awesome MRA neckbeard rights parody

Shampoo away the grey with Just for Men’s Rights Activists


MRAs can now shampoo away the grey in their neckbeards in just five minutes with Just For Men’s Rights Activists special neckbeard formula gel! Now with a new, angrier formula!

I found this faux trading card on Reddit’s AgainstMensRights subreddit, which is devoted to skewering the MensRights subreddit. The OP says his girlfriend got it at an art show, but alas I do not know where that show was or from whom she got it.

Click on the pic for a bigger version, in which you can see that this formula comes in Fedora Brown, and was β€œvoted best for neckbeards by a panel of elder misogynists.”

Ironically, the beards depicted on real Just for Men boxes aren’t much more believable than the one on the parody box.

Also ironically, I am sporting a bit of a neckbeard today. No bulging veins in my forehead, though.

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11 years ago

howardbann1ster: I’m the opposite; I like to think that the person cutting my hair has some level of actual training. Actually had a family barber as a kid; one guy we always went to. I don’t have nearly that sort of relationship with the people who cut my hair these days.

The beard’s a different matter though. I have to shave my cheeks and neck at least every 2 days, daily if I’m using an electric razor. Trim the beard itself at setting 2 every saturday morning.

11 years ago

@aworldanonymous, if getting to the shared bathroom to wet shave is a problem, have you considered getting an electric razor?

You can use those in the privacy of your own room, just do it over a wastepaper bin to catch the hair.

According to people I know who use them they don’t give as close a shave as wet shaving but they’re quick and easy and if you used it every day then it would probably keep you smooth faced.

I’ve always thought “neckbeard” was an odd insult, it makes me think of the beards Amish people wear or Nero:

He was the original sporter of the neckbeard, but I don’t think he counts as a “niceguy”!

I have to admit, that for me personally, I don’t tend to find guys with facial hair attractive. If I do it’s usually a very well kept, trimmed dark beard and moustache, such as you often see Italian men or some Sikh men wearing.

A lot of that is due to that fact that i get a rash like woah if I kiss a man with any amount of facial hair.

11 years ago

I came back after about a month of not posting or reading this blog and this guy is the first thing I see….I’ve never seen a guy with lipstick on his necktie look so frustrated. Lol

Come back a few hours earlier and you would’ve seen the Death Metal Ice Cream Girl first thing.

I leave it up to you which you’d prefer.

11 years ago

Blockquote Goblin!

He tasks me, and I shall have him!

11 years ago

Or rather, Seth McFarlane.

Sorry, I’m kind of fried right now.

11 years ago

I suspect the neckbeard and fedora memes just developed out of the overlap between alternative fashion choices and geek culture. It’s just become an easy target for generalization and snark. Sometimes the only way I can handle the frustration of having to deal with entitled buttheads is by taking a step back and thinking “you have terrible facial hair, and questionable taste in clothing.”

And I tend to back away any time I hear “friend zone” used to mean anything other than “yay friends!” Delve to deeply into the rationalizations for that one and rapey logic is going to appear.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Hi, Falconer! How’s things going with the new house? Is the backed-up drain fixed and cleaned up and all?

Hey, my osteo and I found a new band name last night – Pelvic Tilt.

We thought they’d be a great support group for Spinal Tap. πŸ™‚

11 years ago

Hey, I could use some advice about a friend who I think may be clinically depressed. I know the forums are kind of dead, but I’m going to start a topic over there to see if you guys have any ideas.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I’m sorry that I’m not on the forums and understand if you’d rather not post it here, but I hope your friend is okay. Also, hugs to you if you want them. I know how hard dealing with someone who is depressed can be.

11 years ago

Thanks, Some Gal, I appreciate it. If you want to join the forums, you can shoot David an email by clicking on his big head.

Question is in the Whatever section. I have a bunch of meetings today, but will check in later to see if anyone had any questions or advice.

11 years ago

@Kittehs: Things are fixed up, but things were paid for out of pocket. Apparently one’s insurance company believes that roots etc. are a maintenance issue and not a coverable happenstance.

Things were driven out of my mind last week. I’m afraid I’ve been holding out on youse guys.

My Beloved just had twins.

This occurrence was not a surprise to me. I didn’t mention it when we first found out because we weren’t Telling People. And then we were Telling People, and I forgot to tell you guys, and then it became something of a juggernaut on its own that I hadn’t told you guys, so I kept on not telling you guys and it’s all my fault, sorry.

We had a boy and a girl, they were born on the 18th and this morning they both wanted to be held and I was the only parent awake. They are happy (insofar as they don’t have a separate sense of identity yet and can only focus about 4 inches) and healthy. They are our first.

So posting will be light from me.

This Halloween I would dress them up as Dexter and Dee Dee if dressing infants up for Halloween were at all a good idea. Maybe I’ll make them lab coat and ballerina onesies.

Pelvic Tilt would make a good band name. My Beloved had one the other day, but it’s gone out of my head.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Congratulations! πŸ™‚

11 years ago

Falconer: Congratulations!

11 years ago

Thank you very much!

11 years ago

Wow, congratulations on making TWO BRAND NEW HUMAN BEINGS!

11 years ago

@cloudiah: Thanks! I’ll pass it along to My Beloved, who did most of the heavy lifting up until last Monday, when I took over because the doctors didn’t want her to pop a staple.

Also for some reason I read your comment in the announcer’s voice off The Price Is Right.

“… A NEW CAR!!”

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Falconer and Falconer’s Beloved, CONGRATULATIONS!

11 years ago

Congratulations, Falconer & family. Lovely news.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Congratulations, Falconer!

11 years ago


(Congrats Falconer)

11 years ago

@Falconer: and, of course, that kind of surprise news just DOES NOT WORK in real life.


11 years ago

@Falconer: and, of course, that kind of surprise news just DOES NOT WORK in real life.

I thought it was all the bon-bons…. πŸ˜›

11 years ago

Congratulations on the babies Falconer and Falconer’s Beloved.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

D’AWW babies! Congrats!

11 years ago

Yay babies!

I wish you as much sleep as the kidlets will let you have. πŸ™‚