a woman is always to blame alpha males are these guys 12 years old? evil sexy ladies evil women imaginary oppression incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

Getting their PUAHate on

Early PUAs hold a "boot camp" on a beach.
Early PUAs hold a “boot camp” on a beach. is an … interesting place. A site for debunking the ridiculous claims and shitty behavior of Pickup Artists? Sounds great – at least until you realize that the denizens are mostly dudes who hate PUAs for all the wrong reasons. That is, they hate PUAs not so much for being manipulative scumbags but for being ineffective manipulative scumbags — whose alleged magic formulas for bedding the hot babes don’t really work.

The other day I was introduced to a fledgling Twitter account, @puahate_txt, which reposts hilariously awful comments from This inspired me to take another look at the site and do a little poking around for awful quotes on my own. They weren’t hard to find. (It’s harder, really, to find comments that aren’t awful.)

Here’s one charming fellow, who calls himself ToadLookingMaggot, and who holds a grudge against the entire female gender because of a $3 loan gone awry.

After reading ” The manipulated man ” i saw women really for what they where, little selfish Moneysucking vampire Whores.

This rinsing stuff starts in high school if not earlier they try to leech money, food, free rides and basically anything that benefits them in some kind of form. I borrowed a female 3 dollars for meal a meal one time, for months she said that she was going to let me have it and in the end i never got them back.

It doesn’t matter if it’s 2 dollars or 2.000 dollars there freaks never pay you back. Only idiots buy drinks for women.

Men are ruining women because they let them get away with anything. Never in my life will i ever spend money on women unless we pay 5050 on a date.

Uh, obvious question here, but if you hate women, and think that they’re all “Moneysucking vampire Whores,” WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DATE THEM? I’m pretty sure that you’re not going to find many interested in you either, at least not after they get a whiff of your personality.

And that’s your PERSONALITY, not your looks. PUAhaters seem obsessed with the notion that women only date male models, and spend a lot of time bemoaning their own looks – I just quoted a guy who describes himself as a ToadLookingMaggot, after all. Yet whenever they post pictures of themselves they seem to be completely normal, average, not-actually-bad-looking-at-all guys. Guys, your problem isn’t your lack of beauty on the outside. What’s ugly is your attitudes.

Speaking of which, here’s RomanCitizen, a self-described Incel, lamenting that life is sad to all but the “top 10%” of men? Why? Because ladies walk around looking all pretty, yet for some reason they do not allow RomanCitizen to fuck them.

The life of man is a sad one

Excluding the top 10%.

Born into a world of plenty, of abundance, of denial.

See, smell, imagine.

Do not taste, touch, feel.

Like a caged animal in a harem, fed only occasionally fish heads (scraps in the game).

And when the caged animal gets the fish head (scrap), he is happy and rationalizes his pitiful existence, like many men …

But, the cage is still a cage. A fish head – still a fish head.

PROTIP: If you think of the women you don’t find sufficiently desirable as “fish heads,” and walk around in a perpetual boner-rage, you’re probably not going to seem especially charming to the women you do find desirable. Or to anyone else except perhaps the denizens of And not all of them, either.

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11 years ago

Abnoy, I’m not a feminist. I however do believe in equality. The problem lies in the word equality. It means very different things to different people. While I believe in equal opportunity, most feminists believe in equality of outcome. Which I think is a fruitless endeavor.

Then there are multiple facets of equality: legally, economically, socially, etc… Depending on the topic at hand, I will either agree or disagree if equality is the correct moral position to take or if the inequality is justified due to the circumstances of the situation.

Each situation and topic is different, and a “one size fits all” solution does not take any nuances or external variables into account.

In the context of this post, I think guys that go around exposing game are rather pathetic. This isn’t rocket science, it’s dating. If you are constantly getting rejected, then the problem may be more your doing than the other persons. So instead of bitching and whining about it, these guys should work on themselves to make themselves more attractive to more women.

I think I posted it earlier in another post, but game can pretty much be summed up as 1) workout 2)be fun and personable 3) dress sharp and be clean 4) take an interest in new hobbies and 5) don’t be a doormat/have a spine.

