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Seth MacFarlane was the real boob on Oscar night


I find the Oscars tedious, and only watched a few minutes last night — I bailed shortly after Captain Kirk made his appearance — but apparently I should have stuck around, if only to watch the insufferable Seth MacFarlane’s award-winning performance as Unfunny Misogynist Asshole Host.

What, you say, he didn’t actually win an award for that? Well, yes he did: Having read a number of accounts of the whole sorry spectacle, I’m awarding MacFarlane the non-coveted Man Boobz Boob of the Day Award (Oscar Edition). In the wake of MacFarlane’s performance at the Oscars, in which he devoted a whole song to actresses’ breasts, I should note that I am using the word “boob” to mean “nincompoop.” Which, to be honest, is an undeservedly mild epithet for a guy who punctuated his comments with repeated jokes about rape.

A few of the highlights of MacFarlane’s night:

That song-and-dance number about how great it is to see so many boobs in films  – including, specifically, in The Accused, and Monster, and Boys Don’t Cry. You know, during the rape scenes in those quie serious films.

MacFarlane’s animatronic teddy bear (from his movie Ted) joking about attending an orgy at Jack Nicholson’s house – you know, the place where Roman Polanski raped a 13-year old girl.

Oh, and then there was MacFarlane joking about how 9-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis would be too old to date George Clooney in about 16 years. (What, is Heartiste writing MacFarlane’s jokes?) And his bizarre domestic violence joke about Chris Brown and Rihanna. And on and on. (See here for many more examples.)

Getting into the spirit of the evening, whoever was doing The Onion’s twitter account decided it would be hilarious to refer to the aforementioned 9-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis as a “cunt.” The Onion later deleted the tweet and offered an apology for it.

Somehow I doubt we’re going to get an apology from MacFarlane.

Here are a couple more takes on the whole unfortunate evening.

Why Seth MacFarlane’s Misogyny Matters (Vulture)

Seth MacFarlane and the Oscars’ Hostile, Ugly, Sexist Night (The New Yorker)

Oscar Watch: Was That Awful or What? (NY Post)

EDITED TO ADD: Oh, joy! The Men’s Rights subreddit weighs in on the issue, in a thread sort-of-responding to that New Yorker piece.

EDITED TO ADD AGAIN: Actually, r/mensrights has two threads on the subject; here’s the other one.

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11 years ago

hippodameia8527, Seth has mocked and made fun of my gender, nationality, race, religion, etc… The difference is I don’t take it personally. Is your identity that fragile that one comedian can ruin your day?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

“Aw, niNNY, honey, did your fuckdoll with a pulse stop giggling deflate when you spanked her and finally dumped you?”


11 years ago

brandon, why did you come back? And are you taping this encounter?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Ninny, you don’t get the idea of being offended on other people’s behalf, do you? Of course not. Nothing that didn’t affect B___ matters, we know that from long and tedious experience.

11 years ago

Brandon, please refer to my previous comment about piss and rainwater.

11 years ago

Is your identity that fragile that one comedian can ruin your day?

We’re here having a good time, sharing recipes, cat stories, and art, and laughing a lot.

Methinks if anyone is bitter and angry here, it is brandon.

11 years ago

He’s going to encrypt it when he’s done so we can’t false accuse him.

Brandon, don’t do that.

11 years ago

Who here said that MacFarlane ruined our day? He’s just another asshole with a broader platform. I think Brandon is jealous.

11 years ago

cloudiah, so basically you are leading your boring hum drum lives until something actually interesting happens and then you get all offended about it.

11 years ago

Brandon, what makes your life so exciting in comparison to talks with friends, laughter, and cat art?

Nice try at an insult. Weaksauce as usual.

11 years ago

cloudiah, so basically you are leading your boring hum drum lives until something actually interesting happens and then you get all offended about it.

Projection much? Dude, brandon, you know literally nothing about our lives, except that one of the things we like to do is hang out here and chat with each other. It’s pathetic that you come here and try to get a rise out of us, and frankly says a lot more about you than it does about us.

11 years ago

And your life is so exciting that you’ve come sneaking back here, Brandon. You’re beyond pathetic.

11 years ago

NNY, if sharing recipes and stories and art and laughter is a “boring humdrum life”, what do you consider exciting?

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Tediouser and tediouser.

11 years ago

emilygoddess, you know what is really exciting? IT work. Hoo boy, it’s just like being an astronaut! XD

11 years ago

Now that Brandon’s been declared pathetic by popular vote, I’ll say goodnight. 🙂

11 years ago

Good night hippodameia! I’m off to make dinner; catch you all later.

Oh and if you haven’t seen the marvelous JohntheOtter posters, clickie clickie:

[ends shameless self promotion, that is really promotion of the creative manboobzers here]

11 years ago

pecunium clearly doesn’t understand that you can say something and not believe it.

niNNY doesn’t understand that makes his case worse.

The point isn’t that Seth believed, or not, his “jokes” it’s that they don’t work as jokes. They were jabs and barbs at people in the second and third classes of Hollywood.

They weren’t satire. They weren’t afflicting the comfortable, nor comforting the afflicted. They were mocking the victims of the status quo.

Either he was too stupid to know that, in which case he ought not be in that job, or he wasn’t, in which case he either did believe it, which makes him a shitty person, or he didn’t believe it, which makes him a shittier person.

And you are defending him, but rest assured, we don’t think that makes you a shittier person.

pecunium, you can condemn him all you want. My point is that he doesn’t give a rats ass if you do.

My point was that YOU condemned those who said what he did was shitty, as, “haters gonna hate,” which is is a moral statement.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Wow – hanging out with friends and laughing and chatting is boring? I didn’t get that memo.

I suppose exciting is “trolling sites where you were moderated into oblivion because you couldn’t type one comment without talking about yourself, and in fact talked about yourself 35 times in your attempt to answer the challenge.” Not to mention the excitement of being unable to read for comprehension, or willfully misreading things while hanging out on a site where you are not liked and don’t like anybody there.”

Hmm, I think I’ll take boring over that.

11 years ago

so basically you are leading your boring hum drum lives until something actually interesting happens and then you get all offended about it.

yeah, for values of boring and humdrum. I’ll bet you have no idea what I’m doing in the background now, nor why. Nor what my plans are for this weekend, or the next, nor yet the interval between, or the weekend after next.

I’ll bet that, all in all, my idea of “boring and humdrum” are what some people would think exciting and different. That there are people who would give their eye-teeth to do some of the things I would do next week.

And there are others who would rather be staked on an anthill and listen to you lecture them instead.

There’s no accounting for taste.

But that’s because you have zero clue about what makes a life well-lived. I know you disagree, but the evidence, from your attempts to be “superior” make it plain that you have, at best, a tedious; and stereotypical, idea of what makes for a good time.

11 years ago

pecunium, There were plenty of people that found what he said funny or shocking. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean the whole world will see it the way you do. Some see it as funny, others in a more “take it or leave it” way or some didn’t like his jokes and found them offensive.

My only “case” is that I find it funny that a bunch of people telling Seth what a shitty person he is and I bet his only response is “Oh well, can’t make everyone happy” or “Then don’t watch me or my shows”.

11 years ago

Brandon, do you think Seth is listening to us?

11 years ago

Hellkell, No. I don’t think Seth gives one rats ass about you, me or this site. He is going to do what he wants and no amount of you complaining is going to stop him.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

The Cuteness of Biscuit!

The Deadly Laser Eyes of Biscuit!

Also more interesting than Brandon:

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