funny imaginary oppression somegreybloke video

Red Pillheads

Mike Booth, the guy behind Some Grey Bloke, gave me a great idea for a post (which will be coming soon), so I’m using that as an excuse to post this video of his about the famous Red Pill, which is apparently quite popular outside the manosphere as well as within it. Apparently it comes from an old sci-film from a couple of decades ago called The Matrix?

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11 years ago

“Sort of like Mensa for anti Semites and misogynists” I love this quote but don’t think it needs the clarification. If you make the mistake of going to sites like voxday you can see that the disgusting rascist, misogynist attitudes are often excused with “but I’m in Mensa, so don’t question me!”

11 years ago

Vox…mensa called…they want their membership back. I mean….creationism? Rape arguments?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Took three clicks, but yes. I’m guessing that bit of weirdness is just that I’m on my ever weird iPad.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I love the bit about it being a depressant and not a good idea to take if you’re prone to all those conditions, and especially the idea that it’s probably made by Big Pharma. 😀

11 years ago

I do love some grey bloke. He has the perfect combination of deadpan and biting sarcasm.
11 years ago

Love it.

11 years ago

LOL! Big Pharma manufactures the “Red Pill”!

Yoyo: I don’t recognize the uglies because I was raised with it. To me it’s “normal”. The clarifications are needed. I’ve found that for me it’s not just the matter of “oh, that’s wrong to say” but “that’s wrong to think and here’s why”. More information means greater understanding. Then I can make my decision whether to stay the way I am and keep thinking that way or go through the painful but enlightning process of changing. Understanding and changing is also quite freeing. Good morning, all.

11 years ago

Bah , what couple of decades ago? The Matrix was only 14 years ago! And the contempt for Mensa is sourgrapes, dont hate us because we’re smart ( and not to brag but I joined our local chapter of Mensa in 2005 ).

11 years ago

I never saw The Matrix – yeah, I know, I’m one of maybe 10 people in the First World who didn’t – but I hate it for convincing so many Internet assholes that they were brilliant philosophers.

11 years ago

The Red Pill is apparently a pretty powerful hallucinogen.

That could actually make for an interesting Matrix parody/satire: Neo’s just a douche who THINKS he’s “The One”, winds up tripping balls on the Red Pill, and we watch him pratfalling his way through “The Matrix” while Agent Smith tries to keep him from hurting himself.

11 years ago

I never saw The Matrix – yeah, I know, I’m one of maybe 10 people in the First World who didn’t – but I hate it for convincing so many Internet assholes that they were brilliant philosophers.

Same here.* Now we just have to find the other eight.

I was really baked and fell asleep 30 minutes in.

11 years ago

Karalora: There are White supremacists who loved the movie Black History X, which I don’t if you’ve seen, but isn’t exactly pro-racism. There are douche-bags misogynists who are complete fans of My Little Pony. Don’t let the worse people define a media. (not that you would necessarily like the movie, though. But I think it was a pretty fun and interesting one.)

11 years ago

I needed that LOL about Big Pharma.

I’ve seen The Matrix. Meh. I skipped the sequels, and the anime, and the video game(s).

As far as siblings who are filmmakers go, I far prefer the Coen brothers. Although props, because I understand that one of the Matrix filmmakers is a trans woman. This is totally different from ragging on them for giving Internet dipshits a few terms they can absolutely fail to use correctly and nevertheless feel like a Schmott Guy.

11 years ago

Now we just have to find the other eight.

*raises hand*

I have also never seen Star Wars, Back To The Future, Die Hard or any Bond film.

*hands in nerd card*

11 years ago

@Falconer: Firstly, for all it was a box-office flop, the Wachowski’s Speed Racer is actually better than the Matrix. The Matrix is psuedo-philisophical bullshit over an engaging action movie. It is a terrible mistake to try to stretch that to three movies; it barely holds together for one. But for that one movie, for Hugo Weaving’s EXCELLENTLY hammy performance, I still recommend watching it. But it’s not all that. (and see Speed Racer if you haven’t)

Let me sum up every Bond movie ever for you. “Hi, I’m a secret agent. So I will drink ridiculously for no reason, sleep with every woman in the film, shoot everybody else. Oh, hey, a bad-guy with a wildly awful and improbable plan! Let us have an exciting and unique action sequence! Okay, are we good? Fine. Now I’ll blow something big up, and then it’s back to women and wine.”

