creepy incel misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA

Men Who Hate Women Debate How Quickly Women Go Bad


Over on, a fellow named Virgil challenges the widely held manosphere notion that women start losing their appeal once they hit their early 20s. According to him, the real turning point comes at the ripe old age of 25 or so. Why? Let’s let him explain — and in the process demonstrate how to use the word “c*ntathlon” in a sentence.

Behaviour has to count for something.

Any between ages 18-21 is in her Looks/reproductive Prime but The behaviour in these ages stinks.

Its like a competition to see who can out-cunt the other.

From simple things like skipping lines, to humiliating people in public, to ostracising people.

Its a damn cuntathlon.

We have to have some quality control here okes.

I fully agree that age 24-25 is the tip of the iceberg here folk.

Walk with me.

-she still looks attractive

-She’s starting work and therefore is in a controlled environment where validation is far less.Thus cooling the cunty behaviour

-she’s at the perfect equilibriu$ of grown up behaviour and youthful Looks.

Virgil gets some challenges from the regulars.

JackOfJokers argues that 25-year-olds are still as badly behaved  as 18-21-year-olds, and not as good-looking:

Sounds nice in theory Virgil, but the truth is they still get validated fuckloads by desperate office guys, they’re super stuck up, and they definitely look much worse; fat, cellulite, wrinkles, shitty diet, etc.

Mechanical Animals agrees:

If you think girls act much different from 18-21 to 24-25 you are fucking deluded.

Life after high school is exactly that, a continuation after high school.

What does this mean is exactly that, the good looking people keeps living in a bubble of validation way past their academical period.

Life of the sub 8 is a dead end, a merciless damnation. Think about all these beautiful, fucking females. You will never touch them.

The “sub-8” bit is a reference to the notion, seemingly held by 90% of the denizens of PUAhate, that only “male models” ever get to have sex with women.

Genetically Inferior, meanwhile, makes the case for “jailbait.”

15-18 is prime for a female but nobody will admit it

This arouses much ire from the regulars, not so much because Genetically Inferior is being a crepy pedo, but because “at 15 most chicks barely even have any tits developed,” as the similarly named Genetics puts it. “Wake up to reality incel,” Genetics continues in a second comment,

stop comparing tumblr feeds and “jailbait” associated websites of the top percent of teens to the average titless whore. At fifteen you’re merely in grade 10, most chicks have little tits and ass to show for.

Doesn’t start getting good untill 17-18 then peak at 21

I gave up reading the thread at this point as it seemed to have degenerated into little more than a collection of “jailbait” pictures.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I don’t use a mousepad (don’t need one, with laser mouseseses) but I see plenty on sale in the shops and online. This would have to be one of my favourite designs.

11 years ago

I don’t like it either, but Mr C does, so I’m cringing in his honor.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

That should be the design on trackpads on laptops.

11 years ago

I dunno, Virgil, your posts aren’t impressive but it is interesting that you seem to live in a dimension where all women are characters from “Dynasty.” And I’m bored, so…

“If you disagree that the behaviour of women in their sexual prime is disgusting, I feel sorry for you.”

Why? Can you explain this “disgusting” behavior, anyhow? I have a feeling you’re talking about sexual autonomy. You’re also using the term “sexual prime” a bit much. It would be amusing to hear your definition of sexual prime.

“Modern womens behaviour in general is shocking but its amplified when they are in their reproductive prime.”

Come on, give us something to work with here. How is a modern woman’s behavior shocking? Did you know people in the past fucked too? Once again, you seem convinced that women are sluttier when they’re able to have children. Hmm. You’d prefer child-bearing women to be owned, I guess. Women having sex with partners they choose. Wow. Shockingly amplified behavior!

“They have mass validation from males all over. Endless options.”

Once again, your dimension sounds interesting — but see, in this dimension women who are not considered conventionally beautiful exist. What about them? Are their options endless? You’re watching too much TV, fella.
But seriously, why does the idea of a woman with high self-esteem bother you so much?
Nevermind, I know why.

You list of, err, complaints…oy:

“-Rejecting all men”

I get it, women should be obligated to have sex and be owned by whatever dude approaches her? Do you know how sex works? People do it together. Mutual attraction is very helpful when it comes to coupling up. Women are human beings, by the way. You talk about women like they’re companion animals waiting to be adopted at the local shelter.

“-Demanding behaviour”

You mean like demanding women have no say in who they have sex with?


To what? Freedom to want what we want?

“-superiority complex”

Um, OK, you have no woman friends, that’s obvious.

“-status whoring”

*Sigh* I think everything you know about women is coming from “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.”

“I could go on forever. You women are terrible when you’re young, a lot of you are plain terrible when older too.”

OK…then you should be more than pleased do go on without one of us by your side.
But obviously you wish you owned a woman, but why? You don’t even seem to like them a little bit.

11 years ago

I don’t use them any more either but if I did that would be the one for me.

11 years ago

It is rather telling that Virgil the Whiny starts his list of Things That Make Women Evil with the fact that sometimes we reject men, isn’t it?

Sorry that the fact that women have free will upsets you, dude, but you’re just going to have to find a way to live with it.

11 years ago

What about the behavior of men in their sexual prime? 18 year men are not pleasant to be around.

11 years ago

But Virgil doesn’t want to fuck young men, so they can be as annoying as they want.

11 years ago

LOL. You guys are awesome.

11 years ago

Kind of OT but also kind of related to Virgil’s whinge, I just found this quote from Sex At Dawn.

