antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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11 years ago

I smell angry socks. Virgil, do you have anything we haven’t heard a billion times? You are weaksauce.


I was read a story that cats originally were just a small asshole but humans didn’t like them very much and kept them away from the fire. So they grew a cute body around their asshole so humans would like them and let them in near the fire. So when a cat shows you their bum, they’re really showing you their proper selves.

This is Lilly! LOL My giant grey baby.


11 years ago

Virgil: If I were single, I would date David or a guy like him, because he is not a misogynist turdball of rage. Get it?

11 years ago

Does Virge realize he’s talking to mostly women who for the most part don’t go for male model types?

11 years ago

I mention the google search engine innovation, this idiot tells me about Gmail.

She wouldn’t be VP of anything if those 2 Incels that started google and the male led venture capitalist firms hadn’t invested into that firm.

All of you can now download your vanity shows for free, can download ONE DIRECTION albums for free. Can search for male models with the speed of light on google.

You can post shitty expressionist art pictures you didn’t take on your shitty tumblrs, you can attention whore on Facebook with your 2300 “friends” posting about your crappy life.

You can Tweet your feminist bullshit nobody cares abt on Twitter, you can post angled ass shots to attention whore some more on Instagram.

You can drive to your male model booty call, You can Flaunt The IPAD Daddy bought you, Pull out Macbooks pretending to be fashion editors, You can skype your Fat friends and talk about fellating male models all day…

ALL as a result of MEN.

11 years ago

The only thing that women care about is Looks. All women on here dream about dating attractive men. Its nature, biology.

There’s no reason to select a mate based on resources he can provide because you can provide for yourselves.

Feminism won. Women are sexually free to fuck as many men as they can.

The average woman has no problem accumulating over 10 sexual partners by 21.

The average guy would be lucky to have ONE partner before he dies. Its a fact.

The japanese Herbivore lifestyle wouldn’t exist if the dating game wasn’t RIGGED against non-good looking men.

11 years ago

What the hell is Virgil’s obsession with male models?

I don’t think I’ve even met one.

11 years ago

“Mom” shorts. Not loving the slide where the lady is swooning in his arms. Gag me with a spoon. And fishnets? Those get caught on everything! Who chose those?! Those flight suits need more breathing room.

11 years ago

Also maths fail.

The average woman has slept with 10 men by the age of 21 and the average man has slept with one woman in his life…


11 years ago

So you’re all just gonna deny that women would die for attractive men?

Are going to act like there aren’t tumblrs and wensites dedicated to appreciating good looking men.

Tumblrs for Ash stymest, fuckyeahmalemodels,lovingmalemodels, The fanfare that a good looking Justin Bieber gets, the fan fare that all ONE DIRECTION band members get.

Why are most people on sites like puahate and wizardchan where men complain about not getting any women NON GOOD LOOKING?

Why is my brother( a light skinned catalogue model) able to have over 40 messages a day excluding BBM, facebook and whatsapp, all from girls, while I’m lucky to have a single text from anywhere a year?

Why do these things happen?

11 years ago

LOLs! What’s the deal with Virgil? Not gettin’ ‘tention cuz he’z not purty?

11 years ago

Exactly Tina, don’t you get it!!

I’m ugly therefore women treat me like a non-human, but to cap it off society constantly seeks to tell me that its my fault and if I change my behaviour to mimic the behaviour of men who are succesful with women( male models), I too will have the same success.

Not realising that the reason I’m getting socially rejected and ostracised is because I’m non-good looking.

Non-good looking, women automatically assume you’re a rapist creep, if only I looked like Parker Hurley.

I would give a shit about feminism, wouldn’t hate women and wouldn’t dream about the worldwide unbanning of euthanasia clinics.

11 years ago

Maybe Virgil, the reason women don’t want to have sex with you is because you hate them?

Most people don’t want to have sex with people who hate them.

