Over on PUAhate.com, a fellow named Virgil challenges the widely held manosphere notion that women start losing their appeal once they hit their early 20s. According to him, the real turning point comes at the ripe old age of 25 or so. Why? Let’s let him explain — and in the process demonstrate how to use the word “c*ntathlon” in a sentence.
Behaviour has to count for something.
Any between ages 18-21 is in her Looks/reproductive Prime but The behaviour in these ages stinks.
Its like a competition to see who can out-cunt the other.
From simple things like skipping lines, to humiliating people in public, to ostracising people.
Its a damn cuntathlon.
We have to have some quality control here okes.
I fully agree that age 24-25 is the tip of the iceberg here folk.
Walk with me.
-she still looks attractive
-She’s starting work and therefore is in a controlled environment where validation is far less.Thus cooling the cunty behaviour
-she’s at the perfect equilibriu$ of grown up behaviour and youthful Looks.
Virgil gets some challenges from the regulars.
JackOfJokers argues that 25-year-olds are still as badly behaved as 18-21-year-olds, and not as good-looking:
Sounds nice in theory Virgil, but the truth is they still get validated fuckloads by desperate office guys, they’re super stuck up, and they definitely look much worse; fat, cellulite, wrinkles, shitty diet, etc.
Mechanical Animals agrees:
If you think girls act much different from 18-21 to 24-25 you are fucking deluded.
Life after high school is exactly that, a continuation after high school.
What does this mean is exactly that, the good looking people keeps living in a bubble of validation way past their academical period.
Life of the sub 8 is a dead end, a merciless damnation. Think about all these beautiful, fucking females. You will never touch them.
The “sub-8” bit is a reference to the notion, seemingly held by 90% of the denizens of PUAhate, that only “male models” ever get to have sex with women.
Genetically Inferior, meanwhile, makes the case for “jailbait.”
15-18 is prime for a female but nobody will admit it
This arouses much ire from the regulars, not so much because Genetically Inferior is being a crepy pedo, but because “at 15 most chicks barely even have any tits developed,” as the similarly named Genetics puts it. “Wake up to reality incel,” Genetics continues in a second comment,
stop comparing tumblr feeds and “jailbait” associated websites of the top percent of teens to the average titless whore. At fifteen you’re merely in grade 10, most chicks have little tits and ass to show for.
Doesn’t start getting good untill 17-18 then peak at 21
I gave up reading the thread at this point as it seemed to have degenerated into little more than a collection of “jailbait” pictures.
More cute?
You ignore the man and keep walking. He calls you a bitch.
To sniff his ass, turn to page 9.
To bark at him, turn to page 14.
To lift your leg and pee on him turn to page 10.
To meow at him turn, to page 7.
To act like a human and tell him to fuck off, to turn page 38.
“traumatized” kitty gets support:
Judging from Glenn P, “fuck off” translates to “you are interesting and I wish to know you better”.
The man screams at you for not noticing him and begins to make masturbatory gestures while remarking that you have both too much and not enough sex.
If you try to walk away: he follows you, return to the top of this page.
If you try to ignore him: turn to page 18 and only read every third word.
If you decide this makes him attractive: apologize for ignoring him and turn to page 87.
If you figure that he would listen he would listen to a man: turn to page 74.
(Basically a true story)
RE: katz
*laughs* May I ask the reasoning for the choices?
RE: Some Gal
There isn’t anything shameful about having either, but I think before I share and it will inevitably reveal a lot more about me than about the subject of the fantasy.
Here, here.
I had absolutely no reasoning (except that you were one of the pieces of bread because you’re the part most people see?).
Off topic but OMG Could someone with a public twitter account warn @everydaysexism – Laura Bale is debating Mike Buchanan as in http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/government-tyranny/he-who-pays-the-piper-calls-the-tune-or-does-he/ on the BBC radio 2 Jeremy Vine show at 12.30 tomorrow.
