antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Ninjaed! 😀

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Argenti, is the chunk of plec in the second photo part of him in the terracotta bowl?

11 years ago

And here is the mommy. She is just a baby herself, less than a year old, but she is a very attentive mommy.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

She’s lovely! Like Cindy with extra black bits. And such a neat square bit on her shoulder.

How long will you be fostering them, katz?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I love the wishbone on her face!

I like momma animals so much. Growing up, we had two litters of kitties and two litters of puppies*. The kitties were at the same time so we had 9 babies and 2 adults. The cats took care of each others kittens and it was the sweetest thing. It was funny when the first cat had delivered but not the second to peek in and see the pregnant cat nursing half of the litter next to the momma nursing the rest. We lost track of which kitten belonged with who really quickly once they were all born. The most precocious kitten was Bobby Bobcat. I don’t remember what we named any of the others, but the mothers were Oreo and Belle Mademoiselle.

* These were all planned litters which I have problems with as an adult, but I will always treasure the experiences anyway.

11 years ago

Well, the kittens are about 2 weeks and 10 oz now, and I can’t adopt them out until they’re spayed, which can’t be done until they’re 8 weeks/2 lbs.

So I get at least 6 weeks of kitten time 😀

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

And it will be mighty hard to say goodbye, I’m guessing!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Argenti, is the chunk of plec in the second photo part of him in the terracotta bowl?”

Lol, that’s a leaf if we’re looking at the same thing, check the right hand edge of the pic, it’s got a plec shaped frame.

Some Gal — yeah he’s a riot alright. He’s been spending the night pretending he’s an upside down catfish and using to suck the surface of the tank (I think he was actually trying to catch something floating, but it was hilarious either way)

And we gave away, gods, easily a dozen cats, because of unplanned kittens. So planned litters bother me less, at least then it’s less likely you’re giving intact kittens with no shots to college students with no clue. Of course, I’d have loved to see the tomcat(s) behind those kittens because my cat kicked ass (and died a natural death at fucking 18, I have no idea how that cat did it). But yeah, intentionally making baby animals seems better…then again…”real breeders”, fish wise, “cull” fry with anything at all odd about them, cram them in tanks too small for full size fish because they’ll be gone by then, and just generally care more about the money than the fish. My cories were accidents, and I suspect I’ll have more eventually. Maybe it’s just different with fish?

So yeah, I have a lot of fish, because I thankfully have room for my cories to breed and give me more cories.

My clown loaches are wild caught fish that won’t breed in captivity, so I’ve probably put too much thought into the ethics here. Concerns about the ethics of wild caught domestic cats…not really a thing!


Adorable kittens + adorable mother = adorable^adorable (bad math joke is bad)

Some Gal Not Bored at All


They were all purebred litters with papers and shots, and, while they all went to good homes that payed an awful lot of money for them, I would rather that people go to a shelter. More dogs and cats are not really all that necessary while shelters have so many needy animals, imo.

11 years ago

It’s like “OMG, imagine how crappy it would be if women treated us the way we treat them!”. You think they’d learn something from that little exercise in thought but nooooo…

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

With the litters we had, we only missed them a little because their mothers were clearly ready to be done with them and our sympathies were with our pets more than our pets’ children. It was great to have our pet back! I don’t know exactly how fostering feels, though.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Some Gal — yeah, fair enough. Needing fish kind of is another thing entirely (for one, most shelters aren’t about to take fish, though fish stores often will)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I don’t think I could foster – if I bonded at all with a cat it would be MINE MINE MINE YOU CAN’T HAVE IT NOBODY COULD LOOK AFTER IT LIKE I CAN etc etc etc. I hate going to the vet when they have kittens for sale, ‘cos I can’t bring them home.

Argenti – is plec the whole leopard-printy looking right side of the pic? I thought that was leaves! Or is he the little shape in the right bottom corner? Camouflage plec is camouflaged. 😀

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Fish are also different because they don’t really need the same space and attention. I don’t think there is any way I could ever handle more than 5 cats (and certainly not that many in the current apartment). 30 cats is unhealthy. 30 fish? Perfectly fine.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

And now I am done with my Guinnesses, have had a big glass of water, and should probably go to bed.

The Kittehs’, I give you back the goodnight from earlier (I pressed it, it looks brand new), and to everybody else, goodnight!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Ooh, a goodnight with sharply pressed pleats! How spiffy!

