creepy incel misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA

Men Who Hate Women Debate How Quickly Women Go Bad


Over on, a fellow named Virgil challenges the widely held manosphere notion that women start losing their appeal once they hit their early 20s. According to him, the real turning point comes at the ripe old age of 25 or so. Why? Let’s let him explain — and in the process demonstrate how to use the word “c*ntathlon” in a sentence.

Behaviour has to count for something.

Any between ages 18-21 is in her Looks/reproductive Prime but The behaviour in these ages stinks.

Its like a competition to see who can out-cunt the other.

From simple things like skipping lines, to humiliating people in public, to ostracising people.

Its a damn cuntathlon.

We have to have some quality control here okes.

I fully agree that age 24-25 is the tip of the iceberg here folk.

Walk with me.

-she still looks attractive

-She’s starting work and therefore is in a controlled environment where validation is far less.Thus cooling the cunty behaviour

-she’s at the perfect equilibriu$ of grown up behaviour and youthful Looks.

Virgil gets some challenges from the regulars.

JackOfJokers argues that 25-year-olds are still as badly behaved  as 18-21-year-olds, and not as good-looking:

Sounds nice in theory Virgil, but the truth is they still get validated fuckloads by desperate office guys, they’re super stuck up, and they definitely look much worse; fat, cellulite, wrinkles, shitty diet, etc.

Mechanical Animals agrees:

If you think girls act much different from 18-21 to 24-25 you are fucking deluded.

Life after high school is exactly that, a continuation after high school.

What does this mean is exactly that, the good looking people keeps living in a bubble of validation way past their academical period.

Life of the sub 8 is a dead end, a merciless damnation. Think about all these beautiful, fucking females. You will never touch them.

The “sub-8” bit is a reference to the notion, seemingly held by 90% of the denizens of PUAhate, that only “male models” ever get to have sex with women.

Genetically Inferior, meanwhile, makes the case for “jailbait.”

15-18 is prime for a female but nobody will admit it

This arouses much ire from the regulars, not so much because Genetically Inferior is being a crepy pedo, but because “at 15 most chicks barely even have any tits developed,” as the similarly named Genetics puts it. “Wake up to reality incel,” Genetics continues in a second comment,

stop comparing tumblr feeds and “jailbait” associated websites of the top percent of teens to the average titless whore. At fifteen you’re merely in grade 10, most chicks have little tits and ass to show for.

Doesn’t start getting good untill 17-18 then peak at 21

I gave up reading the thread at this point as it seemed to have degenerated into little more than a collection of “jailbait” pictures.

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11 years ago

LBT, everyone has my permission to choose their own sandwich parts.

11 years ago

GlennP needs moar fedora.

11 years ago

Oh look at all the new avatars! It makes the page really colorful. And cute pictures and videos too! [she says bitterly and with great anger]

If we write a CYOA, this dog must feature in it somehow.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

That dog is adorbs! We laughed bitterly and angrily about it at work.

There really should be a law that fedoras are off-limits to douchebags and only worn by those who are not oxygen thieves. No fedora could save GPeeWee.

Mr K in fedora = OMG

Johny Depp in fedora = gorgeous

GeePeeWee in fedora = point and laugh / what a waste of a good hat

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

Don’t you love the way GlennPeeWee was all “Oh I don’t teach negging and manipulation, I just teach men how to be self confident” in the Door Pattern thread yesterday, and it’s taken only, what, 24 hours for his mask to fall off? Not that it was a very good mask, since anyone claiming to be a PUA guru has already shown they’re a pustule.

I was actually surprised he lasted at “reasonable” as long as he did (that is, one whole thread) before starting in on how pathetic men with small penises are* and how attractive women are a reward for succeeding at manliness.

*Men with smaller than average penises may or may not be pathetic as there is nothing wrong with having a smaller penis, but nothing inherently noble about it either.

11 years ago

I was sort of amused — bitterly, of course — that the person engaging in “shaming behavior” against men here was the NOT a feminist. Aren’t we the ones who are supposed to trot out the “small penis” charge at the drop of a hat?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

MRAs and PUAs have quite the Pavlovian reaction to being scorned by women, don’t they? If it were drool, the tissue companies would make a fortune. Mind you, given what wankers they all are …

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

Pavlovian reaction to women’s scorn is a good way of looking at it. All I had to do was establish a boundary and Glenn P was trying his damnedest to push it.

After remembering the way I allowed my boundaries to be pushed when I was in my early 20s, I am very glad to be at a place in my life where I won’t stand for that shit anymore. It is, thankfully, really easy for me to say “that is inappropriate and I am not okay with that” (especially over the internet ffs). More feminism is truly an awesome thing!

11 years ago

So many cats here. 😉 Did you know: the Japanese version of the kitty avatar maker is called “bakeneko avatar maker”.

In Japanese mythology: bakeneko = cat with supernatural powers .

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

It’s funny, isnt’ it – they think they’re the Psychology Kings with their negging and assorted nonsense, yet their buttons are really easy to push.

*laughs evilly*

After the conversation Mr K and I had this morning, I’m even more amused by GeePeeWee and his kiddiwink patheticosity† and schoolyard attempts to get a rise out of us. The contrast could not be greater.

