antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny

Our Misandrist Future?


Over on Comics Should Be Good, glimpses of a terrifying misandrist future — and the man who set out to make things right again!

He does look cute in his little cleaning outfit, I have to admit.

Check the whole thing out. It’s pretty hilarious.

EDIT: I changed the link from Buzzfeed to Comics Should Be Good, which originally dug up the comic and shows more from it.

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11 years ago

*Virgil, rather 😀 Although it still suits.

And fine, i’ll mock your ‘misandry.’ You’re saying men are only worth their money or their power or their looks, to which i say HA HA LOSER you are totally wrong, men can also be loved for their personalities and empathy and art. So there. Misandry mocked.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

hellkell, thank you, I got distracted by trying to make toast, eggs and coffee at once. I am suddenly amazed by my mother’s skill in the kitchen, she makes this look easy!

Virgil — you’re over the goddamned line because you’re “discussing” in detail, your assumptions about the commenters sexytimes…and then being both disgusted and outraged that these sexytimes exclude you.

Get into the booze a bit early there Mr. Al?

And no, being disgusted at the thought that women might be giving men blowjobs is not “something which has a perfectly validated place within society”.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Tina — they’re officially guilty, but since they’re minors, they’ll get, at most, juvie until they reach 21. Some fucking justice…

11 years ago

@ katz

OMg, kitties! *squees* So cute!


It’s like “OMG, imagine how crappy it would be if women treated us the way we treat them!”. You think they’d learn something from that little exercise in thought but nooooo…


ooh, virgil’s back! I mean, boo, he’s not entertaining, I’m definitely not having fun laughing at him.

… *snickers*

How many women on here would date David Futrelle?

this is a strange question. Here I thought he ran the website because it was something he wanted to do, not secretly get dates.

Weird Virgil Universe:

David is running website.

Posters: talk, conversation
Trolls: lol I’m so original
Posters: wow david, nice website.
David in weird virgil universe: Secretly seethes that no one’s realized the website is an elaborate plot to get dates.

That was rambly, but my point was that the question was weird. Unless it’s like a ‘how many people want to date David, I mean he’s fat! Because I’m not terribly attracted to men but I do find some fat women attractive so…it’s still a strange question.

The only thing that women care about is Looks. All women on here dream about dating attractive men. Its nature, biology.

I’m going to confess, I would like to date someone attractive. The problem here is you think everyone thinks the same thing is attractive, when it’s not.

Feminism won. Women are sexually free to fuck as many men as they can.

*giggles* That was…definitely the point of feminism. I’m sure it wasn’t fighting for actual rights or anything. (also, it clearly didn’t ‘win’ on this point, given there’s still a butt-load of slut shaming around.)

The average woman has no problem accumulating over 10 sexual partners by 21.

The average guy would be lucky to have ONE partner before he dies. Its a fact.

I um….are these all straight people? because I’m having a hard time believing that. And I thought us ladies were bad at math.

Why is my brother( a light skinned catalogue model) able to have over 40 messages a day excluding BBM, facebook and whatsapp, all from girls, while I’m lucky to have a single text from anywhere a year?

maybe your brother actually treats women like people, just a thought. Also, why the hate crush on tumblr? I forget, where you the guy with a hate crush on Thor? I must know, trolls kinda blur together.

I’m ugly therefore women treat me like a non-human, but to cap it off society constantly seeks to tell me that its my fault and if I change my behaviour to mimic the behaviour of men who are succesful with women( male models), I too will have the same success.

hahahahahhahahahhahaha. Dude, what kind of alternate universe do you live in? must be nice there, where apparently men are the ones with the (more)* unreasonable beauty standards, not women).

*men do have some, but not to the same extent.

Non-good looking, women automatically assume you’re a rapist creep, if only I looked like Parker Hurley.

People probalby assume you’re a rapist creep because you don’t seem to think women are human beings, pro tip.

You should really have a better personality dude, even though you’ve been treated like dirt your whole life by women.

*sigh* Virgil, what ever are we going to do with you? If you are a raging misogynist to women, they probably will not react well to you. Seriously? Not that hard to understand.

Women are just as capable of doing things men can do bro. They couldve invented all the stuff that men did But they just couldn’t file for patents bro.