11 years ago
Reply to  Virgil

LOL.. wut?!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Totally not caught up, got distracted by my favorite geeky FBI doctor (hilariously, he actually was a model at one point, so yeah, the typical view on male models is a wee bit off)

Reid’s brain, and the hair atop it, aside…oh Virgil, my dear angry Virgil. You call me an idiot for mentioning gmail (and Flickr, and Huffington Post) when you claim to have said “I mention the google search engine innovation…” When in reality we can all scroll up and see that you said “Just over the last 10 years we’ve had the innovations of filesharing, social networks, advanced search engines….”

Off the top of my head, I think google turns 15 this year. Just a little side note! Also, those two are not, in any way, “incel”. If they aren’t getting any it’s entirely by choice. Hell, by your own pseudo-logic evo-psych don’t women want “status symbols” like good looks or *drum roll* money?

“So you’re all just gonna deny that women would die for attractive men?”

Being dead makes it very hard to enjoy sexytimes, or so I’d imagine, seeing how I’m not dead.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Less on this page than I expected! So Virgil, let me get this straight, you hate women, think them completely lacking in skill or judgment, on account of their interest in Beiber, One Direction, and your brother?

Yeah, the problem here isn’t women, it’s that whole “jealous of your brother” thing.

11 years ago

Virgil, dude, get over yourself. For every site women have about male models or whatever there’s like 100 sites made by men about attractive women. I can’t believe you’re whining about this. Yes it’s more difficult for less conventionally attractive people to get dates. I am not conventionally attractive. I have crooked teeth because we couldn’t afford braces and my face ain’t worth writing home about. I have dated like 5 people in my life and I am 29. Seriously grow the fuck up. Quit hating, get a hobby and a decent personality. I may not ever get all teh menz and I have been laughed at by guys and their friends for trying to show an interest in someone they deemed out of my league, but the relationships I have had I would not trade for all the male models in the world. You know why? They were based on things more important than our looks. Buddy, get over your sub 3 (whatever) looks and be a person another human being would want to be with because right now it doesn’t seem like you are.

11 years ago

Virgil: Do you expect us to say you’re right and validate your shitty existence? Because I don’t know if you know this, but this a blog to mock misogyny, and you sir are a flaming bag of poo.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I was going to call this a stupid question, but hey, in comparison to Virgil? Which thread devolved into kittens and babies? I misplaced the cute!

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Virgil? You winging about your own attractiveness and male models sounds eerily like a troll of yesteryear.

11 years ago

Hey guy grow up, you’ve been rejected and laughed at by women your entire life but that’s no reason to not like them.

How will they like you if you hate them? They don’t need to be likeable to you bro, you need to be likeable to them, because well they’re women and have vaginas.

You should really have a better personality dude, even though you’ve been treated like dirt your whole life by women.

You shouldn’t be a misogynist. Sure they reject you, ostracise you, laugh at you, don’t want you around, don’t want other guys hanging out with you, but that’s no reason to hate them man.

11 years ago

Argenti: it was earlier in this thread.

11 years ago

Virgil: self-pity, you’re soaking in it. Take it somewhere else. Maybe start your own blog? Hell, go over to GGG if you’re going to be an incel whiner.

11 years ago

Everyone is equal bro.

Even though examples show the opposite bro.

All people are equal bro. Genetics and science doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that some people are more beautiful than others, that some are stronger, smarter ,richer…everybody is equal.

All guys have as equal a chance to get women if they just foster the correct behavioural attributes bro.

All women should be equal to men bro.

Women are just as capable of doing things men can do bro. They couldve invented all the stuff that men did But they just couldn’t file for patents bro.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

hellkell — and that would be why I can’t find it! Duh!

So, Steubenville verdict is in. Sadly, even when it’s a win, of sorts, it’s still a justice failure. They face Juvie until they’re 21. Some fucking punishment that is!

Pick your biased media! CNN’s caption on the photo still says “aleged victim”!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“They couldve invented all the stuff that men did But they just couldn’t file for patents bro.”

Aww troll boy missed my point entirely! Virgil, that whooshing sound you heard go over your head? That was the fact that women did invent things, that got attributed to their husbands, because of property laws.

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