There is no need to spend $1000 to attend some douchebags seminar.

Although, I am a huge supporter of “If you want something, then look to who has it and emulate”. If you want to be wealthy, then look to wealthy people for advice, not poor people. If you want to be ripped, then look to athletes and body builders not fat people.

So if you want to date models, find out what types of men they date and emulate as best you can. You may realize that the effort really isn’t worth it. Which is why most people don’t date models.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


That is horrible, particularly all the harassment and rapeyness mixed in with minor things (who gets mad at air guitar?).

11 years ago

Thank you. That is what I thought. However, apparently it isn’t rapey and I’m just a delusional feminist.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Oh, you’ve encountered someone who thinks ignoring a “no” is just friendly man behavior? MISANDRY! (And my condolences.)

11 years ago

brz, the first white dude I can think of who’s unemployed (my dad) is getting welfare, if you count the unemployment money you get for a while before you find a new job. If he’s not, I have no idea how he’s been paying for his apartment the last six months. He’s also dating, and since losing his job has gotten engaged, so you seem to be full of it. :/

(though I guess he did met his fiance before he lost his job, so you can sort of have that one. They still didn’t meet at work, in a bar, club, gym or wherever you seemed to think people met. Also I was there when he and his fiance started hitting off really well, which is kind of awkward for me in retrospect XD My dad kind of hi-jacked this comment.)

11 years ago

I’m always shocked how many sexist idiots I meet here. And these guys are always “I’m a feminist” blahblah blah. I’m like BS!
I almost punched him. Seriously, but you shouldn’t punch people. I learned that in kindergarten.

11 years ago


You met someone like that in person? 🙁 That’s got to be creepy 🙁

11 years ago

I’ve met a lot of folks since I’ve moved to this liberal town.

I had a woman get MAD at me because I wasn’t having sex and living up to feminine stereotypes. When I told her she wasn’t much of a feminist she threw a fit. Apparently, because she is a queer woman it means she is much more of a feminist than me.

I CHOOSE not to have sex. And I like dressing up in dresses and playing with makeup. I don’t judge women that choose not to do those things.

There is no winning. There is no place without crazy folks.

11 years ago

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’ve met plenty of very awesome folks here too. It is just the crazy ones are more memorable.

11 years ago

@melody: Sorry to hear that 🙁 (about the mean ones, not the awesome ones)

11 years ago

Just glad people have already mentioned the fish heads song.

But I see I’ll have to amend my “trolls never argue with other trolls” rule with the caveat that trolls can argue if one of them mistakes the other one for a non-troll.

11 years ago


Holy crap that ad vid was creepy. Beer ads like that were common 30 freaking years ago. Then the ad agencies appeared to wise up, though apparently only for a while, recognizing that offending more than half the population was a really crappy sales strategy. Idiots!

Are you absolutely sure that we shouldn’t punch them?

11 years ago

I hit a boy once and was told “use your words not your fists”.
So, no hitting.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“I borrowed a female 3 dollars”

I want to know how he could tell they were female dollars. They could have been male dollars. Or intersex dollars. Ya just never know!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

ABNOY arguing with NNY, some Brz thrown in, hot damned this thread is an interesting one! Haven’t seen this many trolls since the heyday of NWO, Antz and Arks (lol, almost the battle of the BDSM avatars there)

On topic! Do people seriously establish long term relationships with people they meet at bars and clubs? I can’t imagine trying to have more than a causal fling with someone I met while unable to hear myself think. Then again, I’ve only been out of college a few years and it’s damned easy to meet people in class. For example, the not-an-ex? was my lab partner in research methods (talk math to me!)

As for fish heads, I prefer them attached to the rest of the fish. On a fish tangent, I lost four (of 20~) cories to Ich, in the 55g, and got 3 otocinclus for the 29g earlier. I really do have a soft spot for bottom feeders, they’re so much more useful than PUAs. Bottom feeders clean up shit, literally, PUAs just spew it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Big welcome to all the new posters and delurkers! 🙂


“(If there were no other evidence that you are not a Frenchman, this bit alone would prove it. No actual Frenchman worthy of his noble heritage would lower himself to hit on a strange woman in the street as crudely and unattractively as you would.)”




