advocacy of violence all about the menz entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism rape rape jokes rapey vox day

Vox Day: Women working is worse than rape

Keep popping out those white babies, ladies; it's all you're good for.
Keep popping out those white babies, ladies; it’s all you’re good for.

Even after all the time I’ve spent on this blog, I can still be astounded by the appalling hatefulness of the manosphere. The latest example? This post from the influential far-right manospherian who calls himself Vox Day, in which he argues, seriously, that encouraging rape is better for society than encouraging (white) women to work.

No, really.

Vox, you see, is racist as fuck, and he’s worried about the evil brown people outbreeding the good white people. He figures that

two-thirds of [women] have to stay home and breed in order to prevent society from either collapsing into demographic and economic ruin or being transformed by the imported replacement workers into a third world society.

Now, you might think that some men could stay home and take care of these kids, but that’s clearly not an option since, you know, dudes don’t like changing diapers.

[T]here are a number of reasons that a man cannot stay home and provide childcare.  The three most important are that a) most men don’t want to provide childcare, b) most women don’t want to work to support a man, and c) doing so significantly increases the probability that his wife will stop being attracted to him and his marriage will fail.

And all this leads to his jaw-dropping conclusion:

The fact that women may wish to work and are very capable of working no more implies that they should always be encouraged to do so anymore than the fact that men may wish to rape and are very capable of raping means that they should always be encouraged to do so.  The ironic, but logically inescapable fact is that encouraging men to rape would be considerably less damaging to a society than encouraging women to enter the workforce en masse.  Widespread rape makes a society uncivilized.  Widespread female employment makes a society demographically unsustainable.  History demonstrates that incivility can be survived and surmounted.  Unsustainability, on the other hand, cannot.

Skimming through the comments to this piece on his site, I saw mostly rape jokes. I didn’t have the stomach to read further.

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12 years ago

Maybe those of us who can afford it should agree to make a $5 donation to RAINN every time NRSHD (I love that) mentions rape.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Hellkell, I too regret the overuse of vile around here. We’ll have to stick this post in the Vile Bile File, and see if we want to bring it back in a while. One can only go so long living in vile denial; it’s not as if we can send it off to live on an isle. When we finally bring it back, I’ll smile.

tl;dr I really don’t want to think about Vox Shithead and what is it with privileged dudes deciding they get to rank how horrible rape is next to their racist wanking argh

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Tulgey strikes again! 😀

12 years ago

Widespread rape makes a society uncivilized. Widespread female employment makes a society demographically unsustainable.

Widespread rape doesn’t only make a society uncivilized. It also makes the lives of countless human beings a living nightmare because of the threat of being sexually violated. And it makes society, “demographically unsustainable” or otherwise, very much unbearable for many people. Who gives a fuck about whether a society is demographically sustainable if everyone has to live in fear?

I wish I could just yell into his damn ear to tell him to stop being an asshole. I really do.

12 years ago

Thanks for deleting David, I was wrong to engage in revenge fantasies (and I don’t expect you read all comments). Mind you if you knew how poor my hand eye coordination can be you would find any threats of physical retaliation by me more comical than threatening.

Xanthe, I like the acronym but it only followed vox calling scalzi a rapist (mcrapey). Coming from vox it’s probably a compliment though.

Hellkell, no matter how tasty the shoe I would burn it too.

12 years ago

Ugh ugh ugh. I’m just glad I’m too fuzzy to fully absorb how horrifying that is.

I move that every time he says something shitty, we remind everyone that he once had this haircut.

12 years ago

Maybe those of us who can afford it should agree to make a $5 donation to RAINN every time NRSHD (I love that) mentions rape.

And we should do it in his name. I’m a big fan of passive-aggressive donating.

12 years ago

Yoyo, please reread what I wrote. The word used was racist, not rapist. That letter changes the meaning quite a bit.

12 years ago

Well of course women working is worse than rape, because women working is about choices, and it’s far better to take a woman’s choice away rather than having her make one of her own. I swear the more I read about the MRA the more I grow to hate them. What a bunch of disgusting, misogynistic, chauvinistic disgusting human beings these men are. Making light of rape and making it less than it is to fill their horrifying ways to show manpain is beyond words.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

katz – and the haircut was the best thing about him.