*laughs uproariously just thinking about it*

† of course it’s a word

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

ShiOres – isn’t that all cats? 😉

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

I found the timing amusing as the boyfriend and I just celebrated our 9th anniversary. Glenn P could not have picked a worse time to try the string-of-failed-relationships-never-truly-been-sexually-satisfied-alone-forever gambit. (Unless it was this time next year, that would be worse!)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

His attack on you made me laugh even harder at him (at the same time as scorning him for being a horrible human being) because even without knowing it was your anniversary – congrats, btw! – anyone who’s familiar with your writing here knows how totally wrong he was. Stratospherically wrong! 😀

Isn’t it a joke, too, that they think “forever alone” is an unattractive prospect to everyone – or to anyone, if the alternative is being with one of them. It’d be like eating cold porridge and ketchup for the rest of your life.

11 years ago

And as someone else here said, anyone who suggests that feminists die alone surrounded by cats doesn’t know cats.

11 years ago

Creative Writing Student | March 13, 2013 at 3:39 pm
I have this fantasy, where catcallers’ phone numbers are imput into a call center and then randomly given to a caller. The caller phones them and says “Hello. You look attractive today,” and then puts the phone down and moves onto the next random caller. This then continues until they agree to renounce catcalling, and are watched to ensure they never do it again. The calls can happen at all times and there is no set order or time. Oh, and the callers are not allowed to stop until the catcaller answers the phone themself.

I know it’s kinda ethically grey but it’s so satisfying to imagine it.

Oh my god. That is amazing. That is a fantasy I can get behind. Grey, schmey, I think it’s a pretty reasonable proposition. <3

As for this:

When is the last time you got laid? When is the last time you’ve been held in the arms of a man that can turn you on just by looking at you? When is the last time you’ve truly felt alive and like a woman who can confidently walk down any street in America and be sure of herself? When is the last time you’ve turned the head of a man, had him approach you and then you WOW’D him with your intellect, spontaneity and zest for life? How many times have you been cheated on???

Hahahaha. Wut. I don’t read troll’s posts, just responses to them, so I effectively get the best bits combined with the joy of someone else telling them where to stick it.

This… this is bizarre. Who the hell responds to a man randomly approaching them by attempting to !WOW! them. Dude. No. That just doesn’t happen: certainly not in statistically significant numbers. If someone else in a queue strikes up a conversation that’s fairly natural and you enjoy it, that’s always nice. I got the number of a bank teller once because he was fun to talk to. But the whole framing of what Glenn said makes you into this pretty thing demonstrating your good points in the hopes the man you’re talking to is a buyer. Ewww.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

Thanks. I also don’t really understand the “How many times have you been cheated on?” question. All my being cheated on would tell anyone is that I dated I cheater. I can see having trust issues after that, but it being such a big “gotcha” that he stuck it at the end? (It is such a different tone from the other questions, too.) I feel like I am missing some secret PUA meaning. I know when women cheat on their beta husbands with alphas it is hypergamy or something and also lying cheating sluts, but men? Is it a trading up thing? It confused me.

11 years ago

@The Kittehs’ Unpaid Help:

I don’t know, bakenekos can talk, IIRC cats usually don’t talk (maybe they just play dumb?).

Seems the Japanese version has some extra features, e. g. you can add paws. 😉

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Not to mention, why would we want to impress some random bloke in the street? I mean, sure, I daresay there are lots of nice available fellers in your average city crowd, but … does PeeWee think women are as desperate as PUAs? Has he never heard of having a social life, or having no interest in strangers however good looking they may be, or being content with a) one’s partner(s) of whatever gender or b) no partner at all?

Sonny Jim here has very limited life experience, methinks, and a correspondingly narrow idea of how varied people are. (One problem he has is the same old one of not really perceiving that women are people.)

11 years ago

Some Gal: being cheated on would mean you failed as a sex dispenser. That’s what people like Glenn (is the extra “n” for extra neg?) would think. It’s also meant to knock you off balance.

11 years ago

…Is it weird that I read everything Glenn said in Shatner’s voice?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I don’t know, bakenekos can talk, IIRC cats usually don’t talk (maybe they just play dumb?).

They can, they just refuse to talk in anything except Cat. They’re messin’ with your mind. 😛

Paws too, that would be adorbs!

11 years ago

That’s funny, Sid. I kept reading his posts in the voice of Grimus, that purple dude from the Ronald McDonald gang. Remember how he’d start all his lines with “Duhhhh.”

11 years ago

Update on my campaign for a Feminist Society!

I have a whole 32 signatures and I only started collecting at 2pm today (it is 10 past midnight, of errrr tomorrow).

I should hopefully be collecting a few more tomorrow, but I’ve filled up a side and a half with signatures and it looks impressive.

@Gillian, I like it, it’ll be like the blood of the men Feminism has trampled beneath it’s jackboot of misandry!

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Ah. How could I have forgotten my sex dispenser job? *facepalm*

Seriously, thanks. I knew I was missing something. It certainly failed at knocking me off balance in part because I am used to trolls not making sense! 🙂

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Excellent work and congratulations!

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