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MRAs on love and marriage: “There is nothing wrong with wanting something beautiful that puts out.”

Vampire brides will steal your lifeblood
Vampire brides will steal your lifeblood

In not-quite spring, a young MRA’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, and how women are all a bunch of moneygrubbing whores that get uglier and uglier as they get older.

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, discussions of marriage are busting out all over, like the buds of new spring flowers or the skidmarks in an MRA’s underpants. The fellows are not too keen on this whole marriage thing, which is an obvious female trick to rob men of their money and sperm and tie them to rapidly depreciating assets (women) who are only going to get uglier as time goes by.

In one thread, a fellow named wrez shares these thoughts, to much acclaim (or at least a few dozen upvotes):


In another, a fellow named rathum2323 suggests that any women interested in marriage is clearly up to something nefarious.


All that said, I am pleased that Reddit MRAs are managing to convince their friends not to marry. Because if you’re someone who turns to MRAs for marriage advice, it’s probably best for all concerned that you never marry anyone or anything.

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11 years ago

@hellkell Here is your question answered by a cute kitty.

11 years ago

Sorry if this has already been discussed elsewhere but is the “recent comments” widget gone for anyone else?

I like it :/ It’s the only way I can keep track of threads on here sometimes! O.o

Some Gal Not Bored at All


It has been mentioned, and seems to be gone for everyone. 🙁

We haven’t learned why, though.

Martyn Hare
11 years ago

I don’t know what’s scarier, that image or those reddit comments >_>

I personally, think marriage is a giant farce. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, marriage ceremonies are a money sink and marriage itself is meaningless outside of religion, death and taxes. If people love each other, why should society influence them to sign a contract and waste a hell of a lot of money on free food, a dress/tux to only be worn once and lining the pockets of a religious or governmental institution? People should spend that money on their partners’ fantasies, a long holiday and better ways to celebrate!

@Joanna: Someone should tell them to buy a Fleshlight. But then they’d have to miss out on cuddling and the warmth of a loving partner….


They don’t explain why women fight in the military, their logic stinks.

Interestingly, however, some men did “fight for women” back in WW1, if one looks at The White Feather Campaign where groups of women tried to shame civilian men into enlisting. But these guys didn’t mention it so I’m assuming they’re not making that reference…

11 years ago

Do de-facto relationships count in America? Because MRAs do seem to talk like marriage is the only legal tie you have to a partner.

11 years ago

@ Some Gal

Ah ok, glad it’s not just me then. I thought I maybe broke the internets. sad it’s gone, though :/

11 years ago

My OKC* profile makes it perfectly clear that I won’t date anyone who hasn’t hacked something off for me. At least a finger. It’s like a show of good faith.

* If I had an OKC profile, that is, it totally would.

11 years ago

Kim: if by de facto, you mean common law, it depends on the state you live in.

Martin: thanks for sharing, do shut up.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Martyn, it’s way too much of a generalisation to talk as if marrying means you MUST have the ridiculously big ceremony and all the trappings. I wouldn’t want anything like that (fortunately it doesn’t apply to Mr K and me anyway) and I totally agree that the commercial-leaking-into-social pressure/competition sucks – BUT not all weddings are like that, y’know?

11 years ago

Yay, it’s back and even longer than before.

11 years ago

It’s there for me. It looks different, showing more comments, but it’s there.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Also, while I agree that privileging marriage and its legal status has its problems, there are a lot of people who want to marry, and are not being co-opted by religion, whatever their cultural background may be. Okay, you think the institution’s a waste of time, but there are an awful lot of people trying to get equality before the law as it stands now in various countries. Marriage obviously has great importance to many of them. (The UK is ahead of Australia on that one; our government is disgracefully backward on the matter.)

For me, with no legal issues at all and no religion involved, I can only say that I felt very different when Mr K and I went from “lovers” to “married”. It’s not a one-size-fits-all.

11 years ago

Woo, recent comments is back!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help


11 years ago

I’m too tired to do anything more than just smile at this goofiness. My spouse is down south earning his “lifeblood” and I’m up north filling holes in walls, sanding, washing down, painting, detailing. I moved the tv today, great big heavy old thing. Packing. Talked with realtor and staging ladies. And I’m sucking lifeblood. Dudes, I’m earning every damn dime. I want a house with a mountain view

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I am uninterested in marriage and don’t understand the whole public ceremony aspect either. However, marriage has a cultural meaning in addition to its religious and legal ones. My best friend is agnostic, but still values marriage. My sister is an atheist and also wants to be married. There are many different ways to get married and nothing wrong with people who choose one of those ways or choose not to at all.

My best friend’s wedding was rather small and inexpensive, but was also a fun and beautiful party. It was perfect for her and her husband and I wish I could have attended. They spent their money exactly how they wanted to. There is nothing wrong with that.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Ninja’d by The Kittehs’ while I was talking on the phone. Damn old fashioned communication!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help


11 years ago

Oh lord, this Martyn one. My eyes, they roll.

11 years ago

our money (lifeblood)

well there’s your problem right there son

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I would like to know where wrez heard a RadFem say “all women are beautiful crap.”

(I know what it meant, but that is one crappy sentence.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

My sister’s wedding and reception (some thirty years ago) were at my BiL’s brother’s house and conducted by a civil celebrant. The dresses were just daywear and the suits just suits (prolly the only one my BiL ever owned).

The last wedding I attended (1/3 of the total!) was nearly twenty years ago. It was a Goth wedding: celebrant, guests wearing mostly what they had already or would easily wear again, held in the Botanical Gardens, and on to a reception afterward. Not penny-pinching, but not some Huge Splash, either. My only expenditure was on a fancy umbrella (aka the Gothic Parasol) because of course being an outdoor wedding, the weather turned foul.

Sir and I had something resembling a commitment ceremony at Home. No expenses, obviously, but a gathering of family and friends at our house to watch us say “Hey, look, we’re married!” They already knew that, we had been for months; we timed it for his birthday. It was a chance to share the feeling and frock up. Oh, and spill a sticky pastry down my dress. :/ Marriage meant a hell of a lot to me because I never expected it, even after we got together.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

tl: dr – marriage isn’t a crock of shit to everyone.

11 years ago

My wedding was a big old Filipino party in Hawaii. I didn’t even wear shoes.