antifeminism creep-shaming creepy homophobia incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny okcupid penises PUA the c-word

How not to impress the ladies on OkCupid


So @catches_stars on Twitter is pretty hilarious. She’s also got an OkCupid account, and regularly posts snippets of her conversations with some of the more problematic dudes who contact her, some on her main Twitter account and some on @okcupid_TXT. With her permission, and because I’m too lazy to actually write a post today, I’m passing along a few of my favorites.

This overeager fellow has a rather sudden change of heart when his stated plan runs into an obstacle, that obstacle being that @catches_stars finds him completely repulsive.


This guy is either totally high or trying some weird and misguided PUA wizardry on her. (It does not succeed.)


This foot-obsessed fellow spammed her with the same message from several different accounts.


This guy, who seems to be shirtless in his profile pic, gets what I assume is, to him, a very disappointing answer.


As does this fellow.


Romance is hard.

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12 years ago

pseudo_star: text

Yes, Martyn, FUCK OFF.

12 years ago

shit. use angle brackets.

12 years ago

I believe it’s difficult to be anything but ableist when living in a capitalist society. Overall, I think people deserve the right to choose whether to bring someone into a world where they will be at such a severe disadvantage they’d encounter more suffering than joy. I know society has come a long way in terms of making the lives of severely disabled (“severely handicapped” to use the more precise term) more enjoyable, but there comes a point where potential parents must make a responsible, informed choice.

Your privilege and lack of knowledge is showing again, and damn, is it ugly.

Some Gal Not Bored at All
Some Gal Not Bored at All
12 years ago


You can do “em” between the angle brackets or, I think, “cite”. I use “em.”

Angle bracket, em, angle bracket, lalalala, angle bracket, slash, em, angle bracket

Argenti is better at showing this.

Some Gal Not Bored at All
Some Gal Not Bored at All
12 years ago


What is more suffering than joy? Is being in pain every day to the point that you can’t leave the house more suffering than joy? How about if we add mental illness?

Fuck you are ableist.

12 years ago

The difference is that society overwhelmingly rejects abortions for social reasons. The original purpose of abortion was not about the choice of whether or not to have a child but whether or not the choice to have a child would cause physical or mental health damage to the pregnant woman.

Please tell me you aren’t serious. No one is this stupid right?

12 years ago

I am aware of the term ‘ableist’, I do not believe anyone should be discriminated against for any disabilities they acquire. I believe it’s difficult to be anything but ableist when living in a capitalist society. Overall, I think people deserve the right to choose whether to bring someone into a world where they will be at such a severe disadvantage they’d encounter more suffering than joy. I know society has come a long way in terms of making the lives of severely disabled (“severely handicapped” to use the more precise term) more enjoyable, but there comes a point where potential parents must make a responsible, informed choice.

I spent a year working with both physically and mentally disabled people working at an IT-related charity which tried to provide their volunteer workers with a semblance of fair working life. Society doesn’t enough to provide more severely disabled people with an equivalent life to those who are more able IMHO.

You are aware that there are various forms of dis-ability (as in, differing from the ‘norm’, if there’s a better, non-pejorative term that encompasses both physical and mental, I’ll be happy to accept correction) that are hardly ‘severe’, but still affect people on a day to day basis, right?

So say a day comes when tests can be run to show if a child is going to suffer from any sort of dis-ability. I have a hard time believing even the best tests are going to be able to tell if something will be a minor problem or a major one.

And technology keeps progressing, and making more and more things livable with. If I didn’t have access to spell check, a lot of my writing would be look really foolish, as I have mild dislexia. Pre-spellcheck days, I’d never have been able to consider a writing-based profession, even though my meta-ability to write is good.

Molly Moon
Molly Moon
12 years ago

Oh my gosh this guy.

Marty, why are you here?

Can we just use childish insults against him until he goes away? Engaging his dumbass ideas keeps him here longer, and it’s not like he’s going to learn anything.

My contribution is “fartin’ Martyn”.

