announcements vacation

I’m taking a break. So here’s a fantastic Bollywood dance number.



Hey, everyone. So I sat down to write something about this horrific discussion of domestic violence on The Spearhead – which some of the Man Boobz commentariat have already started discussing here – and, well, I just couldn’t do it.

I need to step back a bit from this blog for a little while to clear my head and maintain my sanity. So I’m going to take a bit of a break – maybe just a few days, maybe a week – and post nothing but interesting videos and other things having nothing whatsoever to do with misogyny or the manosphere. You all, of course, can treat this any any other thread as a totally open thread to discuss whatever you want, including the regular Man Boobz topics of misogyny and general MRA shitlordery.

I’m going to start off with the dance number that first got me hooked on Bollywood music some years ago. This is from the 1998 film Dil Se, a drama about love and terrorism. But in Bollywood, even serious dramas have dance numbers, and Dil Se’s dance numbers are gorgeous and a little surreal.

The music from the film is by A.R. Rahman, a prolific and popular Bollywood music director best known in the US for doing the music for Slumdog Millionaire.

And  yes, that is Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan dancing on top of a moving train without any safety harness or stunt double or CGI trickery. (Well, there are a couple of brief bits where a double might have been used.) Enjoy!

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Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kitteh — lol, I wouldn’t do that to Pecunium! What I’m really looking for is disagreement with what I said from someone who isn’t going to make me want to get out the good old clue-by-4!

Pecunium’s got way more life experience than dude will ever have!

Professor Richard Lazarus: You’re right, Doctor. One lifetime’s been too short for me to do everything I’d like. How much more I’ll get done in two, or three, or four.
The Doctor: It doesn’t work like that. Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty. It’s not the time that matters, it’s the person.

On that note, I’m better for having gone completely batshit and been unemployed so long…I never used my brain while the law firm was turning it to jello. Well, sometimes, but anything above feminism 101 and GLBT issues 101? Learned all that since I’ve been laid off. Learned PHP, jQuery and thus got over my JavaScript hate.

Started designing an Eco-friendly, fully off grid, handicap accessible, modular cargo container home…I have no architect or design training besides my art minor (yeah if anyone here does, PM me on the forums, I’ll give away what I’ve got, it was a challenge to see if I could design an ADA compatible cargo home, and when I did…but it’ll never be more than piles of notebooks and digital files…)

What’s cloud boy done? Gotta work to make money because money will buy solutions to all the worlds problems!

Fuck that, solve them! Or at least make the world more beautiful…prettification is a word…

Yeah, pecunium’s got me beat, but this is wtf I do when I get all depressive “I’m a drain on society” — if society considers art to be pointless, that’s no society I give a shit about anyways.

I’m getting all sentimental over how wrong Lazarus was, I require food, and that tea…have iPad, will travel to kitchen! 😀

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok that got way too “tooting my own horn”, sorry. Blame “you’re not yourself when you’re hungry”!

Important point there was that I want Pecunium’s opinion on what I said, not what cloud boy said, because while I’ve more life experience than cloud boy, Pecunium tops, well, most everyone (Pecunium, you been hopping around in a TARDIS?)

11 years ago

@ Argenti

Actually, you might know the answer to this…do you know of any good online courses (free or cheap) designed to teach HTML and maybe Dreamweaver?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cassandra — warning, I see coding as math and pick it up quick if there’s a database I can reference (I’m looking at you JS). That noted, is good for people who want to just walk themselves through it. It isn’t a course per se, just a series of tutorials, but w3c mantains the standards for internet coding languages, so it’s guarantied to be accurate info (no outdated <blink> shit!)

Never ever blink ^.^ (bad pun is bad!)

11 years ago

Thank you! I’d rather just go through tutorials myself, it’s easier for me to learn stuff like this by doing rather then just by reading about it. What I was really looking for was a personal recommendation, ie. someone I know has used this and found it helpful.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

That’s still my go-to when I need a reference!