Niters, Some Gal! 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Night Some Gal! And yeah, fish require tank space, but a standard 55g is 4’x1′ footprint (on the stand I can barely see over it, I iz short)

Kitteh — yep, the leopard spotted rock is my big baby. Got him third hand so idk how old he is, but he’s at least, um…13? Three tanks, 5 apts/houses, and he’s still a cranky bastard, and/or “did that rock just move?” “Is it black?” “Yes” “I don’t have black rocks, so yes, plec probably did move”. Definitely a ninja fish!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’d love to see a video of Ninja Fish like that one of Ninja Kitty. 😀

David Attenborough’s series about the Galapagos is just starting, then it’s Midsomer, so I’ll bid y’all goodnight for real this time!

11 years ago

All the kitty pictures were awesome and if I could I’d give a scritch to every one. As for size, my bengal was expected to be huge like his daddy, but he ended up teeny like his mum…and he was the second largest kitten in the litter (he’s now a lean 7-8 lbs and he is in every sense a bengal). My other mogie, is a rolly polly 8 lbs. She was named Munchkin for a good reason, and at 8 lbs, she is fat. But she’s also 14 so I’m not going to get on her case for being a chubba.

As for the original post…wow, that was…something. And I’m with those who were thinking: Women only got to rule for 300 years before a single man turned it all around back to the way it was before? That’s not exactly fair. (And really? One lone man? WTF?).

Falconer, your bebes are gorgeous and congratulations. I don’t have kids and never will, but when I was hoping it would happen one day, I had hoped to have twins first. I always wished I had a twin.

And now I’m getting headbutts from the bengal…who has decided I’m his favourite person today. I wonder how long that that will last before he decides my mum is the better large cat with opposable thumbs. Actually, he probably just wants food and once I finish feeding him, then he will go off to snooze on the scratching post (actually, he’s just protecting it from the other cat who has no interest in it whatsoever, but he never can be sure).

11 years ago


ali, bali,bee, mamee, bobbie (ripped off from old scottish song)

11 years ago

“Maybe all MRAs are tipsy/drunk? It might explain a lot.”

11 years ago

The advancement of the human race was driven by the male gender.

Damn near all innovations and inventions is as a result of workhorse males who channelled their sexual energy into other avenues while women were sewing dresses and making Birkins to impress Male Models with.

I personally have contributed zero to the advancement of humans.

However it can’t be denied that our current position in terms of development and innovation is a result of the efforts of MEN.

What have women contributed that warrants them being deemed equal to men? Seriously?


You want to be in charge of multinationals created by men…. Want to lead institutions that are successful because of the efforts of males.

What have you given us?

Just over the last 10 years we’ve had the innovations of filesharing, social networks, advanced search engines….

Women gace us SPANX


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Well guess what just got added to the misandrist welcome package? If you said spanx, please enjoy a SCENTED MOTHERFUCKING CANDLE!

Virgil? Here’s your answer —

Longer answer? Much like how women couldn’t own property until fairly recently, women couldn’t hold patents (they’re property).

Oh and one of google’s VPs is a woman. Enjoy gmail? You can thank a woman for that. Read Huffington Post at all? How about Flickr? Women behind both of those too.

You were saying? (Or rather yelling, but hey, I’ve been up all night and got into the whiskey, I’m feeling forgiving.)

So, you hunted mammoth with you manly manliness? While women, um, sewed clothing? Even by your own incorrect logic you can thank women for why you aren’t dying of hypothermia (or why other people aren’t, if you’re somewhere too warm for that).

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Does anyone else smell angry socks? (Angry Socks, there’s a band name!)

I’m pretty sure it isn’t the whiskey, but I did mix it with herbal tea instead of my use black tea and well, results are mixed.

…is anyone else even around? *sigh* I should go make breakfast, but I can’t decide.

Hey Virgil, did men invent waffles and/or eggs? Need to know which breakfast option is more man hating.

11 years ago


How many women on here would date David Futrelle?

How many? I mean he such a great guy, he is a liberal, he is nice, witty and has a great progressive personality.

David when will you see that the same women you fight for are the same ones who dream about dating Liam Hemsworth and Get booty called by Parker Hurley?

You rally against misogyny but girls all over go to nightclubs to seek validation, dressed like whores and after their drunken shenanigans go home with Male models who treat them like shit…

David wake the fuck up.

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