antifeminism creep-shaming creepy homophobia incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny okcupid penises PUA the c-word

How not to impress the ladies on OkCupid


So @catches_stars on Twitter is pretty hilarious. She’s also got an OkCupid account, and regularly posts snippets of her conversations with some of the more problematic dudes who contact her, some on her main Twitter account and some on @okcupid_TXT. With her permission, and because I’m too lazy to actually write a post today, I’m passing along a few of my favorites.

This overeager fellow has a rather sudden change of heart when his stated plan runs into an obstacle, that obstacle being that @catches_stars finds him completely repulsive.


This guy is either totally high or trying some weird and misguided PUA wizardry on her. (It does not succeed.)


This foot-obsessed fellow spammed her with the same message from several different accounts.


This guy, who seems to be shirtless in his profile pic, gets what I assume is, to him, a very disappointing answer.


As does this fellow.


Romance is hard.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Martyn: equal but separate is a great theory, it’s about balance!

Us: it was used to systematically disadvantage PoC.

Martyn: but that’s not the theory! Why do you make everything so personal?


Next in the series: Martyn asks why women get so emotional and can’t be totes rational and logical like him.

11 years ago

How many times have I said PUA != Game?

Not enough to convince me or anyone else here, obviously. Just repeating something doesn’t make it true. And since all your conclusions follow from a premise that most of us here don’t accept, you shouldn’t be surprised when we don’t agree with those conclusions.

Creative Writing Student


For some reason, IRL, I have taken to cutesy not-proper cussin’. Possibly because I have a 6yo cousin. Or a boyfriend with nice but fairly traditional parents. Buttocks is one of them. Nuggets (short for butt- or fucknuggets) is another.

IDK, ‘buttocks’ seems to express my frustration better than a string of swearing.

I will concede that buttocks are cute, especially when wiggled. 😀

11 years ago

I have no evidence, but I suspect books like “How to seduce a person of the gender you like” sell a lot better than books like “This method of seduction is total crap and doesn’t work!”

Book stores are after a profit.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

For someone who claims he decided ages ago that game is bullshit, he’s mighty keen to defend it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

CWS – I like buttocks as a swear!

Reminds me of a line from the Goons:

“And now, a word from our sponsor.”


“Next week, another word!”

11 years ago

PUAs which don’t follow the Game standard exist all over the place. Ross Jeffries stands as an example. But hey, I’m just “mansplaining” this right?

Ross Jeffries? This Ross Jeffries? That’s your fucking example of a good PUA?

Let’s see what Mr. Jeffries has to say:

…Many Women Are Not Sure They “Want It” Until They See How Forward And Aggressive You Are In The Face Of Their Seeming “Disinterest” Or Initial “Resistance”

Look: I’m saying is, if you wait for a sure “green light” from a woman before you summon and use your appropriate and effective sexual forwardness or if you allow your sexual intent to be crushed by her first seeming “rejection” then…

You Are Going To Be Leaving Some Incredibly Hot, Satisfying,
Sexual Encounters On The Table With Women Who Would Have
Actually Loved To Have Fucked You Senseless!

Why Waiting For Signs She’s Interested Could Be A Fatal Mistake

Yeah, a real class act. Go fuck a lemon.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Even if this Jeffries creature wasn’t promoting rape, he should be sent to the corner of shame for using “disinterest” when it should be “uninterest”.

11 years ago

Why Waiting For Signs She’s Interested Could Be A Fatal Mistake

Somewhere there’s a dusty skeleton leaning by a phone.

11 years ago

Game in theory partially explains successes in social interaction by people who aren’t PUAs too, the practice I’m referring to is called flirting.

Oh, look, that blur you just saw was the goalposts moving.

Marty, you never said shit about flirting, and even if you had, that’s not how flirting works.

Someday you will realize you are not the axis on which the world turns, maybe it’ll be today.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

gelar – like this?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


If you ever start to wonder why I decided to stop trying to help you, it was this line right here:

But failure to separate theory from practice has resulted in personal attacks! A good way to debate a theory, amirite?

Fuck the fuck off.

11 years ago

Let’s not forget that Marty said that Eugenics as a theory is just fine and dandy. I’m just going to let that sink in for a bit.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that a dude who’s ignored boundaries from the get-go on this site can’t see the problem with game.

11 years ago

Marty is a troll and he’s boring as fuck.

So I’ve been looking at RedBubble instead and OMG WANT:

Only a small number of people would get it, though. They’d probably assume it’s some weird Angry Birds reference.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Say, was game/PUA ever one of Mr Al’s hobbyhorses?

11 years ago

@Kitteh’s Unpaid Help: Yup. I was going to type “cobwebbed”!

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Driving is itself practical, while the highway code is a set of rules governing how people should drive. @cloudiah

Kittehs’, I actually think his response to my first scenario was (unwittingly) funnier than the scenario itself.

Agreed. Let’s all laugh at it again, shall we?

Driving is itself practical, while the highway code is a set of rules governing how people should drive.


Driving is itself practical, while the highway code is a set of rules governing how people should drive.

Hahaha. “Is itself practical” should be a thing and that’s real.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

drst – first thing I thought was that it was an ad for the Hog’s Breath Cafe. I didn’t even think of Pigs in Space till I saw the caption. 😀

11 years ago

Kitteh’s: no, not really. Besides, this lackwit is completely devoid of humor, unlike Mr. Al.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Apparently, I was so amused, I pasted it a third time.

Pasting correctly is itself practical.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

hellkell – I wondered if this was one of Mr Al’s more elaborate sock schemes.

I read a thread from about a year ago last night, and Mr Al was actually showing his smart side rather than his douchey side – it must have been that short period (?) when he was behaving. It’s a pity he couldn’t get his shit together, or rather, expunge all the shittiness. All his trolling since then suggests it was a lost cause.

11 years ago


Game = theory: This is the way in which a man might (at best) manipulate a woman into sleeping with him or (at worst) sexually assault her.

PUA = practice: I’m going to use of game to achieve either end (manipulation or assault).

People are objecting to the theory because its use in practice is to achieve terrible ends, and those ends are the very intention of the theory.

11 years ago

I’ve read many commercially published works on the subject. Yet no-one has ever cited the physical, hardback books found in stores like Waterstones or Barnes and Noble when making the claim that it’s about rape.

11 years ago

Trolls are always wrong.

They apparently cannot google!

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

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