As far as dream weaver though…I have it, I won’t use it (got it bundled with ‘shop when I bought the student bundle cuz college discount ftw). Once you have even just the bare basics down, get out TextEdit/notepad (not word! it fails at this) type up a bare bones file, name it whatever you like .html — open it in a browser.

For one, it’s the old school way 🙂
For two, DW uses some weird fucked up rendering engine and I break it with CSS and thus don’t use it.
For three, drag and drop elements results in impossible to debug code.

Email me if you have questions, need debugging, or whatever. Just please don’t ask me to do JavaScript! (I think Rogan said that Sneak knows it though, maybe that was php…)

11 years ago

I’m never going to need to build pages from scratch, I don’t think, but I do need to be able to make quick changes/fixes myself. Maybe if I get the HTML down I can just bypass Dreamweaver completely? I have a copy too, never even opened it, it came free with something. The only reason I’m even trying to learn how to use it is that a potential employer is asking me to.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ah, ok. Yeah for making changes I’d just do it by hand, it’s so much easier. Little tip if you have trouble figuring out which part you’re affecting — change the font color or border to magenta (or some other color not used in the document). That neon border makes it real easy to figure out what you’re editing!

Good luck with the potential job!

11 years ago


The issue, at least that I have, is that if the goal is condemnation, they aren’t really succeeding at doing that beyond their own congregations. Even putting a press release in the paper would be a fair bit more that most churches do.

Putting out a press release?

Like those six churches in England did? Like the KKK did? (no, really)

I’m in total agreement that the church is given a level of societal ‘pass’ that is disproportionate to the good they do. That they’re given a designation as a charity even when they’re not doing anything charitable, that they’re given the ‘default morality’ flag too often.

But you’re erasing the moderates. Gene Robinson–*bishop* Gene Robsinson–just put out a book arguing for marriage equality.

No bonus for guessing how the right-wing fundamentalists have responded to the book.

But that’s specifically the guy you erase when you start erasing the moderate/progressive/gay Christians.

But, like I said, I’m a ‘burn the churches down’ atheist now.

(yeah, I don’t think I’m fooling myself either… but it took me over a year to admit that not believing in god anymore might be a problem with going to church every sunday, leading hymns and preaching sermons….the levels of cognitive dissonance in here are staggering)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok, “top” quotes were promised, and while some/most of these are probably repeats, here we go!

1 It’s true that the tone I’m taking is inappropriate for political activism, but I don’t consider myself to be an activist.
2 And, presently being poor, I’m affected by the greatest social justice issue of them all. Money, more than anything else, is the unit of power.
3 And still, the difference between rich and poor in this country is greater than that between black and white and women and men. Maybe not between trans and cis, but there are orders of magnitude more poor people than trans people, so that’s a numbers question.
4 Also, if such social divisions are the key causes of poverty, why are there so many poor white people?
5 And yes, as cold as it sounds, there are so few transgender people I have a hard time caring about them getting murdered compared to the murders of poor people, who are much, much more numerous.
6 An important thing to take away from this: you, [Argenti], are my friend, and I care about you whether you’re cis or trans, woman or man, rich or poor, blue or orange, whatever.
6.1 Ed: non­binary bi/pan kinky poly — totally the same as being blue or orange (hilariously, those are both serious medical issues, like, dying from lack of oxygen level serious) — and I sound like a walking billboard huh? Amazing how reductionist “I am out of fucks to give about who and how I fuck” sounds.
7 60 million dying per year means six Holocausts, or an entire World War II, every single year.
8 I dispute the inevitability of aging, as well as the contention that violence causes more suffering than heart disease. I also dispute the inevitability of death itself, though I admit that that’s more of an open question than death by aging.
8.1 I want “I dispute the inevitability of aging” tattooed somewhere that it’ll get more and more hilarious as I age, my ass?
8.1.1 I’m kidding

11 years ago

@CassandraSays: y’know, better than knowing html sometimes in knowing how to run a good content manager.

Saying this as somebody who coded web pages by hand back in the day, and now does everything through Joomla.

