antifeminism creep-shaming creepy homophobia incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny okcupid penises PUA the c-word

How not to impress the ladies on OkCupid


So @catches_stars on Twitter is pretty hilarious. She’s also got an OkCupid account, and regularly posts snippets of her conversations with some of the more problematic dudes who contact her, some on her main Twitter account and some on @okcupid_TXT. With her permission, and because I’m too lazy to actually write a post today, I’m passing along a few of my favorites.

This overeager fellow has a rather sudden change of heart when his stated plan runs into an obstacle, that obstacle being that @catches_stars finds him completely repulsive.


This guy is either totally high or trying some weird and misguided PUA wizardry on her. (It does not succeed.)


This foot-obsessed fellow spammed her with the same message from several different accounts.


This guy, who seems to be shirtless in his profile pic, gets what I assume is, to him, a very disappointing answer.


As does this fellow.


Romance is hard.

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Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Idiot, that is discussion. It’s perfectly possible to discuss things without framing them in positive ways. You may have noticed this in… well, in everywhere, at all times, pretty much.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I’m beginning to think it is Baby’s First Time on the Internet.

12 years ago

Game is psychosocial theory?

Ugh, jeez.

12 years ago

Sorry I failed to appreciate the effect my explanation would have. What else can I possibly say? It was made in good faith, not with the intent of being offensive, upsetting or forming any attempt at invalidating the personal opinions of others.

The question you should ask yourself is why you felt the need to offer it in the first place. What made you decide that the posters on this blog needed any explanation of “game” theory, let alone yours?

“mansplaining” just sounds like a cop-out, claiming that I believe my explanations are somehow superior due to sex. That’s not really the case at all.

You know, for someone so fond of declarative statements and citations you’re woefully short on research. A quick google search on the term “mainsplaining” would help.

I feel for people who suffer shit because people who wont take no for an answer try to manipulate and intimidate others but that should *never* *ever* stifle legitimate discussion of any psychosocial theory or concept (and yes, I use the term loosely here).

You feel for us? Really? You feel for us. What an unbelievably patronizing and dismissive choice of expression.

You. Feel. For. Us.

What do you feel?

12 years ago

“mansplaining” just sounds like a cop-out, claiming that I believe my explanations are somehow superior due to sex. That’s not really the case at all.

“Your insistence on calling my behaviour ‘mansplaining’ simply shows how little you’ve understood what’s going on here. Allow me to explain it for you, once again.”

Lemme guess: your favourite Muppet is Sam, yes?

12 years ago

OMG, I’ve seen the light! I mean it’s sad women are raped, and beaten, and abused, and victims of systemic violence on nearly every level of existence, large and small, all around the globe, every second of the day and night, all while trying to hide their anger and grief about it because then they’re professional victims bringing it on themselves, so it’s a viscious catch-22….

but the real horror, the real keep you awake crying all night horror ….

is some guy….


OMG, Hallelujah! I have seen the light. *spits on his shoe abd preps to sing*

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the shit!
He is trampling on the lives of women with his feeble wit!
He hath loosed the fading glory of his mind and had a fit!
His truth is marching on!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, whatsit2ya!
Glory, glory, you’reaboobya!
His truth is marching on.

12 years ago

I’m trying to pin down what childhood emotion it is The Muppets always rekindle in me, and I think it’s hope. Hope that the world can be a great place for everyone, and wonder at all the little things that are already special.

Viscaria, this is wonderfully lovely. Thank you.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Amen, Deoridhe.

Martyn Hare
12 years ago

@Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III

What I gave was a balanced explanation. There is a defacto positive bias in any balanced explanation. I shall attempt to demonstrate this with an example:

Eugenics is a theory which was abused by the Nazis to terrible ends but have you tried looking for balanced definitions of Eugenics?

“Eugenics is the applied science of the bio-social movement which advocates practices that improve the genetic composition of a population, usually a human population.”

“encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits”

“a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed ”

Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

As a theory it is a-okay, if you don’t let awful people abuse it.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

A Muppet is itself practical. 🙂

Martyn Hare
12 years ago

For those saying “omg it’s practical, it’s applied science”. it’s also scientific theory.

Martyn Hare
12 years ago

It seems there is no more productive reason for me to continue commenting on this thread. So I shall cease to now, very sorry for any trouble caused by my earlier posts.

12 years ago

So let’s count* what we’ve learned about Martyn so far!

