funny imaginary oppression somegreybloke video

Red Pillheads

Mike Booth, the guy behind Some Grey Bloke, gave me a great idea for a post (which will be coming soon), so I’m using that as an excuse to post this video of his about the famous Red Pill, which is apparently quite popular outside the manosphere as well as within it. Apparently it comes from an old sci-film from a couple of decades ago called The Matrix?

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12 years ago

I cry even though I know the ending of the Iron Giant.

12 years ago

The kids love the Iron Giant. (Though Coraline is still their favorite, I think.)

Film isn’t my medium in general, so I know that I won’t see a lot of brill films. (Though I DID see Casablanca recently and really enjoyed it.)

And yes, it is a source of eye-roll amusement to me that misogynists who use red pill terminology crap use shit lifted from a movie directed in part by a trans woman. And while the Matrix did make us think as a wee teen, by now, we might as well have a freaking degree in Subjective Reality. (When I watched Inception, my initial response was to laugh and want to pat on the characters on the head while going, “Boys, boys–you’re thinking too SMALL.”)

12 years ago

I was in my early twenties when star wars came out. IIRC it was the first blockbuster type film, so it changed the film industry. Also, IIRC, it was the first major sci-fi film since the film 2001 and opened following a ten year drought with no major sci-fi tv or film since the star trek tv series, so it changed movie and tv sci-fi. And, IIRC, it involved the first use of near-realistic special effects. Prior to this we had the japanese and british model makers as well as the stop motion animation, so the film changed special effects. If you were alive at the time, this film was a revelation that jump-started modern film.

IMHO it was a fun, but not a great film or story.

And the people who were taking the “Force” seriously were creeping me out.

The red-pill meme from the matrix appears to be even creepier.

Though neither is as creepy as the folks that take philosophy from those bodice-rippers written by that russian author… ehhh… rand something.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

And the people who were taking the “Force” seriously were creeping me out.

Not just you. Alec Guinness was seriously creeped out by the people who wrote to him as if he was Obi-Wan. “My wife and I are having problems, could you come and stay with us a few days,” was how he put it in an interview.

12 years ago

@kitteh, did you know Inigo Montoya is now in Criminal Minds

@Falconer…Iron Giant…sobbed my eyes out. Toy Story 3… sobbed my eyes out. Monsters Inc…sobbed my eyes out. I have seen 2 grown up movies since the kids were born. One was the King’s Speech and the other was Children of Men. Sobbed my eyes out at both.

I reckon having kids makes the lachrymal ducts a)larger and b)hopelessly sensitive to schmaltz.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“did you know Inigo Montoya is now in Criminal Minds”

Ehh…sorta. He did the first 1~2 seasons.

And I liked the first Matrix movie, and then they went and killed what little they had going for them. Then again, I liked Underworld enough to see the fourth one (which is much, much better than the third, but that’s a fairly low bar)

Lol…Underworld, of course, this happened. And I still can’t remember the main character’s name, she’ll always be Lucita to me (Toreador Lucita *dies of stupid*)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I didn’t know he was in that, I’ve never watched it (only US series I’ve been into in recent decades was ER).

I loved The King’s Speech! Did you see the documentary The Real King’s Speech? That was very good, too. And you’d never know it from seeing Geoffrey Rush play him, but Lionel Logue was remarkably handsome as a young man – he reminds me of the young Paul Newman.

12 years ago

@Argenti, I knew he wasn’t always in them but Aussie TV programming is so erratic in its broadcasting of non-Aussie shows that you just give up on the concept of seasons and watch what they show you. Hence our growing collection of box sets (Dr Who, Fringe, Supernatural, The Killing (OV), The Walking Dead)

12 years ago

@Kitteh, no I haven’t seen the doco, but I think I researched Lionel Logue after it because i couldn’t believe it was all true. I’m not a monarchist by any means (sorry, Mr K!) but I enjoyed the story telling re a man needing to shoulder a burden he never sought and having to overcome his fears.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Yes, George VI’s really interesting – he had so much to deal with (appalling upbringing, rotten health, his stammer) just to do his jobs as a naval office and royal Duke, which was public whether he liked it or not; having the job of king thrown at him, and at such a time, was a hell of a thing. One reason the Queen Mother never forgave Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson was that she felt they basically killed her husband. I don’t think he would have made old bones, not with his health as it was and his heavy smoking, but the huge stresses of reigning in wartime, even in the very limited role of a constitutional monarch, sure added to his problems. There’s a good bio of him out if that’s your sort of thing; it’s by Sarah Bradford.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

BigMomma — I kind of figured that’s what happened, I gave up on a lot of anime thanks to adult swim doing that…plots, how do they work?!

