creepy incel misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA

Men Who Hate Women Debate How Quickly Women Go Bad


Over on, a fellow named Virgil challenges the widely held manosphere notion that women start losing their appeal once they hit their early 20s. According to him, the real turning point comes at the ripe old age of 25 or so. Why? Let’s let him explain — and in the process demonstrate how to use the word “c*ntathlon” in a sentence.

Behaviour has to count for something.

Any between ages 18-21 is in her Looks/reproductive Prime but The behaviour in these ages stinks.

Its like a competition to see who can out-cunt the other.

From simple things like skipping lines, to humiliating people in public, to ostracising people.

Its a damn cuntathlon.

We have to have some quality control here okes.

I fully agree that age 24-25 is the tip of the iceberg here folk.

Walk with me.

-she still looks attractive

-She’s starting work and therefore is in a controlled environment where validation is far less.Thus cooling the cunty behaviour

-she’s at the perfect equilibriu$ of grown up behaviour and youthful Looks.

Virgil gets some challenges from the regulars.

JackOfJokers argues that 25-year-olds are still as badly behaved  as 18-21-year-olds, and not as good-looking:

Sounds nice in theory Virgil, but the truth is they still get validated fuckloads by desperate office guys, they’re super stuck up, and they definitely look much worse; fat, cellulite, wrinkles, shitty diet, etc.

Mechanical Animals agrees:

If you think girls act much different from 18-21 to 24-25 you are fucking deluded.

Life after high school is exactly that, a continuation after high school.

What does this mean is exactly that, the good looking people keeps living in a bubble of validation way past their academical period.

Life of the sub 8 is a dead end, a merciless damnation. Think about all these beautiful, fucking females. You will never touch them.

The “sub-8” bit is a reference to the notion, seemingly held by 90% of the denizens of PUAhate, that only “male models” ever get to have sex with women.

Genetically Inferior, meanwhile, makes the case for “jailbait.”

15-18 is prime for a female but nobody will admit it

This arouses much ire from the regulars, not so much because Genetically Inferior is being a crepy pedo, but because “at 15 most chicks barely even have any tits developed,” as the similarly named Genetics puts it. “Wake up to reality incel,” Genetics continues in a second comment,

stop comparing tumblr feeds and “jailbait” associated websites of the top percent of teens to the average titless whore. At fifteen you’re merely in grade 10, most chicks have little tits and ass to show for.

Doesn’t start getting good untill 17-18 then peak at 21

I gave up reading the thread at this point as it seemed to have degenerated into little more than a collection of “jailbait” pictures.

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pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Um so I’ve been wondering. What are the two points kitty in the poster did earn?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

pillowinhell – 1. Being a kitty. 2. Not peeing on bozo’s leg.

historophilia – congrats and here’s hoping for lots more signatures and success!

11 years ago


Yay for your signatures! 😀

I was away for a while because I had to bitterly* snuggle my guinea pigs, which are at my moms house.

*have we stopped being bitter and anger in all our updates? My connection with the hive mind is a little faulty today 😛

You guys tell me if I’m being too weird, btw.

11 years ago

The article is a horror, but that cat picture is hilarious

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok, I’m on page one still but have to say — Some Gal, if you want to get that drink Glenn offered, I’ll tag along and pour it over his head. Thoughts on Irish whiskey?

I’ll catch up eventually, long day, psych appt, new script, new plant, repotted an amaryllis, no wait, it had a side bulb so two amaryllis(es? Ī? Let’s just not), repotted way too many succulents (anyone want some plants?!) and am staring at my new plant going “no, no, I just want to collapse damnit”. Also, there is now potting soil all over my rug, it’s one of those days.

Time to stop whining and either catch up or take a look at the roots on my new plant!

11 years ago

ShiOres and Kitteh – actually, I think cats don’t believe humans have language, because we don’t have tails. How could the two-leggers possible communicate if they can’t speak Tail?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

Bakeneko maker paws eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee

*dogs begin to howl*

seriously it’s so cute


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Marie – “You guys tell me if I’m being too weird, btw.” No such thing as too weird here, apart from the trolls and the stuff Dave posts about.

