antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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11 years ago

Virgil, didn’t sideliner just point out you’re comparing different laws in different countries?

11 years ago


you know, assuming the father and the mother were both raising the kid before the divorce, wouldn’t the father be paying child support anyway, since he actually, you know, cares about the kid and wants the kid to still have food and stuff. Kids kind of don’t pay for themselves, you know. And most parents care about their children, regardless of who the genes came from. I think you’re alone here.

11 years ago

I’m wondering if Virgil is thinking of the legal doctrine that a child born in wedlock is presumed to be the husband’s biological child? In this case, legal and biological paternity can be two different things. But that doesn’t explain this alledged law: “There’s a law/s being passed that aims to fine or jail men that aim to find out the paternity of kids allegedly there’s. All this is in the interest of protecting families from turmoil,” I’m not aware of any such law where I live. What is he talking about, anyone?

11 years ago


no frickin clue. He’s gonna have to link to it, or at least give some clue where it’s happening, for anyone to sort of believe him. (link would really help, virgil, hint hint)

11 years ago

If those samples were found in the post by
officials on their way to foreign laboratories, the
French men who sent them could theoretically
face a year in prison and a 15,000 Euro fine. This
year the ban was challenged but the French
Government decided to uphold and maintain the
anti-paternity testing law.
The reasons for which the Government said the
ban should remain were related to the
preservation of peace within French families.
According to some online articles, Germany, has
also banned (or plans to ban) paternity testing for
similar reasons. French psychologists suggest
that fatherhood is determined by society
not by biology.

Equality my ass. Only the mother should know the paternity of the child according to this vile shit.

11 years ago


link plz. or some sort of citation.

11 years ago

Which troll used “rustling jimmies” before?

It wasn’t a troll, it was aworldanonymous, here: and few other places, and Tulgey Logger here: . I can’t find any more than 6 instances and it was only them.

Damn, I thought you were on to something too.

11 years ago

Virgil, why are you telling David what to write on his blog? Don’t make me link to this again.

11 years ago

Since Virgil’s being difficult, I thought I’d look it up.;jsessionid=31ADE74F1A72F9EAB11F2682C486084E.tpdjo17v_2?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006070719&idArticle=LEGIARTI000006418005&dateTexte=2

(warning: in French and the translation is not fabulous)

Basically, in the USA you can do a paternity test whenever you want (they sell them at the drugstore for chrissake), and in France you can’t. In France it has to be part of a court case….so in Virgil’s hypothetical case of a woman challenging for child support, a man could in fact get an order for a paternity test…he just couldn’t do it himself off the record.

I don’t know how substantive child support awards are in France. I was under the impression many things were provided for children by the state if needed….but I’d love to see real details if anyone has them.

11 years ago

So, basically a paternity test just goes on record in france?

11 years ago

Thank you, Sideliner: This would be another one of those nutty thought habits of MRAs then. They hear about something happening somewhere, and immediately start talking as if that’s the absolute law for everyone everywhere. Or like it’s gonna be, real soon. And they invariably exaggerate the absoluteness of what they think they know.

11 years ago

WAIT WAIT WAIT. I thought all feminists were lesbians and/or hated sex and/or couldn’t get laid? And now we’re ALL having sex with as many men as we can get our hands on, are so super-attractive that male models are apparently lining up to our doorsteps, and can’t think of anything else when we interact with men? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT MY SEX LIFE SHOULD LOOK LIKE WHEN MRAS CAN’T EVEN AGREE?!

11 years ago

How many of you fine upstanding women have had male semen on or inside you before?

This is a bit late, but I just want to point out that most cis men have male semen inside them. In fact, I have male semen inside me right now! Funny how it doesn’t turn someone into a horrible person until it leaves the testicles.

11 years ago

Is Virgil the same one David wrote about a few days ago?

(Sorry if someone brought this up already – I’ve been enjoying the awesome weather recently and have missed most of Virgil’s salad days.)

11 years ago

Nevermind, he’s obviously the same person.

11 years ago

OMG THE BABIES!!! @Falconer congratulations, and to Serena and Adrian: welcome to the world!!

