creepy emotional abuse men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA PUA

The Door Pattern: Creepiest bit of Pickup Artist BS ever?

The Only Pua you want near your door. Seriously, "Pua" is the name of the anteater.
The Only Pua you want near your door. Seriously, “Pua” is the name of the anteater. Google it if you don’t believe me.

So there’s an old school type of Pickup Artistry called Speed Seduction in which, instead of simply trying to manipulate the ladies into bed, our would-be seducers try to literally hypnotize their prey by repeating prefabricated “patterns” that supposedly work on people’s subconscious minds without them realizing it. The whole thing is based on something called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), which most scientists seem to think is quackery. Most of the pickup techniques inspired by NLP are beyond ridiculous.

One NLP-inspired PUA “pattern,” for example, involves using the phrase “below me” when talking to the Hot Babes. Since “below me” sounds vaguely like “blow me,” you see, the Hot Babe you’re talking to will be subconsciously primed to want to give you a blow job. And no, I’m not making this up.

The creepiest PUA “pattern” I’ve run across so far is something called the “Door Pattern,” invented by some dude named Alex Domnikov, and recently brought to my attention by Mike Booth, the guy behind the hilarious Some Grey Bloke videos on Youtube.

One PUA has described the Door Pattern as “the “bad boy” of all patterns. … evil and cruel, playing on the fears and deep insecurities of women.”

Essentially, the idea behind this little routine is to manipulate any Hot Babe you’ve somehow convinced to sleep with you into desperately worrying that you’ll abandon her. Why she would consider this a bad thing, I’m not sure, as PUAs are not known for being especially sensitive lovers. But we’ll just suspend our disbelief and continue.

[TRIGGER WARNING for emotional abuse in what follows]




So how does this dastardly Door Pattern work? Well, after you’ve had sex with a woman, and she’s feeling all glowy, you point to the door and ask her “sweetheart, what’s that over there?”

And she’ll say, “well you know, that’s a door, silly.” And you say, “yeah, you know.. I’m a real positive person, but.. I mean, can you imagine.. I mean, you don’t know what can happen from day to day, when you think about it in your mind. I mean, what would happen if I walked out that door and the door closed and as the door closed, it slammed shut, and no matter what you did, you could not open the door and you knew that you would never be able to look into my eyes again and you’d never be able to hear my voice again and you’d never be able to feel my touch again.” Ok, right here is where she starts going, “I don’t like this door business at all.”

So you reassure her a little, and then it’s back to the “door business” again:

Have some more fun with her, bring her to another orgasm or whatever and say, “you know, a terrible thing happened the other day. My friend was hit by a truck. I mean, it was awful, by the time they got him to hospital he was dead. I can’t believe it, you know? It’s almost as if, it would be a horrible thing you know when you think about..” (point towards the door) “..that no matter even if you were to get that door opened and you were to search, that you could never find me again..” Then she starts freaking out. You calibrate more on that part of, “you will never be able to see me again, you’ll never be able to hear my voice again.”

Repeat as necessary, and pretty soon any time she starts to get uppity, all you have to do is point to a door, and – ta da! – no more “bullshit” from her!

Having anchored that sense of loss and pain to the door, you can trigger it whenever needed. Whatever negative behavior may come up that you want to stop, the first time you just get up and slam the door. Whether you walk out the door depends on the level of bullshit. On later occasions you can just indicate tbe door in some manner. The example Alex gives: If he’s talking on the phone and getting any crap from her, and he knows the relation of where the door is to her desk, he says, “sweetheart, could you please turn right and take a look at what’s over there..” and that was the end of the bullshit.”

Assuming the Hot Babe doesn’t either laugh in your face and/or throw you out the first time you pull this creepy shit with her, what we’ve got here is a template for ongoing emotional abuse.

Happily, one enterprising soul has turned the Door Pattern into an ExtraNormal video. I find that the robot voice in the video meshes well with the psychopathic creepiness of the content.

The Door Pattern is not to be confused with the Doors Pattern, in which you get drunk and babble on about Nietzsche and everyone around you tells you you’re a genius.

There’s a video for that one too:

Oh, and here’s a cat singing the theme song to Game of Thrones. For some reason this popped up on YouTube when I was looking for drunk Jim Morrison videos.

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11 years ago

BTW, you manboobzers have now got me hooked both on Doctor Who and Terry Pratchett! (Reading Lords and Ladies now.)

11 years ago

@Cassandra, 60% of the time, it works every time.

11 years ago

About ten years ago I read a parody book where one of the character tried to use the “Below me/blow me” trick, and was on his way to a(nother) seminar on how to pick up women. I thought it was overblown for a joke, but huh, there you go.

