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Man Boobz Contest: Find the Whiniest, Most Entitled Response to Anita Sarkeesian

From "Damsel in Distress: Part 1 - Tropes vs Women in Video Games."
From “Damsel in Distress: Part 1 – Tropes vs Women in Video Games.”

So Anita Sarkeesian, who apparently didn’t run off with all her Kickstarter money to found a Misandist Gynarchy in the wilds of Canada, has  released the first video in her Tropes vs Women in Video Games project. (I’ve embedded it below.)

Naturally, this is causing great consternation in certain corners of the Internet (*cough* Reddit *cough cough* everywhere else that misogynistic nerds congregate *cough*). In the Man Boobz forum, Katz has started a contest to see who can find “the whiniest, brattiest, most entitled response” to Sarkeesian’s video on the Internet. So far Katz and Myoo have found a couple classic comments from irate Sarkeeianaphobes:

[H]ow does one go about stating that genders and gender roles are social constructs? I mean is evolution nothing to her? Does the patriarchy make male peacocks dress provocatively?

Yes. Yes it does.


I’m gradually losing respect for the opposite sex. I’ve unfollowed people on tumblr who talk about how great she is, because it actually causes bile to rise in to my throat.

Yeah, that’s a totally reasonable response to a woman making a video about video games.

So anyway, I’m thinking we should bring the contest over here.

See what you can find! Consider it a sort of scavenger hunt.

Here’s my contribution, from the Men’s Rights subreddit, complaining that Damsels in Distress are the truly privileged ones:


Amazingly, this acutally got called out on r/mr as being pretty damn stupid.

Also, I have another question, to add to the stack of other questions I’ve been asking lately: Just why do you think so many guys get so angry when girls and women invade what they consider a male sphere, like gaming? (Also, why do they consider gaming to belong to boys and men?)

Oh, and here’s the video that’s causing all this hubbub:

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Fade — yep, aryan is the word you wanted.

11 years ago

The only blonde man I like currently is Martin Freeman. Yum.

11 years ago

I find blondes to be unattractive, so nope Clifford.

I like ’em black haired and fat.

11 years ago

My vagina doesn’t seem to respond to blond men at all. Is it broken?

No your lying. I dyed my hair blonde and received even more lasvicious looks and offers than i was getting before, with muscles and brown hair.

11 years ago

My vagina did not receive the memo re. dating preferences. My vagina would like to file a complaint.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

Ryan Gosling is the only blonde man I can think of that has any effect on my vagina.

11 years ago

Your vagina is going to be swamped in paperwork.

11 years ago

My vagina did not receive the memo re. dating preferences. My vagina would like to file a complaint.

Can it type?

11 years ago

We need to call Pell’s mom and tell her to get him off the computer.

11 years ago

My vagina objects to the potential for papercuts and wants to know if there’s an electronic version of the form she can fill out instead.

11 years ago

No your lying. I dyed my hair blonde and received even more lasvicious looks and offers than i was getting before, with muscles and brown hair.

This just plain accusation of lying is getting boring. How bout you provide us with the ever reliable evopsych* to back it up? You know, to clarify for our inferior female brains.

*Can’t believe I typed that with a straight face XD

11 years ago

Pell has a mom? Are you implying… HE CAME OUT OF A VAGINA?

11 years ago

And now I’m going back to wettening my vagina.

11 years ago

lets compare my success to virgin David Futrelle.

David Futrelle: 0

Me: over 100

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

This guy is maybe the most attracted I’ve ever been to a man.

Maybe I need to get a vagina update. Take mine in for a newer model or something because it is clearly malfunctioning.

11 years ago

CassandraSays, You can TYPE with yours? My vagina is useless. [Looks at vagina accusingly.]

11 years ago

Me: over 9000!!!

11 years ago

My vagina objects to the potential for papercuts and wants to know if there’s an electronic version of the form she can fill out instead.

vaginas aren’t female you stupid female. There a part.

11 years ago

Clifford, what does the word “bye” mean to you?

11 years ago

Somewhat out of topic but should I go home? I have been at work for 14 hours so trying to decide if I should go home now and get up early to finish or stay another hour.

11 years ago

Let’s compare the success of my vagina to the success of your sock.

My vagina: Doing pretty well

Your sock: Wah I’m so lonely and unhappy, why doesn’t anyone ever talk to me unless I’m trolling?

11 years ago

Me: over 100

I actually knew kids like Pell back in junior high.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago

Come on, Pell. Troll harder damn it! Take some mangled Freud and Darwin, and chop up the results into a word salad with an insecurity-vinagrette dressing. That’s the Pell gold standard!

This “no, you’re lying, you really do find me attractive” stuff is strictly amateur hour.

11 years ago

My vagina has a new theory that all of our socks really are the same person.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

Cliffy, maybe it’s just that YOU look better as a blonde. Doesn’t mean everyone does or that every blonde is more attractive. I know when I dyed my hair to black and got bangs I went from no dates to juggling men. It just happened to be the right hair style that made me look the best.

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