antifeminism evil women imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim vaginas

MRA lackwit declares Sheryl Sandberg an “arrogant Lindsay Lohan Look-a-like” who “promotes sexism, bias and hate.”

Separated at birth?
As hard as this is to believe, these are actually different women.

I haven’t been paying much attention to the recent brouhaha over Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s new book.  But I feel safe in saying that MRA lackwit Christian J.’s “Sheryl Sandberg, Your Usual “Modern” Crass, Arrogant, Sexist, Biased Female” may be the dumbest thing anyone has written, or ever will write, on the subject.

Mr J’s post on WMASAW – the blog that used to be called What Men Are Saying About Women – starts off with a puzzling description of Sandberg as an “arrogant Lindsay Lohan Look-a-like, [who] Promotes sexism, bias and hate.” (Um, what?) And it only gets worse from there:

It is amazing what these sexist and abusive, addled females get away with while they continually praise themselves and raise themselves as being the “Saviours” of the world with the “If Only Women ran the World” meme. Take Sandberg for example, the bastion of that left-wing mentality … .

Yes, that’s right. Mr. J is describing Sandberg as a “bastion” of left-wing thought. Mr. J and the English language are not good friends.

They make the claim that “Equality” is about the aim of making women level with men, erm! level suggests what?  In every area possible,  even if it means reducing standards and tests and lowering anything that women have problems with. …

Every time they make the same claim that (Lindsay Lohan Look-a-Like)Sandberg bloviates about here, like every other member of that same HATE movement, it was never about anything else but giving women a FREE ride to the top and don’t anyone every dare hold them back because there would be screaming and wailing and it would be introduce another excuse to cry that usual lie of “holding them back”, amazing.

In reality, it’s because job placement used to be based on merit and ability, even though that has been tossed out and replaced with quotas in favour of women. It has everything to do with sexism, v*gina and pro-female “Equal Opportunity” as Sandberg denies is the case. ….

What a sexist loathsome, despicable female.

Mr J. then quotes a couple of not-exactly earthshatteringly controversial comments of Sandberg’s:

“I think a world that was run where half our countries and half our companies were run by women, would be a better world.”

“I hope that . . . you have the ambition to run the world,” Sandberg told Barnard graduates, “because this world needs you to run it.”

As Mr. J figures it, Sandberg is promulgating female supremacy here, “saying that every females alive could out perform any male. Sickening, petty, self-congratulatory, back-slapping and wishful thinking or what !”

I choose “what.”  (They speak English in What?)

Mr J, for his part, seems to believe that, in an inversion of the the man-hatred he attributes to feminists, every male alive could outperform any female:

As far as I can see so far, those countries that have women in charge, are not doing that crash hot at all. …

Yet this odious and tedious Sandberg has the temerity to state that the world would be a better place run by women. What a complete, compulsive liar that women really is, women these days have problems being genuine and real, let alone anything else. But it does demonstrate that standard egotistical side of these “New Women”, who have been granted the easy option and helped along the way, every way possible by compliant men. Do they get any thanks for it, forget that. They just get the knife in the back for their efforts and gloat, even after changing conditions, being sued, forced to comply to changes that women demand and then turn around and state “Look at me, I am so good” .

Was that last sentence even a sentence? If so, please diagram it for me. I dare ya!

What hypocrites they are. It is about time men stopped capitulating to these arrogant and narcissistic females, stopped giving them automatic promotions, a free ride and start giving them some competition and let’s see how well they go then.

It’s always funny when blithering idiots suggest that women’s brains are inferior to their own.

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Wally Wick
Wally Wick
11 years ago

May your cats always keep their food down.

11 years ago

Speaking of lackwits, heeeeeeeeeeeeere’s Wally.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

katz – so much for that outdated notion of words having meanings!


11 years ago

May Austin return to normal as quickly as possible.

May our trolls become more interesting.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

My knowledge of SXSW is limited to “useful source of pics of Mr Springsteen for photoshopping purposes”. Makes me very glad not to live anywhere near it! (Half a globe away sounds about right.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Have we every had interesting trolls? I mean, apart from the sheer wingnuttery of Owly and DKM, which is probably stretching the definition a bit.

11 years ago

Kitteh’s: You are in the right place! If I could have swung taking this week off, I would have.

11 years ago

I’d describe Meller as interesting. Not pleasant or nice, but definitely interesting.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

hellkell – it makes me feel for all the people living around Albert Park and St Kilda at the moment. It’s Grand Prix weekend and that casts a noise shadow of some 10km. If I lived around there I’d be out of town for that weekend. I don’t think the traffic is such a problem, because they close off a lot of the residential streets to anyone who doesn’t have a parking permit. Mercifully there’s lots of public transport around there.

Wally Wick
Wally Wick
11 years ago

How am I trolling? I’m pretty sure a troll would hurl insults.

11 years ago

How are you trolling? Are you serious? You’re a fucking creep with your fucked up pictures and weird insinuations to Cassandra. If you’re here in good faith, I’ll eat my slipper, you disingenuous turd.

11 years ago

Kitteh’s: we just got a Formula 1 track here. It opened this past November, and let’s just say the city got an earful about the non-stop helicopters that were flying over this and other neighborhoods at all hours.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I’d describe Meller as interesting. Not pleasant or nice, but definitely interesting.

The only people I can imagine having any time for Meller would be the accounts payable department at Madam Alexander’s – and they’d never actually meet him.

11 years ago

He was interesting in the way that it might be interesting to observe a strange new species in its natural habitat. Also because he was so blatantly frustrated by the modern world.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Oh, is the race coming back to the US? It’s so on again, off again with all the squabbling that goes on with Ecclestone. Used to be at the Brickyard a few years ago when I was watching (I haven’t followed the races since Schuey left Ferrari). Been all around the traps in the US.

We had the RAAF jets flying around on Friday, which is a damn nuisance. Impossible to talk while they’re overhead.

How far are you from the track? I’m betting you’ll be able to hear the cars all too well. I used to live about 5-6 miles from the track, and could hear them if I went outside. Didn’t bother me, I don’t mind that sound, but I’d hate to have the goddamn music blasting away all the time.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Also because he was so blatantly frustrated by the modern world.

He’d have been even more frustrated if he’d twigged that his fantasy world was just that – it never existed.

Or perhaps he was trying too hard to persuade himself …

11 years ago

Is the volume at the Formula One track comparable to what you get when a plane buzzes past at low altitude?

11 years ago

I can’t hear the cars, thank FSM, because the track is down by the airport, which about 10-15 miles away.

11 years ago

I never could figure out if Meller honestly believed that his dolls were semi-sentient or if he knew that it was a fantasy. He’s an odd duck.

Wally Wick
Wally Wick
11 years ago

It wasn’t my picture. I didn’t make it. It was just something I found by doing a google image search for ‘zombie baby.’ I had no idea that it would go over so poorly, considering that it wasn’t anything realistic. As for “insinuations” to Cassandra, I has hoping she would know what I was getting at.

Wally Wick
Wally Wick
11 years ago

I *was hoping

11 years ago

Anyone wanna take this one?

11 years ago

What was that you were getting at, Wally?

Perhaps you should read more, talk less, and get a feel for the place.

P.S.–our trolls don’t just fling insults.

11 years ago

For Meller, sentience in a sexual/romantic partner would be a drawback. Thinking is too uppity.

Meller will always hold a special place in my bile duct for the time he said I could have avoided my ex’s abuse if I’d just been a little more passive. In fact, if I learned from my past mistakes and was passive all the time, someone might just marry/purchase my young real estate! Oh, Meller.

11 years ago

But don’t you remember? His dolls love him.

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