11 years ago

…and it keeps getting better and better with all the furry (and splashy) companion pictures!! Evie and Adora very rarely consent to being photographed (the camera is, to them, a highly favored and rarely accessible toy to be pounced on whenever it makes the little whirry sound as the lens spins to focus) but I’ll see what I can do to add my two brats… er, I mean “cats” to the scrapbook…

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I’m not sure how I’d have time to bed 10 male models a week.

I mean, that’d mean 2 a day for several days of the week. I have shit to do.

I was planning on doing 3 each on the weekend days and split the remaining four between the weekdays with one day off.

So much OMG laughter at Virgil.

Virgil, you are right, we are living in a matriarchy and men have it so much worse than women. However, you have come to the right place! Lucky for you, there are step-by-step instructions for defeating the evil matriarchy right at the top of the page! (Well, a link to them.) Since I don’t trust your reading comprehension for shit, here is the breakdown:

1. Find a loophole allowing you to join the women-only rocket corps.
2. Get through your training without whining. (This may be the hardest step for you. Stay strong!)
3. Go on your first mission and do exactly what the stupid women tell you not to do.
4. Save your commander from the enemy using your invented-by-women training that was obviously worthless, but works.
5. Marry your commander and wow her so much with your awesome masculinity and, presumably, skill at that she becomes a housewife. (Interesting note: this will require defiling her with your semen. Stay strong!)
6. Matriarchy defeated! Long live patriarchy!

Let us know how the plan works.

11 years ago

Thanks to Gillian’s comment, I just went back and found the picture of THE BABIES, SQUEE! Falconer, you have beautiful babies. More Selena and Adrian, when you have a chance, please.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

How many? I mean he such a great guy, he is a liberal, he is nice, witty and has a great progressive personality.

Sorry to disappoint you, socky, but if I were looking for dates I certainly would, if he were interested. Smart, kind, witty and socially aware = winner.

11 years ago

Paker Hurley or David Futrelle.

You’re @ a beach club and both of these men are in your vicinity.
You don’t have a boyfriend and are open to talking to a man.

So Parker Hurley or David Futrelle. People need to admit that Looks are everything.

I mean what does being more confident or being nice have to do with how attractive you are?

Women are animals driven by sexual desire and nature.

We’re not special snowflakes that work on intangibles.

11 years ago


ooh! do I get to answer! I love answering trolls! I’m at a slight disadvantage, because I don’t know how David looks, all I know is that he is fat and this apparently is terrible. I also know how Parker Hurley looks (after googling him) but don’t know much about his personality, where I see some of David’s through this blog. I’m also at a slight disadvantage because I’m a lesbian, but I don’t know if we exist in Virgilverse. So…not enough information supplied. First you should tell me if I exist.

Also, I approach neither, because I’m shy, and tend not to approach people I don’t know at beaches. (wait, beach club? what’s a beach club?) Either that or I approach David, assuming I recognize him, because for me slightly familiar faces are better than not at all familiar faces. The point is I attempt to sleep with neither, though that’s just because I don’t try to sleep with people I randomly meet at beaches.*

I have put way too much thought into this.

*nothing wrong if one does try to sleep with someone who also wants to sleep with them after beach meeting, just that I’m too shy to do that.

11 years ago

I’m just boggled by finding out that oral sex is a deviant act.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Hey, VirgAl? I wouldn’t know who this Hurley bloke is, but here’s a tip: I don’t actually find male models attractive. Far from it.

Funny how you’re whining about women being interested in sex, yet the basis for your whine is that you’re not getting any. The word for that is hypocrisy, because I somehow doubt you’re chasing after the women who are fat or not conventionally attractive.

You’re a laughable loser, Mr Alsock.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I have the boyfriend, Virgil, who looks far more like David than Parker Hurley (who I had to Google). Plus, Virgil, why would I approach anyone when my male model delivery should arrive at any minute? (Btw, the boyfriend wants to know if the male models can bring XBox controllers so they can all play together when the sexing is not going on. Who is organizing this again?)

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