12 years ago

He’s still here, and still fucking that chicken? What an asshat.

Some Gal Not Bored at All
Some Gal Not Bored at All
12 years ago


Asshat ableist is not himself practical.

12 years ago

That makes abortions due to genetic disease a net win for society.

See. Right there. Despite framing eugenics as some personal choice, you just pointed out the societal justifications for it.THATS the fundamental impulse that leads turns all of eugenics from “personal breeding strategy” to “engine of inhuman oppression.”

It’s also why we think you’re a worthless waste of sperm.

But you know, let’s come at the abortion angle from a totally different standpoint: feminism.

“Women should be able to choose whether or not they have a child.” That’s it. No societal judgement, no faux objective viewpoint (hell, you haven’t even explained why less children with Down Syndrome is actually a good thing for society. I’d love to hear your explanation, because I’m sure it’ll show just how black your shrivelled little heart really is).

It doesn’t judge whether the child is good for society; doesn’t assume it’ll be “better” just because it’s white straight, cis, male, neurotypical and physiotypical. The ability to care for a child with special needs simply one of many possible reasons to have, or not have a child.

No eugenics required.

12 years ago

Never mind – I’ve read through the rest of the thread. You are, in fact, this stupid.

I wonder if Martyn would be so pro-eugenics if the gene that predicted arrogant-shallow thinking-entitled-pseudointellectual-asshat-whose-real-problem-is-that-chicks-don’t-dig-him type behavior could be indentified in the early stages of a pregnancy.

Martyn Hare
12 years ago

@hellkell: Show how, or it’s just a meaningless assertion.


To give an example, a lot of racists who want to use the n-word (without being called racist) say “well, the ORIGINAL DEFINITION doesn’t say what race blah blah.” But any dictionary that gives only a semantic definition of racial slurs, without mentioning how demeaning they are, is giving an incomplete and IMbalanced definition, misleading people into thinking “it’s just a word”. It’s erasure and minimization and semantics, which let lazy-thinking, armchair philosophers pretend they are above the real world applications/history of the theories they discuss.

And then there’s a lot of people who discuss the “n-word” in it’s original terms and use it when describing oppressed black people at the time. To give an example, Quentin Tarantino isn’t a racist.

The definition is separate from the use.

You’re a privileged, ignorant, entitled asshole, Martyn. I feel bad for all women, POC, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA people who are unfortunate enough to have you in their lives.

Hardly ignorant, no-one else here has claimed to have read the source materials in the case of the game. Not reading the source materials then claiming better knowledge than someone who has, is ignorance.

P.S. I don’t think I’ve ever not gotten on with the above in general, everyday life. I treat people as equals and I don’t judge them for any perceived “privilege” they may have.

12 years ago

P.S. I don’t think I’ve ever not gotten on with the above in general, everyday life. I treat people as equals and I don’t judge them for any perceived “privilege” they may have.

Do you spout the same shit in “real life”* as you do here? Because if you do, I strongly suspect that the people you’re ‘getting on with’ are either laughing behind your back or have the patience of saints.

*Personal pet peeve of mine. Why are online interactions supposedly not part of ‘real life’?

Martyn Hare
12 years ago


See. Right there. Despite framing eugenics as some personal choice, you just pointed out the societal justifications for it.THATS the fundamental impulse that leads turns all of eugenics from “personal breeding strategy” to “engine of inhuman oppression.”

That’s because making assertions without providing the justifications is pointless. Critical thinking 101.

“Women should be able to choose whether or not they have a child.” That’s it.

Based on the first quote, one could say that’s the fundamental impulse that turns abortion from “a medical necessity to protect potential parents and potential children from experiencing great suffering” to “a tool for disposing of unwanted children”. If you can’t see the logical flaws in what you’re saying, then I think yeah, I am definitely privileged (in having a brain that can discern theory and theoretical justifications from malevolent practices).

Some Gal Not Bored at All
Some Gal Not Bored at All
12 years ago

To give an example, Quentin Tarantino isn’t a racist.

Citation needed.