Virgil continues to show he doesn’t know how oppression works. But I will now link to some women who’ve done more than most men, in case you just never opened a history book.

woman in sports:

women rulers:

also, too lazy to link more, but joan of arc, marie curie, and others have pointed out more (especially in last 15 years). Anyway, hope I didn’t bork the links.

How many of you fine upstanding women have had male semen on or inside you before?

Oh what’s that all of you?

Just can’t take women seriously with stuff like this.

wait, sex makes women worthless? because of ‘male genetalia’*? man, you sure hate yourself, bub. Don’t worry, I won’t have sex with you.

*I’m assuming he meant cis male genetalia, but with virgil it’s hard to tell.

How can you mock something which has a perfectly validated place within society, judging by the behaviour of western women?

*sigh* must be nice in virgil- verse. Dude, which is bothering you more, that women won’t have sex with you because you’re a raging misogynist, or that women don’t treat you well after you treat them bad because you’re a raging misogynist. Either way, they have the same solution. (hint: stop being a raging misogynist)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

So, thanks twitter, and Amanda Marcotte — Steubenville did just prove that “too drunk to consent” is actually, legally, rape. Ad maybe that’ll help victims come forward, press charges…or at least not blame themselves so much.

Sentencing’s in — “Richmond was sentenced to a minimum of one year in a juvenile rehabilitation facility and a maximum of until he turns 21 on a juvenile charge of rape; Mays, who was also found delinquent on a charge of illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material, was sentenced to a minimum of two years and a “consecutive” sentence that could last until he turns 24.”

That one is a bit um, shitty, in various ways.

11 years ago

Tell me why you hypocrites don’t mock misandry?

Because misandry isn’t a thing, you toad. We’ve been over this a thousand times AlSteele.

11 years ago

Ermahgerd, blockquote monster got me.

11 years ago

Virgil related, but I just had to share:

Telling my mom about our troll Virgil:

Me: And he thinks every woman beds 10 male models a week.
My mom: Oh yeah. At least.

I love my mom.


11 years ago

Me: And he thinks every woman beds
10 male models a week.
My mom: Oh yeah. At least.


Mom knows best.

Lol rustling jimmies like that.

Atleast!! She knows!! She fucking knows the truth about modern women.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Well someone’s sarcasm detector is broken. You might want to have hat looked at!

11 years ago

*Rofl* Oh man I’m dying here.

It was a joke, Virgil. I mean, I know I shouldn’t explain the joke, but…. *giggles*

Explaining the joke to Virgil:

She was kidding. As far as I know, she hasn’t had any sex for years. She was with my dad, but they divorced, and for a while before that they were pretty distant. Atm, she’s too busy with work that dating doesn’t seem to be a priority, and she’s one of those people who prefers to be in serious relationships before sex. So, um yeah. She was kidding. I never thought I’d have to explain this.

11 years ago

More for Virgil-verse, but Virgil, do I have to bed 10 male models a week? I’m a lesbian, so it seems kind of…boring? I mean, not icky, just not my thing. Can I substitute female models? or should I get my misandry out in a different way. I suppose I could exist around guys while having boobs and then *not* sleep with them. That could be kind of misandric.

11 years ago

I’m not sure how I’d have time to bed 10 male models a week.

I mean, that’d mean 2 a day for several days of the week. I have shit to do.

11 years ago

The reasons for which the Government said the
ban should remain were related to the
preservation of peace within French families.
According to some online articles, Germany, has
also banned (or plans to ban) paternity testing for
similar reasons. French psychologists suggest
that fatherhood is determined by society
not by biology

Hey David why don’t you make a thread about Europe trying to ban Paternity testing?

Look what these people are saying? Paternity is determined by society not biology LOL!

What bullshit is this DAVID?

A man is expected to take care of a child that isn’t his now?

When will it end?

11 years ago


cry me a river Virgil. He raised the kid, he’s the kid’s father (if they both consider it that way). Only reason he’d need to know is for genetic diseases, just to know if the kid could have one/ know their genetic history. Doctors always ask you that 😛

Also, I am seriously hurt you aren’t taking my male model problem seriously. I’m weeping here virgil, my poor lady brain is in need of your advice.

