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MRAs on love and marriage: “There is nothing wrong with wanting something beautiful that puts out.”

Vampire brides will steal your lifeblood
Vampire brides will steal your lifeblood

In not-quite spring, a young MRA’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, and how women are all a bunch of moneygrubbing whores that get uglier and uglier as they get older.

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, discussions of marriage are busting out all over, like the buds of new spring flowers or the skidmarks in an MRA’s underpants. The fellows are not too keen on this whole marriage thing, which is an obvious female trick to rob men of their money and sperm and tie them to rapidly depreciating assets (women) who are only going to get uglier as time goes by.

In one thread, a fellow named wrez shares these thoughts, to much acclaim (or at least a few dozen upvotes):


In another, a fellow named rathum2323 suggests that any women interested in marriage is clearly up to something nefarious.


All that said, I am pleased that Reddit MRAs are managing to convince their friends not to marry. Because if you’re someone who turns to MRAs for marriage advice, it’s probably best for all concerned that you never marry anyone or anything.

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11 years ago

@Jessay I deal with a lot of muscle pain and if hempseed oil works as well as you say, I’d love to try it.

BUT I’m also a recovering alcoholic/addict, and I’m wondering (1) if THC is involved and (2) if you notice any mood or perception alteration at all (does it make you feel “nice and relaxed” because it’s soothing your muscles, or…). I know hemp and marijuana aren’t the same, but I get extra neurotic where my sobriety is concerned. Sorry if these are dumb questions :-/

11 years ago

Legal to buy here, just not to manufacture. So stupid.

There’s a kind of logic there, of the “OMG what if people hide marijuana in their hemp crop?!” variety. But I won’t deny that it’s stupid, with counterarguments ranging from “people grow shitloads of pot in this country without hemp fields to hide it in” to “no one invested in either the hemp or the pot would risk cross-pollination” right on down to “fuck you and your ‘war on drugs'”.

11 years ago

This seems like cherrypicking, but I don’t honestly don’t mind given how the /r/mensrights subreddit looks.

I started reading it because I’m a SAHD with a four-year-old daughter (older sister is in school so I’m with the other most the time.) I’ve had a few…tense…moments when my being in public with her, without a female escort (yes, I’ve literally been asked, “Where’s her mother?” in an accusatory way) has caused alarm. At the time it bothered me. Considering how many men will sexually abuse a daughter…*shudder*

If anything, there’s no reason to misrepresent them. They’re this hypersensitive group that makes RadFem forums look tepid. I see women in there, and as long as they’re not picking fights (of course, read: agrees completely) they’re treated with respect.

11 years ago

And of course, I forgot to sat that I’ve noticed they have an extremely skewed perspective about men’s and women’s rights. Some of them honestly feel like women have it a lot better than men. Uh…I’m a white guy, and even I know better than that.

11 years ago

I see women in there, and as long as they’re not picking fights (of course, read: agrees completelyexists) they’re treated with respect.


11 years ago

Katz, I’d appreciate the correction if only I understood what you were saying. Are you saying that the women there are actually men?

I suppose it could happen, though we’re mostly on the honor system on the Internet. Oh, how often people have seen my nickname and assumed the latin gender language system was in play…the things people say…

11 years ago

Women on Reddit are considered to be picking fights by existing. Clear?

11 years ago

So why shouldn’t men want a hot woman who puts out? I don’t see an argument in there.

11 years ago

wrez: “There is nothing wrong with wanting something beautiful that puts out.”

C’mon folks, when is the rest of the world gonna stop oppressing “wrez” and let him marry his dog? Because that’s seriously what his cry for help sounds like…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

And xiaobaobao demonstrates his idiocy again, unable to grasp the difference between “someone” and “something”.

11 years ago

Semantics, the most trivial of whines.

11 years ago

Also, the difference between “I want” and “there is something wrong with women because I don’t have”

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Semantics: the difference between a human baby and a paper plate. xiaobaobao really just makes feminism sound more and more appealing.

11 years ago

“C’mon folks, when is the rest of the world gonna stop oppressing “wrez” and let him marry his dog? Because that’s seriously what his cry for help sounds like…”
Lol, I think your post is doing more harm to you than it is wrez. For you to say that requires YOU to believe that a dog qualifies as “something beautiful that puts out”. Seriously, it does look like that.

@David Futerelle
“All that said, I am pleased that Reddit MRAs are managing to convince their friends not to marry. Because if you’re someone who turns to MRAs for marriage advice, it’s probably best for all concerned that you never marry anyone or anything.”

You do realise men are deciding not to marry OUTSIDE of the MRA reddit sphere/ MRA influence in general?
Men are not idiots that they are unable to see marriage as an unworthy investment of your emotions or lifework without MRAs telling them, hence the Demographic Winter video.

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