Also, amazingly on topic! What happens when you combine 9/11 denial; belief in chem-trails, that they’re the cause of global warning, climate change and “now ‘extreme weather'”, also, they’re “artifical clouds”; Polio vaccine as poison that will paralyze (yes I read it three times and am sure that’s what it says); and Sandy was an engineered hurricane?

If you guessed “Argenti’s latest twitter follower” go have a cookie cuz hot damn is this weird.

Wonder if it was the feminism (admittedly a bit sparse lately), the trans* activism, #OpThunderbird, Rohingya genocide, or the cute animals…because he’s really not going to last long!

For the curious, and/or those who have to see it to believe it —

…wait, that’s not NWO right? Cuz he does fit the profile…

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Never mind, NWO isn’t married, and probably wouldn’t claim to be considering his views on women.

How the fuck did this guy even find me?!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Gad, NWO has a younger brother?


12 years ago

Wasn’t that the screen name one of the more annoying recent trolls was using?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

It was Martyn and a surname that lent itself to Fart – Hart? Hare?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Google fu says Hare. Also, dude’s stream is hilarious, I’d be tempted to follow back if he didn’t put Anonymous tweet storms to shame in sheer volume.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Oh, since I had the site specific google up anyways, I tried troll’s claim as to what auto complete suggests for CassandraSays…did you mean Cassandra says?

Yeah, that’s all, whether I meant what I typed or the grammaritically more logical option. Impressive that!

Polio vaccines cause paralysis…Polio. Vaccines. Cause. Paralysis…in “useless eaters”… — I couldn’t make this shit up. FYI, polio cases remain lower than the relevant “this time last year” numbers, 22 cases this time last year, 9 so far. Nine…any of the folks old enough to remember polio ever think you’d see under 200 cases a year as the expected total? With serious goals for way less next year? (Actually, if the numbers hold, it’ll be just over 100 this year)

Ok, my mother’s expecting me to make coffee, can’t go getting misty eyed about eradicating polio!

12 years ago


My shameful confession is I love most of the [Bond] title songs.

Well, I can’t say I’m always impressed or blown away by them.

Except if Adele’s doing it. If Adele’s doing it then it’s the best thing every and I listen to it constantly because it’s so great and awesome that I just need to hear it about a billion times more.

12 years ago

Except if Adele’s doing it. If Adele’s doing it then it’s the best thing every and I listen to it constantly because it’s so great and awesome that I just need to hear it about a billion times more.

I’m going to drive my beloved mad one of these days. At least I’m not still on that Tenacious D bender, she couldn’t understand that one at all.

Hey, maybe I oughta check out what Adele does when she’s working for herself ….

12 years ago

Hey, maybe I oughta check out what Adele does when she’s working for herself ….


12 years ago

I don’t understand twitter to be honest.
I have tumblr though.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

It’s a bit like tumblr, but with shorter posts. And universal hashtags, idk if tumblr tags always only apply to the tumblr you’re on, but twitter’s always search all of twitter.

Of course, that’s also how I know that Beiber’s hamster died. Useless info is useless.

12 years ago


I like most of the bond songs too. Similarly related, the only way my sister could convince me to watch mission impossible was because I like the music. I just so don’t care about the mission impossible movies (sorry to anyone who does ;p) They feel like bond movies except more…blah. They did have less bafflingly offensive ones, but they also didn’t have ones I actually liked. Continuing rambling, I made the mistake of letting my dad and his fiance (then girlfriend) convince us to watch the fourth one. The only redeemable things was it had Hawkeye from the Avengers in it and the resident chick (there must only be one!) was rather attractive.

Everyone’s talking about the Iron Giant, but I haven’t seen it. Now I feel like I’m missing something, if it’s so good 😉

Inception was pretty blah, imo. It was very predictable, and I didn’t care less, but my mom liked it, and it had decent music, so I’ve seen it twice.

@argenti artheri

I liked underworld one and two, but so couldn’t care for the third. Maybe I’ll check out the fourth, if it’s better.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Four is more of um, not-Lucita and Michael, and they finally got that it’s a damned action movie, blow something up. Things you’ll find out from google or five min in — it’s what happens when the masquerade is broken / humans discover vampires and werewolves. Sorry if my wording only sort of makes sense, I really do see it as a movie version of Vampire the Masquerade characters…well sorta, if Lucita has a love interest, it’s Fatima, who is, as you’d guess, female…and another major VtM character is “fuck gender, I can literally remake my form and am going to” (yes I love oWoD)

12 years ago

@argenti aertheri

Sweet. I guess I’ll check it out then 😀