antifeminism creep-shaming creepy homophobia incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny okcupid penises PUA the c-word

How not to impress the ladies on OkCupid


So @catches_stars on Twitter is pretty hilarious. She’s also got an OkCupid account, and regularly posts snippets of her conversations with some of the more problematic dudes who contact her, some on her main Twitter account and some on @okcupid_TXT. With her permission, and because I’m too lazy to actually write a post today, I’m passing along a few of my favorites.

This overeager fellow has a rather sudden change of heart when his stated plan runs into an obstacle, that obstacle being that @catches_stars finds him completely repulsive.


This guy is either totally high or trying some weird and misguided PUA wizardry on her. (It does not succeed.)


This foot-obsessed fellow spammed her with the same message from several different accounts.


This guy, who seems to be shirtless in his profile pic, gets what I assume is, to him, a very disappointing answer.


As does this fellow.


Romance is hard.

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12 years ago

Nobinayamu: It looks like Too Faced discontinued Drop Dead Red. I has a sad.

12 years ago

I might stop anyway, because I think I’ve made the same comment three times, using smaller words and simpler construction, and Martyn is either stupid or disingenuous.

It isn’t an either/or thing.

12 years ago

It was not a promotion of racism but a description and portrayal of racism in the form of a motion picture.

Yes. I know. We all know. But in terms of USING THE N-WORD, which is the example we are dealing with, Tarantino did not IGNORE how the definition of the n-word is inextricably connected to it’s practice. The implications of the n-word, especially during the US era of slavery, were essential to both the definition and use of the word in his movie.

If it were even possible to divorce the original definition of the n-word from its use/implications (which it’s not), Tarantino would not have used it. He used a word that IN PRACTICE is really derogatory towards black people BECAUSE those implications are inherent to the definition of the word. Maybe this will shock you, but writers use words to convey certain meanings that are impossible without a complete definition of the word/phrase. (A complete definition includes implication/practical application, for those playing along at home.)

Some Gal Not Bored at All


You can say all you like that the definition is biased but as I’ve demonstrated here, all balanced definitions defacto carry a positive bias.

What you have shown is that BIASED definitions carry a positive bias. You’ve rejected balanced definitions as not being written by experts.

Martyn Hare
12 years ago

@Deoridhe: I hadn’t heard of it until you mentioned it. That’s bookmarked 🙂

@Nobinayamu: No idea how many of the people on here are women, nor do I care. I don’t care if someone has a penis or a vagina. Also, the derailing I agree was my fault, I shouldn’t have assumed people would be able to refrain from attaching emotion to abstract theory.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I am hoping to rent both the new(ish) Silent Hill movie and The Master from Redbox and send the boyfriend on an ice cream run so we can have sundaes. We should probably also get more popcorn.

12 years ago

Nobinayamu: It looks like Too Faced discontinued Drop Dead Red. I has a sad.

What, what?!?!

I have to go check on this right now! I got distracted by a new mascara and didn’t buy new lipstick but they can’t get rid of that shade. It took me forever to find it in the first place. I don’t want to have to go to M.A.C. I really don’t.

As for weekend plans, I have two lesbian couples scheduled for styling appointments for their upcoming, completely legal nuptials. And then a big dinner with friends where I will get to see and spend time with the oh-my-god-he’s-one-already baby boy of two of my nearest and dearest. I was in their wedding, I hosted their baby shower, and I haven’t seen this kid since he was born.

And then I’m going to sleep.


12 years ago

No idea how many of the people on here are women, nor do I care. I don’t care if someone has a penis or a vagina. Also, the derailing I agree was my fault, I shouldn’t have assumed people would be able to refrain from attaching emotion to abstract theory.

Riiiiiiiiight. How’s life being so above-it-all? Is there any theory that affects Martyn personally, other than the can’t get a date and needs game ones?

He really is Baby Brandon.

