creepy incel misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA

Men Who Hate Women Debate How Quickly Women Go Bad


Over on, a fellow named Virgil challenges the widely held manosphere notion that women start losing their appeal once they hit their early 20s. According to him, the real turning point comes at the ripe old age of 25 or so. Why? Let’s let him explain — and in the process demonstrate how to use the word “c*ntathlon” in a sentence.

Behaviour has to count for something.

Any between ages 18-21 is in her Looks/reproductive Prime but The behaviour in these ages stinks.

Its like a competition to see who can out-cunt the other.

From simple things like skipping lines, to humiliating people in public, to ostracising people.

Its a damn cuntathlon.

We have to have some quality control here okes.

I fully agree that age 24-25 is the tip of the iceberg here folk.

Walk with me.

-she still looks attractive

-She’s starting work and therefore is in a controlled environment where validation is far less.Thus cooling the cunty behaviour

-she’s at the perfect equilibriu$ of grown up behaviour and youthful Looks.

Virgil gets some challenges from the regulars.

JackOfJokers argues that 25-year-olds are still as badly behaved  as 18-21-year-olds, and not as good-looking:

Sounds nice in theory Virgil, but the truth is they still get validated fuckloads by desperate office guys, they’re super stuck up, and they definitely look much worse; fat, cellulite, wrinkles, shitty diet, etc.

Mechanical Animals agrees:

If you think girls act much different from 18-21 to 24-25 you are fucking deluded.

Life after high school is exactly that, a continuation after high school.

What does this mean is exactly that, the good looking people keeps living in a bubble of validation way past their academical period.

Life of the sub 8 is a dead end, a merciless damnation. Think about all these beautiful, fucking females. You will never touch them.

The “sub-8” bit is a reference to the notion, seemingly held by 90% of the denizens of PUAhate, that only “male models” ever get to have sex with women.

Genetically Inferior, meanwhile, makes the case for “jailbait.”

15-18 is prime for a female but nobody will admit it

This arouses much ire from the regulars, not so much because Genetically Inferior is being a crepy pedo, but because “at 15 most chicks barely even have any tits developed,” as the similarly named Genetics puts it. “Wake up to reality incel,” Genetics continues in a second comment,

stop comparing tumblr feeds and “jailbait” associated websites of the top percent of teens to the average titless whore. At fifteen you’re merely in grade 10, most chicks have little tits and ass to show for.

Doesn’t start getting good untill 17-18 then peak at 21

I gave up reading the thread at this point as it seemed to have degenerated into little more than a collection of “jailbait” pictures.

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11 years ago

Also, he corrected my grammar guys! Guess he showed me.

11 years ago

If you disagree that the behaviour of women in their sexual prime is disgusting, I feel sorry for you.

Modern womens behaviour in general is shocking but its amplified when they are in their reproductive prime.

They have mass validation from males all over. Endless options.

-Rejecting all men

-Demanding behaviour


-superiority complex

-status whoring

I could go on forever. You women are terrible when you’re young, a lot of you are plain terrible when older too.

11 years ago

Brzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: nice try with “grop” but if you’re French, I’m the tooth fairy.

11 years ago

I couldn’t make it all the way through Bzz Bzz’s bloviating but I think he implied we are all American.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Well, if he’s French, we are all American (and All-American!).

Note: he’s not French.

11 years ago

““He doesn’t need to be prosecuted” according to priveleged dickwads who know this thing will never happen to them.”

Wrong bias. It happened to me several times in my life, that was mostly gays touching me in different contexts (in a bar while I was ordering a beer, a guy literally grabbed my dick saying “let’s get laid tonight”; an old man in the subway who held my arm, pretending that he was about to fall, putting my hand right against his sex in erection while grinning at me,…), most of the time I reacted gently saying “put your hands somewhere else bro”.
I don’t feel threatened at the idea of people touching me because I’m an adult and I think that I’m able to stop someone to touch me if I don’t want to, call it “male privilege” if you want but nothing forbids a woman to think the same way.
Although, one “sexual assault” affected me particularly in my life : I was 13-years-old and a middle age fat ugly woman caressed my dick in the subway for a few minutes. I felt like shit after that not because someone touched me but because I didn’t do anything to stop her and because I had a erection which made me feel dirty and guilty, the idea that I had a boner while an ugly person touched me without my consent. After some times, well, I’ve just promised to myself that I would never let something like that happen again. I’ve never want to send this woman to jail.
(Just for the dishonest people here, I don’t tell this to blame victims of sexual assault or to fix the norm of how someone should react after having experienced something like this. I say that you don’t have any fucking right to tell people how they should react or decide in advance who are the “privileged” who can’t talk about that)

11 years ago

After some times, well, I’ve just promised to myself that I would never let something like that happen again. I’ve never want to send this woman to jail.

