antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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11 years ago

Oh boo, I was finally caught up with this thread, too. Then again, we could probably make a generator to randomly spit out some combination of “modern women”, “male models”, and “birkin” and get the same effect.

11 years ago

he “couples don’t get consent for a kiss on the cheek guy?” Did he also mention being a lawyer and how he was “just” laying out legal facts, because the LEGALITY of consent is actually a lot more of a gray area?

Yep, that’s the guy.

Fuck that guy. And if they’re different guys, fuck both of them. And people like them. People who want set rules on what “counts” technically as consent or rape are such creeps.


11 years ago

There is a simple way to improve looks and be attractive to the ladies. Any man, no matter how low he feels can follows and be attractive and confident in just a few weeks, having hot babes cling to his arms. Since I’m obviously not a snake-oil salesman, I will give advice for free and it’s also incredibly cheap to get. (Also very tasty)

11 years ago

Then again, we could probably make a generator to randomly spit out some combination of “modern women”, “male models”, and “birkin” and get the same effect.

Yeah, but then we’d never learn about PARKER HURLEY, and surely our lives would be the poorer for it. Whoever Parker Hurley is.

11 years ago

I kind of missed the troll (I do not want to… get into it with someone like that, but I did have fun reading everyone making fun of him), but this is my favorite making-fun-of-the-friendzone meme.

*waits to see if it worked*

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Virgil has been banned? Oh good, I was getting tired of scrolling through pages of him whingeing about his lack of a sex life.

*squints at the blog byline*

Nope. Still doesn’t say anything about non existant sex lives…

11 years ago

“Nope. Still doesn’t say anything about non existant sex lives…”

Look more closely at the mammoth!

Some Gal Not Bored at All


You are a good teacher.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

OMG now it’s Schroedinger’s Sexytimes. Does the presence of human/feline with stopwatch affect the behaviour of the couple or not? :O

“Anyway, I’m finding the 10 male model*/week requirement to be something of a hassle too.

*Apparently defined as any guy who isn’t Virgil.”

I just told Mr K he’s now officially a male model. He’s fine with that but says his rates go up if he has to wear the tail.

Say, does bonking one male model ten times a week count?

Good riddance to Virgil, though.

11 years ago


Say, does bonking one male model ten times a week count

one would hope so, but with virgil we can never tell.

@some gal

those are surprisingly cute fishes. (I’m sorry, I am the evil fish hater XD)

Good bye Virgil. Have fun in your strange virgilverse.

11 years ago

Still not sure who Parker Whatsisname is or why we’re supposed to care. It’s funny how our trolls always fixate on one dude as the Hot Guy Who All Women Want. Poor Brad Pitt, they don’t envy him any more.

11 years ago

In honor of Virgil’s bannination, my new band will be The Deviant Corksuckers.


Virgil, you know how I can tell you’re poor?

No one cares, but I’m sure you’re going to bore the piss out of us with tales of your poor-dar. Shit, Virge didn’t even take the bait. You suck, even other trolls think so.

11 years ago

” You suck, even other trolls think so”
No, your’e wrong. But I had expected a comment on blowjobs from Dio.

11 years ago

Actually I’d love an explanation of how it’s possible to give oral to a man even though they’re usually all hairy and stuff. Is the idea that you just don’t touch the balls with your mouth at all?

Sex with Diogenes sounds like about as much fun as a trip to the dentist.

11 years ago

So was diognes the troll who said it was impossible to do oral on a woman who doesn’t trim well? I’m horrible at telling trolls apart.

11 years ago

“So was diognes the troll who said it was impossible to do oral on a woman who doesn’t trim well” Yes, Empirical data suggests otherwise (citation not really needed, or is it?)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

“Sex with Diogenes sounds like about as much fun as a trip to the dentist.”

Less. At least there’s a good reason for the latter.

Marie – yeah, he’s the one. Did you see katz’s Voice for Pierre response to that?

(Trigger warning for extreme feline cuteness)

11 years ago

Cassandra: at least there’s the possibility of drugs from a trip to the dentist.

I do not want to hear about blowjobs from Diogenes. I’m sure it would be illuminating, just not in a good way.

Yes, Diogenes was the one who contradicted himself roughly eight billion times re: oral and women’s hair.

11 years ago

Speaking of which, I have to go get my permanent crown put on tomorrow because the temp disintegrated while I was having dinner the other day. It will still be more fun than our trolls.

11 years ago


what a cute cat! <3

Thanks kittehs and hellkell for answering 😀

So…did he have a reason for why men shouldn't trim, or was it just cuz he thinks pubic hair on women is icky?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

He wouldn’t really answer except to say he depilates. Or rather, he said he’s dilapidated, which caused much hilarity.

He equated women having hair with us not bathing, then tried to back down and claim he was talking about social acceptability, ignoring that even then there’s no comparison. I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone wrinkle their nose ‘cos I have visible adult hair (ie. it doesn’t stop at neck level) but in my days of dissecting long-dead specimens for the museum, I could knock ’em out at thirty paces with the smell. 😉

11 years ago

@ hellkell

Ick. I’m sympathy cringing over your dental woes.

11 years ago

Speaking of which, I have to go get my permanent crown put on tomorrow because the temp disintegrated while I was having dinner the other day.

Well that sounds super unpleasant :-/

11 years ago

On the idea that pubic hair = not bathing, I know that jeans got pretty low rise for a while, but they usually weren’t that low, that you’d be able to glance over and go oh, hey, guess she doesn’t wax.

11 years ago

Cassandra: I should blog my dental woes. Be more interesting and less cringeworthy than AVfM or Spearhead, even as gross as my dental issues can be.

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