11 years ago

When a woman seeks Child support, Its important that the courts and mother find the Biological father!


If a man wants to find out the paternity of the child he’ll have to take care of for 21 years it Biology doesn’t matter?

How is that fair little girls?

11 years ago

Pictured: an average woman’s typical day.

11 years ago

I’m going to confess, I don’t know much about child support laws, but I really can’t connect those two sentences. Are you angry about men helping raise kids that aren’t theirs genetically, or men paying child support for kids that aren’t theirs genetically? Idk I just don’t follow you virgil. Or is it just about a man not being able to see if he’s the kids biological father…Idk. You’re confusing 😛 You seem to have changed the conversation to whatever examples of ‘misandry’ you can find. Tell us more about how we should be dating Thor, you made more sense there.

11 years ago

I will never understand the whole “Only models can have sex” thing. I mean it is disproven with even the most casual look at the world. I am, as my name explicitly states, fat and a man. I had sex twice already this weekend. I say this not as a boast, simply as a datum. If your claim is “all crows are black” the presence of a white crow disproves your claim. If your clam is that fat men never have sex, I disprove your claim. But really, look around at all the fat people out there, most of them have sex. Sex is not some rare act; people have sex all the time. The vast majority of people have sex; a tiny minority of people are models.

11 years ago

Which troll used “rustling jimmies” before?

His trying to tell Dave what he should write sounds awful familiar.

11 years ago

@Marie – I was just thinking the same thing. Virgil isn’t just moving the goalposts, he’s restarting the game.

Also, from the little I do know about child support laws, he’s conflating different countries policies. In the US you are legally required to try to track down the biological father for child support prior to receiving any state aid. France has no such law that I know of….so it’s really apples and oranges.

11 years ago

There’s a law/s being passed that aims to fine or jail men that aim to find out the paternity of kids allegedly there’s. All this is in the interest of protecting families from turmoil.

Fatherhood is determined by society and not biology they say!!

But when women want to sue their kids fathers for child support, BIOLOGY all of a sudden matters and the courts will do any thing to find the BIOLOGICAL father and prove his paternity.

Seems to me like anything that disadvantages women is BANNED.

These fuckers are also trying to ban prostitution and PORN?????

11 years ago

Virgil said:

I’m ugly therefore women treat me like a non-human

Because in Virgil’s mind, it is his human right to have sex with women if he chooses. I would consider it a human right to use your own body as you see fit, rather than being forced to have sex with people you don’t want to. But then, I think Virgil would probably agree, when it comes to men. Not women though, strangely.

But it’s us who are ignoring his humanity. Sure.

11 years ago


Thanks for the info 😀 I really didn’t understand him XD


Clearly you are lying. Unless you are using a strange strategy such as treating your sexual partner(s) like people. That might work.

Also, I’ve finally figured out Virgil’s math! Clearly, instead of actually averaging the number of times (straight) men and (straight) women have sex, he’s knocking out anyone of his conclusions that doesn’t fit. So the male models we’re all supposedly banging don’t count, because they’re probably manginas or something. Fatman doesn’t count, maybe because he’s fat, and therefore is must not be having sex, regardless of the sex he actually has. Fat women don’t count if they’re not having sex, because who would want to have sex with a fat woman? And if they are having sex it proves that ladies don’t have any difficult beauty standards, because they’re still getting laid despite being fat! Truly I am a genius XD

11 years ago

Also, from the little I do know about
child support laws, he’s conflating
different countries policies. In the US
you are legally required to try to track
down the biological father for child
support prior to receiving any state
aid. France has no such law that I
know of….so it’s really apples and

You’re wrong but let’s use your logic.

Let’s leave child support.

The fact is there’s a LAW that fines men and jails them for TRYING TO FIND OUT the paternity of a kid he is expected to take care of for 21 years.

Society>>>Biology in determining fatherhood. How is this OKAY?

A man is expected to take care of a kid that isn’t his. If that man isn’t sure of the kid and leaves, the woman can easily chase him down for child support because he is locked in as the FATHER considering society determines paternity and not biology!!!

Women can be whores and stick the BILL for raising their bastard kids on guys who have no obligation to take care of the kids.

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