antifeminism internal debate misogyny MRA reddit

MRA: We shouldn’t tolerate misogyny in the Men’s Rights movement. Reddit Men’s Rights mods hit the delete button.

You must be THIS MAD to post in the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Here’s a suprisingly candid comment from an MRA in the Men’s Rights subreddit, challenging the misogyny within the movement:


Oh, wait, that’s not from the Men’s Rights subreddit. HalfysReddit did originally post this to the Men’s Rights subreddit, but the mods deleted it, and so now the only reason it’s still available is that there’s a bot that automatically reposts all self-posts to the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Before it was deleted, HalfysReddit’s post did inspire some discussion amongst the Men’s Rightsers. Well, it was “discussion” only insofar as a bunch of comments telling HalfysReddit to stuff it counts as discussion. Here’s one thoughtful comment:


Sorry, did I say “thoughtful?” I meant “delusional.”

Though I’m pretty sure he’s right that feminists aren’t going to fight for anonymity for rape defendents or the “right of paternal surrender.”

Oh, and here’s a guy comparing Men’s Rightsers to the Black Panthers.


The Men’s Rights subreddit, where the notion that MRAs should tone down the misogyny a bit is too radical to even debate.

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12 years ago

Damn, for a moment there I believed sanity had struck Reddit MRAs. Silly me.

12 years ago

That gif is mesmerizing.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“Help us get anonymity for rape defendants” – funny how it’s only that crime they want anonymity for. They’re perfectly happy for anyone else on trial to be known. I wonder why that would be …

And it’d be a sucker’s bet that they’re only interested in anonymity for male rape defendants.

12 years ago

Again, the only time they recognize Black men is when they’re trying to make a point. A poorly thought out, self-aggrandizing point.

12 years ago

Since when is looking for anonymity for rape defendants a thing of theirs? Is this in the wake of the Steubenville case? Every time I think they can’t sink lower…

12 years ago

This post’s title is like the whole process of discovering MRAs in miniature. “What? Well, that seems reasonab– wait, no, that’s terrible.” It was a tiny roller coaster of hope and dashed hope. 😀

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Protecting rapists (sorry, poor innocent men falsely accused by bitchez) is always an MRA thing, though they won’t really be happy until there’s no such thing as rape in any legal system.

12 years ago

Judging by theozoph’s own post:

“Well, choose another fight, then. This one will get ugly before it gets better, and we don’t need people going in half-assed.”

… “half-assed” would be an upgrade.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I love it when these assholes complain about how they need a reprieve from “political correctness.”

We see you, dudes. You’re only interested in maintaining the status quo. The hilarious part is that you fancy yourself rebels, which is the whole point of villainizing “political correctness.”

Damn, for a moment there I believed sanity had struck Reddit MRAs. Silly me.

Can we not equate wrongness and hatefulness with insanity? Society doesn’t need any help from us to further stigmatize mental illness.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

What could Aaod possibly be thinking if when he talks about his hatred of first wave feminism? Because Seneca Falls doesn’t seem vulgar to me. I’m also pretty sure that actual first wave feminists policed their tone and had their tone policed.

The problem with the MRM isn’t their tone, it is their substance. Apparently, though, to Aaod, hating women is a tone. Words are so different in MRM-land.

12 years ago

I always associated discussion of tone-policing and how it was actually just a way of silencing minority dissent with the 2nd wave.

I hope the MRM fast-forwards through that part and get to the part where they recognize that saying hurtful things to other people actually hurts them, and does so independently of whether you’re using it in the context of social justice discourse or not, and is therefore not compatible with social justice at all. But I’m not holding my breath.

12 years ago

(To clarify, not all tone-policing is legitimate criticism of hurtful/kyriarchy-reinforcing slurs or repeated stereotypes, and some tone-policing is really just an attempt to silence minorities and prevent them from expressing a totally reasonable level of outrage and frustration. But the MRM went past “totally reasonable” a long time ago and are mostly bogged down in “utter misogyny” or “downright misanthropy” by now, however the tone discussion for them might have started.)

