creepy evil sexy ladies misogyny sluts

The search for a slut-free college

Don't let the books fool you -- these gals are up to no good!
Don’t let the books fool you — these gals are up to no good!

So the high school freshman who calls himself Bostonian42 is thinking ahead to college. And he’s got questions. Well, actually just one question, which he’s asking people about every college he’s interested in: is this college full of sluts? Because if it is, he wants none of it.

Here he is, inquiring about Dartmouth:


He’s posted similar comments for eight other colleges.

Sounds like he may want to avoid whatever college it is that Amanda here is going to. (See here for more from this inadvertantly hilarious comic book.)


(Thanks to @MaraWritesStuff on Twitter for alerting the world to Boston42’s noble quest.)

(Oh, and I guess I’m back to posting again, though my posts may be a little light for awhile.)

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Some Gal Not Bored at All


They need to wow women with their Zest. (Apologies to anyone who just got this out if their heads.)

11 years ago

I would totally include MRAs’ pathetic lack of zest, but this ain’t a 6 paragraph essay!

11 years ago

I can’t believe they actually made students follow a step-by-step plan to essay writing. Was the plan to produce people who would be frozen in panic the moment they encountered a situation that didn’t fit the template they’d been taught?

11 years ago

Also, I’m trying to think of an MRA equivalent to Bindel (cranky old fart who most people roll their eyes at, employed mainly as a way for a newspaper to troll their own readers), but I can’t, because they tend to fall all over themselves to kiss the asses of their own cranky old farts, and although newspapers do love to troll readers for page hits, they tend to frown on un-punctuated, incoherent walls of text.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I can’t believe they actually made students follow a step-by-step plan to essay writing. Was the plan to produce people who would be frozen in panic the moment they encountered a situation that didn’t fit the template they’d been taught?

From what I’ve heard about Freshman Comp classes, that is not inaccurate.

It is probably more likely that many teachers themselves don’t know how to write. (My sister teachers HS math and some of the other teachers would barely pass their own classes.)

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I should also say that even when teachers know what they are doing, they aren’t really trusted to teach it. So, that could also be where the 5 paragraph essay comes from.

(Florida is implementing testing for its math classes that will determine whether or not students pass rather than relying on their grade in the class. The current standards will result in a 50% or so fail rate. It is designed that way. Because the state legislature is obviously far more knowledge than the teachers.)

11 years ago

I can’t believe they actually made students follow a step-by-step plan to essay writing. Was the plan to produce people who would be frozen in panic the moment they encountered a situation that didn’t fit the template they’d been taught?

Ugh, you have no idea. So much “What’s my third point? Gotta think of a third point!”

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

smh over the idea that anyone could be taught to “write” like those essays … strewth.

Marie, congrats on the job!

11 years ago


Thanks 😀

The Purple Star
The Purple Star
11 years ago

Do you sleep with men too? Is that why you hold men to the same standards? If not, this statement is in direct contradiction to your previous statement. Either you are merely concerned about people’s sexual history because you are concerned about your health (which is still rather suspect, since rather than shaming a partner into telling you all their past partners so you can call them a slutty slut, an STD test would be way more effective in gauging any potential health risks in part because not all STDs are contracted via sex, not all “sluts” contract diseases, and not everyone is going to be super forthcoming with an accusatory partner, particularly a partner who says “If you make your sexual endeavors known to others, then people are going to judge you for it.”) OR you just like to judge people.

I’m sorry but this does not logically follow. I do not sleep with men(nor do I find them sexually attractive-deal with it) but I hold men to the same standard as women for consistency’s sake. I would be concerned and upset if I found out, say, that my current gf was sleeping around with other people for the following two reasons:

1. I don’t want to contract STDs.

2. I myself am monogamous and do not care to sleep with people who aren’t.

So if you don’t want people to judge you about your sex life, then keep it to yourself. As for this young man, I should point out that at no point did he use the word “slut”. And it’s quite true that most collegians are slutty; regardless of gender or sexuality. So he wishes to attend a school where people share his values. Nothin wrong with that! Since people have judge me harshly on things that are beyond my control, I reserve the right to judge them on things that are totally under their control.

11 years ago

@purple star

dude, nobody is trying to say you should sleep with/ date people who sleep with a lot of people. We just don’t think you should judge people for how much sex they have. For gods sake, their sex life is none of your business unless you’re sleeping with/ dating them. How long does it take you to get that through your head?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I myself am monogamous and do not care to sleep with people who aren’t.

People? So, you’re serially monogamous? Because if you’re only sleeping with one person ever, that sentence doesn’t make sense, and what other people do isn’t relevant to you, because you won’t BE sleeping with them.

And call me picky, but “serially monogamous” doesn’t sound a hell of a lot different from having a succession of partners (whatever numbers we’re talking about) to me.

11 years ago

I like the part where Purpley said “I do not sleep with men(nor do I find them sexually attractive-deal with it)” because damn, do straight dudes ever get a lot of shit for being straight, amirite?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

“But everything is a misogyny to a feminist.”

Hahaha, what a clueless chucklefuck. I love these self-important bloviating philosophizers who can’t even be bothered to understand the basics.

11 years ago

Poor Robert Lindsey, attacked at every turn. “You can’t win with these bitches,” says Lindsay. No, Lindsey, you can’t. Not if you are playing a game of ‘let’s concern troll universities and engage in some slut shaming’. Feminists invented shutting down slut-shamers- they really did!! You cannot win with these bitches, Lindsey- it’s time to take your ball and go home.

11 years ago

“I am neither a racist nor a misogynist, but I have my own definitions about those terms….” It’s funny what you can claim not to be when you invent your own meanings for words. It’s funnier what you can claim to be. I, for instance, am Tom Cruise in Top Gun. This is absolutely true the way I use those phrases.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“And call me picky, but “serially monogamous” doesn’t sound a hell of a lot different from having a succession of partners (whatever numbers we’re talking about) to me.”

Must. Be. Monogamous. With. Current. Partner! Yeah, done serial monogamy, difference between that and poly is the simple “anything with anyone else, ever, is cheating” versus ground rules on what’s acceptable // how various partners interact.

…which probably isn’t what you meant, be I’m tired, sorry!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I wasn’t thinking of poly/cheating/monogamy, no, but it’s a good point. It was more that purplepox is just as pearl-clutching about people having had previous partners – women having slept with several men = promiscuous, without any suggestion as to whether this means in a poly way or consecutively. Yet his latest post sounds like serial monogamy … and how is that different from consecutive partners?

11 years ago

Argenti: I meant diction. Not so much topic structure (though that too seems a bit too well controlled; for a 14 year old, to me, but I will grant the possibility of his being an outlier. I certainly was), but his word choice and order.

The actual concepts are more developed than I expect in a 14-15 year old. Having recently gone back to college, and peer reviewed a number of 18-21 year olds’ papers, it’s better than many of theirs.

11 years ago

Wow… “Bay Area Guy” used GGG as support for how bad Dave is.

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