antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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i just lurk here...
i just lurk here...
11 years ago

I’m guessing this video will cause a vein to pop in Virgil’s head…

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Manboobz uses the angle brackets < and >. 🙂

11 years ago

I saw one thread arguing fingering was not rape (and should not be illegal?) it was just immoral. He was shouted down for a while but was more persistent.

11 years ago

@Some Gal

Manboobz uses the angle brackets .

So it does. ::facepalm::

11 years ago

Strike two, Virgil. If you want people to see you as less than utterly loathsome, you have to restrain yourself from acting that way.

The “friendzone” doesn’t exist out here in the real world. In the real world people have friends. I know this must be a difficult issue for you, as you don’t seem to have any friends except the voices in your head.

Why don’t you have friends? Because you act like an entitled douchebag to other people. This is something you can change if you choose to. Really, you can.

Here’s the thing. Women are allowed to have friends. And they are allowed to have reasons for wanting to have sex with some friends and not have sex with others. And they do not owe you an explanation or justification for their reasons.

Here’s another thing. If you have no friends because you behave in a vile, loathsome way, then there is no one who is ever going to even entertain the idea that maybe one day they will have sex with you. (Let me let you in on a little secret: If you are hanging around people only in the hopes that they will have sex with you, then you do not have great personality, qed).

If you behave in a way that shows other people that you see them as people, instead of potential places to put your dick, you are more likely to have actual friends. The more friends you have, the more statistically likely it is that one of them will be interested in discussing potential places for you to put your dick. But insulting people, whining, telling them that you know better than they do what they think/feel/know is not the way to convince folks that you see them as people.

Let me put it directly and clearly for you. You are not acting in a way that can be described as “nice”. You are not acting in a way that can be described as “funny”. You are not acting in a way that can be described as having a “good personality”.

I can’t see you, but I can tell you that you sound pretty ugly to me and if you brought this to me in the real world, I’d walk away from you too. And you would have earned it.

Batter up, princess. Try again, you get one more.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I am just so happy they showed up right. (Argenti taught me and I think this is my first time actually using them since then.)

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago

Virgil, you know how I can tell you’re poor?

Manboobzers, you should be more insulted by my post than Virgil will be.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Is it time for another HTML lesson? Cuz I don’t mind any!

<b>bold</b> or <strong>strong</strong>
<i>italics</i> or <em>emphasis</em>



11 years ago

You get the punk cheerleaders from the Smells Like Teen Spirit video.

Ooooo! Both of them? Awesome!!

11 years ago

We’re not insulted so much as bored, Diogenes, as is typical when you show up.

Now Virgil, he’s entertaining. Obviously if he’s upsetting anyone then he has to go, but I’m finding his flailing quite amusing.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Nope, apparently not.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago

Cassandra, you’re not a fan of tact, I take it.

11 years ago

Virgil, you know how I can tell you’re poor?

Manboobzers, you should be more insulted by my post than Virgil will be.

um…why am I insulted?

11 years ago

I’m not a fan of tedious assholes. This is why you should just accept the fact that we’re never going to get along.

11 years ago

Because I’ve filled your pockets with ranch dressing when you weren’t looking.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Argenti taught me and I think this is my first time actually using them since then.”

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I actually squeed when I saw you’d made them work. Seeing my random little lessons make even a tiny difference makes me happy 😀

11 years ago


My pockets?

11 years ago

…since when has “tact” ever been something we were super concerned with here?

11 years ago

Well, obviously, it’s not my house, and I’m not gonna question the rules, especially as I am a guest here and everyone so far has been remarkably patient with my little experiment in wrangling.

I’m still waiting for Virgil’s third swing and miss, so that I can edit him out of my reality with a clear conscience (and, hey, I’m holding out the possibility, however vanishingly small, that I could be surprised).

But I have good, close friends who are gay, and I don’t tolerate the “f-word” in my presence. If someone wanted to call down the banhammer for it’s use, I wouldn’t dream of objecting…

11 years ago

Someone’s pockets, I didn’t really bother to check. Possibly yours, probably mine. There’s only one way to know.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Baroncognito — <s> doesn’t work, use <del> 🙂

11 years ago


Ah. Now if only diognes would tell me why I should be offended XD

Randomly testing to see if [s] works for me, but with . last time I tried it did.


11 years ago



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