymity for rape defendents or the “right of paternal surrender.”

Oh, and here’s a guy comparing Men’s Rightsers to the Black Panthers.


The Men’s Rights subreddit, where the notion that MRAs should tone down the misogyny a bit is too radical to even debate.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Are you looking for something that covers your breasts or not? Most of the brace-type things I’ve seen sit under them.

What bugs me with the back support stuff I can find in the shops is that it’s mostly thermal, ie. is made to keep heat in as well as supply support/compression. Which is great in cold weather, but when it’s 30C + outside I Do Not Want to be any hotter than I am! 😛

11 years ago


I want something that looks comfy 😀 Lots of the things looked like they went under, but it seemed uncomfy. Tmi coming on, but my boobs are super sensitive, especially the undersides. My bra fits, but has underwire, which normally works, since it fits well, but really bugs me when I sleep on my chest wrong. Um, anyhow those were my reasons ^_^

I love the thermal stuff, heat helps my back so much. I’ve had heating pads on while doing karate XD Super sweaty, but worth it. Sadly, I had to stop wearing heating pads because the constant heat was actually giving my back burns 🙁

11 years ago

LOL. I mean this blog is pretty great but the sanctimonious circle jerk that goes on in these comments, I could VOMIT. Bourgie white feminists and your lip service to intersectionality, ooh look at us we’re so enlightened and progressive, high five everyone now let’s post cutesy wutesy videos and cupcake recipes all day from our cushy office jobs

11 years ago

@everyone not dusty

aparently talking about bras is totally a circle jerk. Here I thought I was just asking for advice 😛 Also welcoming de lurkesrs. I guess some people were talking about jerks they met, but like, really, I can’t tell how it’s a circle jerk. I guess we were in agreement that poor people should get healthcare…

anyhoo, random troll is random and boring.

11 years ago

Fuck you, Dusty. Take your Tumblr bullshit and go. You don’t have to be here, and FYI, not everyone on this board is white.

We’re to mock misogyny, not make the internet women;s studies set happy.

11 years ago

Here to mock misogyny…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

LOL LOL first it was all “don’t call me a PoC but I’ll totally say twat if I want to and youse are all Yanks and I hate Yanks”, now there’s not even a pretence – c’mon, braindustyfromlackofuse, you just hate women, don’t you? Nothing like assuming everyone here is a woman, or white, or middle class, or USian to give away your own hangups. Nothing like having a little ragefest because people are enjoying a conversation that’s got nothing to do with you. Got a few issues, have we, hmm?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Back to the more interesting and important conversation – Marie, yeah, I get it about sensitivity, I’m much the same (seams! Why the fuck to they put seams across the cups???). Sounds like maybe a good fitted corset might be worth checking out.

11 years ago


Yup 😀 I’ll probably check one out…soon actually, now that I’ll be getting some spending money.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Cool! 🙂

11 years ago

One of the reasons I don’t always trust psych diagnoses – my ex (the stalker one) was initially diagnosed as schitzophrenic, and then later diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder (ie. what laypeople call sociopathy). When he got the second diagnosis (which he got while he and I were both in college taking psychology – this fact will be important later), his psychiatrist just kind of…brushed off as not a big deal the fact that he was misdiagnosed in the first place? But he (ex, not psychiatrist) talked to me about it, and turns out that he made up schitzophrenic symptoms because he wanted that diagnosis instead of the one he eventually got, and the first psychiatrist had no idea he was lying. Even though the stuff he made up sounded a bit off even to me, and I was only an undergrad. It made me side-eye a lot of psych diagnoses and research for a while, because so much of the research is done on psych undergrads, and if you’re a psych student it’s often pretty easy to figure out what the experiment is looking for. In the case of my ex, he was worried that a correct diagnosis might result in him being treated in a way he wouldn’t like, so he made stuff up to get a diagnosis that he figured would result in his parents feeling sympathy and continuing to support him (it was them who forced him to see the psych in the first place).

Kind of OT, but that experience (first psych was totally useless, prescribed drugs that didn’t help, and generally allowed himself to be played by a 19 year old undergrad who was smarter than he was) is why I’m so wary of bad psychiatrists and/or therapists, and so quick to urge people to stop seeing them if they don’t seem to be grasping what the issues actually are and therefore don’t seem likely to be able to help.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Cassandra – holy shit. 🙁

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Someone I know was told by their psychiatrist (since dumped) that they had to stay on whatever-the-medication-was until they got married.

They weren’t even dating at the time. But apart from that … there was so much wtfuckery with that I can’t even begin to unpack it.

11 years ago

So, like, was marriage supposed to make whatever the meds were for go away?

11 years ago


that psych O_O …why? people like that should not be psychs >:(

11 years ago

I’m pretty iffy on psychiatrist as a general rule.
Some stuff I believe like my diagnosis of RAD and ADHD, but other things like borderline personality disorder I am less accepting of.
It is a soft science after all.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

It seemed so! I was so WTF I never got any real detail, and I’m not sure my friend really knew what the psych meant either. I had the impression it was all “being married will make your stress/anxiety/whatever it is magically better” or something. Like marriage doesn’t bring a whole lot of other stresses, and like the person you marry is signing up as your unpaid shrink/medicine cabinet …

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I would absolutely NOT see a psych who was into any Freudian stuff. I have a most passionate hatred of Freud and his notions and the sort of loveless, fucked-over thinking that Freudians can produce. (Yes, Elizabeth Wirth Marvick, I am looking at you.)

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Congratulations! That is fan-fucking-tastic!

11 years ago

cupcake recipes

Again with the cupcakes!

11 years ago

Is dusty like the SJ/tumblr version of NWOSlave?

You ladies with your cushy desk jobs and silky underdrawers, and you won’t give up your seat on the bus to sweaty hardworking MEN (for NWO)/LUMPENPROLES (for dusty)?

That’s just kinda sad.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Maybe we should wave some Scented Motherfucking Candles at dustybrain.

11 years ago

Does exorcism work on the tendency to be an asshole?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

If only!

11 years ago

Begone, spirit of assholery! Out, foul fiend of rape apologism! And so on.