12 years ago

Sorry, I’ll reread what you said! My mistake, I thought you were criticising Scalzi’s use of the term against the NRSHD. Apologies.

12 years ago

Why 2/3? There is a lot of fail, but I am hung up on that.

Because it looks precise. It’s a cheap-rhetorical trope.

MR. AL was on the Scalzi Mocks VD thread (Theodore Beale is running for the presidency of the Science Fiction Writers of America: which is Scalzi’s present post), saying he would donate in concert with Scalzi.

I have no great faith his money follows his mouth.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

Vox Day appears to comment on his blog using only the capitalisation of his nym. How appropriate. 🙂

12 years ago

Narcissistic Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit
Even just the sound of him is something quite like pig shit
If he goes on long enough he’ll prob’ly get his lip split
Narcissistic Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I suspect that what spurred this was one of his visitors/neighbours begging him to for fuck’s sake please do the washing up and clean the bathroom and did not take into account that vox day is a bigot with even worse sense of perspective than the average MRA.

12 years ago

Nice, Karalora.

12 years ago

Well done, Karalora.

12 years ago


“T]here are a number of reasons that a man cannot stay home and provide childcare. The three most important are that a) most men don’t want to provide childcare…”

So, he’s opposed to a demographic being forced into doing something they don’t want to do. But his ideas on rape are weirdly iffy. Like, if women just got used to the idea…maybe rape would be bearable. The fact that there are men who happily stay home and take care of the kids isn’t a consideration with him, but anyway…

” b) most women don’t want to work to support a man…”

Who said that? I didn’t…did anyone here say that? He’s concerned with power — with women having it. What if a woman wouldn’t want to support him…because deep down he knows he’s a horrible person. yeah, I guess that’s a legitimate concern for you, dude. So, naturally the answer is to prevent women — all women– from making a living, asshole.

“…and c) doing so significantly increases the probability that his wife will stop being attracted to him and his marriage will fail.”

Essh. Once again, if he wasn’t the one earning money, no women would have a legitimate reason to stay with him — and he knows it. Sad, sad shit.

12 years ago

OT: That photo at the top is creepy as fuck, though.

Also, @ Joanna: greetings, fellow Hiddles fan! 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*ignores Vox, comments on photograph*

Creepy as it is, it was at least remotely common at one point, and served a sort of purpose. When exposure times went from hours to minutes, photographing people became feasible, but absurd things like head clamps had a bit of a heyday because staying perfectly still for 10~ min is no small feat. When it was children being photographed, the mother (and sometimes father) would hold the kid relatively still. Why the fuck she had to be hidden is a mystery to me though.

Some more history and examples over this way —

You want really creepy, check out the hidden mothers in the post-mortem photos. Dead babies held by mother’s hidden under tapestries = horror film in the making.

Trae Dorn
12 years ago

I enjoy the metaphor with the “hidden woman” in the photo

12 years ago

[T]here are a number of reasons that a man cannot stay home and provide childcare… …most men don’t want to

(The bold is mine, fingers crossed the coding worked)

I saw this and just shook my head . Being ‘unable to do something’ isn’t equivalent to ‘not having a desire to do something’.

OT: Joanna & MKlein, I’m also a Hiddleston fan! I was I was reading while my mother was watching the Oscars, and they announced the stars from The Avengers were presenting an award. I immediately glanced up and was quickly disappointed. No Higgleston and no Johansson. But then, the show was full of fail all around.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

In other news, the Oscars were great occasion for piling shit onto people of color, women, and non-usonians this year:

12 years ago

Also fascinated by the hidden mothers, and by the question of whether any of the children were dead.

In the comments, people suggested some valid reasons to hide the mother. Maybe the studio charged per sitter and the family didn’t want to pay for another person, for example, or maybe it actually isn’t the mother but rather a nurse or photographer’s assistant who they didn’t want immortalized in the child’s portrait.

12 years ago

I move that every time he says something shitty, we remind everyone that he once had this haircut.

So that’s not Gary Numan’s evil twin?

Also, Vox Day’s ridiculous statements make sense if you remember that he does not consider the category “women” to be a subset of the category “society”. There is society, which is composed of straight white men, and then there are women, who keep fucking up that society by acting like they’re part of it.