david has questions domestic violence kitties MRA pussy pass rape

A kitten, and a question: Are MRAs right about anything?

My Man Boobz staycation continues. Here as promised is an interesting video.

I’d also like to take the opportunity, while I’m off, to as you all, dear Man Boobz readers, some questions that I’m really interested in seeing your answers to.

The first one: Are MRAs right about anything?

My answer to that is “no,” but there are some issues they bring up that a real, non-misogynistic men’s movement could focus on. These are:

1) Prison rape. A troubling new survey suggests that it’s far more common than previously thought, and that the number of people raped inside prison (overwhelmingly male) is by some estimates nearly as great as the number of people raped outside of prison (overwhelmingly female). (Trying to break down the numbers to make clean comparisons between prison rape and rape outside of prison is difficult; Stephanie Zvan digs into the numbers here.) Of course, MRAs don’t seem to want to do anything about the problem except use the issue of male rape to attack feminists. And of course if they focused on prison rape they would have to acknowledge that female prisoners are also raped, and that LGBT folks are much, much more likely to be raped than straight cis men.

2) Disparities in prison sentences between men and women. Even after controlling for assorted relevant variables, men tend to get longer prison sentences than women for the same crimes. (I don’t have a citation handy, alas.)  This is not driven by feminism; female judges tend to be harsher on women than male judges. And of course there are gigantic racial disparities in sentences as well. MRAs again have done nothing about this except use it as an excuse to circle-jerk about evil women getting a “pussy pass.”

3) Domestic violence against men should be taken more seriously. Needless to say, though, most of what MRAs say about this issue is repugnant nonsense, and they have done nothing to actually help men, instead trying to get resources taken away from women.

Thoughts, on these or on any other issues MRA might be kind of, sort of “right” about?

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11 years ago

A new slogan for the MRM: “Let’s stamp out compassion and empathy around the globe!”

Some Gal Not Bored at All

xiaobaobao makes it sound like feminism is all that stands between us and On the Beach. That should hurt feminism a lot. *serious nodding*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

A new slogan for the MRM: “Let’s stamp out compassion and empathy around the globe!”

Acknowledging via a slogan that that’s what they’re about would be the only change, too.

11 years ago

Look at those femmi tears.

Why the typical female obsession with getting the “last word”? Sorry, I don’t refresh your page every two mins. I said my piece, and you felt it.

Look at the trivial slice of life nonsense you people post. Let me tell you something fun about all you people’s cats. I would gladly eat all of them, using your tears as dip.

Notice how you can’t construct a single logical argument against me? Could it be because feminism is based on feelings and compassion, not reason? Yeah, you know the score. The only reason you get away with it is because there are fat whiteys like David here who succumb to moral thought and actually think he’s superior for it. So until you come up with something worthwhile to say, I suggest you save your vomit for the likes of him.

11 years ago

Aw, look at the brave internet warrior hiding behind his IP randomizer.

(Pats on the head.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Aww, and he thinks he’s such a tough guy, talking about his Man Logic, which at the same time gives way to his weird obsession with trying to hurt anyone who’s not a Manly Man. Funny how “feelings” are bad when they’re things like compassion, empathy and joy, but good when they’re the sort he’s indulging in – pettiness, the urge to hurt and bully, and raging insecurity.

Guess what, wanker boy: you fail. Nobody’s hurt, everyone can see through your trolling attempts. The most you get here is being laughed at or scorned. We mock misogynists, remember? Your I’m The Dangerous Sociopath pose is just more troll fail. We’ve seen it all before, sonny.

11 years ago

Hey look, the femmi has no actual argument. So she resorts to making up things about me instead.

Isn’t that just typical?

Oh you feelin brave? I’m just some lone misogynist nut trolling for responses, right? Come step out of your western echo chamber, then we’ll see who’s right.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Shaoboobie, if the standard is making arguments, then you’ve already failed, since the post people are replying to is just a series of unsupported assertions only vaguely resembling an argument insofar as they are things to say that would disagree with things other people would say. Typically for an try-hard misogynist troll, you have clearly not learned to distinguish between argumentation and bald assertion.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Coffee anyone? I have no sound argument against troll’s lovely little idea that feminism is all about women’s feelings, and how that’s just terrible because what’s he going to do about his feelings of aggression?

But I do have fresh coffee, and considering my mother managed to get me to go grocery shopping with her for $300 there ought be a variety of breakfast options. Manboobz Sunday brunch, I’ll host 😀

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

$300 *worth of groceries

I haven’t actually had my coffee yet >.&lt:

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Argenti, you don’t need an argument. All you need is that cheshire grin in your gravatar and trolly will crack.

Also, a Manboobz brunch sounds like the best thing.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Mmmmm….yummy brunch!

*said while pouring first coffee of the morning*

French toast!!!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I ended up settling on a baked potato, microwaved, because I’m both weird and lazy like that ^.^

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago


pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Anyone wanna do my laundry? I pay in home made brownies…

11 years ago

pillow in hell: I actually like doing laundry, bring it. I’m the kind of person who wanted and got a brand new washer and dryer for her b-day a couple years ago. LGfrontloader4lyfe!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Strawberry and yogurt museli, anyone?

11 years ago

What about the presumption against men for custody in divorce cases? That is one of the few areas where i think MRAs have a decent point (or at least the kernel of one.)

11 years ago

Daniel, in Ontario at least, to get custody or shared custody you have to do two things: 1) ask for the custody arrangement you want. 2) show the court that you do actively care for your children on a day to day basis and that you know their routines, homework requirements, daycare arrangements, doctors appointments, that kind of thing. Most fathers who ask for a custody arrangement will get what they want. Its not just a case of mothers getting everything, although women are more often than not the primary caregiver, because society expects and frequently makes it less difficult for women to do the care giving as opposed to men. And its not a case of a women simply claiming abuse from her partner to get what she wants, she would need to show some proof that abuse is happpening.

If there’s one thing I really hate the MRM for, its how they tell men they have no chance of being fathers after a breakup and many men end up in not even trying to arrange shared parenting. Most shared parenting actually doesn’t go before a judge(and most breakups result in a shared parenting/custody arrangement), because the parents come to a mutual agreement beforehand (often joint custody) and the court will honor that agreement.

11 years ago

Daniel: newsflash, the MRM is wrong. In about 80% of cases where the father fights for custody, he gets it. This does require getting off one’s ass and doing some legwork, so you can see where the majority of MRAs can’t be arsed to do that. So they whine.

11 years ago

Eh….you can wrap a turd in gold foil, but it’s still a turd. MRAs may very well SAY they have a few ideas that are an issue, such as the ones that you mentioned. The problem is, they’re 100% pure turd on the inside. They will use that gold wrapper to dazzle you and once you remove the film, all you see is the REAL shit….peanuts, corn, and all.

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