Okay, and then, “Unconstrained by cultural restrictions, the so-called continual responsiveness of the human female would fulfill the same function: provide plentiful sexual opportunity for males, thereby reducing conflict and allowing larger group sizes, more extensive cooperation, and greater security for all.” (emphasis original)

This is based on the authors’ misunderstanding and/or deliberate misinterpretation of bonobo behavior (female bonobos to not passively accept sex, they offer it, ie. they’re active, not responsive). It’s also a complete denial of the idea that women have inner lives that in any way differ from what (creepy, misogynist) men would like them to be thinking/feeling.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

If we are going by the popular definition of a woman’s sexual prime, aren’t we talking about women in their mid-30s?

I assume Virgil is defining it as the age when the most men (or, y’know, just Virgil) want to fuck them, which is gross and inaccurate, even more inaccurate than the popular definition. At least the popular definition recognizes that a woman’s sexual prime would have to do with the woman and not a group of rather pervy-sounding men (or, y’know, just pervy-sounding Virgil).

11 years ago

It’s that refusal to accept the idea that women have subjectivity again.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I read Sex at Dawn (I was curious). It was not worth reading, but the amount of bullshit in it is impressive. It was almost adorable in its clueless misguided desire to make everything fit together.

(I am currently reading The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker and his discussion of rape was almost as bad as some of the stuff we read here. Sex at Dawn had nothing that dismissive and uninformed, imo. Pinker is also rather more racist than I expected.)

11 years ago

I’ve tried to read and and always ended up giving up because it’s so irritating to see a book that’s supposedly about an argument with science that’s actually an argument with culture. And the authors either don’t understand that those are different things or don’t care. It’s a polemic, and I prefer polemics that are honest about their goals.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

D’you think this is Virgil?

That bonobo effort is wrong in plenty more ways. For a start, the bonobo behaviour in captivity isn’t identical to in the wild (duh!) and sex is more than just pleasure, it’s a way of dealing with aggression and sorting out social issues in bonobo society. Plus, bonobos have developed as they are for many reasons. They’re found on one bank of the river, have no competition from gorillas as the chimps do, and eat a range of food that’s pretty much available year-round; they’re more secure, and that has played its part in the differences in their society and aggression levels. Bonobo society seems to be matriarchal; yes, there are more or less dominant males, but if a spat breaks out, they may still have Mum weigh in on their side. (Though who knows, maybe it’s “That damn kid STILL can’t keep out of trouble, when’s he gonna grow up?” 😉 )

(Source: Nat Geo article.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Some Gal, Cassandra – did you see Cliff’s article on Sex at Dawn in The Pervocracy in January?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I was enjoying the little historical tidbits in The Better Angels and the studies, but thought Pinker was way too attached to his idea to admit that it worked better in some areas than others. By the time it got to me raging at it, I’d already put in too much time. I am sure this will come as a surprise, but I am very stubborn. 🙂 So now I am stubbornly going to finish it, but I am going slower and slower. I’ll make it, but I won’t like it.

(I’ve mentioned before that I do audiobooks so at least I get to do something else while “reading.” If I couldn’t do that, I’d probably give up.)

11 years ago

It’s funny in that the replicated exactly the kind of thing that they call bad science. Scientist observes a female bonobo approach a male bonobo and initiate sexual contact, writes this down. Authors of Sex at Dawn label this behavior “receptive” because they’re too caught up in their own cultural training to admit that no, that behavior is not receptive, it’s active, and also dammit they have a theory to demonstrate so who cares if the evidence doesn’t quite fit?

11 years ago

Like I said, I tried to make it all the way through Sex at Dawn but I just couldn’t get past the assumption that women MUST be receptive even if the evidence they themselves are citing doesn’t support that conclusion and also everything MUST be focused on men’s needs, what men want, what will make men behave better in society, etc. It’s the woman as passive vessel thing again, and if you’re going to be all “check out how revolutionary our ideas are!” then you really need to let that assumption go.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

I have now. 🙂 Yeah, the whole book is pretty much that plus some weird relationship advice sections (that is what they came off as, I don’t know what they are supposed to be) that seemed like what I would have come up with at 13. If you forget adults wrote it, it could almost be endearing. They try really hard.

11 years ago

The whole “if you removed all societal constraints women would be receptive to sex with any man who asked!” thing really does read like the fantasy of an idealistic but very sexist high school boy.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


He wouldn’t be a very smart teenage boy either.

11 years ago

True, a smart 15 year old should be able to understand that approaching someone and offering something is not the same thing as being receptive.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

At least Sex at Dawn never declared the Million Man March to be basically the same as the Promise Keepers. (I seriously hate Steven Pinker at 25+ hours in and I think if I met the narrator in person I might just start seething.)

11 years ago

But it did say this!

To have concluded, as we have, that our species has the innate capacity for love and generosity at least equal to our taste for destruction, for peaceful cooperation as much as coordinated attack, for an open, relaxed sexuality as much as for jealous, passion-smothering possessiveness … to see that both these world were open to us, but that around ten thousand years ago a few of our ancestors wandered off the path they’d been on forever into a garden of toil, disease, and conflict where our species has been trapped ever since… well, this is not exactly a rose-colored view of the overall trajectory of humankind.

So if people are monogamous they’re automatically going to be destructive, warlike, and diseased? This is not science, this is rather hysterical opinion pretending to be science.

Also serious books about science should not be full of ellipses.

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