So you’d be cool with her assaulting other children? Charming.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Have I mentioned how not French Brz is? Also, I’m serious about those walls needing cones like these.*

*There was a very cute picture of a cat wearing a construction cone, but the site it was on scared me so you guys get this cat instead.

11 years ago

So you’d be cool with her assaulting other children?

Well, other humans don’t really exist for our faux frenchie, so that doesn’t really surprise me.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

*imagines a bottle of Heinz being passed around in the Brighton Royal Pavillion dining room*

Imagine if it was blocked and someone whacked the end of the bottle (as you do) and some SPLASHED … Prinny would not be amused.

I only got as far as “you American liberals” in that wall o’ text. Hey, pretendFrenchman, since when is everyone on this site American? Funny how assuming everyone is, is so much more the sort of thing one would expect from the parochial kind of USian than from a French person …

And there’s a real reek of sock from Virgiltroll.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Hey, let’s not engage the boring fauxFrenchman. He’s trolling for attention. I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if it’s Mr Al.

11 years ago

So you’d be cool with her assaulting other children? Charming.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. That “you had a responsibility to press charges to protect other people” shit is not cool. You don’t tell a sexual assault survivor how to respond to their assault, and you don’t imply that they are responsible for or don’t care about their assailant’s future assaults because they chose not to report.

11 years ago

I think that I’m able to stop someone to touch me if I don’t want to, call it “male privilege” if you want but nothing forbids a woman to think the same way

See, there’s this thing called “rape”, in which a person cannot stop the other person from touching them. It happens to a lot of women (and not just women, obvs, as you know. I’m so sorry that happened to you). And since men are often larger and stronger than us, we have no reason to assume that we can stop it if it starts. So yes, it is a male privilege to believe with confidence that you’ll be able to fend off an assault.

And anyway, we shouldn’t have to stop people from touching us, because they shouldn’t be touching us in the first place. IDK about France, but here we learn “keep your hands to yourself” at an early age.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I doubt faux knows about France either. But can we ignore him, please? He’s trolling for attention like all the other sockpuppets and I for one am sick of it.

11 years ago

Point taken, emilygoddess. Thanks.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I’m not sure what “I’ve never want to send this woman to jail” means. If it means that Brz personally didn’t want to prosecute, then I am with you. If it means that what the woman did should never result in jail time (which I think is implied in the rest of Brz’s posts, but the bad writing makes it hard to tell for sure) then I think you are still right about his personal situation, but that Bagelsan is also right and Brz doesn’t care about people who are assaulted.

It seems to me he used his example to prove that we shouldn’t prosecute sexual assault. And never prosecuting sexual assault does demonstrate that he is fine with those who sexually assault others continuing to do so. However, the inconsistently terrible writing makes it difficult to know for sure.

Am I reading him differently than you are? I think deciding that sexual assault is a-ok is morally wrong even if formed after personal experience.

11 years ago

Brz has been less than honest, let’s not give him the attention he so desperately wants.*

*I do feel badly for him if it’s true, because no one should have to put up with that.

11 years ago

ah Kitteh, you beat me to calling Brz faux French! Tire-toi, M Brz.

11 years ago

I think deciding that sexual assault is a-ok is morally wrong even if formed after personal experience.

Absolutely! And if he was saying that no one should ever press charges and those who do are wrong, then yeah, it’s fair to call him out on that and the effect if has on other victims, including the other people his assailant assaulted. I’d say we should ask for clarification, but this is brz, so we’d probably be waiting a while…

For my part, I apologize for the confrontational tone of my comment.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Well, his next reply could be perfect English or a garbled faux-French mess so we might end up right back where we started after the “clarification.”

My apology for wasting another comment on Brz.

11 years ago

I want a cupcat!

But does anyone even use mouse pads any more?

11 years ago



And so say all of us.

Anyway, moving on to the ketchup conversation, did anyone else see the plan to make it easier to get the ketchup out of the bottles by coating the inside of said bottles with lubricant? I wish I was making this up.

Lube is a useful thing sometimes. But not with fries.

11 years ago

Curse you, blockquote monster.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


We have one for each of our desktops (an old Mac which we never use and a slightly newer PC that gets used occasionally). The only one we really use is an optical one, though.

The one we never use is way cooler and has Darth Vader (Dartboard’s Evader says autocorrect) on it. 🙂

Some Gal Not Bored at All


That makes me glad that I don’t like ketchup that much. Eww.

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