antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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11 years ago

. 8/10, will cook again, but will make a mango chutney or something like it to counter the heat.

soo….hungry….. *drools*

My purpose being here is not to win friends, its to influence people.

diogenes, you influence no one. You’re just annoying.

11 years ago

My purpose being here is not to win friends, its to influence people.

Neither will happen. What makes you think you can influence a room of people who think you’re a dimwitted pustule?

You don’t have the cache of goodwill required or the charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent needed to pull that off, honeychild.

11 years ago

My day was much more exciting than anything Diogenes has to say. It started out on a strong note when I decided having an absurdly hot bath and then stepping out into the cold air would be a really good idea. Now I’ve got a giant swollen finger from where my hand connected with the wall as I was fainting.

11 years ago

Fade: it’s a super-hot N. African seasoning we picked up at Penzey’s.


Penis-into-vagina is the majority of sex acts, and everything else is an add-on.

Even your sex life is dull as dishwater.

11 years ago


Ouch. How does that happen? Medically, I mean. Are you okay?

11 years ago


Ouch. Sorry about you’re finger 🙁

My day was kinda boring, but I helped my mom assemble her new pantry. Also, he had cupcakes 😀

11 years ago

Hellkell: Thanks for the info. 🙂

11 years ago

But, has it occurred to you that cunnilingus is kind of a bonus to the whole sex thing? Penis-into-vagina is the majority of sex acts

Oh my god
These words
These words that you said

11 years ago

Voscaria: Ouch! You OK? I kind of love the hot bath, cold outside thing, but it’s almost impossible here except for three weeks in February. I had to put the AC on, please FSM, don’t let it be like it was two years ago.

11 years ago

Penis-into-vagina is the majority of sex acts, and everything else is an add-on.

ohmygod, I must snark this line again, aside from the boringness. What about people who have sex together who have *gasp* penis and penis, or vagina and vagina! what ever shall they dooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! /hyper

*that should be we had cupcakes, not he had cupcakes 😡

11 years ago

Viscaria. Sorry I borked your name. I type gud.

11 years ago
11 years ago

noooooo!@!!!!! the blockquote monster ate me!!!!!! *cries*!!!!!!!!

ot, but I keep reading the thread title ‘our misandrist future’ as our ‘misandrist furtelle’

11 years ago

Penis-into-vagina is the majority of sex acts

I’d wager “hand manipulating genitals” represents a solid majority of sex acts.

11 years ago

I know Virgil is long gone, but re his comments about Patrick Hurley and Chris Helmsworth… what he glosses over is those guys have to work super hard to look like that. No one gets muscles like that without serious effort and maintainance (and a huge grocery bill). It’s telling that that’s the kind of guy he chooses as “every woman wants”, while at the same time talking like there is no way he could ever improve his own appearance.

I often find characters in movies quite attractive, including their looks, but not the actor. Does that happen to anyone else? I think it really disproves the “women only care about looks” thing since they are 2 people who look identical.

11 years ago

Ooh, thank you! I shall keep that in mind. (Especially for my sister, since she loves spicy foods)

11 years ago

… Is the phrase “hand manipulating” redundant?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

So Diogenes the “oooh you’re being heteronormative, how terribul” is now back to PIV as the only really important, the majority, thing with sex. Proving once again he knows jack shit about it, and that this is about policing women.

Hey moron, you want to explain to everyone who isn’t interested in or doesn’t get any pleasure from PiV why their preferred sexual activities don’t count?

The only influence you have here is to make yourself more contemptible. You can stop trying, because we already despise you.

Oh, and not everyone is as freaking scared of body hair or fluids or shapes as you are. I’d bet that most people don’t have your level of confusion between cleanliness and hairiness. (Have you shaved your head? Eyebrows? Hair is ICKY, you have to remove it all!)

Lots and lots of people are comfortable with themselves as they are. Sorry to shock you, but you’re talking to actual adults here.

@Marie, I have Clydesdale ankles – not in size but in featheriness. Menopause’ll do that! 😀

11 years ago

Kim: I know, people’s personality’s kind of influence me a lot in their attractiveness, so I can definitely see how a character in a movie can be hotter than their actor. Maybe the character just had a better/more attractive personality.

11 years ago

You’re welcome. Penzey’s is excellent, especially if you have a store in your area. If not the website, crappy as it looks, gets the job done.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago

Baroncognito, I stand corrected.

The majority of sex acts between 2 people of different gender.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Viscaria, so sorry you hurt yourself! 🙁

11 years ago


@Marie, I have Clydesdale ankles – not in size but in featheriness. Menopause’ll do that! 😀

are those bad? I don’t know what they are *blushes*

11 years ago

@Fade and Marie and Hellkell, I am fine, thank you! It could have been really bad. Hard tile floor + heads =concussions or worse. I think the clip I had in my hair to keep it from getting wet saved me from a dangerous result.

@Fade, do you mean the hand thing or the fainting thing? As far as the hand, I collapsed near the wall, so I assume my hand swayed outwards when I fell and knocked into it. If it’s the other thing, I’m not sure why extremes in temperature can make you pass out ,but they can. The best solution is don’t warm your body up to temperatures it can’t reasonably handle (ME). It’s kinda like I gave myself heat stroke. For fun. Good decision.

11 years ago

The majority of sex acts between 2 people of different gender.

of two cis people of different gender (assuming cis man cis woman here) You really aren’t proving you aren’t transphobic, btw.