antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Any sex with VirAl would be a deviant act, sort of like fucking a full colostomy bag.

11 years ago

Also very tired since I had to hit my quote of 10 male models in one night. This week I will try to space them out a bit. Technical question: I live in LA. Do male actors count, if they’re good looking enough to be male models? That would make things easier, since I can’t throw a rock without hitting a male actor in this town. (Note to self: Hitting male actors with rocks has not been an effective pickup strategy. Try negging them instead.)

11 years ago

^ quota ^

11 years ago

So…back on the 10 male models? Can we do threesomes? That would save some time.

11 years ago

@Virgil Against my better judgement (ugh, they warn you and warn you not to put out the food), I’m going to take this one as if you meant it seriously and earnestly, and I’m give you a serious answer. Because if you wanted to, really wanted to, you could take a simple step to make yourself a lot less unattractive right now.

I mean what does being more confident or being nice have to do with how attractive you are?

The women you rail against are 95% in your imagination. Don’t get me wrong, there are shallow and stupid people everywhere, but the vast majority of people are, you know, people, and people have highly individual and idiosyncratic tastes. Not everyone finds Chris Hemsworth (or whoever it is you are crushing on at the moment) attractive. I’m not sure exactly why you so desperately want to believe that there is one, and only one, standard of beauty, but that is about you and has nothing to do with reality.

However, there are some things that make all people, even quite physically attractive people, become absolutely hideous. One of the worst of those things is having a vile, insecure personality. Talking about how physically disgusting you are, no matter how you look, is a turn-off (even quite plain people can appear beautiful if they show humor, personality, self-confidence and intelligence). Insulting people is a turn-off, especially when your insults are so neurotically lacking in any insight. Essentialist thinking of any sort (gender, racial, etc., etc., etc…) is a turn off. Telling people that you know their experience and preferences better than they do is a turn off. And, fundamentally, insecurity is a massive turn off.

I get it, confidence is hard, especially if you have had bad experiences in the past. But it’s like a muscle and it gets stronger the more you practice with it.

I’ll make a bet with you, if you are brave enough to try it. Call it an experiment to prove your contentions and assertions up there. Tit for tat. You improve your behavior and I bet you it will improve the way the people here respond to you. Ask people questions without hurling insults at them, and if you don’t understand why they respond the way they do, ask them to please explain it to you or point you in the direction of something you can read to get that information for yourself.

It will have nothing to do with how you look and everything to do with how you behave, as that is a goodly part of human interaction. Sure, looks matter, but a great personality can overwhelm mediocre looks, just as a vile, awful personality can overwhelm even stellar looks. Yes, there are exceptions in that there are and will always be shallow, stupid people who will make their choices based on shallow, stupid reasons. I suspect you are one of them. Care to prove me wrong or prove me right?

11 years ago


wow. Somehow I missed where he asked what being nice had to do with being attractive. O_O

11 years ago

Sure, looks matter, but a great personality can overwhelm mediocre looks, just as a vile, awful personality can overwhelm even stellar looks.

And I know from whence I speak; I spend part of my year in Los Angeles, and I’ve done the LA dating thing, including a couple of people you would know if I mentioned them. And if I had to choose, there’d be no contest (they didn’t get invited back to my place and didn’t get second dates either). I’d totally go have a drink with David, and even a date if we clicked, because I find his point of view and his sense of humor interesting, and I’d like to hear more.

11 years ago

Did anyone here not have to google Parker Hurley?

And if I’m picking a male model, It’s going to be David Gandy every time because, as ambassador for BDCH, he could bring cute puppies & kitties with him. And, unlike Parkr Hurley, Mr Gandy’s blog shows his “Blue Steel” charity auction for Comic Relief and not naked breasts.

11 years ago

@Marie Well, honestly, I only read the most recent post. I didn’t even intend to read that one, as I’m trying to train myself out of tilting with windmills and therefore just skip by whenever I see his name, but I accidentally kept reading as I finished Kitteh’s post and ended up hitting that line before I noticed that this was stale sock smell, rather than the reek of a fresh sock.

11 years ago

@Gillian not sure you wanted to use the phrase “tit for tat” to Virgil ….

11 years ago


I’ve been reading all of his posts that show up in threads I’m in and I managed to miss it XD though I guess I was too busy having fun answering the question.

I don’t know if I can think of any male models off the top of my head. Well, I thought of one, but I had to look it up to confirm that Djimon Hounsou is a male model, because I saw him in movies, so he acts and models I guess.

11 years ago

@titianblue I totally had to google him, and I’m still not sure who the heck he is.

Another instant poll: raise your hand if you rewound more than twice to go back to 1:40 to see the cutest puppeh in the whole video (#notsohumbleopinion) giving kisses and then running off into the camera in hot pursuit of that tennis ball (raises hand and then goes back to watch again)!

Something just occurred to me. Can those pups be considered male models? Cause I would totally trade my weekly quota for puppysnorgles!!!

11 years ago

Random! Is anyone here good at troubleshooting Skype? I’m having issues, can’t sign in even after downloading the updated version.

My question for Virgil is, who the hell is Parker Hurley and, if he’s attractive, why shouldn’t women want to fuck him?

