antifeminism misogyny MRA oppressed white men patronizing as heck reddit straw feminists

Feminism: It’s like letting your kids stay up eating ice cream


How would you define feminism in a sentence or two?

Wait, stop thinking, for Reddit’s ImissAOL  has already provided a wonderfully concise and accurate definition:

I see modern feminism as the equivalent to letting your kids stay up all night eating ice cream.

He adds, helpfully:

Just because they feel they are getting their way doesn’t mean it is actually benefiting them.

Gosh, that’s not patronizing at all!

Sometimes doing this blog makes me hungry.

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11 years ago

I thought he was going to go the “feminists are bad parents” route. But this is way more obnoxious!

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Somehow, I feel that “Feminism: It’s like being a child” isn’t a catchphrase our Hive Mind wants to adopt.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

BTW, how long until we get a troll claiming we are reading too much into it?

11 years ago

That picture is cracking me up.

Mr. Definition of Feminism can go jump in a lake.

11 years ago

That’s the most metal way of enjoying ice cream I’ve ever seen.

11 years ago

I don’t really find it that creative. I just know that I’m missing out on fun somewhere in here.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

If, for example, not being treated as an aesthetic service the shopping centre has kindly provided to enhance the luncheon of a random dude is like being 5 years old and allowed to stay up past bedtime with ice cream, does this mean I get to demand attractive men drape themselves around cafes and park benches (for their own good, of course)?

11 years ago

Ironically I ate ice cream while being amused by that reddit yesterday.

Flora @ Subspecies (@florasubspecies)

I don’t know what I want! Help me, big strong man, because if you let me have autonomy I’m sure to break a nail or something equally tragic!

11 years ago

That is the best picture ever, and that’s real.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I don’t know what I want! Help me, big strong man, because if you let me have autonomy I’m sure to break a nail or something equally tragic!

Even worse, we won’t know whether to choose chocolate or vanilla or pistachio or toffee or raspberry ripple or … or … !

An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
11 years ago

Sometimes doing this blog makes me hungry.

Well that explains quite a lot.

11 years ago

HA HA HA HA HA, a fat joke. Preggo Punchout is so edgy and his humor is so creative. Just like Seth McFarlane and The Onion and those great jokes about Quvenzhané Wallis. I mean, WTF.

11 years ago

“chocolate or vanilla or pistachio or toffee or raspberry ripple….”

Oh DO go on now i’m hungry too 🙂

oh eff it i’m not actually hungry; i just ate lunch. I JUST WANT ICE CREAM!

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

That child was eating her ice cream cone evilly.

That’s the sort of sentence I never thought I’d have the occasion to write.

11 years ago

*eats her lunch of chicken chili* Yum.

I have no ice cream since the thin mint batch ran out.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

cloudiah, I think you’re confusing Fact Failer with A Continental Breakfast.

Admittedly, it’s hard to tell the difference, as just about any MRA will leap at the chance to bust out the gender policing or body shaming against any man who disagrees with them.

11 years ago

That’s the sort of sentence I never thought I’d have the occasion to write.

I have this game about sentences that I’ve heard said that I’m pretty sure no one else has ever said, ever.

The current winner is “I will reject the banana language as I rejected the Scrabble board.”

11 years ago

Oh Tulgey, you’re right. Except that now I am convinced we only have one troll with many faces.

Did you guys hear that the man who designed the Daleks died?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

I know exactly two things about Doctor Who, namely that Daleks EXTERMINATE and that you must not blink. It wasn’t until I got to my twenties that I realized what the origin of that “Daleks” game I played on the computer as a kid in the early 90s was.

11 years ago

And the guv’ment is the parent in this equation? But I thought the government was the beta male that women use to get free monies and prizes? Who is allowing us to stay up and eat ice cream? (When I was a child the dream was to fill a swimming pool with butterscoth angel delight – one has to think big).

11 years ago

I have food poisoning (my mom is very sweetly taking care of me :-3) so I’m not sure I want any ice cream at the moment, thanks very much, feminism. It makes me feel sick at the best of times. Maybe I can just have some autonomy and self-determination instead?

Speaking of ice cream, does anybody have any good suggestions for non soy-based, dairy-free ice cream alternatives? I really dislike the taste of soy.

11 years ago

Coconut ice cream?

11 years ago

@ Viscaria

Are you in the US? If so there’s a brand based on coconut milk that’s sold in health food stores, I think it’s called Coconut Dream.

11 years ago

I’m in Canada, but there’s a decent chance I could find some coconut stuff here!

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