david has questions MRA PUA vacation

A Gif, and Another Question: Where do you run across MRA/PUAs/etc online?


Here’s a cool, if momentarily puzzling, gif.

And another question for you all. Well, several related questions, really.

Where did you first run across MRAs and/or PUAs etc online (or offline)? What was your reaction at the time?

Flash forward to now: Where do you tend to run across MRAs/PUAs/etc or their ideas online (expressed by people who may or may not be MRAs/PUAs/etc)?

Oh, and by the way, feel free to discuss whatever else you want, or to post links to misogyny, and generally behave as if this is an open thread, because it is.


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11 years ago


Sometimes I just canteven be bothered with talking to some of my guy friends (basically my dnd group plus a few) because… Well… I’ll put it this way.

Same here :/ I don’t spend as much time with my dad because of the casual misogyny, though me and my sis have actually talked about it and tried to get him to stop. My brother too, but he’s fifteen, not fifty, so I’m willing to cut him more slack. (also, my dad does it way more often.)


Oh, and to the person who asked he was in swim trunks

that was me.

@Argenti Aertheri

this is really off topic, but your avatar looks creepier the longer I look at it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Marie — I’m going to take that as a compliment. I was going for the Cheshire Cat and he is supposed to be at least unsettling, if not outright creepy.

Regarding boners in public places, can’t say I’ve ever noticed, but I don’t think I’d care much about it as long as it wasn’t flat out indecent. Dude Cassandra got to see far too much of = epic creep. Sorry you had to see that Cassandra.

11 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

Well, I didn’t mean it as a bad thing, I just hadn’t really looked at it so much before. XD

11 years ago

Facebook statuses. Although, I can’t say these people identify as MRAs, they simply write statuses that espouse the same ideas MRAs do. I’ve gotten into the habit of arguing with them and keeping screen shots of the conversations. Perhaps I’ll put them together in a book someday. Or not.

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

OT, thinking about when we were talking about the term neckbeard t’other day: I saw a young guy yesterday who literally had one, but knew how to make it look good.

Is that possible? I thought the neckbeard was one of the rare fashions that looked good on absolutely NOBODY! (Not that I disbelieve you; just surprised and having trouble picturing it!)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LBT – lol that was pretty much my reaction!

::am seeing man who looks good with neckbeard::

::it does not compute::

::head explodes::


The guy had the advantage of being good-looking anyway; probably of Greek background (Melbourne has the third largest Greek-speaking population in the world) with a well-groomed mane of hair. The beard was more even than the usual neckbeard: the hair on his cheeks was sort of past stubble but not quite beard-thick, and the hair under his chin was thick but closely trimmed. Plus he had a good moustache. I can’t quite get the description right but it was a good How To if anyone was aiming to grow a beard that way.

11 years ago

Why, you can meet me right here.

Far East, Far Right.

Solidarity against liberalism worldwide.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

What are you blathering about, moron?

11 years ago

What’s the matter, can’t read?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

More to the point, can you write anything that makes sense? The evidence so far suggests not.

11 years ago

I first ran into them on Reddit, when I first joined Reddit in 2011. The guy I was dating at the time used Reddit a lot (fun fact, he also turned out to be a domestic abuser, but I am sure there’s no correlation, cough). When I first heard of them I was amused as hell that people took them seriously. Their lack of self-awareness was reminiscent of Michael Scott, no exaggeration. I still view MRAs the same way I view any other believers of woo: climate change deniers, anti-vac parents, birthers, and so on.

I run into them on Raw Story, the Atlantic, Mother Jones, and anywhere else that uses Disqus for comments. You click on their Disqus name and you see every other website where they are spouting their bile.

11 years ago

I wanted to let you know that your site is so refreshing after the hate filled sites I have seen belonging to the MRA’s. I first came across these horrible postings and rants when I was reading some Yahoo questions in the what was then known as Women’s Studies. There were a few people there who were genuinely interested in discussing real feminist issues such as rigid gender roles that exclude both males and females; all forms of oppression such as ableism, racism, ageism etc. and of course the ongoing struggles that teenagers face in adjusting to negative media images. There were a tenacious, group of mostly males who would troll and derail and attempt at diologue or discussion. At one point one of the group sent the most horrendous threatening post to most of the feminist regulars. I was truly deranged and again suggested sexual violence as a means of dealing with feminists. Other examples were perpetuating rape myths, degrading women and using a picture of the perpetrator of the Montreal Massacre as their identification picture instead of a avatar.
Thanks again for taking a firm stance against what is clearly a group that is motivated by bitterness.

11 years ago

I was actually lucky enough to see this one coming. My first encounter was a real-life PUA I met through an acquaintance. He was a self-professed psychopath who abused his girlfriend.

I don’t think the MRA “movement” had really gotten going at that point yet, but I saw it coming. All of the guys who hired him (yes, with real money) to teach them “game” were whiny faux “nice guys” who hated women. They were just unbelievably angry at women. They couldn’t make the connection between their rageful, awkward personalities, and being “incel,” as they call it. They thought it was just women being bitchy.

And those are the kind of guys that the original PUA’s made their money of off.

I remember thinking to myself, “Well, this isn’t going anywhere good.”

Looks like my gut was right.

11 years ago

Where did I first run into MRAs? I don’t even remember, but somewhere online, of course, because they wouldn’t dare exit the safe confines of their computer with this shit.

What was my reaction? “Is this shit for real?”

Flash forward to now: Where do you tend to run across MRAs/PUAs/etc or their ideas online (expressed by people who may or may not be MRAs/PUAs/etc)? Everywhere, all the time, nonstop anywhere there is a woman who isn’t completely silent and naked….and even then sometimes…

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