11 years ago

Hi Creatve Writing Student


Did you mean:
What are you talkiing about?
WTF… are people really that delusional?
something else?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago


I think all three, and a fleeting thought about the guy who won a Darwin Award for injecting cocaine into his penis (he won because the resulting medical treatment for his priapism wound up giving him a non-erectile cock)

11 years ago

Why would anyone think it was a good idea to inject things into their cock without medical supervision?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

All that shit about “you’ll never see me again, never hear my voice again” would just trigger “This guy’s as vain/narcissistic as they come – he thinks he’s the centre of my universe. Time to get out, I think.”

11 years ago

This was used in the 90’s? Holy frick am I glad I didn’t enter the dating at a younger age. Even now as an adult I’m overall a pretty passive and soft-spoken person, sometimes seen as innocent. If I had encountered someone who pulled this on me when I was younger and more naive…*shudder*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

“What’s that over there?”

“A spider? Where? I can’t see it! Are you telling me there’s been a spider in here and you haven’t said anything all this time? GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU FUCKING DOUCHEBAG I’M NEVER SPEAKING TO YOU AGAIN.”

11 years ago

There’s also the fact that “what’s that over there” and pointing at a door sounds like you think the person you’re talking to is incredibly stupid. I guess that’s meant to turn us on too?

11 years ago

It reminds me of how people talk to their dogs. Is this your leash? Yes it is! Do you want to go for a walk? Yes you do!

11 years ago

It reminds me of how people talk to their dogs.

Because again, women =/= humans.

11 years ago

Ok, sorry about being oblique. (It sounded funny in my head.)

I was refering to penis enlarging through physical manipulation. I cannot remember what its called. It is a bullshit thing, that surprised me that it was an actual thing at all, and there are websites dedicated to it. I went to one site and argued that the most they were doing was causing inflammation from damage which could lead to the creation of scar tissue and not the increase in the amount of erectile tissue that they sought.

This won’t surprise anyone, but I was angrily told that I was full of shit. (Was I trolling?)

While I brought this up here as evidence of gullibility, it also (to my mind) points to a similarity between these folks and and the PUA/MRA crowd. All these guys function on a theory of women that they reinforce with each other, rather than hanging out with and befriending actual women.

11 years ago

BTW, you manboobzers have now got me hooked both on Doctor Who and Terry Pratchett! (Reading Lords and Ladies now.)

*Steeples hands*

No, we merely manipulated events so that you hooked yourself.

11 years ago

Kittehs’, you are perhaps the least likely to fall for guilt tripping about never seeing someone ever again, in my opinion.

Also: Vaguely relevant.

Not relevant whatsoever: I think my favorite characters are the Snow Queen and the Fun-Hating Adventurer. I ship them. I ship them so hard.

11 years ago

It reminds me of how people talk to their dogs. Is this your leash? Yes it is! Do you want to go for a walk? Yes you do!

And this is about how I’d respond.

11 years ago

There’s also the fact that “what’s that over there” and pointing at a door sounds like you think the person you’re talking to is incredibly stupid.

Nonsense! It’s a perfectly good set-up. But it might require a bit more leading to make sure that the person in bed with you responds properly:

“What’s that door-shaped thing over there with that door-knob?”
-“A door?”
(if the door is closed, it is necessary at this time to spring out of bed and open it)
“No, it’s a ajar!”

From there you can go into the manipulative parts:
“And what if you were to put me in the jar and screw the lid on but forget to puncture air holes and I suffocated to death while singing the theme song to Peter Gunn?”

11 years ago

OMG, Borias is beautiful. Don’t tell my kittehs, but I miss living with a GS.

Thank you katz.

Dash Johnson
Dash Johnson
11 years ago

Isn’t this basically the D.E.N.N.I.S. System?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Pillowinhell – gods, that’s nauseating about your grandfather. I must be a callous person, because my reaction to the idea of someone saying “I’ll kill myself if you don’t marry/fuck/enslave yourself to me!” is “Fine, go ahead, manipulative abusers are no loss.” Not that I’d believe them anyway, but guilt if they did? Nope. Even if I’d felt affection for them, that would make it shrivel up and die.

11 years ago


Not relevant whatsoever: I think my favorite characters are the Snow Queen and the Fun-Hating Adventurer. I ship them. I ship them so hard.

omg, I ship them too! *squees*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Kittehs’, you are perhaps the least likely to fall for guilt tripping about never seeing someone ever again, in my opinion.

LOL merci!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Not relevant whatsoever: I think my favorite characters are the Snow Queen and the Fun-Hating Adventurer. I ship them. I ship them so hard.

Mine too! Mine too!

And the Snow Queen’s servants, those fuzzy Yeti-ish critters. They’re sweet. 🙂

11 years ago

Oh, I love the Fun-Hating Adventurer.

My favorite strip is this one (SFW).

11 years ago

I’m a commitaphobe and therefore this technique would not work well.

I would probably respond: Yes, that would be nice. Please leave through that door and never return.

Plus, my whole abstaining from sex thing would probably result in me never getting into the situation in the first place.

I am now picturing a PUA doing this to a dog. I think it would be far more effective on a dog. Dogs like people even horrible horrible people, but if you are their master……Poor traumatized dog.