antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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11 years ago

Hey, I just wandered down to the end of my block to cheer on some of the LA marathoners. Last year, my mother ended up in the ER in Santa Monica at the same time as the marathon, and nearly everyone else there had a marathon-related injury. This year my mother is NOT in the ER, so yay.

Anyway, I’m finding the 10 male model*/week requirement to be something of a hassle too.

*Apparently defined as any guy who isn’t Virgil.

11 years ago

You get the punk cheerleaders from the Smells Like Teen Spirit video.

Also! Oral sex is totally deviant! Disgusting! I don’t understand why telling women this never results in them offering to blow me.

11 years ago

Okay how about explaining this to me little ladies and male feminist fags.

Why does the friendzone exist if women do not select solely on Looks before taking anything else into consideration?

Girls everywhere, put guys they aren’t attracted to in the friendzone.

Ohhhhh, I like a guy who is nice, makes me laugh, has a great personality!!

Fat male friend ticks off all boxes except the most IMPORTANT ONE: LOOKS!

When the male friend shows his feelings, hypergamous woman says “ohhhh I don’t see you like that so and so, we’re friends”…


If he ticks off all the boxes she requires, WHY?

Its because while her friend is nice, funny and funloving, he is not attractive enough.

99% of the time girls will reject a friend with a great personality and bring home a PARKER HURLEY who gives her troubles.

This is reality!

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@Baroncognito and CassandraSays

If only I could train the cat to use a stopwatch and not glare too much for disturbing her sleep.

11 years ago

I’m pretty sure that this is one of the non-quantum situations in which the observer effect plays a part.

“Not that I’m rushing you or anything, just a reminder that the clock only goes up to 10 minutes.”

11 years ago

Just buy a chess timer and keep it close.

11 years ago

@Some Gal

Ha, maybe it was Schticky I’m thinking of. I’d have to go back and check to be sure, and the thought of doing so is just too tedious to consider. Just thought I’d ask those with better troll recall than me.


re: “snarkily”. I like it. In a similar vein, yesterday on the Calling Out Bigotry tumblr, there was a reblog that introduced me to the adverb “redditly”. The example sentence was

“‘Ok, here’s what you don’t *get* about Seth MacFarlane,’ he mansplained redditly.”

I approve of these new adverbs and think they should be used often.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I just keep picturing all the false starts on the timer.

“You started the timer.”
“Oh, I thought we were gonna keep going.”
“Oh. We can if you want.”
“Now I’m not sure. Should I stop the timer?”

“Now I need to start it again.”

It seems like a good way of learning to get turned on at Chess Tournaments or Track events.

11 years ago

Virgil, dearie, if a straight woman doesn’t find a dude attractive (physically, sexually, whatever), then by definition he isn’t ticking off all of the boxes she requires to sleep with him. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like other qualities he has.

See here’s the thing: Women are human beings, with agency, just like men. Women get to choose whether or not we want to sleep with other people. This is not a bug; it’s a feature. If it bothers you, the problem is with YOU.

11 years ago

Dude. Maybe they don’t have chemistry? Maybe she really just only likes him as a friend. I’ve been there. I’ve tried to force it. The kid was nice, funny, sweet, and [b]CUTE[/b]. But there wasn’t anything there on my side. We are people. People can decide they don’t like someone. And they owe you no explaination.

11 years ago

Sorry, I got thrown into moderation with a previous comment; wordpress changed my screenname (I want to change it anyway, I don’t like it, it’s just my livejournal name from like NINE YEARS ago). So hopefully that comment pops up eventually.

Anyhow, @ Virgil

[blockquote]Why does the friendzone exist[/blockquote]

It doesn’t. Glad we cleared that up.

(The alleged “friendzone” is just men complaining that being “nice” or a “friend” doesn’t automatically mean women will reciprocate their so-called friendship with romance/affection/sex. How unfair that being friends with a woman only gets her friendship back!)

11 years ago

I failed at bolding that pretty well, I think.

11 years ago

Why does the friendzone exist

I’ve found your problem! It doesn’t.

