antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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Some Gal Not Bored at All


I’m pretty sure we can blame the troll sparking the friendzone discussion. I think your comment on the friendzone made it clear that you don’t think it is a thing. I liked the meme you linked to. 🙂

11 years ago

@ Some gal

Ah. Okay.

It’s just hard for me to communicate over the internet sometimes. ;p Well, it’s hard for me to communicate period sometimes, so I figure better safe than sorry.

11 years ago


How’d you keep one of your baby teeth? (if you want to answer)

11 years ago

@Fade No, I think that was me poking the troll with a stick. Seemed like an interesting experiment at the time, but the ooze seems to have gotten on everyone’s shoes.

And folks, I’m sorry about that.

11 years ago


Ah, well nothing wrong with poking trolls with sticks. They try to poke us.

11 years ago


No need to apologize (imo at least) though I was also poking the troll. He was just so…pokeable.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — they popped right out! Still wish I’d taken the offer to save them, but I figured my mother would find it gross. No roots really, so yeah, a damned dream to have removed!

11 years ago

@The Kitteh’s – hey I have baby teeth too! Two in fact. I don’t remember your ovary status (I mean if you have them or not, don’t want to presume) but if you do have them, congenitally missing teeth is linked to an increased risk for ovarian cancer. Apparently it’s on the same gene or something.

I mention this because no one ever told me until recently, and my dentist said I may want to mention it to my primary care doctor.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago

Marie, men and women should do whatever is reasonable to make their SO happy. I can’t understand why that would be a controversial statement. You should want to make your SO happy. Otherwise, they’re not your SO.

I can answer the “I know how you’re poor” with a wall o’ text. If you want it, I’ll post it.

The friendzone is awesome. My best friend is a woman, and I love hanging out with her. We drink, party, go on the prowl, and shop together. Not a far cry to say we love each other to death.

11 years ago


What would really make me happy in this hypothetical situation is if my hypothetical SO didn’t think they have a right to control my body.

11 years ago

Today on Diogenes The Cynic Doesn’t Understand Things.

Also, yes, I am actually upset about your classism. I’m not sure why you think you are taking some sort of moral stance by saying something fucking offensive and then demanding people be appropriately outraged about it. You should probably not say the offensive thing in the first place rather than trying to play with us like puppets.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

So, assholes on Steubenville? Serious trigger warnings — seriously, this is more for if David wants post material —

Some less awful quotes —

“What needs to happen, as I wrote earlier, is that women who allege rape need to be raked over the coals in court.”

“As if what happened to the two poor boys isn’t bad enough, the Attorney General over the case appears to be on a warpath, or maybe up for re-election, because he’s threatening to prosecute those who didn’t help the girl.
Good luck with that one. Whether during or after the fact, there should never be an obligation to help.

As for rendering aid, I have a history of walking away from people in need of help, and I was never threatened with legal charges. I’ve flat out refused to perform CPR despite being certified to perform it. The person, some kid probably no more than ten died, and I’m footloose and fancy free. No Attorney General came after me.”

If this guy isn’t an MRA, he sure sounds like one.

Also, sorry guys, this guy really is scraping the barrel of humanity for any traces of empathy and rejecting what little he finds…for rape victims anyways, the “poor boys” on the other hand…

How can people…*sigh*

11 years ago


That’s fascinating. So, every woman out there should shave because apparently every man out there needs them too? Wait, why would I want to date someone who thinks I have to shave my pubic hair to be presentable? Seriously, you != world.

Sure, answer the ‘I know how you’re poor” (preemptive apologies to everyone else, just curious)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Marie – no idea, it just never got booted out!

Sideliner – yup, I’ve got ovaries (rotten things, grumble grumble). That’s the first time I’ve heard of a link between teeth and other bits! My baby tooth’s a second premolar. However, weird as it must sound … I’m not going to get cancer checks. Something’s got to get me and I have no wish to hang around here into old age.

11 years ago

@Argenti aertheri

Oh fuck those people suck >:( gahhhhh….why must they exist. a;ldkjfas;lkjflsdkjgsl;kdjf incoherent rage.

11 years ago


I can’t really stomach stuff like it, so I’ve been trying to avoid coverage of that case. No clue how other people manage it.

So I offer some probably repeat brain bleach (Probably repeat b/c lots of my cute folder videos come from manboobz)

*prays to embed gods*

11 years ago

Dang it

11 years ago

Ugh, the Stubenville rape case is a box of headdesk, and I so feel for that poor woman who was raped and abused. My gods.

11 years ago

I can answer the “I know how you’re poor” with a wall o’ text. If you want it, I’ll post it.


And you and your friend are just friends (as much as you can be with anyone). That’s not friendzone, dipshit.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago


Its not hypothetical at all. You’ve done it in every healthy relationship you’ve had. You and your SO want to go out to eat. Its either one place or another. Sometimes, its the restaurant that’s your preference, and sometimes theirs. If its all one person or all another, there’s a problem.

But I don’t think its controlling at all to express yourself to your SO, even if that means telling them what you think looks best on them, or complimenting them on their haircut, or whatever. If you’re already living lives with one another, expressing yourself comes with the territory. Part of that is compromise.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

“Marie, men and women should do whatever is reasonable to make their SO happy. I can’t understand why that would be a controversial statement. You should want to make your SO happy. Otherwise, they’re not your SO.”

Unlike you, I do not call someone reasonable who expects me to change my body to suit him. Most particularly, I do not call someone reasonable who wants me to change that most intimate part of my body, in a way that is either uncomfortable or outright painful and yes, humiliating.

An SO who isn’t happy with your body as it is is not your SO, they’re a controlling creep. And no, that does not refer to basic hygiene, so don’t try shifting the goalposts again, sonny.

Grown-up people actually love their SOs for who they are and what they are.

*squeezes hand of SO just held out in confirmation*

I bet you’ve never made any woman feel happier and prouder in herself, for who she is, because of your love and support for her as she is. I doubt you’d know how, you selfish little boy.

11 years ago

Please allow me to brag about my wisdom teeth… I have six, two on the bottom and four on top, they all cut through perfectly and I am able to keep them. It did help that I had four teeth pulled before I got braces though.

“friend zone ” is stupid. But it is a good guide to know that a person who uses it is not someone you want as a friend.

11 years ago


Actually, when my dad expressed disapproval at my getting my hair cut really short, I went ahead and did it anyway, because it’s my body not his.

So I haven’t really changed my appearance based on every other relationship.

And guess what? Even though I got a haircut he doesn’t exactly like, WE’RE STILL FINE! He expressed one line of disapproval (I think it was like “you’re not getting a buzzcut”) but then instantly didn’t talk about it anymore cuz he realised he overstepped a boundary.

11 years ago

I’m not going to bother to refute you diogenes, since kittehs did it so well. So when you get to this comment go re-read what she wrote 😛


6 wisdom teeth! I thought there only were 4 *nervously glares at mouth, as if such a thing is possible*

11 years ago

Is Diotedious seriously lecturing us on healthy relationships? God damn.

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