12 years ago

Hardly ignorant, no-one else here has claimed to have read the source materials in the case of the game. Not reading the source materials then claiming better knowledge than someone who has, is ignorance.</blockquote

Actually, I've read several versions of "How to Succeed with Women" from cover to cover. I've also read blog entries by Roosh and Roissy. I've also been hit on by many men attempting to use some of the tactics and techniques recommended by "game" gurus.

How many men have attempted to pick you up while practicing game theory?

12 years ago

And then there’s a lot of people who discuss the “n-word” in it’s original terms and use it when describing oppressed black people at the time. To give an example, Quentin Tarantino isn’t a racist.

The definition is separate from the use.

A complete non sequitor. Re-read pseudo_start_17’s point.

12 years ago

Stupid block quotes.

12 years ago

If you can’t see the logical flaws in what you’re saying, then I think yeah, I am definitely privileged (in having a brain that can discern theory and theoretical justifications from malevolent practices).

Oh seriously, you are a Grade-A asshat in both theory and practice. Fuck off. Step on a million LEGOs.

12 years ago

Yeah, Martyn is a dipshit in theory and practice. He’s very lucky that extreme tediousness is not banworthy.

12 years ago

Yeah, Martyn is a dipshit in theory and practice. He’s very lucky that extreme tediousness is not banworthy.

He’s a baby B____n; slightly more pretentious but equally gross.

12 years ago


Once again because HOLY FUCK you are slow: your “source materials” are themselves biased. They are written by people who thought up/support game. Of course they are not going to present it in any way other than glowing terms so it sounds good on paper. (Otherwise men won’t buy their merchandise you clod).

Also: seconding the citation required for “Tarantino isn’t racist”. But beyond that (and that it’s a non sequitor) that example does not even work. Tarantino USING the n-word in his movies is a PRACTICE. And (giving him a huge benefit of doubt) it is done deliberately with knowledge of the negative implications of the word. It’s not theory, it’s practice. He’s not saying “well, since I’m using it in a movie describing things, the definition doesn’t matter”, he uses it BECAUSE the definition has such strong implications. Seriously, is it hard to be this stupid?

I don’t think I’ve ever not gotten on with the above in general, everyday life. I treat people as equals and I don’t judge them for any perceived “privilege” they may have.

Dude, oppressed people have tons of practice at tolerating ignorant bigots like you. And, from your position of privilege, it’s easy to ignore any microaggressions you make towards them. But again, my point is that I feel SORRY for people in those groups who have to be around you because of what a bigoted piece of shit you are. No one with any sense would want someone like YOU for an ally.

As for that second sentence, I bet you think being “color blind” in terms of race is something you can actually achieve.

Again, holy fuck, your stupidity is astounding.

Martyn Hare
12 years ago

@Nobinayamu: Then why did he even use the n-word as an example, if it was totally unrelated to the point?

To challenge his assertion:

But your definition WASN’T “balanced”. It was positive, a bit congratulatory, and even felt a bit nostalgic. Again, you are coming up with your definition based on the views of people who created/support game as theory and practice. They are not going to give a “balanced” view especially because they are *just trying to sell you their books*. AND, If your definition is incomplete it is not balanced, it is at best misleading.

Again, if you define what something *is* based on the source material, it’s still a balanced definition. Otherwise, all no dictionary definitions would ever be balanced or accurate.

It is no coincidence that the people who want to just focus on these theories (game, eugenics) like they’re an intellectual exercise are people who have EXTRAORDINARY amounts of privilege, because they’re not victims of institutionalized, systemic oppression that they cannot escape from.

and this is relevant to the merits of theoretical discussion how?

Some Gal Not Bored at All
Some Gal Not Bored at All
12 years ago


I treat people as equals and I don’t judge them for any perceived “privilege” they may have.

No one (that I know of) judges people for “perceived”* privilege** they may have; we judige them for how they (ab)use that privilege.***


**seriously, you are such an asshat putting that in quotations marks ESPECIALLY after the word perceived.

*** asshat

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