creepy evil sexy ladies misogyny sluts

The search for a slut-free college

Don't let the books fool you -- these gals are up to no good!
Don’t let the books fool you — these gals are up to no good!

So the high school freshman who calls himself Bostonian42 is thinking ahead to college. And he’s got questions. Well, actually just one question, which he’s asking people about every college he’s interested in: is this college full of sluts? Because if it is, he wants none of it.

Here he is, inquiring about Dartmouth:


He’s posted similar comments for eight other colleges.

Sounds like he may want to avoid whatever college it is that Amanda here is going to. (See here for more from this inadvertantly hilarious comic book.)


(Thanks to @MaraWritesStuff on Twitter for alerting the world to Boston42’s noble quest.)

(Oh, and I guess I’m back to posting again, though my posts may be a little light for awhile.)

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M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@jeff- Nobody is denying that some feminists are assholes who say problematic things. But the purpose of our movement is to promote equality and a better world. The purpose of yours is to be dicks to women whenever possible. It’s a matter of priorities, bro.

11 years ago

@jeff mensrights

“Then there’s the fact that working with women towards a common goal means you develop a strong and passionate bond with them – why some feminists then block out the possibility of sexual relationships with their political sisters and instead turn to men for intimacy is beyond me.”

Sexual orientation is suddenly changeable? Liberal logic strikes again!

…but….it’s not suddenly changeable. The person you quoted may have wanted it to be, but did notice that other women were still going to men for ‘intimacy’*

*weird word.

Also, liberal logic? O_O like, seriously. what?

11 years ago

Late to the party but I call shenannigans. He’s a High School Freshman, and he (at 14) 1: knows he is “sexually conservative” (whatever the fuck that means) and 2: is so worried about it that he’s looking four years out and worrying about it?

His diction is also a bit more careful (and well structured) than I think of a HS freshman using.

11 years ago

“It is seriously gross to be guessing other people’s sexualities anyway. ”

They do exactly that at MIT and other colleges. I have to add that it’s not mandatory, still I think, if you don’t to answer, that’s also an information about you.

Can someone please translate this into English?

1: I went to two different colleges. I don’t recall the administration taking shots in the dark from random comments, attempting to assess my apparent sexuality at any point in time. So what exactly is this blathering about?

2: “… that’s also an information about you.” >.<

11 years ago

How long before Jeff brings up one of our zombie feminists in a sad attempt at a “gotcha?”

Creative Writing Student

*starts stockpiling the brains of men (misandry!) in order to placate the zombies*

It’s true, zombie straw feminism is out to suck the sweet, sweet meninges of men who are made to sit on hard chairs.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — that’s not careful dictation, that’s “I only know how to write a 5 paragraph essay” — you’ve been out of school long enough to have avoided that, probably. Lucky you. I got low mark after low mark for not writing papers as intro; point one — intro sentence, 3 sentences supporting it, conclusion sentence; repeat for points 2 and 3; conclusion paragraph.

Needless to say, colleges immediately teach you how not to write like that. And sorry for the writing lesson, I was one of the first classes to graduate under No Child Left Behind and it was hellish.

In short, that sort of having to please a formula that sucks, trains you to write tiny sentences so you can meet the 3 sentences per point bull without having much substance. Cicero would’ve shat on it (I didn’t learn how to actually write until Latin, hence the Cicero reference)

Everyone — I lack spoons for trolls, enjoy your chew toys!

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Don’t make the five-paragraph essay sound better than it is! The way I was originally taught (8th grade), It was:

Topic Sentence, Point One, Point Two, Point Three, Conclusion Sentence

Point One Sentence from Paragraph One, Subpoints One, Two, Three, Conclusion Sentence

Point Two Sentence from Paragraph One, Subpoints One, Two, Three, Conclusion Sentence

Point Three Sentence from Paragraph One, Subpoints One, Two, Three, Conclusion Sentence

Conclusion Sentence from Paragraph One, Conclusion Sentences from Paragraphs Two, Three, Four, New Conclusion Sentence

I wrote an essay following exactly this for my State Competency Exam in HS (11th?) and got a 5/6. It is a miracle I can write at all.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I should note that my HS had taught me to write for the AP Exams so I was a better writer than five-paragraph essay me, but I just didn’t care/knew I wouldn’t fail.