Martyn Hare
12 years ago

If it were even possible to divorce the original definition of the n-word from its use/implications (which it’s not), Tarantino would not have used it.

Just like how most other films set in past eras don’t use words applicable to that era to add a feel of authenticity? That’s a stupid statement to make on so many levels!

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Also, the derailing I agree was my fault, I shouldn’t have assumed people would be able to refrain from attaching emotion to abstract theory.

I hope you never take a step that isn’t onto a Lego.

We aren’t the ones emotionally-attached to “abstract” “theory”.

Martyn Hare
12 years ago


other than the can’t get a date and needs game ones?

Hahaha! Said as if people who like to explore potential merits of game can’t get dates. Said in true ignorance of how often people just like to learn things for the sake of widening their knowledge base.

12 years ago

Nobinayamu: I looked for it when I in Sephora last, and online, no luck.

If I feel the way I do today, I’ll probably spend the weekend in bed watching bad tv, reading trashy novels, and whining at Mr. HK. I feel that out of it, vaguely dizzy feeling you have right before getting sick.

Your weekend sounds fabulous.

12 years ago

@Nobinayamu: No idea how many of the people on here are women, nor do I care. I don’t care if someone has a penis or a vagina. Also, the derailing I agree was my fault, I shouldn’t have assumed people would be able to refrain from attaching emotion to abstract theory.

I like this version of you better, Martyn. When you drop the facade of “Hey, I’m just here to try and learn. Reasonable MRAs, blah-de-blah-de-lah.” and just go all whiny ass titty baby with a side of passive aggressive snark?

This seems like the more authentic you.

Tell us why, again, you felt you needed to provide your definition/explanation of game theory in the first place? Oh, that’s right – you’ve never answered that question.

How many men have hit on you using the practices of game theory?

12 years ago

Hahaha! Said as if people who like to explore potential merits of game can’t get dates. Said in true ignorance of how often people just like to learn things for the sake of widening their knowledge base.

If you have such a wide knowledge base, perhaps showing it might be good? You’ve done the exact opposite here, you come off like a Duning-Kruger poster boy.

You are not here to learn, that’s for sure.

Martyn Hare
12 years ago

@Some Gal

That’s why I received personal attacks for explanation of a theory? As I already said before, I consider it to be bullshit. But the lack of ability for people on here to understand how to discuss theory without resorting to personal attacks is very telling.

Remember people are oppressed by the theory of economics? Better stop using money!

12 years ago

I shouldn’t have assumed people would be able to refrain from attaching emotion to abstract theory.

Abstract theory is for pot-headed philosophy undergrads and theologians. For the rest of the world, theories only have value when they accurately predict real-world phenomena. Wrongheaded ideas like eugenics and game have real world consequences when put into practice, which actually results in real world consequences, and real world feelings.

12 years ago

I work saturday, so my weekend doesn’t begin until Sunday, but I plan to take it easy because I’ve been sick all week. What’s been nice is that most of my clients have been really awesome about being nicer to me when I’m under the weather. I think it’s a real reflection of how usually psychiatric symptoms have an environmental aspect – when your case manager is all groggy and low energy, it alters the relationship and thus the symptoms.

I got some rechargeable batteries, so ill be trying to set up a recharge center for my electronics if I have the energy. I also need to set up a cleaning service to come in, because the 8ball is crushing me and I need help. I’ve been struggling with my internalized sexism over cleaning, too, which makes everything messier.

Martyn Hare
12 years ago


Yes I have. Twice in fact.

It was posted in-case anyone was unaware, pre-emptively before entering a discussion on the merits of it and because it was jokingly mentioned and I wanted to add a reference point to start a discussion on it using a balanced definition.

12 years ago

My definite plans for the weekend are to do cleaning duty at the dog park, rain, snow or shine, have boardgames night, and take some photographs.

@ Nobinyahu
eeeeeeee getting dressed up! and weddings! eeeeee I’m vicariously excited for your clients.

