I haven’t been paying much attention to the recent brouhaha over Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s new book. But I feel safe in saying that MRA lackwit Christian J.’s “Sheryl Sandberg, Your Usual “Modern” Crass, Arrogant, Sexist, Biased Female” may be the dumbest thing anyone has written, or ever will write, on the subject.
Mr J’s post on WMASAW – the blog that used to be called What Men Are Saying About Women – starts off with a puzzling description of Sandberg as an “arrogant Lindsay Lohan Look-a-like, [who] Promotes sexism, bias and hate.” (Um, what?) And it only gets worse from there:
It is amazing what these sexist and abusive, addled females get away with while they continually praise themselves and raise themselves as being the “Saviours” of the world with the “If Only Women ran the World” meme. Take Sandberg for example, the bastion of that left-wing mentality … .
Yes, that’s right. Mr. J is describing Sandberg as a “bastion” of left-wing thought. Mr. J and the English language are not good friends.
They make the claim that “Equality” is about the aim of making women level with men, erm! level suggests what? In every area possible, even if it means reducing standards and tests and lowering anything that women have problems with. …
Every time they make the same claim that (Lindsay Lohan Look-a-Like)Sandberg bloviates about here, like every other member of that same HATE movement, it was never about anything else but giving women a FREE ride to the top and don’t anyone every dare hold them back because there would be screaming and wailing and it would be introduce another excuse to cry that usual lie of “holding them back”, amazing.
In reality, it’s because job placement used to be based on merit and ability, even though that has been tossed out and replaced with quotas in favour of women. It has everything to do with sexism, v*gina and pro-female “Equal Opportunity” as Sandberg denies is the case. ….
What a sexist loathsome, despicable female.
Mr J. then quotes a couple of not-exactly earthshatteringly controversial comments of Sandberg’s:
“I think a world that was run where half our countries and half our companies were run by women, would be a better world.”
“I hope that . . . you have the ambition to run the world,” Sandberg told Barnard graduates, “because this world needs you to run it.”
As Mr. J figures it, Sandberg is promulgating female supremacy here, “saying that every females alive could out perform any male. Sickening, petty, self-congratulatory, back-slapping and wishful thinking or what !”
I choose “what.” (They speak English in What?)
Mr J, for his part, seems to believe that, in an inversion of the the man-hatred he attributes to feminists, every male alive could outperform any female:
As far as I can see so far, those countries that have women in charge, are not doing that crash hot at all. …
Yet this odious and tedious Sandberg has the temerity to state that the world would be a better place run by women. What a complete, compulsive liar that women really is, women these days have problems being genuine and real, let alone anything else. But it does demonstrate that standard egotistical side of these “New Women”, who have been granted the easy option and helped along the way, every way possible by compliant men. Do they get any thanks for it, forget that. They just get the knife in the back for their efforts and gloat, even after changing conditions, being sued, forced to comply to changes that women demand and then turn around and state “Look at me, I am so good” .
Was that last sentence even a sentence? If so, please diagram it for me. I dare ya!
What hypocrites they are. It is about time men stopped capitulating to these arrogant and narcissistic females, stopped giving them automatic promotions, a free ride and start giving them some competition and let’s see how well they go then.
It’s always funny when blithering idiots suggest that women’s brains are inferior to their own.
My feminist kitties work hard too. Every day when I get home, I find that they have carefully shredded an entire roll of toilet paper and spread the fluffy bits of it carefully in every room, or else they have torn another hole in the curtains, or perhaps they have knocked over my cd tower — there’s always evidence of their hard work if you look for it.
I think I’d need pictures to try to see the evidence of my cat’s daily work. There is definitely evidence of a years-long project to destroy my couch, an old recliner, and any wood she can find (my table, my dressers, and my bookcases, but only certain ones, even though they are all the same.)
@cloudiah Lucky you! You can has interior decorator kitties! I hope you crassly and bitterly support them in their evil feminist plan to have careers and encroach on the territory of poor, marginalized me!!
Men. Marginalized men. Sheesh. Need moar coffeeeeee!!!!!
emilygoddess, I tend to ignore tw’s in spaces that have a general tw in effect, which is probably not a good habit to have gotten into, I will watch in future. Mostly I wanted to show that JohntheLiar is bringing doxing to FB in multiple spaces (creating multiple spaces to spread his hate around, which makes sense given that it is too vast to be contained by a single space), and that the MRM is perverting excellent initiatives like “Don’t be that Guy”. I have not searched out the original video, nor do I intend to, I don’t see that anything will be gained by that action.
Also, only actual friends call me DarthBatman, I would prefer for now, given your (understandable) reticence, if you adress me as Shaun or, failing that, Ms. Day. You know, my actual name. It is a method of differentiating trust for me.
I would say that it would be best to email essentially contextless links directly to David, but really, context would be good regardless of how you choose to communicate.
+1 to Some Gal. I saw links with no explanation what they were and a commenter who I didn’t recognize, and my brain said “DON’T CLICK THAT IT’S PROBABLY SOMETHING HORRIFIC.” Drive-by trolls love to leave links to horrific things.
Glad you explained yourself, Shaun. 🙂
A world where a Psycho bitches can cut off her husbands genetalia, Female TV show hosts and a majority female crowd laugh and make a joke out of it.
One Psycho gets to play victim on Oprah. She cuts off her husbands penis but she’s the victim.
If a man had cut off his wifes tits, nobody would laugh.
