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Man Boobz Contest: Find the Whiniest, Most Entitled Response to Anita Sarkeesian

From "Damsel in Distress: Part 1 - Tropes vs Women in Video Games."
From “Damsel in Distress: Part 1 – Tropes vs Women in Video Games.”

So Anita Sarkeesian, who apparently didn’t run off with all her Kickstarter money to found a Misandist Gynarchy in the wilds of Canada, has  released the first video in her Tropes vs Women in Video Games project. (I’ve embedded it below.)

Naturally, this is causing great consternation in certain corners of the Internet (*cough* Reddit *cough cough* everywhere else that misogynistic nerds congregate *cough*). In the Man Boobz forum, Katz has started a contest to see who can find “the whiniest, brattiest, most entitled response” to Sarkeesian’s video on the Internet. So far Katz and Myoo have found a couple classic comments from irate Sarkeeianaphobes:

[H]ow does one go about stating that genders and gender roles are social constructs? I mean is evolution nothing to her? Does the patriarchy make male peacocks dress provocatively?

Yes. Yes it does.


I’m gradually losing respect for the opposite sex. I’ve unfollowed people on tumblr who talk about how great she is, because it actually causes bile to rise in to my throat.

Yeah, that’s a totally reasonable response to a woman making a video about video games.

So anyway, I’m thinking we should bring the contest over here.

See what you can find! Consider it a sort of scavenger hunt.

Here’s my contribution, from the Men’s Rights subreddit, complaining that Damsels in Distress are the truly privileged ones:


Amazingly, this acutally got called out on r/mr as being pretty damn stupid.

Also, I have another question, to add to the stack of other questions I’ve been asking lately: Just why do you think so many guys get so angry when girls and women invade what they consider a male sphere, like gaming? (Also, why do they consider gaming to belong to boys and men?)

Oh, and here’s the video that’s causing all this hubbub:

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11 years ago

What will happen if all the millions of people who are sick to fucking death of feminism get their means of escapism cut off? Let’s say all computer games get watered down, so instead of being fantasy esacpism, instead they’re politically correct…

Then I guess they’ll have to invest in Reynolds aluminum like you apparently do.

Get over yourself.

11 years ago

@Kitteh, I’m living in York at the moment because I’m at the University of. And I’m studying History so as you can imagine I’m firmly on team York Minster when it comes to Richard III.

We actually had a lecturer have a bit of a rant about in one lecture a few weeks ago. About how Richard would never have wanted to be buried in Leicester. He had very little connection with it, but he was married at York Minster and his son is buried there.

I think Leicester are really hoping to keep him as a tourist attraction, as no offence to Leicester but they haven’t got much else going for them. York however has ALL the history and ALL the pretty buildings medival, victorian and georgian buildings and cobbled streets and city walls.

Basically everyone should visit York because it is gorgeous and full of history. However we do tend to be flooded semi-regularly because the river Ouse (pronounced Ooze) runs through it.

Also we have ALL the ducks and geese. Though they mainly live on the University campus.

11 years ago

Sorry Joe, it’s a nice effort but you’re just going to have to step up your game if you want to win.

11 years ago

Take away the bread and circuses and the mob wakes up.
Look how well that went for the tyrants in North Africa.

So men are a violent mob that needs pacifying with fantasies about killing things or else they’ll actually start killing things.

Wow, First Joe really hates men.

11 years ago

What will happen if all the millions of people who are sick to fucking death of feminism get their means of escapism cut off?

Millions of people? All playing fantasy games to escape feminism? I’ve been playing fantasy games for a while now with people of all genders, but I can’t say I’ve ever heard that reason for gaming before. That’s some pretty crappy gaming motivation right there.

Let’s say all computer games get watered down, so instead of being fantasy esacpism, instead they’re politically correct…

I didn’t know these things were mutually exclusive. So if there’s a fantasy game that doesn’t objectify women or marginalize minority groups, you can’t escape into it? Killing dragons and ancient skeleton warriors just doesn’t have any bite unless you’re allowed to be a prejudiced prick? Methinks you’re less worried about video games being “ruined” and more concerned about being allowed to be an asshat.

11 years ago

@the first joe

Take away the bread and circuses and the mob wakes up.
Look how well that went for the tyrants in North Africa.

