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Feminism: It’s like letting your kids stay up eating ice cream


How would you define feminism in a sentence or two?

Wait, stop thinking, for Reddit’s ImissAOL  has already provided a wonderfully concise and accurate definition:

I see modern feminism as the equivalent to letting your kids stay up all night eating ice cream.

He adds, helpfully:

Just because they feel they are getting their way doesn’t mean it is actually benefiting them.

Gosh, that’s not patronizing at all!

Sometimes doing this blog makes me hungry.

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11 years ago

Short cord is a problem on the Nook too. It is only about 3′ long. Requires an extension cord.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I bought a longer cord for my kindle for the price of a 3.1 amp base (I got a deal and it ended up pretty cheap like under $5 and another for $10) and a $3 6 foot long cord. Totally worth it.

The speakers on the kindle are not too great, but I bought an iHome speaker for $20 that is great, and a pillow speaker for $15 that is one of the best things I’ve ever purchased. Between the two, I am set for living room, kitchen, bathroom (while I shower), and bedroom (when the boyfriend is sleeping in or when we go to sleep).

Some Gal Not Bored at All

If you get the basic kindle, it will charge from any USB and you could just get the $3 6-foot cord.

11 years ago

I have a Sony PRS-505, bought before iPad came out, before kindle was available in Canada. It’s not wireless, it doesn’t browse. Apparently you can store pictures and music/audiobooks on it, but I only ever use it for reading. It’s reliable, easy on the eyes, and the battery lasts about a week. (It does occasionally lose its mind and powers down when it looks like it has full bars, and I have to leave it alone for half an hour so it can pull itself together, but that happens maybe twice per year.)

A co-worker has the new, peripherally-lit Kobo, and she loves it. The light is MUCH nicer than any of the other lit e-ink versions I’ve seen.

11 years ago

The only thing that really bothers me about the Sony is that you can’t read on it while it’s charging. When it shuts down, I have to find something else to do. I’ve learned to time my battery recharging with my sleep cycle.

11 years ago

This is really late and going back to something from pages ago, but I just couldn’t let this slide. I’m about Martyn’s age and also went to school in the UK, and we absolutely were not taught “…and lesbianism is fine for all ages *nudge nudge wink wink*”, especially because Section 28, which banned ‘promotion of homosexuality’ in schools, wasn’t repealed until 2003, and the age of consent for homosexual relationships had been reduced to 16 in 2000. So yeah. Backside. Talking out of.

11 years ago

I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you. Okay, not really. As is ever the way, any discussions of age of consent I’ve encountered have, of course, concentrated on heterosexual or gay sex. Because men.

11 years ago

Nerd: Factoring in (generic violence + rape) would be unfair regardless of situation.

I see, so if you exclude rape you get to say men are more likely to be the victim of a violent crime, but if you add rape (a violent crime), then you can’t.

This is dishonest.

and come out with an answer that is extremely biased in favour of MRM-arguments

Whut? factoring out a crime, so that men are the greater victim is an MRM trick, not the other way round.

Well the MRM is primarily about men’s rights and feminism is primarily about women’s rights.

Objection, facts not in evidence (or, to take a note from Scotland, “not proven”). So far as I can see, from some pretty wide ranging travels in the Manosphere, the point of the MRM is to “put women in their place).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

DOOOOON’T bring him back! Nerd = Martyn Hare, longest-winded and most boring little creep since B___.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Facts not in evidence = facts not proven? Maybe I’m just too used to HS debate…

Seriously though, please don’t summon him, he’s already a contender for top troll.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Is it just me who reads “Feminism: it’s like lett…” in the comments bar as “Feminism: it’s like lettuce”?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I didn’t, until now! Feminism, it’s like lettuce!

Please let that work! *is kind of too drunk to be sure on the html* (I’m a magician, not an elf! And +1 internet to anyone who gets that joke)

11 years ago

@ Nat

Thank you. I’m older so I was giving him a teeny amount of leeway in the sense that, well, the time period in which I went through sex ed in the UK was different, but I was having a really hard time imagining sex ed classes that were all “yay, lesbians can totally fuck kids and it’s legal!”.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I don’t win an internet, I didn’t get the joke! But yummy looking lettuce.:)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I do, however, have toasted ham, cheese and tomato sammiches for tea

nom nom nom

11 years ago

Argenti: “Objection, facts not in evidence”, is a legal term for a variation of “shifting the goalposts”. It’s basically when someone makes a statement/poses a question, which has an assumption of a known fact in it, when that fact isn’t, as yet, in the record.

“Not Proven” is a Scottish verdict”, and it means, “while we don’t believe the accused didn’t do it, the evidence isn’t enough to convict”.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy
8 years ago

The little girl’s face is hilarious….an alternative caption would be “I f**king LOVE ice cream!!!” (like with the picture of the kid coloring while making a similar face).

With that said…great, another mansplanation which paints women as children! I was just thinking we don’t get *nearly* enough of those, which is why our silly little girl-brains get confused and think we’re grown-ups capable of making adult decisions. So nice of this man to sort it out for us silly girls.

*Post contains a shitload of sarcasm*
(I am serious about the little ice cream fiend though xD)

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