12 years ago

Dude’s got a point. As a feminist, I’m not on board with protecting rapists, allowing men to abandon their children to starve, giving boys special advantages in the classroom so they won’t have to grow up knowing that girls are just as smart as they are, letting abusive husbands and fathers exploit the family court system to further abuse*, pretending that domestic violence and rape don’t happen**, or eliminating gender studies from colleges.

If those are the rights these men are fighting for, I’m not going to be much of an ally. Sorry.

*I’m done pretending that the MRA custody stuff is about anything other than this. Tip to MRA guys ranting about how those man-hating courts screwed you over: most people’s divorces don’t involve restraining orders.
**Or aren’t a big deal because men get raped and abused as much as women, which…even if that were true, which it’s not, it wouldn’t make rape and abuse OKAY. Yeesh.

12 years ago

I didn’t think you were allowed to post at all on the men’s right reddit if it isn’t totally nasty and or violent. For plus points it should include at least two of the following: demanding princesses, cum buckets, feminazis, abusive hags, etc etc

12 years ago

You know that topic a bit ago about whether it was possible to be an MRA and not a raving misogynist? Sounds like this guy’s an example. Having seen nothing else he’s written, I’m cautiously optimistic that he’s a decent person who’s seen that there are some problems facing men (and they do exist – the pressure to conform to a shitty version of masculinity, the difficulty of getting recognition for male victims of abuse), doesn’t think that this means he has to fight against feminism… and has looked online for groups that might be talking about this stuff, and found the MRM. Then he’s noticed that they’re shit, and… well, this happened.

12 years ago

I usually lurk, but this pulled me out. For the briefest moment, I thought sanity had finally hit them. NOPE. It’s just crazy. I just finished reading a mess on twitter from someone who had incoherent rant about how angry he/she was at the “Dont be that Guy” posters, saying that those posters are 100% saying all men are rapists and since that’s the case, it’s victims fault for being near rapists… women rape men & transgendered all the time… it was just wow and then to see this. I need kittens and sugar free Peeps cuz my brain it just ttttturrpptttttttttttttttt

12 years ago

Piratemew, did you see the peeps dressed up as the conclave of cardinals? It made good brain bleach. 😉

12 years ago

Vulgarity? O NOEZ! How will their delicate, masculine ears (and/or eyes) recover from the shock of women swearing?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Welcome! It is always great when new people de-lurk, but could you please be a bit more careful with words like sane and crazy? I am legit crazy and never has it made me hate or wish harm on anyone. I like to think that I am also more reasonable and logical than mist of the MRM and that has nothing whatsoever to do with my being mentally ill.


12 years ago

I’m confused about the bot. It automatically makes a copy of all posts to r/mensrights, then posts the copy to r/mensrights as well? That can’t be right.

Sorry, I’m Reddit-illiterate.

12 years ago

This guy is a men’s rights HERO

Not insane at all just angry, armed and resentful.

12 years ago

Sorry, some girl, I was trying to poke fun at the use of “insane” but I don’t think it came out how I meant it to. I too have had mental health probs in my past so I know how awful careless labelling can make people feel.

12 years ago

These guys think parental surrender equals abortion. Nope. And keeping the identities of rapists quiet? Do these men have daughters? Or sisters or nieces or female cousins or any female friends? Dudes just can’t handle that their base instincts are the problem. And every human being has these base instincts and has to learn how to control them. Geez, fellas, you’re human. Who’da thunk.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I understood that you weren’t being sarcastic, but clarifications can never hurt. 🙂 Thanks.

12 years ago

I believe, I think, that anyone accused of a crime shouldn’t have their identity revealed until they’re found guilty, because it’s utterly shitty for people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time to go through the wringer of public opinion if they didn’t do it.

So once again we see MRAs supporting something I sort of agree with in an utterly shitty way, because “anonymity for people accused of rape” does just smack of “Stop being mean to the poor rapists!”

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