/end Mrs Frenchman huzzahing

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Dude, dude! in what goddamned universe is a refusal to hear “no” equivilant to bad air guitar? Rock that air guitar, but boundaries, learn wtf they are!

(Full disclosure, I take the air guitar up a notch with the air violin, and may’ve gotten into the whiskey 🙂 )

11 years ago


Still remember how nice it was to be hit on by a dude who didn’t expect anything.

I don’t understand why that concept seems alien here. If you meet someone you like and spend a few hours conversing or dancing or drinking or whatever, that is several hours well spent. If nothing more happens, it is still several hours well spent.

11 years ago

I guess if you were flailing incompetently while doing air guitar and you smacked the person next to you in the face the analogy might work?

11 years ago


On topic! Do people seriously establish long term relationships with people they meet at bars and clubs?

*raises hand* The people I’ve had LTR:s with I’ve met in the following manner:
1. Through political organisation
2. Same as 1.
3. Met at a bar, went home together, and it turned into an LTR.
4. Got together again with person 1.
5. Person I had initially met in high school, but our romantic relationship sort of started with us going home together after a bar night.

Got married with 5, so that’s it.

I can thus testify that it does happen. Even if you don’t count 5 since we knew each other from before, 3 proves that it does happen.

Actually, here are some statistics (from Sweden, of course, but it might not be that dissimilar in other western countries): Apparently 13 % of LTR:s start that way.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Maybe it’s just me then! Not really surprising as I tend to do more “I want your brain!” than “I want in your pants!” …which really means I shouldn’t assume my thoughts on dating/relationships apply to anyone else…

Cassandra — maybe? But that seems more like “no hitting” than “wtf, air guitar?”

And regarding rich guys, my aunt works for some of the Gerry’s, as in, the folks gerrymandering is named after. Oh the stories I could tell! Beautiful estate that they almost never visit because upstate NY isn’t NYC *shakes head*

Plus, the narcissist ex was from money (blew his trust fund, but still) — one more pretentious putting on airs because this is what rich people do and I might’ve screamed. Like, aging someone to walk around playing violin works better when 1) the room doesn’t have the worst resonance in the history of music and 2) the guy has a clue how to play while walking (harder than it sounds).

Funny though, his brother was cool — had a toddler son who liked cavier, and going “car!” at every passing vehicle. Guess the rich = asshole thing is more personality than genetics or money.

11 years ago

Sorry, I was a bit quick writing that post, linking to a site with a Swedish text that nobody can read wasn’t that smart… 🙂

Anyway, it’s a respectable statistics institute (although paid by an internet dating site to do so) that’s done a big survey on how people between 25 and 60 met their LTR partner. Only those who had met their partner within the last four years were counted, so no 60-year-olds who’ve been married for decades (the results would probably have been very different if these had been included).

29 % met through common friends
23 % through internet dating
14 % at work
13 % at a bar or night club
8 % through school or a common hobby (weird to merge these under one post) (would probably have been a much higher number with a different age group than 25-60)
2 % had just bumped into each other in some public space (spontaneously, I think even 2 % is surprisingly high for that)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Aging someone, yes that’s it! >.<

Paying someone*

Though I think listening to that noise might’ve aged me some.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yeah I have a string of LTRs and flings that consist of:

Through friends, met at camp, school, through friends, school, through school friends, through work, through friends, school

Toss the on again off again currently monogamous with someone else FWB in there periodically.

I don’t do bars or clubs really, I like being able to hear myself think. And the people I met at concerts are always weird, even by my standards (and I’m pretty weird!)

In utterly other things, plec is cruising around the tank like some sort of stealth water bat…that makes no sense…

11 years ago

I think I posted it earlier in another post, but game can pretty much be summed up as 1) workout 2)be fun and personable 3) dress sharp and be clean 4) take an interest in new hobbies and 5) don’t be a doormat/have a spine.

Dude, that’s not Game. That’s self-improvement. PUAs don’t get to claim it for their own.

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