11 years ago

@some gal and argenti aertheri.

I hate those essays. I don’t really think writing can be taught with a formula. Most of the time they just sound stilted.

related, I mentioned this:

Needless to say, colleges immediately teach you how not to write like that.

to my sister, sine I thought she’s enjoy it, as she just lost points on an essay for not doing it in that format XD

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Some Gal — lol, yeah, it really is terrible!

Marie — I mean, depending how much longer she has in school, she may just have to deal with it for the sake of her grades. But yes, colleges will want all the writing skills you have to suppress to manage that formula. So she shouldn’t feel bad about hating it!

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Stilted and mind-numbingly repetitive. Good writing shouldn’t repeat sentences (even if they are slightly re-written, as seen in stage 2 of the “learning to write badly to graduate” lesson plan).

11 years ago

@argenti aertheri

So far it’s only been one essay, and she was upset because it lowered her grade to a B+ 😛 Probably is bad, but my grades always sucked, so I’m like but a B+ is good.

It’s an online school, both of us ended up dropping out earlier due to depression, but I just want to take the GED and she’s trying to finish school and go to college. She either has one or two years left, depending on how many classes she gets in.

11 years ago

Oh, ps, good news, I got a job! 😀 (seemed slightly related… maybe not…I’m just all excited since I’ve been feeling useless since my anti depressants started working and I can finally probably do something. )

11 years ago

Congrats on the job, Marie!

Creative Writing Student


Yay job!

11 years ago


Thanks! 😀

11 years ago

@creative writing student

Thanks 😀 and that’s a cute puppy. Sadly, I am not like that puppy, because my worry and my excitement kind of interfere with each other. Just nervous because it’s my first job that’s…how to phrase this…long? It’s babysitting, but I’ve been only for a couple hours until now, and I’m babysitting for the mom while she’s at work until june so… quite a while for me.

Sorry for turning this thread all about me … *blushes*

Some Gal Not Bored at All


You can always do college with a GED (now, in the future, or never 🙂 ). It might not have as many options, but it is possible. The boyfriend did it (he dropped out of middle school due to emotional stuff and only went back to “formal” education for college).

Congrats on the job!

11 years ago

@ some gal

thanks for advice 🙂 Though I don’t think I’ll do a huge college diploma. I do want to do some college classes though, but most of the jobs I’ve been looking into don’t require college education. Works for me, because somehow I don’t think I could handle a 4+ more years. Heck, I didn’t make it through 2 in highschool.

11 years ago

I suppose there’s the whole “writing for your audience” thing… if your audience hates decent essays, write a 5-paragraph one. :p

11 years ago

@Marle: In all fairness, college is way more fun than high school.

11 years ago


I suppose there’s the whole “writing for your audience” thing… if your audience hates decent essays, write a 5-paragraph one. :p

*giggles* I mean, I think it’s a fine thing to teach when kids are just starting to write essays, like in junior high, but after that they should have some nice time to tweak it or dump it or whatever. To find their own writing style. It would be pretty overwhelming your first essay or so to have to wing the whole thing.

@Marle: In all fairness, college is way more fun than high school.

Hopefully…I’m just very suspicious.

11 years ago

Some gal, I learned that exact same essay format, too. Ye gods, it’s amazing any of us can express a coherent thought.

11 years ago

A 5 paragraph essay about MRAs:

MRAs are Men’s Rights Advocates. They congregate online. MRAs are terrible people.

MRAs are terrible smelling. This is evidenced by their basic lack of social skills and hygiene. No one likes to be near them. This causes them to be incredibly bitter and lonely.

MRAs are terrible writers. This is evidenced by their incoherent walls of text. No one wants to talk to them. This causes them to be incredibly bitter and lonely.

MRAs are terrible in bed. This is evidenced by their basic misunderstanding of the human body and of human emotion. No one wants to sleep with them. This causes them to be incredibly bitter and lonely.

In conclusion, MRAs are shitty examples of barely-human douchefaces. All throughout the world MRAs are terrible, and they will be forever more. The end.