Yeah, totally skippable.

Everything else on your list is stuff I loved when I was young, and these days I have trouble getting back into the mindset where I can enjoy them. (unlike, say, the works of Don Bluth, which only seem deeper and more poignant the older I get)

11 years ago

I used to be able to say I hadn’t seen the Die Hard films, but one of my friends DEMANDED that as her 21st birthday present I watch ALL of the films.

I haven’t seen the newer star wars films, but I watched the old ones.

I’ve seen Back to the Future, but don’t remember the plot or anything.

I am currently considering watching Titanic.

11 years ago

Yeah Howard, I kind of figured as much with the Bond films. The same with the other ones really, I know the plots (and I’ve spent long enough on the internet that I know all the plot holes too!), so why bother.

I feel your pain Melody, my partner and I have a friend that comes to stay every weekend and they’re currently ganging up on me so we can have a Die Hard marathon. Not going to happen. I’ve told them they can do it while I’m visiting my family, but they keep pushing for it, the gits.

11 years ago

I think you might get a kick out of watching Star Wars if you never have before. My personal cultural shame: I giggled through Casablanca. Not because it wasn’t a good film, it was; but because it’s been so thoroughly strip-mined by pop culture. By the time I watched it, every scene had two or three comedic versions running simultaneously through my head. It’s hard to get swept away by Bogart’s incredibly goodbye speech when I have the Muppet version running though my head.

Same with “Wizard of Oz” and to a lesser extent, “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

11 years ago

(unlike, say, the works of Don Bluth, which only seem deeper and more poignant the older I get)

Don’t get me started on that…

11 years ago


Firstly, for all it was a box-office flop, the Wachowski’s Speed Racer is actually better than the Matrix.

I tried watching Speed Racer once, but I was bored out of my skull. It was weird, the cars were racing at high speeds, doing loop-de-loops and using weird, fantastic gadgets and I couldn’t care less. I gave up at around the 30 minute mark.

11 years ago

Wow, look what I started! I’m so proud!

I’ve seen all the Star Wars films at one point or another, but I don’t care. I’m in the position of having been born the year ANH came out, so I spent the first few years of my life surrounded by Star Wars mania, but too young to really appreciate it myself. I’m left with an intellectual understanding that the franchise is extremely cool, but no emotional attachment to it.

On the other hand, I love the BTTF trilogy.

Never seen Titanic, any of the Die Hard series, or any Bond movie. Don’t really care to.

The Speed Racer movie is…not brilliant, but very clever and fun. It helps to realize that it’s basically a love letter to the original anime series in all its goofy glory. The movie knows how silly it is…but the characters don’t know they’re in a silly movie, so it manages to walk that fine line between affectionate parody and cynical spoof.

11 years ago

The Speed Racer movie is…not brilliant, but very clever and fun. It helps to realize that it’s basically a love letter to the original anime series in all its goofy glory. The movie knows how silly it is…but the characters don’t know they’re in a silly movie, so it manages to walk that fine line between affectionate parody and cynical spoof.

So much this.

@myoo: Booo!

@leftwingfox: All I’m saying is, scar me forever in childhood once….. and apparently I will forgive you all your faults.

11 years ago

@thenatfantastic: When they say Die Hard marathon, all I hear is Christmas music playing over scenes of conspicuous consumerism.

PS: don’t let them do it. I like all those movies, but a marathon just highlights all the flaws of II and III. And IV doesn’t even count. It would take otherwise fun movies and destroy them. THEY’RE NOT REALLY A SERIES, AND SHOULD NOT BE TREATED AS SUCH.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Re: Titanic, unless you like wildly improbable fictionalizations of real event, capped by over the top completely improbable romance, and ignoring some 60+ years of Rose’s life, don’t bother. It’s CGI and hot young actor eye candy, and makes a damned mockery of just how bad the classism was on the Titanic.

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