(but I don’t make the code go–I have a server-side guy who makes the code go, I just keep the web page up to date)

(but that’s a ‘spare-time’ thing, my profession is COBOL-level stuff)

(long story)

11 years ago

8.1 I want “I dispute the inevitability of aging” tattooed somewhere that it’ll get more and more hilarious as I age, my ass?
8.1.1 I’m kidding

Oh, dude, no, STICK WITH THAT ONE. That had actual irony and stuff in there! How can you just kidding out of that?

He sounds like TOTAL FUN, Argenti.

11 years ago

Joomla I’ve used before. Unfortunately it’s not always going to be my choice how the back-end stuff is done, so I’m going to have to learn HTML sooner or later.

11 years ago

Yeah, not having the back-end control is a dealbreaker.

Argenti’s suggestions for w3schools is good–I used it to teach myself enough SQL to work out some really complicated reports.

11 years ago

Since that makes 2 recommendations now I’ll definitely give them a shot. I’m kicking myself for not just accepting that I needed to do this years ago, but hey, better late then never.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Howard — because as hilarious as that is, I’m intattoo (*dies*) and have a few others for when I can afford it and get over my concerns (a masochist afraid of needles! yeah…)

Also, I hate typography. I get too nitpicky and it’s never right for long and I can’t change my tattoo font every 6 months!


Lol *is dumb* didn’t even occur to me that the not-an-ex has a tattoo and knows my pain tolerance, huh genius, maybe you should ask his thoughts on the matter?!

And yeah. That’s page one of a ten page PDF I sent Pecunium (yeah Pecunium I converted the .txt if you want a PDF) — 24 page convo, condensed into something resembling a coherent argument. So much goalpost dancing, derailing (what about the poor white people?!), fallacies…though, I straight up ignoring an argument by dropping shit like “I dispute the inevitability of aging” even a fallacy?!

Note that bit about also disputing death, but maybe only death by aging. He’s at least getting it that an asteroid might still land on your head.

11 years ago

I may have asked this before but…what is this dude’s point? What is it that he wants from you/wants to force you to agree with him about? Or is he just arguing for the sake of it?

11 years ago

BTW random but funny, I just ran across this agency that represents bands/runs tours in Europe and they have the funniest name ever – Nazgul Agency. Alrighty then…

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cassandra — partly he has to be right about everything, partly we’re both of the “debating for the sake of debate” school. Except he’s failing utterly. This isn’t “well I was discussing A but B came up and we more or less agree on A so let’s discuss B” — this is more…fear, from all sides about so many things. I mean, even just the simple failure to understand that fear is a factor in minimizing negative outcomes.

11 years ago

I straight up ignoring an argument by dropping shit like “I dispute the inevitability of aging” even a fallacy?!

Arguement from assertion?

Just hearing about this is making my brain itch. Gah.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

It started as me commenting on how we’re (US & Canada) continuing the apparently endless genocide of the indigenous people.

Fuck you were on Feministe when I lost it at that guy over exactly that huh?

Went though the same damned points, got told we do fail at minority rights, three topics later it’s how we have to focus on things that affect the majority of people. It’s like he has this little solution to everything in his head, and has never gotten outside his very privileged bubble to see what people actually effected have to say. Eg #OpThunderbird is on one screen discussing teaching self-defense courses to their sisters on the reservations, he’s on another saying we have to end reservations. The colonialism, it burns.

11 years ago

I dispute the existence of gravity. Does that mean that if I go jump off a building I’ll be OK?

I wonder if there’s any way to convey to Argenti’s buddy just how pretentious and idiotic he sounds.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Howard — maybe…he certainly said it enough in various forms, while providing a citation regarding extending the human lifespan (based on studies in worms…) and saying he has more if I want them. And I’m like, dude, no I don’t want to read pages of people you’re misquoting.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cassandra — this one’s a legit “but I’m socially awkward cuz ASD” so it isn’t even worth trying

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“My gas generator heats up when used” — actual complaint
“This is normal…because of the laws of thermodynamics” — a shop tech way too bright for his job

I deny the inevitability of things heating up when they produce power!!