11 years ago

Why does the friendzone exist if women do not select solely on Looks before taking anything else into consideration?

The friendzone doesn’t really exist, Virgil. It’s a strange psychological frame that men create when they’ve treated the women they’re attracted to as if sex is a commodity, and are thus rejected.

Again, you are an entitled, whiney asshole. Therefore women don’t like you, or feel creeped out by you, and won’t sleep with you. Become a decent, compassionate, interesting human being who treats people you are attracted to as if they, too, are human beings, and you will have no shortage of sexual partners.

This is reality.

11 years ago

Virgil, how about you don’t call people fags.

Women make the mistake of assuming the guy acting like their friend is actually their friend… And that’s somehow their fault?

You are allowed to enjoy someone’s company without being attracted totr

11 years ago

Not to change the topic, but has anyone had the fortitude to wade into the manosphere’s reactions to the Steubenville verdict? A friend already told me that CNN’s spin was to say how sad it was that these boys’ promising careers were now derailed, and they were just kids, and it was so hard to see them crying.

‘Cos you know, it’s all unicorns and kittens from here on out for the girl they raped! 0_0

11 years ago

Ninja’d by psuedo star! drats!

11 years ago

Eek! Blockquotes monster!

(Although I’m kinda happy, this makes me official now! Very excited for my spanx and SCENTED MOTHERFUCKING CANDLE!)

11 years ago

A friend already told me that CNN’s spin was to say how sad it was that these boys’ promising careers were now derailed, and they were just kids, and it was so hard to see them crying.

guh. O_O gah. wft CNN? their promising careers are derailed because they’re fucking rapists. ffs. God. I hate the media. grrrrrr. I’d rant more but I don’t know what to say besides incoherent garlbes.

11 years ago

Not to change the topic, but has anyone had the fortitude to wade into the manosphere’s reactions to the Steubenville verdict?

The one comment thread I read had some guy derailing about how people in committed relationships don’t go through a consent checklist before every touch or kiss, and therefore date rape doesn’t exist. I don’t have the intestinal fortitude to deal with MRAs on top of all the non-MRA rape apologists.

11 years ago

I’ve found that the qualities I look for in a friend and the qualities I look for in a partner aren’t exactly the same.

For a friend, religion isn’t really an issue. Sure, they’ll get more of my jokes if they’re familiar with Jewish culture, but I don’t have a literacy test I put them through before I hang out with them.

For a person I’m dating, religion is kind of important. I don’t date Christians. I did in the past, but I found myself concerned about what would happen if we were to marry.

Gender doesn’t matter for friendship the same way it matters for dating.

There are a myriad of reasons why someone could be a good friend but not a good partner.

11 years ago


Great minds and all that. I feel oddly proud because today I got my kitty avatar, was attacked by Blockquotes! monster, AND ninja’d someone my first time ever! This is a big day for me.

I’d also like to compliment your avatar. It’s so cute and is actually what prompted me to get one (My inner 5 year-old saying “I want one tooooo!”)

Some Gal Not Bored at All


It is sad that their careers weren’t derailed as soon as they decided to rape someone or when they decided to inform all of social media about it. smh

11 years ago

@pseudo star

Thanks 😀 These kitty avatar things are awesome. I made another for my deviant art (which looks mildly irritated, as my rule of how my deviant art avatar should look) and one that I haven’t found a site for yet.

The one comment thread I read had some guy derailing about how people in committed relationships don’t go through a consent checklist before every touch or kiss, and therefore date rape doesn’t exist.

O_O bwuh…

11 years ago


I know MRAs/rape apologists all recycle the same points and twisted logic, but I feel like I know the thread or guy you’re referring to? The “couples don’t get consent for a kiss on the cheek guy?” Did he also mention being a lawyer and how he was “just” laying out legal facts, because the LEGALITY of consent is actually a lot more of a gray area?

Fuck that guy. And if they’re different guys, fuck both of them. And people like them. People who want set rules on what “counts” [em]technically[/em] as consent or rape are such creeps.

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