Ok, someone correct me if I’m wrong, because I don’t know what he’s talking about that happened in North Africa, but it seems kind of skeevy to be comparing something that happened in real life (that I’m assuming was more serious) to the fact he might loose his video game porn.

11 years ago

So I’ve learned my lesson about trying to engage First Joe, who apparently couldn’t be bothered to read the 8 responses left for him in the day between his fist comment and his second.

11 years ago

@ Do Re: I’ve only been aware of this site and reading it for a couple days now, and have been “enjoying” (not really enjoyable, but interesting, are the articles) myself very much. For the most part, what comments I have read have been fine enough. They haven’t so far seemed to be hijacked by bitter trolls and the like, so that’s good. And the rest of the comments have been more or less thoughtful and such. But what I’m seeing in the comments on this post is pretty disappointing. I’ve gone through four to five pages of comments, scrolled down and scanned each page, and so far, the majority of the comments seem to be a damn conversation about SHOES. Frustrating, but also kind of funny, because it’s such a cliche’! Instead of focusing on the topic at hand, which I find to be extremely interesting and even important, as I am a female gamer and have been since the age of twelve, there’s an extended back and forth about SHOES!!! Grrr.

Now, the reason for the reply being to you is because, in the midst of the mass of shoe-talk, I’ve read a few that so far seem to be you defending yourself against some lady (I assume, I mean, c’mon) who jumped on your case for using the word “female” instead of “woman”, because, to HER, it is too clinical sounding or some such nonsense. Your comments that I’ve read so far seem to be completely polite and sensible. I just scrolled up to read some more to inform myself further for this reply to you and found this:

“No need, I’ll leave, the only thing this place has done is confirm the behaviours the MRA ascribes to women. Don’t worry, I would never tar all women with the brush you provide, but obviously trying to change my ways and all it’s best not to interact with women that perfectly epitomise everything the MRA says about women. If I don’t give you special privileges I’m a misogynist, that’s ridiculous. I just hope less women share this view than the MRA would have you believe.”

That bums me out, but I don’t blame you in the least. I was thinking to myself “Geez, FEMALE, way to be a nitpicky nag and rude this guy out of here!” I would advise you, if you are trying to change your ways (unless you’re a total dickhead, why should you?), please DO NOT pay any mind to this female. I share the same gender as she but other than that I havenothing in common. Such behavior on her part is off-putting and disappointing to me as well. Sadly, yes, she DOES epitomise everything MRAs bitch and moan about, but in my experience, she’s not the norm. She’s the female equivalent of an MRA. Again, from the FEMALE team or whatever, I apologize on her behalf. It really irked me to have some stranger jump all over another stranger about the use of the word FEMALE to describe a FEMALE! SMH. Especially on a site like this, which, at least where the actual articles is concerned, is great for bringing up necessary conversations. Too bad this conversation has had page after page drowning in talk about SHOES. SHOES, people!

No, and MRA jerk didn’t hijack the conversation, but something entirely different BUT JUST AS LAME, did. Sorry, dude. Er, MALE. Sorry entire world! The internet is so often a sad irritation at least.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

I’m late to the game but youtuber ” Joshua Allan spammed the shit out of the comments section of an (also bad) youtube response of this partner called MrRepzion. I was reading down trying to comment but I kept being bombarded with this nonsense about his boner and PETA. It was so annoying. And I was replied to way too quickly and aggressively with nonsensical replies that I just gave up. But at least I can share this gem with anyone who checks back

Her ENTIRE video is a money making ploy,a scheme,a scam,and sheep like you follow her because it makes you feel like youre part of something. Shes attacking an entire culture,theres people who have gamed their entire lives, and all of a sudden people such as her,PETA,pissed off parents,out of the godamn blue attack games and try to demonize them using slander and lies.All of them can go to hell for all Im concerned.And if you want to be the little sheep and follow her,its your life youre wasting

Label me a sexist, PLEASE. But this woman is an asshole, she cares not about empowering women, NOPE, all she cares about is swaying the weak minded drones so she can turn a fucking dollar at our “the gamers” expense. I’m fucking tired of defending gaming by PETA, angry parents, feminists, because I shouldn’t have to defend gaming, all these people are either fucking loony, or are out to make a profit. I’m not sexist by saying SHE’S AN ASSHOLE AND IS TRYING TO CASH IN WITH HER SHITTY VIDEO.