Argenti – what a waste of a good drink! Take a glass of cat pee for throwing over GeePeeWee instead.

Sir wrote a love song called Divine Amaryllis back in the day. 🙂

Even if <a href=""this were not in the picture (no pun intended!) the PUAs just aren’t on the scale of human beings worth spending any time with.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Ok, I’m on page one still but have to say —Some Gal, if you want to get that drink Glenn offered, I’ll tag along and pour it over his head. Thoughts on Irish whiskey

I would gladly have a drink with you and I love any whiskey. 🙂 I still maintain that Glenn P would count a drink on his head as a success.

You are in for a treat, though. This was a fun thread. (I read all of Glenn P’s stuff to my sister and the boyfriend and had then both laughing.)

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

Also, on the subject of bakeneko, from the MegaTen wiki page for Nekomata:

A bakeneko is, in Japanese folklore, a cat with supernatural abilities akin to those of the fox or raccoon dog. A cat may become a bakeneko in a number of ways: it may reach a certain age, be kept for a certain number of years, grow to a certain size, or be allowed to keep a long tail. In the last case, the tail forks in two and the bakeneko is then called a nekomata. This superstition may have some connection to the breeding of the Japanese Bobtail.

Also, demon contacts with the Nekomata are hilariously adorable. They’re all sassy and fashionable and flirty. And sometimes they want porn magazines. (Sometimes [mostly female] demons ask for this, which is always hilarious.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

“grow to a certain size”

How big is a certain size?

::looks suspiciously at Fatty Mads::

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

The link still worked for me. (Take that monster!) I got to see a very adorable picture. 🙂

11 years ago


Sweet 😀 Just wanna make sure I’m not making people uncomfortable.

Also, you guys are cute in that picture. (That’s you and mr K? Or am I wrong?)

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago


I see absolutely no problem with having a bakeneko or nekomata in the house.

*totally plans to dress up as an SMT3 Nekomata one hallow’een*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Big Kitty – you’re right. The closest we can come is learning to do the Tail Flick with fingers.

*thinks: so that’s why Mr K keeps threatening to grow a tail …*

Some Gal – merci!

Marie – ditto! Yes, that’s Mr K and me. We take our gardening very seriously. *cough cough*

CWS – me neither, I’m just wondr’n if Miss Maddie has a Plan afoot.

11 years ago

@kittehs and creative writing student

Did you guys change your avatars? They’re so cute!

I love that kitty avatar thing, I debate making a different one for every site that will let me.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

Thank you *blush* I was just messing around and then I saw the fold ears and the little paws and was “I have a MIGHTY NEED for this to be my avatar on everything” so yeah

Also funny is that I keep up with Mum on Gtalk, and apparently kitty surprised her a tiny bit when they first popped up.

11 years ago

How do you get the paws? I can’t find them on mine. 🙁 (if you don’t mind answering)

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

It’s on the Japanese bakeneko creator

It’s all in Japanese but it’s fairly easy to navigate (I cannot read Japanese and most of my spoken Japanese is variants of cats 😛 )

11 years ago

Thanks 😀 I shall go check it out now. I’m having way too much fun with these cat makers.

11 years ago

Glenn P said:

“Post a picture of yourself and prove to me that you are a woman with options… I bet you won’t change your avatar pic!!!”

Hahaha! This just keeps getting better!

Glenn, I hate to break it to you but you’re making a bigger fool of yourself every time you open your mouth. What makes you think that Somegal is under any obligation to do as you order? Every single thing you said about her was wrong. Every single thing, as you would know if you’d actually bothered to lurk instead of tramping all over Dave’s lounge room in your muddy clodhoppers!

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago


If I had thought of it at the time I would have suggested everyone change their avatars to adorable kittens making rude paw gestures.

11 years ago

Here is Some Gal’s new avatar:

11 years ago


That’d be a perfect avatar. XD

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