Is the cuntathlon in the same event as the leviathon?
RE: katz
*snickers* Works for me! Gigi’s wrinkling her nose at the idea of mayo; she says she wants to be pickles.
I got distracted by laughing and a phone call, but if you still need synonyms:
(Apologies if these are duplicates, I know someone did some already and now I can’t find it)
Proud (?)
I am not 100% sure what you need…
(Those all seem like things cool people do.)
And I will verb anything, so if the with-it crowd awesomes their way down a street, I am down with that. 🙂
GlennP: you are being stupid. You come in saying women “still have it in their thirties” – that’s just changing the age limit these dipshits use. You’re still saying women have some sort of time limit that YOU get to impose. Why should any decent person (it’s not just women telling you to fuck off) think that’s a good thing?
You also know jack shit about reading and understanding comments. Assuming someone’s distaste and contempt for a particular statement or attitude = “they are an angry person” just demonstrates that you’re being shallow* and have a one dimensional view of women**, since it’s a woman you’re making your proclamaitons about.
So, from someone else who is happy: fuck off. Stop trying to impose yourself on people who’ve made it quite clear you’re not welcome. Oh, and try applying that to other aspects of your life. You might even pass Human Decency 101 if you study really hard.
* surprise
** even more surprise
@The Kittehs’
LOL. Maybe the leviathon is for manly men and the cuntathlon is for women and manginas. The sources for both seem like gender-essentializers.
@melody I’m so sorry you’re feeling so low. Hugs if you want them!
I chose Viscaria as a name because in the Victorian language of flowers it supposedly represented an invitation to dance. Clearly I am actually an orange lily, which was used to express hatred or intense dislike (according to the internets anyway).
Grr, argh, hate everyone. So angry.
If you attempt to wow him with your intellect with a Sherlockian display of deduction (or induction, whatever peaks your interest), go to page 12
Page 12! “You live alone in a 1 bed 1 bath apartment that is growing mold, you still have dirty dishes in the sink from four meals ago, you ate breakfast and dinner alone in your pajamas while crying, you think that negging works but are too afraid to try it, your job is repetitive and unfulfilling and your boss wants to fire you, you are allergic to cats even though you wish you had one, and you masturbated twice this morning to the sound of your own voice. Wanna fuck?” *bats eyes*
I swear leviathon is a real word. Or at least a fake one I’ve heard used somewhere else* before…
*some where else as in somewhere not this website
Also, I’m secretly a donut hole. *throws herself on couch, sobbing* My life is a lie!!!
*angry, serious, lonely, unloved feminist face back on*
Grr! Hate! Angry feminists unite!
Marie: Are you thinking of Leviathan, maybe?
Well, I messed up what pillow in hell wanted as well. I actually count that as a win seeing as how I was trying to guess what Glenn P would say. If Id made y’all happy, it would have been massively out of character. 🙂
Oh! I love all the new gravatars! Grr. Argh. Feminist hate. Etc. and so forth.
yes, I think I was *blushes* I just fail spelling forever.
So, weedy boy who needs a hairdo thinks we want to show him our pictures to prove ourselves worthy? LOL LOL LOL!
GlennP isn’t even real as far as I’m concerned. He’s just some dumbass words on a computer and I wouldn’t look twice at him. He might as well be a ghost. Men approaching in the street? Pardon me while I hurl.
Don’t you love the way GlennPeeWee was all “Oh I don’t teach negging and manipulation, I just teach men how to be self confident” in the Door Pattern thread yesterday, and it’s taken only, what, 24 hours for his mask to fall off? Not that it was a very good mask, since anyone claiming to be a PUA guru has already shown they’re a pustule.
Marie, that’s a fierce kitty! 😀
I must have missed that, not that I feel too let down by it.
And thank you 😀 I love my new kitten avatar. Thanks to whoever posted the link!
‘I just love kitten avatars’ the angry feminist said bitterly.
I may be rambling because I’m all caffeinated now XD