You people aren’t oppressed.
A world where disgusting fat women can campaign to change the standards of beauty within media and society because they’re too fat and lazy to hit the gym.
If Men were to ever campaign against Male models being the standard for male attractiveness, theyde be laughed out of society.
A world where men who don’t look like models can whine all day on the internet because women who do look like models aren’t attracted to them.
When women campaign to see models who look healthy, not emaciated, those same whiney men whine on about that too.
As someone who read the Aeneid, I am laughing this subpar “Virgil” right out of my society as not worthy of the name.
Fuck feminism!!!!!!!!!!!
5/10. Would mock again.
Ah, now I see why Virgil is so bad at world-building, he completely lacks the ability to see what is going on around him.
All of your fiction will be more believable if you base it in reality. Decent characters will help too. And some proof-reading.
(Did anyone else read “A world where…” as “In a world where…” in that deep movie preview guy voice? It was pretty jarring to get to “theyde be” and have the voice switch to Nintendo’s Mario.)
Virgil, grow up. Setting up straw feminists to knock down is not an argument.
Feminists don’t want to run everything. We do want women to have an equal opportunity to run goveernments or companies. We do want to have our partners to take an equal responsibility in running the home. So its not women or feminists to run everything, its a fifty fifty split on things that need doing.
It also means men NOT having the brunt of breadwinning to do. It means men who want more leisure time or more time with the family and children being able to take that time. It means men NOT having to soak up all the stress and having to pretend it isn’t there. It means men who AREN’T particularly aggressive AREN’T pushed into behaving against their nature because society says he has to prove his masculinity. It means that men AREN’T disporportionately expected to die in the front lines of a war (and for the record, a lot of women around the world also die, in roughly equal numbers on the front lines all sround the world).
So, if feminism is fighting to dismantle the problems that men face, and want to step up and take an equal share of the hardwork that needs doing, what is your problem?
Yes, this is also a subpar, pale washout of a Virgil.
Virgil, guys crack jokes about rape all the time. And you know what? Rape often has serious, long term physical damage too.
How often do guys laugh about rape?How often does rape happen? How often does a woman cut off a penis? That being said, mutilating men IS an outrage and as a feminist it disgusts me. I know for a fact every regular poster here also feels the same way.
People…laugh about genatalia cutting off? that’s not cool. Also, the equivalent of (cis) dude’s genetalia is the same area on a (cis) woman, not tits. Like, seriously.
not everybody has time or desire or health to hit the gym, bub.
Yeah…it isn’t feminists who are making fun of men who are mutilated.
Virgil isn’t even really trying, though. I’m a bit disappointed that he can’t even try to tie his posts into the discussion.
Re: the JtO video that Shaun posted…he’s all “Oh man if men made a video depicting them shooting women people would be screaming” but a)it’s a random amateur, and b)has he ever watched like 90% of cop dramas, slasher films, etc.? Videos like that depicting male-on-female violence are so mainstream we just call them entertainment.
@some gal
I did! I didn’t even realize he was saying something different til you said that XD
My theory is that Virgil is on one of those “I was drunk last night, and look, I’m still drunk now! and also running out of gas” tears. The next step is puking or crying, possibly both, and then nap time.
As much as it serves your agenda well, bringing up the Lorena Bobbit case will not convince us that women aren’t oppressed. Sorry. It’s simply not enough, and you know that very well.
Oh, and it’s nice to see you using misogynistic slurs. That’s completely necessary for criticizing Lorena Bobbit.
That you automatically call fat women disgusting and lazy makes you part of the problem. Fat women are human, too, and they aren’t axiomatically ugly. Beauty is subjective, and so making it objective is not only absurd, but harmful to everyone – regardless of their gender.
Because a patriarchal society discourages men from showing that they, too, are sensitive about being objectified (albeit to a lesser degree than women), because sensitivity is coded feminine.
I wonder how you feel about fat men. Fat men are objectified too, you know (although, again, to a lesser degree). But you would probably call them disgusting and lazy as well. That really shows how much you care about all men!
Sorry Shaun, I wasn’t trying to disrespect you, I just thought “Darth Batman” was a cool name. I’ll refrain from calling you that in the future, of course.
The problem with Virgil’s worldview is that he assumes that feminism is the mainstream, rather than the minority it actually is. When he sees a woman do something he disagrees with (say, mocking a man who’s had his penis cut off), he assumes (a) that all women would agree with her and (b) that it was a feminist thought/action/statement. When you’re not even operating with the same definitions, hell, the same worldview, I wonder if it’s even possible to convince him of anything we’re saying?
I hate when MRAs use Lorena Bobbit as an example. A wife beating and raping !@#$#@$ gets “punished” with a career in porn while the abused wife get “rewarded” with not going to jail for defending herself. How does anyone besides MRAs think that this is biased towards the wife? If anything, this should suggest that feminism still has a long way to go-if the !@#$%$#@ was put in jail the first time he laid hands on her this would not have ever happened. (Better would be that he never laid hands on her at all but having justice within the criminal justice system would be a good start).
It fits into their extremely narrowminded worldview. History doesn’t matter, context doesn’t matter, culture doesn’t matter. For that single moment, a woman was hurting a man. To them, even those willing to pretend they detest domestic abuse, that’s all that matters and all that should be looked at.
Also, I do so love when MRAs let their guard down and show the world that it’s not just women they hate. Virgil’s post was like an -ism buffet.