11 years ago

@Gillian not sure you wanted to use the phrase “tit for tat” to Virgil ….

Yurgh! You are absolutely right. That’s what I get for reading game theory and then forgetting that the average age of the male on the internet is 12 (-2 years for MRAs)

11 years ago

Women only care about how you look. I’m watching the movie Think Like a Man with a cast of attractive black men.

All women are tweeting about is how hot Michael Ealy is. Only Looks Matter.

Your boyfriends are just lucky you’ve never crossed paths with a Male Model( Male Model being a metaphor for any good looking guy, whether a rugby player, musician anything)

Its all about RAT( Relative Attractiveness).

Whether a man is rejected by a woman depends on his Attractiveness relative to a womans previous partners, current partners and the kind of partner she feels she deserves.

If you are hotter than a womans past lovers, current lovers/crush or who she feels she should be dating. FORGET ABOUT IT.

This is how some men (ME) get rejected by fat girls even. Its because they have endless options of male models to choose from. Being with me would be dating down.


11 years ago

@cloudiah Cookie could give GrumpyCat a run for her money; that’s some serious disapproval going on there!

@katz What I wanted to do was write some witty and simultaneously biting bit of satire about how society is so unfair to poor inkitten folks like me (my angry, bitter, crass feminist kitties had the temerity to grow out of their kittenhood!!) that would be both insightful and hilariously funny.

However, the power of Teh Cyoot is strong with those little bundles of floof of yours and I think I have stunned half an ocean full of dolphins with my squees.

(totally off topic, spell check totally has no problem with the word ‘squees’, y’all!)

11 years ago

Wait, you just admitted you were using male model as a metaphor for good looking guys, and then you kept using it. So, male model is a metaphor for good looking guy, but our boyfriends (don’t have one) are glad we’ve…never seen good looking guys? I can’t follow you.

Also, have fun talking to the ladies in virgilverse. Cuz lots of ladies like to date men (or women + people of other genders, but you still haven’t acknowledged that not everyone is heterosexual) who are also fun to hang around.

11 years ago

Virgil. Movies are NOT documentaries. You are clearly lacking the critical thinking skills required to garner life lessons from fiction. Stop trying.

Women don’t want to date you because you’re an entitled, whiney, asshole. Learn to people.

Also, Parker Hurley is very attractive per his google images, which is all I know about him. He makes excellent stroke material. You might want to consider the ramifications about obsessing over male stroke material, and re-think your entire stance on wanting women to fuck you. (Mind you, most gay men I know don’t really want to fuck entitled, whiney assholes either…)

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Hey you (I’m guessing accidentally) said something true!

If you are hotter than a womans past lovers, current lovers/crush or who she feels she should be dating. FORGET ABOUT IT.

The last guy I slept with before the boyfriend was more of a “male model” than the boyfriend. So, anyone “hotter” than that was out of luck.*

*Assuming some objective standard of hotness, of course. And also that all women are just like me because of hivemind.

11 years ago

@ Argenti

Whiskey plus herbal tea sounds revolting. Did you run out of black tea?

Also I see that Virgil is still bleating all over the place. Want honesty, Virgil? OK.

I care about looks. I’ve also had more than 10 sexual partners. So?

PS: PUAs are not “society”. Stop listening to them, they’re snake oil salesmen who’re trying to scam you out of money.

11 years ago

@CassandraSays My Skype’s working fine :/ Try reinstalling it, maybe?

Also, I have come to the conclusion that Virgil is an anti-MRA* who’s attempting to make them look even worse than they actually are. Like, if I saw him on an MRA site, that’s what I’d assume. I have more faith in even MRAs than to think they’d say something as silly as “all women date nothing but models”. So…bravo, sort of? Might wanna keep it a bit more subtle next time, though 🙂

*I know it’s probably not true, but I’d like to think even the most rightwing feminists wouldn’t say the shit he has for the sake of a chuckle. So I’m assuming he’s one of those people who isn’t anywhere near being a feminist, but hates MRAs nonetheless.

11 years ago

@Virgil. Oops, you had a reading comprehension fail there. Try going back up and reading my post again. You get two more strikes, because I like baseball and what the heck.

I will give you credit for less spew there. I see you managed to ratchet down the anger just a but and I’m gonna try to work with that.

Tip #1: Start off by not taking movies (you know, fiction) as real life. Especially not romantic comedies. Want to feel what it’s like to have people engage with you in a positive way? I think most of us agree here that the message put out by Hollywood is often disgustingly sexist. We could totally get on board if you’d like to talk about that.

Tip #2: See above re: telling other people what they think. SOME women only care about physical appearance. Why, exactly, are those the ones you are concerned with?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I think Virgil hates everybody. Himself most of all.

11 years ago

Just remember, if you’re not having sex with 10 male models a week, some other woman has to have sex with 20 male models to make up the slack.

11 years ago

So. Many. lols.

I have been a male model in the past and I’ve slept with a few of them. Does this mean that I’m deviant and ruined forever? Heh.

Virgil, are you from the UK? Australia? Your mention of Liam Hemsworth and hot rugby players makes me curious.

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