If my dick getting hard makes me childish, then so be it. At least I have natural reactions to something I like, and not try to suppress my natural human response to things. There’s nothing childish about sexual desire, or playing a video game that reads on the back of it SEXUAL CONTENT the ESRB labels games you know? If somebody doesn’t like sex or violence, then read the fucking label, don’t buy it, and sure as hell don’t fucking attack it when you’re too damn dumb to notice anything about it.

And almost every video game in existence features a don in distress. IT’S EQUAL. While I might get a boner from hot girls in video games, I can go play a game such as Mortal Kombat and play as a female character, and rip the spine out of a male opponent. You preach equality, YET YOU FUCKING IGNORE IT WHEN IT’S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU!
Now, you PETA wannabes, go attack something else and waste some other fuckers time with your biased bullshit… JUST GO!! (find “Joshua Allan” for all 82 of his bizarre comments)

11 years ago

@Pentapus1024 Bless, did we talked about things that interested us rather than you? OMG, have we let the sisterhood down by talking about SHOES?!

As for the use “females”, go read Feminism101 before accusing one of us of being a “nitpicky nag and rude”.

In other words, weak tone trolling. Try harder.

@Jessay That is a gem – he could have summarised the whole four paragraphs of screed as “waaah, my boner!”

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

@titanblue there was a point where he actually devolved into, and this is a direct quote,


11 years ago

*delurks for a moment*

It isn`t too hard to imagine a world without video game escapism since there was in fact a world without video games in the not so distant past. What an utterly stupid troll.

11 years ago

@Pentapus1024 (who is probably long gone but eh):

I’ve gone through four to five pages of comments, scrolled down and scanned each page, and so far, the majority of the comments seem to be a damn conversation about SHOES. Frustrating, but also kind of funny, because it’s such a cliche’! Instead of focusing on the topic at hand, which I find to be extremely interesting and even important, as I am a female gamer and have been since the age of twelve, there’s an extended back and forth about SHOES!!! Grrr.

Maybe it’s worth asking yourself why other women talking about shoes and taking pleasure from it bothers you so.

11 years ago

Hey Pentapus: nice case of Special Snowflake you got there.

and so far, the majority of the comments seem to be a damn conversation about SHOES.

So sorry (not really) the convo isn’t up to your high standards, but this is a community. Too bad you hate to see people getting along.

Perhaps this isn’t the place for you.

11 years ago

Temple and Arch, Pentapus is a special snowflake.

I suggest that you guy and lie in the sun outside, you’ll melt and leave us all alone.

Speaking of Temple and Arch, has anyone been listening to the radio dramatization of Neverwhere on BBC Radio recently?

Top anyone who hasn’t, I heartily recommend it, the cast is incredible (James McAvoy, Natalie Dormer, David Harewood, Sophie Okonedo, Benedict Cumberbatch, Christopher Lee, Bernard Cribbens) and the voice acting is brilliant. Benedict Cumberbathc as the Angel Islington and Sophie Okonedo as Hunter are brilliant.

Seriously this cast is just so perfect, I want a TV mini-series with them all.

You can stream it off the BBC website from anywhere in the world so you could all listen to it.

11 years ago

So I’m just remembering that this was a CONTEST, but David doesn’t appear to have declared a WINNER. Harumph.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Yeah, but you just know the reward was conceptual. Friendship!! (link SFW, despite being Oglaf)

11 years ago

historophilia, that sounds AMAZE.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

This is a pretty funny conclusion to a conversation, This man apparently has an issue with reading comprehension. Oh youtube.

11 years ago

Shame on us for talking about shoes. If we were as awesome as Pentaprat we wouldn’t need shoes, since snowflakes don’t have feet.

11 years ago

since snowflakes don’t have feet.

Laughed very loud on the bus.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

And shame on us for daring to suggest that calling women “females” is demeaning. Oh, the snowflakism of not needing to be included in the human species if doing so upsets the poor delicate menz!

11 years ago

Bagelsan it is amazing, I have now developed a major voice crush on Sophie Okonedo.

It’s just so… husky…

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Did drive-by troll spend all those words whining about someone saying you use male and female or man and woman, not man and female? Seriously?

Oh right, and shoes, sorry. Should the welcome package include shoes?

11 years ago

If you give me a budget I will pick out perfect shoes for all newbies.

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