@Argenti way back there
Sorry you still have the snow. We got rain here for 2 days and now the snow is almost gone.

@return of bra discussion
As far as I could tell from the previous discussions, bras in places like great britain and australia are still sold in band sizes 32,34, 36 etc. Since these are based on inches measurements as far as I can tell, why are they still sized that way? Do bra shops there have special inches measuring tapes? Or do these places not use the metric system as regularly as I have been told? Or are they just messing with you giving sizes based on inches and then you just have to memorize what size you are?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


We are here to mock misogyny not to discuss “theory” with you. Especially not on your terms.

Sometimes the only response to the wrongness of something is a fuck you. If you don’t understand that, you are lucky.

You never answered my question: Is being in pain all day, every day, so you cannot leave the house more suffering than joy? Why do you think anyone can determine that?

12 years ago

Sundaes sound really good. I love adding both hot fudge and hot caramel to ice cream and getting that lava flow effect when hot and cold go smash.

12 years ago

Hahaha! Said as if people who like to explore potential merits of game can’t get dates. Said in true ignorance of how often people just like to learn things for the sake of widening their knowledge base.

Anyone surprised? Isn’t this where we always, always</i? end up with this fuckwits?

Hellkell, I hope you aren't coming down with anything. I don't know how it's been in your neck of the woods, but the cold and flu season here in the mid-Atlantic has been awful. If you feel bad, stay in bed as a precautionary measure. It's a perfectly good reason to stay in bed.

I'm pretty excited about this weekend. It's a good mix of work and fun. Lately there's been too much work and not enough fun.

No more Drop Dead Red? I might have to check on Ebay.

Molly Moon
Molly Moon
12 years ago

How do you guys wash bras that won’t fit in the sink? I got some triple Ds and a tiny bathroom sink.

I mean I guess I could use the kitchen sink, but that would break my rule against having underwear visible outside my room (and the bathroom, when I am in it). Yuck. 😛

12 years ago

all balanced definitions defacto carry a positive bias.


Yup. Perfect. Brilliant. All these original definitions made up by straight, white, cis, mid-to-upper class, abled MEN are just so so OBJECTIVE you guyzz! And BALANCED! Because of their POSITIVE BIAS (for systems that privilege their needs specifically). “Balanced” and “neutral” shouldn’t contain both original and current aspects so people can have all the facts and make up their own minds, IF IT’S POSITIVE, IT’S OBJECTIVE.

You know, I once engaged a troll on Twitter (will I never learn?). It was on sexism in the video game industry, and he made a bunch of logical fallacies, was wrong all over the place, but I couldn’t find a good way to end that didn’t leave me tense with rage. Until he (of course he) made the comment “But your argument is from a perspective that there’s sexism in the gaming industry. And there’s not.”

And just like that, I was free. I knew what I was waiting for. I was waiting for a statement that was so stupid it could stand on it’s own on an island of stupidity, surrounded by a sea of ignorance, so that if anyone should happen upon that statement, the stupidity would be self-evident without my analysis.

all balanced definitions defacto carry a positive bias.

Found it.


As someone who’s NOT Martyn, no big plans this weekend yet. I’m getting officially “received” at my church on Sunday. I’m super excited, because after a Catholic background, I found a Presbyterian church, and the pastor is a LADY, and LGBTQIA people are welcomed and present and don’t have to hide it, and they actually DO stuff to help people and I’m gonna get involved with the community garden, and anti-violence and just yay. Helping people. Also, looking for more employment. Cleaning my apartment.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I like butterscotch caramel and walnuts and whipped cream or hot fudge and walnuts and whipped cream. Sometimes I do both, but I have trouble tasting the ice cream then. (I am not exactly a light-hand at applying toppings though so double toppings ends up double the amount of toppings.)

My flavor choices for March, btw. I am a lucky person. (Although, I don’t like mint, so I will never understand the awesomeness of Thin Mint. The boyfriend will though.)

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