1. He’s really ignorant.
2. He is tragically unaware of this. What is it with dudes that age and having the emotional equivalent of Dunning Kruger syndrome?
3. He’s really upset about – a big sensitive about your looks, buddy?
4. An IT student? Shocker.
5. I’m too bored with this dude to count any more.

BTW, here is my favorite Count song.

* That is the most epic typo I’ve seen in years. Congratulations, ridiculous OK Cupid dude, you win the prize for making an ass of yourself in public in the most amusing way possible.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


“Eugenics is the applied science of the bio-social movement which advocates practices that improve the genetic composition of a population, usually a human population.”

Eugenices is the applied science of the bio-social movement which advocates practices thar purport to improve the genetic composition of a population, usually a human population, using highly contested definitions of improvement and that casts some humans as superior to others on highly specious grounds.

See the difference? Mine is more exact than yours. More true. Sounds way less good, though.

12 years ago

And now we’re going to get regaled in the testable hypotheses made under game. I’m going to open a beer and grab some pistachios. I can’t wait for an IT undergrad to teach me about science.

12 years ago


I will take what you’re saying on-board. I’ve thus far only read one 101 blog. My only experiences with minority spaces consist of a small period of time speaking to people at an REC.

Okay, this is important. Sarcasm off for two seconds. Having no experience doesn’t make what you’re doing here understandable. Having no experience doesn’t mean we owe you any lenience. Even if doing some 101 work would make you better understand why we’re pissed off at you, we are under no obligation to put up with you until you do that work. You need to go away unless/until you can stop being a total assface. You do not get to learn how to not be a total assface by treating us like shit and seeing how we react.

12 years ago

Eugenics is idiotic as a theory based on basic biology. An animal population which selects for certain characteristics (see: Dogs as an example) invariably becomes inbred and widespread genetic problems occur (see: High incidence of hip displaysia in laboradors).

Genetically speaking, the only long standing thing which makes sense is encouraging genetic diversity so that a sudden shift in environment doesn’t result int he widespread extinction of the species.

I mean… duh. I figured this out from High School biology; I remain shocked everyone else misses the logical extension of the theory of evolution – diversity is good.

12 years ago

@ Nobinayamu

Some Gal Not Bored at All

As a theory, eugenics always sucks because we have no idea what improves human populations. Diversity seems to work fine. Eugenics discourages that.

12 years ago

It seems there is no more productive reason for me to continue commenting on this thread. So I shall cease to now, very sorry for any trouble caused by my earlier posts.

So you concede that no one ever asked you to explain “game” theory and that by doing so you unintentionally tipped your hand. If it’s any consolation, no one here was fooled. The regulars have had you pegged pretty much from the get. Enjoy your evening. Go feel for some people.

12 years ago

Cassandra, I always enjoy when I can’t sleep and you’re still up.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Ninja’d. Better said, Deoridhe.

12 years ago

@ Nobinayamu


(But none for Martyn. Oh, the oppression.)

12 years ago

What is it with dudes that age and having the emotional equivalent of Dunning Kruger syndrome?

When everyone around you tells you that you are smart and wonderful, it’s easy to assume that means you know everything.

I remember the day I realized Just How Much I didn’t know, and Just How Profoundly I had hurt people with my ignorance, and it was a hard, sad day. Crawling out of the net of “but I’m so smart, I can understand everything, what do you mean I don’t have the experiences???” was a much longer process, and involved eating a lot of crow and accepting a lot of self-flagellation. In some ways, ignorance is bliss, but I will never regret the pain which led me out of my self-centeredness and into a wider world where I could do real good, instead of ignorantly reinforcing real harm.

12 years ago

Ah, I find this dishonest…based on your earlier posts:

“Because, lets face it, if someone does not want to have sex with someone else, they’re not going to have sex with them.”

If you want me to give you citations, just read over your own posts.

And this:

“I feel for people who suffer shit because people who wont take no for an answer try to manipulate and intimidate others but that should *never* *ever* stifle legitimate discussion of any psychosocial theory or concept (and yes, I use the term loosely here).”

Insensitive, lack of empathy. People here have been preyed upon by sex pests and other close cousins, but you want us to be happily open to the so-called theories and concepts individuals use to legitimatize their bad behavior. No. It seems like you want us to excuse something you feel strongly about. Too bad. You’re using moral relativism and trying to dress it up as science and logic. You have no fucking clue.

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