antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Thank goodness the little shit has been put on moderation.

11 years ago

cloudiah: The Dark Lord was pinged, and someone is no longer semantically shitting all over that thread.

Thanks for the recipe BigMomma!

11 years ago


Huh. I have stray spikey ones on my face as well, in addition to lady moustache you see up close. When my spikey ones grow long I can stroke them, like a gotee! evilly! >:D

ouch. That chafe thing sounds painful 🙁

um, I’m wierd. I do feel like the only place I *need* to shave for comfy-ness is my armpits, because I don’t shave my thighs and they’re fine, just my calves. I confess I did start because of peer pressure :/ still like how they feel all smooth and silky (on me, personally I don’t have a huge body hair preference for partners).

Also tmi: I do actually trim (not shave! Itchyness!) my pubic hair cuz it gets too long for comfort, but that’s just a comfort thing, seeing as how I am not in danger of having sex soon*

*depression can kill a (non existant) social life 🙁

Some Gal Not Bored at All

OMG. I go away for one little ice cream sundae (Jameson’s Coffee and Bailey’s Chocolate Chip Cheesecakes Ice Creams with walnuts, caramel and green sugar sprinkled on top to be festive) and Diogenes tops his hairy cunnilingus is impossible claim with a claim that the majority of sex acts are p-i-v.

The majority of sex acts in my cis-hetero relationship are decidedly not p-i-v. Plurality maybe. Maybe.

11 years ago

Recipes: I made this interesting garbanzo/chickpea with greens casserole thingie, which was pretty good but a little bit dry. (Next time I will add stock. Or wine. Or both!) And there’s a ton of it. I think I’ll bring it to work tomorrow and try to offload it on my coworkers, because the thing about cooking when you’re single is that you get really tired of the leftovers sometimes.

11 years ago


My friend has a similar problem to that, though not because she’s single. She can’t cook good food very often because her kids are so picky she’d be the only one eating it. So she can’t wait for us to move in (she is my Dad’s fiancee, so they’re getting married soon) so she can cook good food.

11 years ago

Same here, Some Gal.I stepped away from Manboobz and came back to Naif’s claim about p-i-v sex. Still, at least I managed to contribute a recipe for Hellkell.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I get tired of leftovers even with a partner who doesn’t to help eat them.

11 years ago

Luckily I have a few coworkers who love my cooking (or maybe they just love the FREE FOOD), so for stuff that isn’t easily freezable I do have options when I get tired of things.

11 years ago

I know people who stayed with their partners through complete gender changes, and Diogenes is complaining about a little hair?

Well said WeeBoy. There are also diseases and injuries that will change the body. There are medical conditions that will modify the penis. I hope Diogenes has an understanding partner if that happens.

11 years ago

Peri Peri. I to look that up. The chilis look familar, but the ones I saw at the market may have been ornamentals. (ornamental chili – an abomination against nature.) We have so many local chilis available here in the southwest U.S., that I don’t see many imports from Africa (unless I go to the right specialzed store.) It sounds awesome.

11 years ago

Baroncognito, I stand corrected.

The majority of sex acts between 2 people of different gender.

You know when I said that sex with him would be about as much fun as going to the dentist? I’ve changed my mind. At least I don’t usually fall asleep while at the dentist.

His poor girlfriend.

11 years ago

For anyone interested, I wrote a post with more kitten pictures.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Great post, katz!

11 years ago


You don’t have the cache of goodwill required or the charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent needed to pull that off, honeychild.

I’m torn between my inherent resentment of that particular phrase, and my joy at meeting another RPDR fan. Hiyeee! *Alaska wave*


Penis-into-vagina is the majority of sex acts, and everything else is an add-on.

Holy hetero hegemony, Batman!

Dude, I think it’s clear by now that you maintain a relatively high standard of grooming and would prefer a partner who does the same. That’s fine, but I don’t get why you think your standards should be everyone else’s.

My purpose being here is not to win friends, its to influence people.

And how’s that working out for you?


I often find characters in movies quite attractive, including their looks, but not the actor. Does that happen to anyone else?

So much so that I usually have no interest in the actors and find it jarring when they don’t act like their characters*. I’d say it’s because personality is at least as important to me as appearance (to the point that I tend to find unpleasant people unattractive regardless of their looks), but Virgil heroically exposed that for the feminist lie it was :-p

*When I first joined Twitter, I went looking for Jossverse actors to follow, and was so unsettled by Eliza Dushku (Faith) and Juliet Landau (Drusilla) having lunch together that I decided the fourth wall was just fine where it was.

11 years ago

You know when I said that sex with him would be about as much fun as going to the dentist? I’ve changed my mind. At least I don’t usually fall asleep while at the dentist.


11 years ago

I’m torn between my inherent resentment of that particular phrase, and my joy at meeting another RPDR fan. Hiyeee! *Alaska wave*

Hiyeee! I was hoping there was another fan that would get that!

11 years ago

emilygoddess: are you on the forum? Because we should start a thread for RPDR, might be fun.

11 years ago

That comic reminds me of a Swedish feminist novel from the 1970:s… it’s really cheesy, but all left-wing feminists have read it at one point or another. It’s about a gender-flipped society where men are oppressed, but finally rise up and demand equality. The moral of THAT story, however, is that EQUALITY is good. The point of the gender flip is just to make people see gender oppression with fresh eyes, to really appreciate how stupid and arbitrary it is.

11 years ago

“That comic reminds me of a Swedish feminist novel from the 1970:s…”

The Daughters of Egalia by Gerd Brantenberg maybe, however she is Norwegian.

11 years ago

Thanks Talacaris! That was indeed the book I had in mind, only I misremembered the author’s nationality.

11 years ago

Man, I want to go to rocket school. I mean, what exactly are you learning- flying rockets, making rockets, using larger rockets on smaller rockets or is it just a misspelled version of the Rockettes?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Or all of the above!

11 years ago

@Hellkell I haven’t joined the forums yet. I get my fandom on at LiveJournal’s drag_race community (one of the few remaining reasons to go to LJ anymore *sniff*)

11 years ago

re planes: Scariest one I’ve heard of during the war was the A 26.

Depends on what you mean by scary.

The Brewster Buffalo/Whirraway was in the running for worst plane of the war. It wasn’t much good as a trainer; being far too unstable (you need a fighter to be “just stable enough”, the Buffalo didn’t come close). It also had a strangely deficient visibility, since it had a, “greenhouse” canopy.

I think it has the “distinction” of a “perfect” combat record; when the Royal Australian Air Force sent them into combat not one of them managed to shoot anyone down. My recollection that all of those which actually saw action were shot down seems incredible, but it was so bad the possibility isn’t unbelievable.

The Bolton Defiant is also in the running. It was little more than a stretched Hurricane, with a second crewmember, and a turret. Slow, ungainly, with terrible visibilty (for both pilot and gunner) no way to fire forward and a turret that wasn’t fast enough to keep up with the complex deflection shooting required.

It saw limited service (of limited effect) as a night fighter against bombers.

The Bf 163 Komet also has to be considered. It’s limited visibilty wasn’t so much a bug, because it wasn’t able to dogfight. It had about 10 minutes flight time, took off straight up, landed on a skid had the turning radius of a battleship and the fuel was both explosive, and would dissolve anything it touched (like the pilot). Landings were of the, “I survived, so it was good,” variety.

The A-26 wasn’t meant to fly in formations. It was an “Attack” bomber. The lack of visibilty was only a real problem when it was used in formation flying. The rest of the crew was supposed to be looking out for hazards; which, of course, wasn’t possible in close formation flight.